Anchor in the Storm (Waves of Freedom Book #2)

BySarah Sundin

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan jensen
Anchor in the Storm is the second book in the Waves of Freedom series. It picks up where book one left off and quickly grabs your attention. The attack on Pearl Harbor has just happened and America is now at war. Lillian Avery has finally been offered a pharmacist position at a drug store in Boston where her brother Jim and his best friend are stationed in the Navy. However, Lillian has two strikes working against her: she is a female and has a prosthetic leg. She refuses to let anyone think either of those will hold her back. She is determined, independent and will prove she is the best for the job!

Archer Vandenberg is used to women falling for his looks, his charm and mostly for his wealth. He longs to find one who will love him for who he is, not for his family's money. He is instantly intrigued by Lillian (mostly because she won't give him any attention). When Arch starts noticing strange behavior in his crew mates on board, he seeks advice from her and the two start to investigate a possible drug ring. As they dig deeper and deeper they find themselves wrapped up in a dangerous mystery. Twists and turns keep the book flowing well.

Lillian has a hard time showing her true self to anyone. She never wants to be viewed as weak so in turn comes off as hard-hearted. Having been hurt before, she has built a wall around her heart and won't easily let others in. Honestly, it was a bit hard to connect with her in this story. It took awhile for even us as readers to see into her heart.

Arch has tried to escape his wealthy upbringing and longs to live away from the affluent society. He fears what comes with living that lifestyle and doesn't want to be liked because of his affluence. He wants real, honest relationships but is so suspicious of others that he must learn to trust those who love him for who he is on the inside.

We learn a lot about what the Navy would have looked like fighting from American soil and the waters nearby during WWII. Also woven throughout the story are problems many naval soldiers must have faced during this time. Sarah Sundin has definitely done her history homework for this book!

The theme in this book is Jesus needs to be your anchor and hope in any storm you face in life. We love how it ties into the title. Lillian and Arch both search their hearts to see what they are putting their trust and hope in. They both have weaknesses, whether they be physical or emotional. Will they be able to let go and let God work through them despite their weaknesses? Will they let His strength be enough?

Squeal Factor
The romance part of this book is quite sweet and enjoyable. As mentioned above, these two characters have quite a bit to overcome for either of them to open up their heart to another. Once the walls start to come down it is a satisfying journey, but be careful because it's easy to let those walls go back up! We loved how Arch truly tried to encourage Lillian to be the best version of herself. There are definitely a few sigh worthy moments between these two!


Anchor in the Storm was a great addition to the Waves of Freedom series. The depth and number of naval history tid-bits made parts a little slow for us, but we still recommend reading it. However, if you are a history buff, you may very well love this aspect of the book! We enjoyed revisiting characters from the last book and being introduced to the main characters of book three. We are looking forward to finishing up the series next year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert yatto
Sundin, Sarah. Anchor in the Storm. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Revell. 2016. Print.

Anchor in the Storm has a wonderful love story wrapped in a World War II setting. Sarah Sundin writes about a woman who has worked to overcome her disability of an artificial leg in a time when one) women were not commonly accepted as pharmacists and 2) women with disabilities figured they had little chance for love and marriage. Enter her brother’s best friend, silver spoon born Arch, who is tired of women wanting him for his money. He is immediately enthralled by Lillian, but then mistakenly stares at her prosthesis when it takes him by surprise. Thus begins her outward disgust with him, while he tries to at least befriend her if she won’t be interested in romance. After all, she is beautiful, smart, witty, and NOT a gold-digger. She moves to Boston after her brother lands her a pharmacist job for money loving Mr. Dixon. He is always holding over her that he may get rid of her, who wants a crippled woman working in his store anyway. Due to circumstances, she hides her concern about the large orders of Phenobarbital but begins an investigation of her own - not quite her own, as Arch is also investigating the possible drug abuse of his navy men as evidenced by their drowsiness. Arch and Lillian decide to work together, but will that work? Can she even give in to friendship with her cold “I’m not going to get hurt again” heart?

The romance and story line was great. Now we accept PTSD and the medical world and military endeavor to help those with it – or so we hope they do. In the past, however, that was not the case as the military men endeavored to work through it by themselves or to deaden their sensibilities to at least be able to sleep and handle the next day. Arch struggled with it, so we get a closer up view of it even though it is often probably much worse than what was portrayed.

Lillian strikes out to a different kind of life for a woman in that era and it is a great portrayal of her efforts even while keeping quiet and working through pain, so as not to upset her employer. There is a bit of a mystery in trying to figure the drug ring out, so that adds to the story. The relationship between Arch and Lillian is well written. The slow parts for me were some of the detailed military sections. That may be due to my own lack of interest in that area. Not all the military sections were slow, though, because the attacks and responses especially in the latter part of the book were extremely captivating. This is a good Christian fiction book. The conflicts held my interest and made me want to keep reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebekah lyn
Sarah Sundin is definitely the reigning queen of World War II historical fiction in the Christian/Inspirational market. Her writing immerses you into the era with historical details, lively plots, and memorable characters. In the Waves of Freedom trilogy, Sundin adds a dash of mystery and suspense to her popular historical romances ...

The first Sarah Sundin novel I read, With Every Letter, featured a half-Filipino protagonist. As an Asian American, this was very neat to see and I was pleasantly surprised to see that Sundin had continued incorporating diverse characters not commonly seen in Christian fiction with her heroine Lillian Avery, who wears a prosthesis leg after a childhood accident. Despite her physical "disability," Lillian rises to the challenge and forges her way in her pharmaceutical career as a college graduate and working girl. However, the loss of her leg has exposed her to prejudice and an unfortunate encounter that leaves her wary of those outside her close circle of friends and family.

I adored this novel. My favorite types of romance start from friendship, so seeing Lillian and Archer's relationship slowly evolve into friendship and eventually love was so satisfying: especially since they both have to deal with preconceived notions and trust issues (Lillian due to her leg and Archer after others have tried to take advantage of his wealth and connections). The spiritual thread also felt natural and since it's appropriate for the time period, I think it could have a general market crossover appeal for historical fiction fans. Finally, Sundin deftly incorporated the suspense/mystery angle into the storyline and I was left guessing until the very end!

