The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration

ByBen Shapiro

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carmen van deursen
Those of us who understand our constitution and get our news from a source other than the government media will not read about anything that we haven't been aware of for the past seven years. However, Shapiro builds a succinct legal case for the need to take action before it is too late. RICO may be the route to resolution but even after reading the book I'm not clear how we get around a corrupt AG as individuals. It has been said that we get the government we deserve. I feel sorry for our children and grandchildren's generations who were raised with little or no knowledge or understanding of our nations founding. I'm afraid Mr. Shapiro may be talking to the choir. The 47% seem to like things as they are.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
isabel t
Well written and documented in a clear narrative style. I admire his courage. After reading this book, I am inspired to leave a portion of my estate to the Horowtiz Freedom Foundation, so hopefully, our children can enjoy the freedoms my generation has enjoyed.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lorraine robidoux
If you have a deep, unhinged and carefully cultivated hatred for President Obana and want nothing more than to have that hatred validated, then this is the book for you. A monument to the sort of filtered, cooked-to-order commentary that drove a blunt wedge through the middle of the country, this book’s only merit is as a case study for the power of deceptive communication. Events are skewed and motives assumed, then exaggerated, then distorted and THEN, having been resculpted by the author into a detestable form, actions and the motives behind them are visciously lambasted in a manner evocative of a pre-lynching mock trial in the Jim Crow south.

If, a person’s intent was to dismember reality and the reassemble in the manner deemed most likely to create the greatest possible amount of hatred, this is the book they would write.

It is telling, that Shapiro and others like him have inverted any objective positions taken in their prior critiques of President Obama, now that their objective is the unflinching defense of Donald Trump.
Anchor in the Storm (Waves of Freedom Book #2) :: The Gravity Between Us (New Adult Contemporary Romance) :: Sarah published by Riverhead Trade (2002) - Affinity Later Printing Edition by Waters :: Through Waters Deep (Waves of Freedom) :: Paladin
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
james lind
Flabbergasted at what appears to be a widespread public revulsion toward an American President who has served as the thoughtful moderate sorely needed by a country on the edge of an economic depression following the triple whammy of the debacle of Iraq, the subprime mortgage crisis, the failure of the banks too big to fail--I decided to do a search for "the case against Obama." This is the first that appeared. What I find in these pages reads like a transcript of a right-wing talk radio show (where is the so-called "liberal media"?) by yet another hater of the political leader, ambassador and statesman who remained above the fray while being in the cross-hairs of not only the opposition party, but opportunists, racists, NRA supporters, anti-gay bigots, anti-government militia, isolationists, states' rights extremists, and Zionists. If you can get by the writer's initial claim that Obama came in at a time of hope (presumably "morning in America" was here at the end of 2008!) and that Obama robbed us of our calm, then perhaps there's no point in questioning the author's "facts" and conclusions.

The author is at least frank and absolutely clear about his case and his "evidence." Left, or "liberal," is evil, and those who espouse leftish projects and causes are "suspicious" at best, downright "evil" at worst. Thus the old "Manichaean heresy" of dividing the world's people into good and evil is made easier. But what often eludes those who follow this course is that "liberal" simply denotes those who are not threatened by change but embrace it, identifying it with "progress" toward a better future for a more democratic, prosperous society. "conservative," on the other hand, has throughout history been applied to those who resist change, turning to values in the past for those abiding virtues and timeless texts that must be preserved for the sake of a democratic society and free-enterprise economy.

Obama is frequently labeled a liberal, or a "progressive," but he's an equally thoughtful conservative in his continual defense of the two most essential pracitices of a democratic society: 1. a two-party system and 2. the separation of church and state. He remains calm and unflappable-- quintessentially "cool"in the midst of the stormy oppposition he has faced from day one. (McConnell's announcement of his party's main agenda: to take out this President; a Congressman interrupting Obama's first speech in the Chambers with "You lie!"). By contrast, President Obama has recently defended the Republican Party while denouncing Donald Trump's tactics. Opposition, he said, is essential to democratic process. But then he went on to state that hijacking an election through an appeal to the most base instincts of a sizable share of the electorate is unacceptable in a civil society--in fact, it's antithetical to the freedom that America represents to all people, inside and outside of America's boundaries, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, social class, and religion. Just as no government has the right to legislate morality, no organized religion has the right to dictate American foreign policy or to prioritize its needs and requirements above those of a different faith.

