The McDougall Program: 12 Days to Dynamic Health

ByJohn A. McDougall

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joan keith
I purchased this book after visiting Dr. McDougall's web site. Actually, almost all of the information in this book can be found at his web site, so if you are looking for new recipes or other information not posted on his site, this is not the book for you. You might want to buy something else, a newer book or DVD. This book outlines his recommended diet and lifestyle for optimal health including the rationale for avoiding certain foods and including others - basically avoiding all animal products and lowering fat intake. There is a 12-day diet plan included as well as various recipes and information on a number of health problems that can be helped by healthy eating. Overall, very interesting reading and a good start for anyone wanting to follow a low-fat vegan diet.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sherri lakenburger
I chose this rating because this book had suggestions and recipe's that are so "far out" that I cannot imagine anyone being able to follow the program. It really offered no support or options for a person who might be able to eat this way. If anyone really want's to explore this with me further, I would be more than happy to supply examples of the recipe's. The other thing that I had not considered is you would have to eat pounds of potatoes to follow the plan. I've had a gastric bypass surgery and it would be impossible to eat the amounts. The lack of protein in the plan is also alarmingly low, too low to be healthy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dr. McDougall and this book has changed our lives forever. His plan for a low-fat vegan lifestyle is explained thoroughly with Dr. McDougall's casual, easily understandable style and leaves the reader with little question about the benefits of the McDougall Program. Detailed explanation, case studies, menu plans and descriptions of common ailments combine to give the reader an in depth understanding of how diet effects our health, and how eating a low-fat, vegan diet can put an end to many ailments. We have lost weight, gained control over digestive problems and allergies by following the McDougall Program. If you want endless energy, good health, and to eat as much as you like and still lose weight (seriously!!) - join the thousands of people who have discovered that Dr. McDougall has found a way to break free from destructive eating habits and the illness that results.
Over 300 Delicious Low-Fat Recipes You Can Prepare in Fifteen Minutes or Less :: The Last Honest Seamstress :: Wings of Glass :: Croak (Croak (Quality)) :: The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica montalvo
I bought the book and started the eating program on 1 April 1999. I found the recipes, shopping guide and principles set forth in the book to be just what I needed to change my terrible eating habits. I stuck strictly to the program for 60 days and went from 183 pounds to 165 and never felt like I was actually on a diet. In fact, I'm still following the program, using recipes from the two Support volumes written by Mrs. McDougall. I never would have been able to adhere to this program if it weren't for the nutritious and filling meals layed out in the book. My wife also follows the program and we both feel better than we have in years. I am anxious to order and try the two latest recipe books I hear are on the shelves now. Frankly, I was intimidated by the idea of giving up meat, coffee and processed foods; but I am now a true believer in this program and cannot see myself returning to the unhealthy eating style I practiced before I came upon the McDougall program. This book lays it all out for you and explains how to simplify your shopping and meal planning. My two-month old copy is becoming dogeared from daily use. It was the best investment I have made in a long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
l t getty
Last year I met Dr. Ruth Heidrich, an extraordinary athlete, author and breast cancer survivor on a week long cruise I went on to the Caribbean. She was a speaker for this special "vegetarian cruise" and was part of the reason I signed on. Long before the cruise I had read about her battle with the disease and had even corresponded with her about some health issues that she was very helpful with. Meeting her in the flesh was life changing. She is 70 years old, a pillar of health with a magnetic presence. Her words changed everything for me and introduced me to the world of Dr. John McDougall, the person she gives credit to for saving her life over twenty years ago from the cancer. After the cruise I bought this book, a set of pots and pans and began cooking the recipes from the book (much to the delight of my fiance!) A few short weeks later my cholesteral was down to 144 from 236. Ever since I have enthusiastically passed out several copies to friends and acquaintances with various health issues and have witnessed dramatic, life-altering results. Huge weight losses, drops in cholesteral, meds being discontinued (blood pressure, etc.). McDougall has taught me to take charge of my own health. My personal physician told me not to worry about my previous high cholesteral - something I found ironic with the long history of health problems on both sides of my family. With this book I was able to help myself and I continue to help others everytime I pass it on. This is a must read! Buy several copies to have on hand for your loved ones.