Run the Risk (Love Undercover)

ByLori Foster

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
robin atkin
Definitely worth the risk of purchasing. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I'm looking forward to the next one in the series. Great romance and good suspense. Not just one likeable character but several. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Detective Logan Riske goes undercover as a construction worker to attempt to find Rowdy Yates, through his sister, Pepper. She is using an alias, Sue Meeks, and is disguised as plain and frumpy. Rowdy is believed to be a witness to Logan's best friend's murder. Logan decides to use any means necessary to establish a connection with Pepper who takes him at his word when he pursues a romantic relationship. He now worries that once he's accomplished his mission Pepper won't forgive him for the deception.

The beginning of this story is its weakest as we are barely introduced to the main characters and the focus is on Logan trying to get close to Pepper. We have no idea why she's being sheltered by her brother or the details of her personal story. It's obvious that she's hiding behind a frumpy disguise and her initial relationship with Logan is bizarre. It would be okay if this aspect of the story moved at a quicker pace but it took much too long to develop. But, if you can make it through this tedium, the story then shifts into gear at almost breakneck speed and really delivers!

As if being undercover isn't stressful enough, Logan also has to contend with departmental corruption and isn't certain who he can trust. When the inevitable happens and Pepper realizes she was duped by Logan, her reaction makes for some pretty steamy moments as she uses unconventional methods to exact her revenge. Logan's brother, Dash, and his partner, Reese, also play major roles in the case and add humor and intrigue. Not knowing who to trust adds another element of excitement as Logan attempts to protect Pepper from those who have an interest in her disappearing.

Despite its slow start, this story has game and I'm glad I hung in there. It all makes sense after awhile and I was constantly off balance, trying to deduce the good guys from the bad ones. The romance between Pepper and Logan was pretty interesting and worked in the long run, even though you just knew he was going to be in trouble once she figured out he wasn't who he claimed to be initially.

This is a pretty good start to the beginning of a new series by Foster. I'm already waiting impatiently for the next book based on how this one ended (sorry, can't say any more without spoiling it for you). The other men and women introduced in this story are very appealing and I want more.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mae snaer
WOOOOO ! this started out kind of slow then turn into a speeding sexual
train mid way through !!!

This is about an undercover detective (Logan) and he wants to talk to
plain Jane neighbor,"Sara" (real name Pepper) because,she was a witness
to the murder of one of Logan's friends. The story starts out slow enough with
Logan showing some mild interest in the garbage bag wearing-ugly shoe champ-
never does anything with her hair lady and POW !!! One night they make love
but on HER terms-no touching and she gets to keep her clothes on. They do
the deed and Logan is hooked. (AHEM,IF I MAY INTERJECT),I find it a bit
far fetched this this sexy,sexy,hunk of man would even look sideways at this
mouse of a woman but,he seems attracted to her shyness,passiveness,and
quiet demeanor rather than her physical looks (OK,MAYBE...)

****SPOILERS AHEAD !!!*****************************************************
Later there is some trouble involving Pepper's brother ,Rowdy to whom she is
very close and loves dearly and it around this time that Pepper reveals her ultra
sexy,knockout,love machine self !!???!!!??? who knew ! Once he sees her (all sexed up),
part of Logan's anatomy stands at attention and reveals itself in SO many ways (wink,wink).
This book has some VERY explicit sexual scenes once these two get going and I really
liked that. I usually do not read this type of book too often. Also there is some good
action/tension involving the bad guys and murder of Logan's friend. If the reader is looking for
a sexy thriller with explicit sex scenes-this is it !!! Good work from this author.
Say No to Joe? :: Holding Strong (An Ultimate Novel) :: Sinful Intent (ALFA Investigations Book 1) :: Tough Love: An Anthology (An Ultimate Novel) :: Fast Burn (Body Armor)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel murphy
Lori Foster begins a new series called Love Undercover. It is about people disguising their identity for the purpose of bringing about justice or running from the bad guys out to get them. Logan Riske, using the alias, Logan Stark, is trying to find out what Pepper Yates and her brother, Rowdy Yates, might know about his friend Jack, who was killed by Morton Andrews. Morton runs many shady organizations throughout the area and has bought himself corrupt cops. The reader isn't sure if Logan's best friend and partner, Reese, is corrupt, or has knowledge of things he isn't sharing for some reason. Reese Bareden and the female Lieutenant Peterson seem to be at odds with each other. That itself is a mystery to be solved. Logan is confused by it.

Pepper Yates is being hid by her brother, using the alias, Sue Meeks. She is disguising her looks, so she isn't noticed by anyone in Morton's organization, who may be out to get her and her brother for witnessing a crime. While Logan lives in the apartment next to hers, he is on a mission to discover her secrets. Of course, he ends up falling for her. He is really a Detective, working undercover at a construction site owned by his brother, Dash.

Pepper and her brother Rowdy had a terrible childhood. For some reason, Rowdy is the character that held my attention the most. He is mysterious, reserved and protective and doesn't trust anyone, other then his sister. I can't wait for his story.