Anchor in the Storm can easily be read as a stand alone, though there are small spoilers since they refer to events in Through Waters Deep (the previous novel in the trilogy). However, I don't think this will hamper my enjoyment of book 1 at all. I look forward to next year's finale to the Waves of Freedom trilogy and plan on catching up by reading Jim and Mary's story very soon. Anchor in the Storm is a part entertaining, sobering, and unique look at life at the start of America's entry into World War II.

[Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for review purposes via Litfuse.]
The Gravity Between Us (New Adult Contemporary Romance) :: Sarah published by Riverhead Trade (2002) - Affinity Later Printing Edition by Waters :: Through Waters Deep (Waves of Freedom) :: The Gripping Story of an Esteemed Rare-Map Dealer Who Made Millions Stealing Priceless Maps :: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mateo mpinduzi mott
Sarah Sundin writes World War II romantic fiction and does it quite well. I have loved every book she's written and gobbled them up as soon as they are issued. I made it a point to grab her newest book, An Anchor in the Storm, and get it in my TBR list. While I was away on a trip to see my husband get a national award for the work he does, the book came up next to read. I was excited, I was anticipating a great read, and I was ready to get down to business.

Lillian Avery is Jim Avery's sister and she is heading from Ohio to Boston to work in a pharmacy as one of the few female pharmacists in the nation. Jim's friend, Archer Vandenberg, is a bit over the top for Lillian, but his charm wins her over, especially as they have a common mystery to follow. The problem that Lillian sees is an inordinate number of prescriptions for phenobarbital being issued. Her boss says it's normal and encourages her to fill them and let it go. Arch is seeing a number of seamen falling prey to addiction to phenobarbital and knows there is a source on the ship and wants to find it and plug the hole.

The romance between Lillian and Archer plays as much of a part in the book as does the mystery of the drug ring. What Sarah did in this book that I found totally unnecessary is to use "the formula" for a romance novel.
the romance novel formula: boy meets girl
boy falls in love with girl
boy loses girl
boy gets girl back
Everyone lives happily ever after.

Lillian sees herself as "less than" because she lost her leg in an accident as a child. Archer is leary of women because he thinks they only want his money. Their romance falls apart as he tries to test her true motives. It's not until he is wounded in carrying out his duties do they find themselves together again.

That being said, this book is truly enjoyable, with a solid four stars.

Revell Books provided the galley I read in exchange for my honest opinion, and for that I thank them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sue fordham
No one writes WWII romance novels like Sarah Sundin. My thoughts:

What I liked:

Lillian. I know this sounds strange, but I liked that she was a heroine with a disability. And more than that, even though it may have bothered other people, it didn’t bother her. Lillian was a heroine who knew who was she was and what she wanted and she didn’t let anything keep her down.

Archer. We met Archer in the first book and I was so interested to see him fall in love with Lillian. It’s worth it!

Friendship romance. It’s the best kind of romance: one built upon the foundation of friendship. Lillian is hesitant to get involved with Archer at first and so that means that they have to get to know each other first.

History. Once again, Sundin effortlessly weaves history into the story, allowing to get involved and learn.

Secondary characters. Everyone from book one is in book two and it was so great to see old friends. I’m very excited about the next Avery!

Spiritually, like most Sundin novels, Archer and Lillian each have spiritual struggles that they must deal with throughout the novel. They both must learn to trust God and His plans for them.

What I didn’t like:

There was nothing I didn’t like. It was very cute, but I will say that it wasn’t terribly memorable.

Romantic Scale: 8

Overall, a very good second book in a good series!

** I received a copy of from Netgalley. My opinion is not affected in anyway.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki wilson
Sarah Sundin has once again written a fantastic historical, romance novel that readers will absolutely love. This novel is well-written and bursting with characters that deal with issues readers can relate to. This story has plenty of mystery, drama, and romance to engage readers from page one all the way to the turn of the last page. This novel has been well researched and will teach readers about interesting historical events. I would recommend this fantastic novel to readers that enjoy historical fiction.

Series: Waves of Freedom
Genre: historical, romance, mystery, inspirational, Christian
Publisher: Revell
Publication date: May 3, 2016
Number of pages: 400

Content Rating: PG
Book Rating: 5 stars

Other books in the series:
1-Through Waters Deep
3-When Tides Turn (coming in 2017)

A review copy of this book was provided by LitFuse.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mindy marranca
“Anchor in the Storm” may just be Sarah Sundin’s best book yet. With a large dose of World War 2 facts I never knew, a suspense filled mystery woven into the story, a lovely romance, and her bold inclusion of what many would consider “defective” characters, this novel was fascinating from the first to the last page.

Both Lillian and Arch made appearances in “Through Waters Deep”, the first book in Sundin’s Waves of Freedom series and have moved to center stage to star in their own story. Arch is one of those guys who is burned out on romance because all the gals are more interested in his family’s wealth than in who he really is. Lillian is just as shy of romance but for her own reasons. After losing a leg to a childhood accident, she has grown used to people thinking of her as a “freak” and because of a bad experience does not trust any man. Naturally that is just the right fuel to ignite the fires of romance but is it possible for either of them to overcome their fears enough to trust the other?

I loved reading about Lillian and Arch and seeing their personal development through their story. It was encouraging to watch Lillian’s confidence grow and her fearless pursuit of the truth about the drug ring she and Arch were investigating. Arch had some personal growth too as he learned to trust Lillian (most of the time) and to trust the Lord as he slowly began to overcome his fear of death while on his ship.

“Anchor in the Storm” is a wonderful tale with just the right combination of elements to make it work. I look forward to the final book in this series and hope I don’t have to wait too long to read it.

A copy of this book was provided for review by LitFuse Publicity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
magic trick
First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Sarah Sundin and her publisher for sending me a copy of "Anchor in the Storm" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me.