The degree to which reasonable readers take this book seriously--written by a Phi Beta Kappa "honor student," who apparently was the only law student with sufficient integrity to resist the socialist/Communist/anti-America propaganda that he claims professors are using to corrupt the minds and morals of our nation's youth. Even Donald Trump is smarter than the author of this book in one respect: he understands the media, its limits and potential, and how to use it to his ends. Shapiro fails to "get" the full realization of the phenomenon--first recognized by Marshal McLuhan in the last century--that has become a basic principle of life in the 21st: the medium IS the message--and its harm would appear to be complete and irreversible on a nation whose youth watch illuminated screens, on average, for six hours ever day. A professor's professing against American values (a daily occurrence in Shapiro's estimate) would, at best, have the opposite effect on students, who are by nature "counter-cultural" (listen to the popular music of the past 50 years). The gravest danger is that a new generation, brought up in the hyperreality of the internet (which is a surrogate for social interaction), soon begins to resent its isolation from reality, its imprisonment to an alternative reality. After all of the so-called "progress" brought to us by Apple computer, bigger and better screens, and mobiles, the population is more discontent than ever. It's as if people are beginning to sense that when the dream becomes a "fantasy" removed from the real world, the possibility of satisfaction, fullfilment, realization of the hope once collectively referred to as "the American dream" becomes further removed than ever. (That's the idealist-capitalist's explanation. A materialist-Marxist would start with the erasure of the middile class due to the failure of "trickle-down" economics.)

But if Netanyahu--who has victimized this country 3 times and Obama twice--can't throw this President off-stride, neither can the author of this book. The Israeli Prime Minister came to the halls of Congress in 2002 to urge American's invasion of Iraq. Then in 2015, against Obama's wishes and Israel's election rules, he came a 2nd time to promote his own re-election and to replace Obama's message of hope with a call to end negotiations with Iran in favor of perpetual warfare. Finally, he recently rejected Obama's invitation to visit the White House, knowing that his interests were better served by presenting his as the face of all Israel. Obama knows that Shapiro no more represents the breadth and soul of this diverse democracy than Netanyahu represents the unanimous, uncontested voice of Israel.

In the end, group-identity politics will be pushed aside by the greater priority of protecting and preserving an over-stressed planet. Bigotry and racism could, as Faulkner predicted, be with us for another hundred years--with periodic flare-ups stemming from the resentment of an underclass who can no longer claim superiority over a class beneath them. But America's demographics favor a continually darkened skin color like our President's. Of course, there will always be those who believe that the common good is best addressed by an "enlightened" uber-group of individuals. But who should it be? Those who adhere most faithfully, even "literally," to truths of an inviolable, immutable Constitution? But who shall decide between right and wrong, legal and illegal "interpretation" of the words of our founding fathers? What seems certain is that cases like the author's will continue to be made against our elected leaders, as progress yields to litigation on an increasingly massive scale. And those who inherit the earth will, as a wise man once said (was it Lincoln or Archie Bunker?), all be graduates from law school.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
devorah hale
Unmitigated drivel just like all of Shapiro's rants. I find these books amusing to a certain extent because it shows me what a Republican administration is planning to do. Republicans cry "unfair" and "thief" and so on so as to be able to justify their criminal behavior when they come to power.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Didn't really find it entertaining, it was mostly Ben attacking Obama and blaming him for all of our problems. He even said he was the one who was behind the 2008 Housing crisis and recession. I am no fan of him and this proves he isn't worth listening to. Though it is way better than Dinesh D. Hillary's America, so yeah.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
dawnvlive com
Most of the information provided by the book is not factual and most likely false speculation. It is fiction attempting to gain the attention of Shapiro's strongly negative biased opinion on the President currently in the office.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
gary kidd
Expecting Ben Shapiro to write a fair, sane book on Barak Obama is akin to expecting Bugs Bunny to write the same about Daffy Duck.
Ditto heads and the "Where's Obama's birth certificate?" people will love it.
The rest of us would do well to save our money and rent some Bugs Bunny vs Daffy Duck cartoons. At least, we'll get a few laughs.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Bulls*** from start to finish. What do you mean, "We all had high hopes for President Obama." You started trying to destroy him from the minute he took office. And the illegal invasion of Iraq and torture of prisoners by Bush? That's just hunky-dory. Benghazi? IRS "scandal". Obamacare" Those trains left the station long ago. Find something to pin your paranoia onto.
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