The next book, Bare it All, will be Reese's story. We will all have to wait a few months but Lori Foster ends this book in a way that you won't be able to wait for the release of the next book. Rowdy and Dash will get their story too. I just wish that I had the whole series in front of me so that I can keep the characters fresh in my mind.

Risk the Read and................... READ THE RISK!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cameron hunter
This was an amazing book and a wonderful start to what promises to be an incredible series. From page one I was hooked and couldn’t put it down until I got to the very end, when I actually got upset because I didn’t want it to be over. =^.^=

Foster’s characters are well-developed and will instantly find a place within your heart. I loved each one of them, though I’ll admit that I enjoyed Rowdy just a bit more than the rest. What can I say, I like the bad boys every now and again. Anyways, Logan is a very strong, loyal, determined character, who definitely has his hands full where Pepper is concerned. His desire to get answers in order to solve his best friend’s murder is greatly admirable, but the fact that he was willing to get them by lying to Pepper did rub my fur the wrong way. As a result, I really enjoyed watching Pepper keep him of balance throughout the novel, especially once she found out that he was lying to her. And speaking of Pepper, she’s feisty, no-nonsense, and isn’t afraid to fight when the need arises, but at the same time she’s so caught up in trying to protect her brother, Rowdy, she doesn’t allow herself to live life, at least not until Logan shows up. I actually felt sorry for her a lot of the time because while I understood why she was living the way she was, it still pained me to see her constantly doubt herself and worry over her brother’s safety. Still Logan and Pepper truly are perfect for each other, and when they aren’t driving each other up the walls, their relationship is seriously hot.

I also greatly enjoyed Reese and Alice’s side story. These two are another fun set of interesting characters. There’s definitely chemistry brewing between them and by the end of the book I wanted to know what Alice’s secret was! I’m so happy that these two get their own story. And Rowdy also was a ton of fun. At first I wasn’t sure I would really like him, but as the story progressed he quickly became a favorite of mine. Then there’s Lt. Peterson…I really want to know what her story is at some point, too. The scene involving her and Reese handcuffed to Reese’s bed had me in stitches even though they were in danger at the time. If you want to know what I’m talking about, I highly suggest that you pick up a copy of this book for yourself and give it a read. You won’t be disappointed, trust me.

Since this was my first time reading any of Foster’s novels, I must say that I liked her writing skills as well. She did a fantastic job not only keeping to the main plot point of the story, but allowed her secondary story arcs to develop at the same time. Whenever the focus shifted between the characters it was done smoothly and with enough acknowledgement to the main story arc that I didn’t mind that we were moving away from Logan and Pepper’s story for a bit in order to catch up on Reese and Alice or learn a bit more about Rowdy. The different perspectives and story arcs made for a richer story, and I’m glad that Foster chose to write the story this way and had the skills with which to pull it off.

Then there were the memorable scenes. Not just the bed scene which I mentioned earlier, but the bar scene where Rowdy meets a woman who intrigues him, the cabin scene involving Pepper, Logan, Logan’s brother, and Reese, the scene where the power goes out, and so many more. Honestly, I couldn’t figure out which one I liked more. These scenes made me laugh, sigh, scream in frustration, and shiver in delight.

So do I recommend this book? You bet I do. If you love Romance with a touch of Suspense, then you’ll definitely want to check out this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
myra carter
I am a HUGE fan of Lori Foster. Men Who Walk The Edge Of Honor series, The Buckhorn Brothers series, and The Fighter series are some of my favorites. I was so excited to read that Lori was releasing the Love Undercover series. I couldn't wait to read. Lori writes some of the best Alpha heroes along with heroines that are their perfect fit.

I struggled through the first half of Run The Risk. Not because of the writing or the story, because I was definitely pulled into it from the beginning, but from all of the secrets and lies between Logan and Pepper (love these names!!). It just about did me in. I hated that Logan was okay with using Pepper to get to Rowdy. While I liked Pepper's character immediately, I struggled with Logan's character for this reason. I wanted to like him so bad but I just couldn't get over his intentions towards Pepper. I only knew the reason Logan was lying and using Pepper, I had no idea what Pepper was hiding. I just wanted to kick Logan~constantly trying to seduce Pepper to get the information he wanted. UGH!! I loved when Pepper turned the tables on him and he had no idea what to do.

Even though I struggled with Logan's character in the beginning, I was immediately interested in the secondary characters of Reese, Rowdy, and Dash. I was so happy to see that they will each get their own books. I liked the hint of a story line between Rowdy and the waitress at the bar and hope she is the heroine in his book. And I liked the little glimpse of a future story between Reese and Alice. Can't wait!!

Wow...when all the secrets and lies came out, this book just exploded and I was totally sucked in and I couldn't put it down. I didn't want to leave Logan and Pepper. Logan definitely made up for all of his lies.
Kristen Ashley is the only author that I have read that has a way with her books that have you hating the Alpha male hero in the beginning and then you can't help but fall for him. I didn't think Lori Foster could do anything to make me like Logan~oh but she definitely succeeded because not only did I eventually like him~I loved him!!! Pepper was a great heroine. I just loved her character and her relationship with Rowdy. She may be one of my all time favorite heroines.