“Anchor in the Storm” by Sarah Sundin is the second offering in her Waves of Freedom series, and a very thought-provoking, suspenseful and enjoyable book! Even though it’s the second book in the series, it reads well as a standalone novel. However, it will be more enjoyable if you’ve already read the 1st book. At the onset of WWII, Lillian Avery is packing to leave home again. The first time was to attend college. This time it’s to move to Boston for a job. The move will place her near her brother, Jim and his girlfriend Mary Stirling – who also happens to be Lillian’s roommate – and Arch, Jim’s best friend and a rich boy Lillian wants nothing to do with.

“Anchor in the Storm” is a wonderful work of Christian Romantic Historical Fiction that blends an engaging romance with an emotional time in the history of our country and complex subplots like family dynamics, handicaps, combat fatigue and drug abuse to show the reader that Christ is the Anchor in our storm. This novel is a 2016 summer “must read”.

I also highly recommend Sundin’s Wings of the Nightingale series about WWII Air Corps Nurses and her Wings of Glory series about WWII Pilots. More than once I have put the faces of my Grandparents on the main characters in these books, which have endeared them to me even more! Thank you, Sarah for honoring those who have given so much for our freedom.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bj rechtfertig
While there were some moments where I thought Anchor in the Storm went a little over-the-top, and some of the resolution was eye-rolling in its cheesiness (I’m looking at you, Arch’s injury that conveniently connects him to Lillian even more just in time for them to get back together…), overall I thought the novel was very good WWII historical fiction, and it also had a nice little detective plot. Sundin’s research seems thorough, which is always a plus, and the book as a whole got me interested in reading more by her, which is always a good reaction to have.

For a moment while reading Anchor in the Storm, I thought where Sundin was going with the phenobarbital plot was connected to the real life deaths of Japanese sailors who overdosed on phenobarbital. It wasn’t, but I wonder if a story like that is what got Sundin interested in using phenobarbital as the focal point. Or maybe she wanted a drug ring and researched likely drugs that could be abused in that time period.

The other thing I liked about the novel is that Lillian and Arch sound unique and not like character types that have come and gone before them. Their romance, while not particularly inventive, is sweet, and although I found Lillian to be a little too trusting when investigating, I did like her as a character, as well as Arch. Maybe Arch could have had a little more original of a storyline than he had, but at least his serving on the ship broke up the typical “rich boy who doesn’t want his family’s money” angst. And, overall, I liked Anchor in the Storm well enough to ignore most of its small problems and enjoy the rich WWII setting.

Disclaimer: Book provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dmitry trebunskikh
Anchor in the Storm is Sarah Sundin’s second in her series Waves of Freedom and it was a highly anticipated read for me. In the first book of the series we meet Jim Avery and his best friend and fellow Ensign Officer Archer Vandenberg. I really liked Archer and I was looking forward to his story which pairs him up with Jim’s little sister Lillian. Lillian is such a great character and I liked her spunk and tenacity and how she strived to overcome the obstacles in her way. First off she went to school to become a pharmacist which was an unusual occupation for a woman during the 1940’s. Not only that, but due to an accident as a child, she was missing a leg and used a prosthesis.
Archer on the other hand comes from a very wealthy family yet he wants nothing to do with his wealth. He wants to find a woman who will love him for who he is and not for his name or the substantial riches behind it. As he and Lillian get to know each other while investigating together on a secret case possibly dealing with a drug ring, they begin to fall for one another. However, both must overcome past disappointments and fears before learning to fully trust each other. Their story takes place during the backdrop of World War 2 and their very lives become dangerously exposed.
This novel lived up to my expectations and more and I even learned about some WW2 history that I previously had not known. I very much look forward to getting to know the next Avery sibling, Dan, and his story in the third of this series.
I was provided a copy for an honest review from Revell Publishing and the opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scot nourok
A wonderful addition to the Waves of Freedom series!

After getting to know Arch in Through Waters Deep, I was looking forward to reading his story. The guy has been through a lot, as it was implied in the prior novel. Such things are revealed in Anchor in the Storm, and we get to watch Arch slowly grow into the man he was called to be. Growing in her own way alongside him, is Lillian Avery, Jim's little sister. Lillian has her gone through her own problems and obstacles, yet she remains resilient. Falling in love puts a crack in her armor, but in the end, it only makes her stronger.

On the side of this romance, we have another thrilling mystery to decipher! Instead of the docks, this mystery is found in Mr. Dixon's drugstore. It was interesting to watch Lillian work on this case. Interesting how? Well, she isn't Mary and so watching the way Lillian worked on the case was fun. I really appreciate that Ms. Sundin's characters are each their own person.

I can't tell you which book I loved more, Through Waters Deep or Anchor in the Storm. Both had delicious mysteries to unravel, characters overcome their insecurities, and a love story to make you swoon! The last book might have to be the deciding factor, so we shall see. ;) If only we didn't have to wait until next spring for When Tides Turn! I can easily recommend this novel to anyone who appreciates historical fiction at it's finest! Ms. Sundin provides the perfect amount of detail. This book is sure to be a favorite.

I received a copy of this book from Litfuse in return for an honest review of my opinions, which I have done. Thanks!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
evan witte
Nothing slows Lillian Avery down--not her personal challenges and certainly not America's entry into World War II. She finally has a chance to prove herself as a pharmacist in Boston. The demands of her new job energize her. But society boy Ensign Archer Vandenberg's attentions only annoy--even if he is her brother's best friend.

During the darkest days of the war, Arch's destroyer hunts German U-boats in vain as the submarines sink dozens of merchant ships along the East Coast. Still shaken by battles at sea, Arch notices his men also struggle with their nerves--and with drowsiness. Could there be a link to the large prescriptions Lillian has been filling?

As the danger rises on both land and sea, the two must work together to answer that question. But can Arch ever earn Lillian's trust and affection?

This is the second book in this series. It is not necessary to read the first book to enjoy this one. Which I did. The characters seemed will thought out. We were shown the flaws as well as their strong points. A lot of heroines and hero's are showed to be almost super hero types. These were just ordinary people. Lillian has had to overcome her handicap of only having one leg. In the 1940's this was looked down upon and she was not accepted. Arch had what today we would call PTDS. Back then you were just looked at as being weak. Therefore, men just covered it up as best they could. This is how the drug ring was introduced into the story. Overall it was a very good story and I would recommend this book to everyone. I look forward to reading the next story in this series.