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This will be a short review. Simply put, this book laid the foundation seven years ago for my vegetarianism. I have found few if any sources in academic libraries to dispute McDougall's views on diet and health. I was 23 when I began using this book as the basis for my diet and recipes. Today, in 2000, I enjoy these recipes regularly (I do add some salt back, and take a cue from Andrew Weil's "Spontaneous Healing" with regard to olive oil) and review this information from time to time to gauge my progress. While so many of my contemporaries are swelling like ticks from their childhood diets, my one adult decision to become vegetarian has resulted in a slim body, constant comments from my friends about my youthful appearance, and a cleaner planet due to all the cows and pigs and chickens I did not consume. I cannot say that this book changed my life; my decision to change gave the consequence of searching for such a book. I believe anyone with the will to become a new person will find much inspiration and practical advice in "The McDougall Program." I'm ordering it for my mom today.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I'm already vegan, and contrary to popular belief we're not all skinny! I've struggled with my weight for 30+ years since childhood, and "eat less, burn more" does not work for me. This was one in a long stream of diets I've tried, and I had high hopes for it as it seems simple and easy to follow. Sadly, after 5 weeks I gave up. I had gained 1 pound and more importantly gone up 1% in bodyfat percentage. I did not feel good, was hungry all the time, my blood sugar was way out of whack (I'm hypoglycemic) and I was spending huge amounts of time eating. So, not for me but give it a try. I have an ridiculously fast metabolism and I burn these foods too quickly. Someone with a slower or even average metabolism might do fine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan millsom
Dr. John McDougall is that rare doctor in American medicine: One who tells the truth about the drugs or surgery stance of the AMA. Most refreshing is his absolute candor, leading the reader to wonder at times why his medical license is stil in tact. For those who seek medical truth, it doesn't get any straighter John McDougall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate chandler
I've been following Dr. McDougall's diet since February 1998 and have lost 20 pounds and gained enormous energy, along with freedom from joint pain and digestive disorder. It works! The diet is simple, albeit boring at times, very convenient, especially for single people, and completely satisfying. I recommend all of Dr. McDougall's books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have purchased all but one of the McDougall books and they are all excellent. The recipes are delicious as well as healthy and Dr. McDougall is much more knowledgable about nutrition then most of our so-called "experts" are. His books are highly recommended for anyone wishing to obtain the optimum healthy lifestyle.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
deborah cohen kemmerer
This program is unstainable unless you ostracize yourself from all social events for the rest of your life. Meat and dairy products are part of mainstream life in America and I did not have what it took to maintain this life change.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The author clearly states that tofu is an inferior food that is bad for your health. But then he gives many recipes that have the main ingredient as tofu.
He also promotes the use of many starchy vegetables that have high glycemic indexes, which result in low blood sugar shortly after eating them.
When I wrote to Dr. McDougall to question why he promotes these foods, one of his assistants replied that he does not take the glycemic index of foods into account, only whether the food is "healthy", and that I was free to not use the tofu recipes.
My opinion of his books are reflected in my one-star rating.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
d ellis phelps
I bought this book thinking it would help my Arthritis and aid me in losing weight. I was so wrong. The food was totally unpalatable. I could not even gag it down. I was hungry ALL THE TIME. I ate and ate and ate. My skin ,which was already dry, became like parchment paper. I developed bumpy skin on the backs of my arms and on my thighs. I had no energy. It was the worst diet I have ever been on (and I've been on them all). Don't waste your money on the Mcdougall books. A better one would be Dr. Mary Enigs book, Eat Fat, Lose Fat. I went on this one and added cod liver oil to my diet and I lost 125 pounds in just under a year with almost NO hanging skin. This diet is rich in fat soluble vitamins which nourish the skin. I was never hungry and the bumps on my skin and my arthritis cleared up completely. This is the real way we are supposed to eat. Even if you think eating lots of saturated fat is bad, get the book anyway, by the time your done reading it, you will be a believer because you'll understand how and why the body uses nutrients the way it does. A book everyone should read. If I could give the Mcdougall books a '0' I would.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
glenda lepischak
I'm afraid that every time Dr McDougall writes anything about diabetes he is clearly more interested in his own propaganda than dealing with facts.
Lets just take type II diabetes, one of the greatest health threats currently facing the entire world. According to Dr McDougall his starch based approach not only reduces blood glucose dramatically, it also reverses or cures the condition, all without the need for any medications. Miraculous, we all gasp in amazement !! Except that there is no known cure for type I or type II diabetes. When you have the condition you have it for your entire life.

Oh it gets better. Type II diabetes is not caused by obesity or diet (but they can be triggers). And the one thing that I can absolutely guarantee is that a diet based on rice, potatoes and grains is going to make blood glucose control a nightmare for type Is or type IIs.

And don't get me started on the rest of the mumbo jumbo he spouts.

Patient: "Doctor,I've got an ingrowing toenail." Dr McDougall, "Don't worry about it son, just eat rice and potatoes and you'll be fine."

Patient: "Doctor, I've just been diagnosed with colon cancer." Dr McDougall, "Ha Ha, that's what you get for eating meat".
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