And Behavior--Beyond the Basics from Infancy Through Toddlerhood

ByTracy Hogg

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zanda gutek
I saw first hand how this information can really help new moms. Our daughter used this book on both grandkids,
one girl, one far. She had them sleeping through the night before they were 3 months old, and both children are just a bundle of love and joy. When we babysit, we know exactly what to do, and there is no question about how
they feel or is this ok. Both grandkids were taking naps at the same time each day, when the youngest was less
than 3 months and the oldest was 2 years. There is a two to three hour break for her and us to take a nap or get
something done everyday. They are on schedule, in bed at a certain time, and fed at certain times and its all good.
If you follow what the author says, you will have a much healthier and happier experience with your children, and more
time for yourself .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Being a holistic therapist who specialises in pregnancy and mum's and bub's!
I found this book, actually have both, easy to read and easy to implement her tools, and advice. I have referred this book to many of my clients and they have found it useful as well!
My husband still laughs when I say I'm going to be a pro at this baby stuff! A sense of humour is essential!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has been of great help because it reminded me that it's all about asking the right question, to find a solution. As well as sticking to the basics. This may seem simple, but when suddenly things get out of track, and you don't know where you took the wrong turn, it's easy to get lost in all the possible solutions offered by all the people that surround you. It does have a little punishing tone when refering to "accidental parenting", but what the heck, the book is great. Read it BEFORE your baby's born!!!
A Book of Sleep :: The Complete Baby Sleep Guide for Modern Parents - Precious Little Sleep :: A Step-by-Step Program for Sleep-Training Your Multiples :: The Science-Backed Guide to Helping Your Baby Get a Good Night's Sleep-Newborn to School Age :: The Exhausted Parent's Guide to Getting Your Child to Sleep from Birth to Age 5
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
robyn randa
Unfortunately the methods in the book didn't work for my baby, but I do know they work for others. Overall though I do like that the author is promoting routine, rather than schedules.

My baby eventually fell into his own routine and falls asleep on his own so we got lucky.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was recommended to me by my pediatrician. It is very helpful for first time parents. I used it to teach my son how to nap and go to bed. If you follow the directions her philosophy works, but you must be patient and not give up. Babies must be taught! you can not expect them to know when and how to eat/sleep.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess casey
I purchased this after hearing about it from friends. This is my first child and this book was extremely helpful! Tracy is really smart about what babies need; lots of common sense. As with any advice book... remember to try it all, use what you like, chuck what you don't. My son is now a happy, polite, and rested toddler.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valerie sullivan
During my pregnancy I read another popular book that involves the cry it out method as recommended by many friends and thought the philosophy and concept was great. However once my baby was here I knew there was no way I could go through with that. This book was a great read and involves much of the same ideas/concept but does not advise the cry it out method. We read this book when our daughter was just over a month old and after the first week of using the sleep eat play routine we got her down to one feeding a night. The routine is now second nature to us and our daughter has been sleeping through the night for 10-12 hours a night for a few weeks now. I now recommend this book to all my friends! If you are somewhere in the middle of the parenting spectrum (with co sleeping and feeding on demand being on one end and cry it out on the other) you will love this book. Keep in mind though that all babies and parents are different and there is really no right answer. It is all about finding what works for your family and this book certainly helped us do that!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this book is really great for laying out a routine for your baby. its so hard to get babys on a schedule but tracy hogg gives lots of great tips to everyday problems. Even if her "schedule" isnt exactly what works for your family, this is a great reference book for issues that pop up during the first year
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sherif mns
Has some great concepts, but really made me doubt my parenting as a first time mom when I didn't agree with doing what she recommended (or rather insisted). I agree with the overall theme, but the way I got there was different. I highly recommend "On Becoming Baby Wise" by Gary Ezzo which has very similar concepts, but a slightly different methodology. I more closely adhere with Baby Wise and FREQUENTLY get comments like, "is she always this happy?" "she's the most smiley baby I've ever seen" "You mean she sleeps this well all the time?" and so on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
linda gibson
As a first time mom, I had thousands of questions about baby care and this book answered many of my questions. Big help for me! I'm using it as a guide for almost everything, eat, sleep, solid food...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shaun hennessy
My husband and I were desperate for a solution to get our 5 mo baby boy sleeping better. We had travelled with him a bunch between 3 and 5 months, which we think gave him some seperation anxiety, so at 5 mos he was still waking up every 2 hours crying for us. We got in to all sorts of bad habits like giving him a bottle whenever he cried at night, bringing him to bed in the morning to get him to sleep longer, etc just so we could get some sleep. We tried Cry It Out one night and not only did we feel terrible, but it seemed to make the seperation anxiety worse. At that point he HATED his crib, his entire nursery at that, and we didnt know what to do.

We were literally considering hiring a sleep expert to come to our house (which would have cost hundreds of dollars) but in doing more research I came across this book which seemed more promising than any I'd heard of before. We immediately started the EASY routine and pick up/put down at night. The first 3-4 days were incredibly tough - in fact, there were times where I may have quit if I didnt have the support of my husband because I was so tired and pickup/putdown is extremely tedious at first. But, even on day 2 we were seeing postive changes, the first was that my son took a 2 hour nap which was pretty much unheard of before then. By day 3 he slept a much longer stretch at night and was no longer getting so upset by PU/PD. By night 4, he slept through the night!!!

This book doesn't work miracles - it takes a lot of work and discipline, but if you stick to it you will see results. For #2, I will be doing this routine from the start.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura carr
Great comprehensive book on multiple topics. Easy to read, search, etc.
While her first book is a great intorduction to the EASY method....this book goes into a much more detail/step by-step/trouble shooting on how to adjust your sleep routine by age/physical development. We appreciate her gentle and confident methods. Sometimes she describes EXACTLY what we see our little one doing.

Originally borrowed from a friend a year ago when working with our son (1 year old at the time) who was having issues falling asleep on his own..... now we have our own copy so it's helpful for our newborn.

Also includes great insight on feeding, toddler hood etc.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nzbook girl
In line with the parenting style I am thinking of, very detailed information, great book! Will use it as a guide and refer back to again and again. Baby still on the way so will know how it will work in the future.
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