I was given this book by the publisher for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I find it very interesting to read a historical rendering of the times when my parents were young and I kind of envision my aunts and uncles, my parents, and that entire populace as spectators in the crowd of onlookers that might have been around during the story's action. In the case of Anchor in the Storm it is WWII. The setting is around Boston and the Atlantic Ocean. The characters are young naval officers and crews on shipboard and their family and friends.

The dangers of 1942 are very real as the World engages in war and the United States has been plunged in head first and poorly equipped to defend and protect. Naval destroyers roam the East Coast of the United States and upwards in the icy northern waters searching out for German U boats or the survivors of the destruction that elusive U boats has caused.

But danger lurks not only at sea, there is danger afoot ashore as devious and illegal activities seep into the crevasses of life that should be peaceful and normal.

Amidst all this young hearts are drawn to each other and romance blooms albeit reluctantly.

Sarah Sundin is well known for her extremely well researched WWII historical fiction. I have previously read her WWII fiction centered around the Army in the European theater. She has now set her ship in the seas featuring the Navy.

Grand writing and great research!

DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy of the publisher, Revell, and the author to facilitate this review. Opinions are mine alone. I was not compensated.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annette malen
One of my favorite things about picking up a novel by Sarah Sundin is that I know I’m in for a real treat. Like so many of her other books, this novel weaves together history, a captivating plot, wonderful characters, and a profound message.

Anchor in the Storm tells the story of two individuals who have been hurt in their own ways. Trust in others, and more importantly, trust in the Lord is central to this story. These elements are clear in their relationship and in the overall plot of the book. But this central theme is also one that I found relevant to myself.

I had a hard time putting this book down (which I expected). I found myself looking forward to picking it up again and needing to know how this story would end. Every line pushes the story forward and makes you need to know what is next. And so many things brought me right inside of the pages of the book to where I thought I was sailing on the Atlantic with Arch or in the pharmacy with Lillian.

Anchor in the Storm is a wonderful book that I would highly reccommend. And if you haven’t read the first book in Sarah Sundin’s Waves of Freedom series, I don’t think you need to worry too much. There aren’t spoilers in this book. They can be read as standalones, although, honestly, I’d reccommend you start with the first, because they are such wonderful books.

**I received a copy of this book from Revell in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janneke van der zwaan
A beautiful love story of seeing beyond the surface, and finding one's true strength in Sarah Sundin's Anchor in the Storm. Arch and Lillian are the pair that's not suppose to come together. They are as opposite as day and night, oil and water, yet the magnetism towards each other is unmistakable. With experiences fresh, reminders constant, feelings are suppressed and a lovely friendship develops, and maybe even more. As Arch and Lillian join their heads together to solve a mystery that affects not only themselves, but others as well, their hearts might also need solving.

Are you intrigued yet? Well, if the romance doesn't get you, the suspense will have you turning the pages fast. And not to mention the intricately woven historical elements that broadens your mind and have you searching for more. Sarah Sundin masterfully interweaves history with romance and a mystery that have our characters searching for meaning and answers. As the mystery comes to light, will Arch and Lillian's lives be ever the same? As WWII looms, enemies far and close to home, our soldiers plagued with what we now known as PTSD, how can we find solace? Riveting with intricacy and emotional drama, Anchor in the Storm may just well anchor in your hearts.

This review first appeared on Just Commonly Blog.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and have not been compensated for this. This is my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah cripps
I absolutely love this series. Sundin has done an amazing job of creating characters who feel as though they live right down the street. Yet she sets them in situations that are far more interesting than daily life, using both their strength's and weaknesses to solve their problems.

As with the first book, this one follows two story lines: the one on land and the one at sea. However, in this book, the stories are far more intertwined with the events on board the ship having a greater connection to those on land. In this book as well, Arch plays a greater detective role than Jim did in the first.

I was not as excited about Arch and Lillian's relationship as I had been about Jim and Mary. While Arch and Lillian's fears mirrored one another, Arch fearing that he would only ever be loved for his money and Lillian fearing she would never be loved at all, I was often irritated with Arch's way of handling his fears. While Jim and Mary's relational problems made sense to me, Arch and Lillian's were not as relatable, especially since there seemed to be a lot more pushing apart than pulling together.

I still really liked the mystery aspect of the story and how it wove the lives of the two characters together, as well as Arch's willingness to look past other people's issues to the heart of what was hurting them. I'm excited to see what comes next in this series and how Sundin will mix history and mystery.

I received this book through Litfuse in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had the pleasure of reviewing the first book in Sarah Sundin's Waves of Freedom series, Through Waters Deep, last year. I've been eagerly awaiting this book, and it exceeded my expectations.

Anchor in the Storm is a lovely historical novel set during World War II. It tells the story of Lillian Avery, a pharmacist in a time where women rarely held this job. She is strong and resilient, and has worked hard to achieve all her life after a childhood accident left her an amputee with a prosthetic leg.

Lillian moves to Boston and finds friendship and sparks of romance with her brother's best friend, Ensign Arch Vandenberg. When he notices a sedative problem on his ship, she realizes there may be a connection to sedatives (in large quanitities) filled by her pharmacy.

The mystery in this novel is well done and kept me guessing until it began to unfold.

I loved the romance between Lillian and Arch as she learned to trust him, and as they both found greater happiness and faith.

Historical fiction is my favorite genre, and the 1940's is my favorite historical setting. The historical details in this book were beautifully done. I found the 1940's pharmacy particularly interesting.

The first book in this series was one of my favorite reads from 2015, and I am sure this book will make my list in 2016. I absolutely loved it, and am already looking forward to the next book in the series. Very highly recommended for fans of historical fiction and inspirational reads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claudia marcela
Anchor in the Storm – Sarah Sundin

Anchor in the Storm is book number 2 in the Waves of Freedom series written by Sarah Sundin. Archer Vandenberg has completed his studies at the Naval Academy. He has survived a horrible U-Boat attack when he enjoys some time off at his best friend’s home. On leave he meets Jim’s sister, the lovely – if somewhat prickly – Lillian. Lillian has trust issues with men so she doesn’t fall under the good-looking rich boy spell that Arch is used to bestowing over women everywhere! Lillian is used to men overlooking her because of her prostatic leg. Arch finds this extremely unusual – and appealing.
Boston becomes Lillian’s home where she works as a pharmacist. Arch is based out of Boston. They both discover unusual things happening around them, and they team up to solve the mystery. Lillian starts to overcome her distrust of men, while facing a dangerous situation.
I liked the combination of history, mystery and romance. I have person reasons why I liked this book -- my dad was in the Merchant Marines during WWII. He told many stories that always included, “We didn’t know if we were going to make it back home, we were prepared because we knew our job was important.” The Merchant Marines lost more ships than the Military because the enemy wanted to destroy the supply chain. My dad then enlisted in the Navy where he spent the next 20 years of his life.
Read this book! Buy it! You will love it!

I was given this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarah Sundin has done it again! Anchor In the Storm is a wonderful read! This historical fiction novel is set in World War II. Lillian Avery is an intelligent, beautiful young woman who happens to be a licensed pharmacist that wears a prosthetic leg. She lands a job as a pharmacist in Boston. Lillian faces the challenges of life with full force. Ensign Archer Vandenberg seems to be one of the challenges she must face ​since he is so often around. He is handsome, but Lillian knows better.
Arch enjoys Lillian’s company, but has no desire to get serious, after all, girls are just after his money. Arch does notice that his men on board ship struggle with their nerves and with drowsiness. Lillian has been filling some unusually large prescriptions. Could there be a connection? Should they join forces and investigate?
Sundin creates genuine characters that get into interesting situations. I have enjoyed every one of her novels. Each time I think I have found a favorite, she comes out with a new one. Anchor In the Storm is Sarah Sundin’s best story yet.
I am a great fan of the library, but Sarah Sundin is an author whose books I purchase as soon as they are released because I know they will be good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again Sarah Sundin transports readers to a time that we would love to think of as simpler but in reality was as challenging as today. I was totally immersed in the lives of Lillian and Arch feeling as if I'd been transported directly into the 1940's.

Arch was not one of my favorite characters in the previous book but it really didn't take long for him to grow on me. I liked Lillian right off even though there was a time or two I wanted to shake some sense into her. A wonderful cast of characters and I hope to meet some of them again in the next book.

One of my favorite things about Anchor In The Storm it is more than just a historical romance novel. There is a wonderfully chilling thread of suspense woven into it that leaves the reader questioning the motives of just about everyone. Also, Sarah Sundin's meticulous research is readily evident in the richly detailed story. I learned quite a bit in this book as well. I had no clue about the sheer number of attacks on American vessels right of our own East Coast, I also didn't know about the shortage of escort vessels for convoys.

Anchor In The Storm is a wonderful story of love, forgiveness, and learning to trust. It was a great read and I sincerely look forward to the next book in the series.

(I received a free copy of this book from Revell. I was not required to give a positive review. All opinions are entirely my own.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was the perfect mixture of history, romance, and mystery! I loved every moment of this book and the pacing of it was absolutely perfect to keep me turning the pages.

I really liked Lillian. I love female characters that take risks, do "men's jobs", and stand up for themselves. Lillian's life hasn't been easy but she doesn't let it stop her from reaching her dreams. I really liked Arch too. Sundin's character development in Arch was wonderful. I loved watching him grow throughout this story. Lillian grew too but I really liked the direction she went with Arch.

I'm not sure I could pick a favorite part of this story. There were some really great romantic moments that made me swoon. But there were also some arguments that got pretty heated that also really made me love this book because they were so honest.

But in the end besides how wonderful the romance was the mystery in this story really led the way for this book to keep me intrigued. I have to admit I suspected quite a few different people to be leaders of the drug ring and in the end was wrong! I was pleasantly surprised at how many suspects Sundin gave us and was very impressed with the wrap up of the mystery.

I really cannot wait for book 3 in this series. Sundin is definitely an author you don't want to miss out on!

Revell provided me with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john birtwistle
The second novel in Sarah Sundin’s Waves of Freedom series, Anchor in the Storm shares a story involving page-turning drama, mystery, danger, romance, and World War II history. Fans of historical fiction, read this book!

Hard-working, determined, and full of gumption and insecurities, both Lillian Avery and Archer Vandenberg want to prove they are much more than meets the eye, and a problematic drug ring gives them the perfect opportunity to do so. Working together to investigate allows Lillian and Arch the time to get to know and understand each other, so a heartwarming and smile-inducing friendship-to-romance relationship naturally develops - only to then test their trust in one another and in God.

Challenges and dangers abound throughout Anchor in the Storm, but Lillian and Arch prove to be strong, admirable, and wholly likeable characters (with undeniable chemistry and a penchant for clever, humorous banter). It was an utter delight to discover the story within this book’s pages, and I loved it. Undoubtedly, I recommend it to interested readers in need of a good historical romance - it will not disappoint.

Thanks to LitFuse Publicity Group, I received a copy of Anchor in the Storm and the opportunity to provide an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, and all the opinions I have expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lydia presley
Lillian Avery and Archer Vandenberg are an unlikely duo. But for the cause they join forces to figure just what the heck is going on with Archer's subordinates and a possible connection to prescriptions Lillian has been filling. Make no mistake, Lillian can barely abide the man but with something going on it's clear something has to be done. So begins the investigations that will lead Lillian to places she would never have dreamed.

Another good addition to World War II fiction by Sarah Sundin. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed her aviation stories but to see her branching out to the nautical end had me getting all kinds of excited. This was an easy-peasy read and if you enjoy this period you might consider picking up this book for your next read.

<em>DISCLAIMER: In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s <a href=[...] rel="nofollow">16 CFR, Part 255</a>: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising” we would like to note that we received an electronic copy of “No Other Will Do”</em><em>  provided by the publishers, Revell, in exchange for our honest review.</em>
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I simply enjoy Sarah's writing! Her characters are genuine and as a reader, I find them easy to identify with and because of them become easily engaged in their stories. Anchor in the Storm is the story of Lillian Avery and Archer Vandenberg. Lillian is Jim Avery's sister (Readers who read the first book will remember Jim). She's a spunky girl who does not let her disability stop her. Archer is Jim's best friend. You can guess the dynamics that take place as Lillian and Archer begin to develop a war-time relationship.
In the book we get to revisit Jim and Mary from Through Waters Deep, the first book in the Waves of Freedom series. Sarah is a genius at how she makes references to Jim and Mary's story and weaves it seamlessly into Lillian and Archer's without retelling the first book. I also love the bold way Sarah peppers the story with faith and Scripture without coming off as preachy. She lets the well developed characters and their story carry the faith message fluidly. You will enjoy this series. While Anchor in the Storm can be read as a stand-alone, I recommend reading Through Waters Deep as well to enjoy the fullness of the characters and the story.

*I received a complimentary copy of the book for the purpose of giving an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lucinda jones
In Sarah Sundin's historical romance set during World War II, Anchor in the Storm, pharmacist Lillian Avery grows suspicious over the numerous prescriptions for large quantities of the barbiturate, Phenobarbital that come across her drug store counter. Her suspicions lead to a large drug ring and dangers she could never imagine.

While Lillian works on shore to solve the mystery, her brother's best friend, Ensign Arch Vandenberg, works on two goals he has in mind as his ship patrols the Atlantic waters hunting for German U-boats that are sinking merchant ships along the East Coast. Win Lillian's affections, and solve the problem on board ship of sailors reporting to duty too drowsy to function, putting their lives and the lives of those around them in danger. Will he succeed at accomplishing either goal?

Is there a connection between Lillian's suspicions and the sailors' behavior? When danger looms for both of them will working together to solve the mystery draw Lillian and Arch closer, or will it push them further apart?

Fears, romance, misunderstandings, danger, accusations, accidents ... you'll find these and more in the pages of Anchor in the Storm. A book full of historical details that bring this time period in our nation's history to life.
Revell Books provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for a fair and honest review, which is exactly what I gave.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily hedrick
Set in the darkest days of World War II, Lilian Avery is determined to withstand the pressures, both physical and mental, to gain her independence and succeed as a pharmacist in Boston. With a developing friendship with her brother’s best friend, Ensign Archer Vendenberg, Lilian soon realizes there is more to her role as a pharmacist than previously believed and the same may be true of her friendship with Arch. Can Lilian and Arch work together to solve the mystery surrounding the crew’s strange behavior or will their entangling hearts prevent a successful conclusion?

Having read the first book in the Waves of Freedom series, I was ready to catch-up with the characters and watch the relationship grow. Full of history and romance, the two blended perfectly for an engaging read. I am already looking forward to Book 3 in the series, due out in spring 2017. Even more than the actual story, I really liked the correlation between the author’s book dedication and real life. Priceless.

4.5 (out of 5) pennies

*I received a complimentary copy of Anchor In The Storm from Revell Publishing for my honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rick mackley
Sundin continues to please with her masterful ability to weave romance, conflict, crime, resolution, & arrests in the midst of plot involving Navy ships & those fighting their own wars on land. Sundin is skillful in her character development. She has chosen Lillian, a pharmacist who has a prosthetic leg, as one of her two main characters. The other is Arch, a Navy officer who comes from a very wealthy family & is suffering from PTSD. She uses these two flawed characters to show the prejudices against people with those disabilities at that time. Also, to show how women pharmacists were not trusted completely. There are characters from her previous book in this series, Through Waters Deep, that are in this book, too. Together all the characters blend well and make a secure group of friends that would be needed anytime but particularly during WWII. This book has a monstrous crime and the storyline surrounding it is very well contrived and the revelation & solution of who all is involved makes for interesting reading.

I was provided an ARC by NetGalley in exchange for a fair & honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
debbie rubenstein
This review is for the book "Anchor in the Storm" by Sarah Sundin. This is book two in the Waves of Freedom series. I remember reading the first book in the series and really enjoying it. I enjoyed this one just as much. These books are mystery novels and this one is set in 1941. Lillian Avery is a woman who has overcome many obstacles in her life - the main one being that she only has one leg. She perseveres to become a woman pharmacist, which is practically unheard of. As she begins her job, she discovers a possible drug ring. Not wanting to lose her job or get in trouble, she confides in her brother's best friend Arch, who is in the Navy. Between the two of them they try to uncover the truth, and they also find that they are falling in love at the same time. Unfortunately, both of them are carrying some heavy burdens involving trust issues, so their journey together is pretty bumpy.

I loved this book. The characters are great, there is action and mystery, and romance. It is such a great series. I can't wait to read the next one!

Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
louise daileigh
Sarah Sundin continues her series on World War II with the story of Lillian, a pharmacist who must battle prejudice in two arenas – a woman in what is perceived as a “man’s job” and also a woman with a handicap. The book also covers an introduction into a new malady suffered by the military men…what we now know as PTSD was something people were embarrassed by and couldn’t talk about without being dismissed from the military.
I’ve been enjoying learning more details of the day to day living in the early days of World War II. The world has changed quickly since the 1940’s and it’s fascinating to read about a time not so long ago when things were so different. Along with a fascinating and suspenseful story line, we see the little details…of Lillian actually mixing toothpaste for a customer, of recycling tin containers as part of the war effort, etc.
If you haven’t read the first book of this series, you’ll still enjoy this story, as it stands alone well. But you’ll definitely want to go back and read it! Sarah Sundin went on my list of “good reads” with her first series about the “flying nurses” and this Navy series continues to get high marks!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john adams
Anchor in the Storm, by Sarah Sundin, is the second in the Waves of Freedom series. This time we follow Lillian Avery as she moves to Boston in 1941 to take a job as a pharmacist. She has a grumpy boss who is sure she can't perform her job because she has a prosthetic leg. Lillian vows to be the best she can and has also caught the eye of her brother's friend and fellow Navy man, Arch. Throw in a mystery and some intrigue and this is the stuff that makes a book perfect. Sarah Sundin writes WWII perfectly and always captures my attention throughout. Can't wait for the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deanna g
Anchor in the Storm is another stellar hit from Sarah Sundin. I have so much trouble coming up with the right words to describe how good and how much I LOVE Sundin's novels. It always comes across as incoherent babbling or a very short, 'It was good, go read it!' and I'm having that same problem again.

This isn't going to be elegant or eloquent, it's just me saying how much I loved everything about this historical romance; the characters, the history, the setting, the descriptions, the mystery... the list could go on and on.

When I was nearing the end of this wonderful novel, I kinda panicked realizing my journey with these characters was almost over and I'd have to wait for what feels like forever for Sundin's next book. I wanted to finish this book slowly and savor every word, but that didn't happen. The action and intrigue had me finishing it in, what felt like, record time.

Anchor in the Storm is definitely going on my favorites shelf and will surely be one of the best books of 2016. I'm super eager for Lt. Dan Avery and Quintessa's book, When Tides Turn.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abdullah alfaqaan
I really enjoyed reading this book...was able to read it in only two days (a real page turner). The characters were very likable, real people with real fears which made it easy to relate to them. The story had a bit of a mystery to it. The two main characters team-up and work together to figure out whose behind an illegal drug ring which sells drugs to sailors.

I have always had a fascination with WWII history and I was able to glean some new information from reading this book about how soldiers were treated when facing battle fatigue. Combat fatigue (post-traumatic stress disorder) was viewed as having weak nerves or someone just being a coward before WWII, but great strides were made during this war to help change that view...helping people to see that battle fatigue is a real condition.

This book shows how our fears, self doubts can often cause us to sabotage our own happiness. This was a well-crafted and well-written book which I would highly recommend to anyone who loves a good historical romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sarah Sundin's newest book is a masterful blend of World War II history and modern day issues. She traces PTSD and drug addictions back to their earlier days and put them in a historical setting. The effect is clean but exciting as the cast of characters deals with a myriad of issues.

The personal issues that Arch and Lilian each face are monumental. Set against the backdrop of the war, the ante is upeed for them both. I loved reading about how they struggled with trust and independence - both are more than relevant today, and Sundin takes those themes and presents them in several forms throughout the book.

Set completely in the US, this book felt a bit different than Sundin's others, but it was no less mesmerizing. I couldn't put it down and couldn't wait to find out the ending - and I couldn't predict it, either. Sundin remains one of my favorite WWII era authors.

I received a free copy of this book from LitFuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rizal iwan
'Anchor...' focuses a little less on the mystery than it's predecessor. I enjoyed that it was still as high stakes and all that action at the end....whoooa. However, I found the mysterious kingpin to be pretty obvious and I didn't think that the danger was really felt until nearer the end.

Instead, I had plenty of time to focus on the characters and their budding romance. And it was adorable! Spunky, spiky Lillian was the perfect match for hilarious Arch. Naval officer Arch knows what he wants in a woman and when he meets his best friend's sister, he knows he is willing to wait for her to warm up to him. They both have to learn to trust and open up themselves to love and hurt, and when they finally do, it is so precious.

I can't leave my rating at a four, but I feel like it is missing that certain something to make it a full five, so I'm cheating a bit with a 4.5 star rating :)

I recieved a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt hempey
No matter the time, the situation, or whether it is wartime the world can be horrible. It makes reading historically based stories that much more enjoyable to read for the research gems included throughout the story. Anchor in the Storm by Sarah Sundin is like a chess match where you think you can see the moves ahead of you, but then they make a move you did not see coming. Boom, mind blown. Sundin has a way of writing that makes you fall for her characters hook line and sinker. I loved the witty banter between Lillian and Archer. These two are worth the read alone, but they do have to solve a mystery and fast before more men suffer the consequences of this issue. It is intimately devastating to both Lillian and Archer and they want it resolved fast. Oh, did I mention it is set in WWII time and cases of PTSD well it does it is wonderfully written. I enjoyed my time amongst the pages of this book. I received a copy for this review from Revell Books and all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are looking for great inspirational romance and mystery in an interesting WWII setting, Sarah Sundin's Anchor in the Storm is a fantastic choice.

In her usual engaging style, Sarah continues her Waves of Freedom series set in and around Boston as WWII heats up after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Like in her other stories, she seamlessly combines realistic fictional characters and events with her carefully researched historical knowledge. And this one seems particularly fitting for Sarah with the connection to her own pharmacist's role.

Lillian, Arch, and their family and friends navigate rough waters, both figuratively and literally. The message of finding God as the only true anchor is a beautiful reminder that shines through at multiple times throughout the story.

Thanks to Sarah for providing me with a copy of this book through an online contest. I am happy to return the favor with this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cassie todd
Anchor in the Storm is a wonderful blend of history, suspense, and romance! Sarah Sundin captures the time period beautifully and crafts memorable characters who readers will champion the whole way through.

I loved Lillian and Arch and reveled in the mystery and romance of their story! It was such a pleasure to see these two grow emotionally and spiritually in their journey together. I also appreciated the meaningful inspirational messages that were woven through the narrative, creating tender and touching moments. Sundin’s pharmaceutical expertise shines and really brings the intriguing story line to life. I thoroughly enjoyed this second book in the Waves of Freedom series and can’t wait for more!

Fans of historical fiction, especially World War II buffs, are sure to enjoy Anchor in the Storm!

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. All thoughts expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nia ch
I’m not normally a “gusher,” but wow! Anchor in the Storm had me seriously weighing my responsibilities against my desire to continue reading. That load of laundry can wait one more day, right?? Wonderful characters, war-time intrigue, and a sweet romance blend perfectly to create an irresistible story!

Lillian is determined and independent, and yet secretly fearful. Arch has used his wealth to his advantage, but he despises the person he’s become. Both have to work to overcome their fears and learn where to place trust so that it won’t be destroyed yet again.

We may not live in the 1940s, but the struggles these characters face may in some ways mirror our own. Anchor in the Storm is an amazing story which, if you’ll let it, will challenge your faith. What is your anchor in the storm?

(I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts expressed here are entirely my own.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noel anderson
Mystery, and romance on the high seas is what you will find when you read Sarah's new book, Anchor in the Storm. Arch and Lillian are the stars of this book, Lillian who is determined to stand on her own two feet and not be a burden to anyone, and Arch who wants to make his own way and not rely on his family's money to get him where he wants to be. Hebrews 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Is the theme throughout the book, allowing God to be the anchor for our souls.

I was hooked from the first page and enjoyed every page until the end. This is book two in the Waves of Freedom series. What I love about Sarah's writing is her ability to weave scriptural truths into the story without it being preachy. She uses real life scenarios that are believable and able to relate to. This book has everything and I guarantee you will enjoy this book!

Highly recommended!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian miller
While romance was intricately weaved into Anchor in the Storm, it was the history and suspense elements that kept me turning the pages of novel. Before reading this story I never would have called myself a reader interested in suspense, but if Sundin continues combinding suspense with her history, I will most definitely join the bandwagon on this genre. The author’s experience and insight into the pharmaceutical industry, combined with her passion for World War II history, created a riveting storyline that fascinated me. In addition to the drug-ring storyline, sub-plots involving PTSD and naval history satiated my World War II history craving.

I absolutely love this novel and am already planning ahead for when I can re-read all of Sundin’s books. I recommend this book not only for readers of World War II history, but readers of all fiction. It is that good!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron dubin
Lillian Avery, Ensign Jim Avery’s sister, goes to New York City to prove herself as a woman pharmacist, one with a physical disability. Ensign Arch Vandenberg, Jim’s best friend, much prefers time with his “average” friends than his wealthy family, especially after his recent sea battle that has his nerves rattled. In the midst of increasing danger as WWII escalates, follow Lillian and Arch as they search God’s will for their lives and for their future.
Anchor in the Storm, wonderfully written and historically accurate, Sarah Sundin once again tells a story of wartime dangers mixed with wartime romance. Her attention to detail woven within a fictional tale keeps readers captive until the very last word. Follow them on their journey while they sort through their fears and doubts and navigate the rough waters of relationships with family, friends and loved ones. Exciting story from beginning to end. I couldn’t put it down. Sarah Sundin is a master story teller and an expert on WWII.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marilynne crawford
Fans of Sarah will not be disappointed with this newest installment. True to form she has written another great novel set in the beginning of WWII.
This is the second book in this series. We met Arch in the first book. I liked him then and come to like him even more in this book. He tries so hard to break the stereo-type of what a rich kid is. He is also dealing with the after math of his ship going down and the effects that has on him now. Will this ruin his career?
Lillian I loved. She isn’t perfect. You don’t meet too many heroines who have a physical disability. But Lillian does, she’s missing a leg. I love how Sarah portrayed her, still so strong but also dealing with the effects of her disability.
Overall, another great book by Sarah.

A copy of this book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarah Sundin does an excellent job of combining romance, history, intrigue, and faith in her novel, Anchor in the Storm. This is the second book in the Waves of Freedom series. Sundin's main character Lillian Avery is persistent and eager to make a difference in the world. With WWII exploding she embarks on a career as a pharmacist that takes her to Boston. Her romantic counterpart, Arch is in danger as he searches for German U-boats along the East Coast. All the while the men on board with him are struggling not only with fear and isolation, but they appear to be having health problems too. As the mystery of what is actually going on unfolds, the drama and intriguing characters make this plot a brilliant mix. I could not put it down. If I could give more than 5 stars I would. Great job Sarah Sundin. I will be looking for more in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sophia siu
After finishing the first book in this series, I was hoping the next book would be about Lillian. I was so excited to find it was!

Lillian is the little sister of Jim, whom we got to know in the first book. She is also roommates with Mary and Quintessa. Lillian has landed the rare job of female pharmacist and knows she is going to have to prove herself to everyone around. She must also prove to herself that she is capable of loving and being loved.

Although Lillian's love life is a large part of this story, the mystery of the unusual prescriptions becomes such a fun story. Watching Lillian work to discover the truth behind the drug ring is exciting and terrifying.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate stanley
I'm telling you, Sarah Sundin never disappoints. I always think, "Oh, I can start reading and stop when I need to." Nope. I might as well decide now, that when I start one of her novels, I won't be putting it down until it's done. The settings are great, the research she's clearly done makes the story seem real, and Arch and Lillian are two more of her characters to fall in love with, well-developed, flawed, real, and quite relatable. The suspense keeps you turning pages, and even though you KNOW there has to be a happily ever after, you really wonder at times. This book doesn't pull any punches. It's heartbreaking and hopeful and, by the end, you're more in love with the characters than ever. Can't wait for book three!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again Sarah Sundin has given me a history lesson I won't soon forget, and can't wait to start again. With her vast knowledge of WW II she has developed a story so full of intrigue and mystery I could not put it down. Lillian is such a lovable, spunky and passionate person but with a broken heart not easily repaired and Arch has returned with scars of his own. Lillian and Arch's personalities are polar opposites, but opposites do attract. Being the second book in the Waves of Freedom series there are many return characters that add another layer of depth to the plot so you will want to read it first to truly enjoy this book.

I was given this book free from Revell publishing for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul pichugin
Lillian's strong will and independent streak have gotten her through some tough times. Now, as she launches a promising career as a pharmacist (in spite of those who scoff at a "girl pharmacist"), things are finally looking up. But soon Lillian notices some strange goings-on at the pharmacy. Her curiosity could cost her her job--or worse. Meanwhile, with his high-society background and reputation as a ladies' man, naval officer Arch Vandenberg has his work cut out for him to convince wary Lillian that he's an okay guy. Sarah Sundin captures the high-energy spirit of the 1940s and World War II as a colorful backdrop for the deepening relationship between Arch and Lillian as they puzzle out a mystery. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was another great read in the wonderful series about World War 2. I think this one was my favorite in the series so far as I loved the characters and the aspect of mystery and intrigue that was wonderfully added. I thought the romance between Lillian and Ensign was just perfect and I loved watching it grow and develop. I loved finding out more about different aspects of World War 2 and I think the author captured the fear that was in America during those dark days, fearing Nazi invasion. I love how the author brought it all to life so beautifully and made me want to know even more! I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
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