Just a great story with lovable characters, great HOT and STEAMY sex scenes, and a great HEA. I would definitely recommend Run The Risk and can't wait for Reese's book next. Run The Risk has a place in my keeper pile to be reread. 5 out of 5 rating.

"The only risk I want you to have is my last name." (Logan to Pepper~his last name is Riske~*sigh*)

****ARC copy provided by NetGalley and Harlequin~Thank you so much!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michael weissman
Rowdy Yates is a wanted man. The police want to question him. The mob wants him dead. What does that have to do with timid and homely Sue Meeks? Well, because behind the ugly clothes and shy façade she is really Pepper Yates, Rowdy's sister. Detective Logan Riske finds Pepper and goes undercover to find her brother to solve his best friend's unsolved murder. Now both Pepper and Logan are pretending to be someone they're not, but the chemistry between them sure feels real.

This is the 6th book I've read by Ms. Foster and I feel like she has a standard formula she must use on all her books as I've seen the same things in all 6 books.
1. She gives a character a catchy name that she will then use in the title. Examples: Logan Riske--Run the Risk; Dare Macintosh--When You Dare; Trace Rivers--Trace of Fever; Jackson Savor--Savor the Danger; Arizona Storm--A Perfect Storm.
2. An animal will appear to showcase how great a certain character is; even if you think you should be suspicious of this person.
3. White Slavery will make an appearance.
4. Alpha male bonding.
5. Instant lust abounds, and lust means "I love you."

Despite what I found formulaic, I did like this overall story even if it was a bit hard to get into at first. And, I did like this story better than the "Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor" Series as the men in that series were WAY over the top/trying too hard Alpha. Logan was just the right balance of likable and desirable Alpha.

I had a hard time enjoying the first half of the story as both Pepper and Logan are pretending to be something they aren't, so it was hard to know if I liked them or not. It wasn't until they both pulled off their masks that I started to really get into this story.

Will I keep reading this series? Most likely. It seems like with this author you know exactly what you are going to get each time.

Love Undercover Series
BARE IT ALL--Coming May 2013
GETTING ROWDY--Coming Oct 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
margie mackenzie
4 STARS In Run the Risk is the first of a series called Love Undercover. It has lots of twists and turns. Was not sure who all the good guys and bad guys were till the end of the book, it kept me guessing. Detective Logan Riske is going undercover working in construction in his brother's company. He moved into a apartment next to Pepper Yates who is posing as dowdy Sue Leeks apartment manager. Logan is determined to find Rusty Yates who witnessed a murder of his good friend by a club owner. It took him two years to find Pepper and he wants to be close to her to find her brother. Logan knows the club owner has a bunch of crooked cops on his payroll. He is in charge of the task force to bring down Morton Andrews. Logan comes from money but both his brother Dash and him chose to work for a living. He likes being a cop. He trusts his boss that she is cleaning up the police force. He also trusts his partner Reese.They are the only two who know what he is up too. His boss does not trust Reese. Reese does not trust Lieutenant Peterson. Rusty and Pepper don't trust any cops because they saw so many crooked cops with Morton. They tried to go to a newspaper with the truth but he ended up with his throat cut. Pepper is hiding herself both looks and personality. She misses jogging,sex and her brother. While Logan is hot Pepper tries not to stare but she wants him and decides to have him but under her conditions. She stays dressed the curtans and lights off and he can't touch her. Logan agrees and they have sex a few times. He is dying to know what she is hiding. Liked the story, the characters but not all the sex scenes and swearing in the book. I liked how it kept me guessing what really was going on. I want to see what happens next in Love Undercover. 09/25/2012 PUB Harlequin Imprint HarlequinMIRA
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A really good story, with great characters. I enjoyed it. I also felt towards the end that it had gone a little bit too long. Another reviewer on the store had mentioned it and I remembered having some of that same feeling but overall a pretty good story. There were plenty of twists and turns, which I loved. Of course I read the series out of order again. *Sigh. BUT, even though I knew a few things going in, it didn't really ruin the book for me. Which was a surprise for me. It just gave me a different insight into the book. It made me even appreciate the author's writing even more. I could see how well the story was woven together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kara harris
3.5 of 5 Stars

If you ever need a good romantic suspense, you can always count on Lori Foster to deliver. In Run the Risk, Lori Foster kicks off a brand new romantic suspense series where the characters all have secrets and hidden identities. Secrets don't keep forever, and in Run the Risk, Pepper Yates secrets are dragged into the open and her safety put at risk.

There are essentially two parts to this story, the undercover part and the action part. In the beginning of the story, Pepper Yates is hiding, from everything. She disguised herself to look like a frumpy, plain, shy woman. She never socialized and rarely got out of her apartment. Logan Riske, an undercover cop, moves into the apartment next to Pepper, hoping to win her trust to get her to reveal the whereabouts of her brother. Logan is determined to catch a killer, and he needs to turn Pepper's brother into an informant, by any means necessary.

The beginning, undercover, portion of the story moves pretty slowly, the notable aspect being that Logan and Pepper develop an attraction, despite Pepper being "plain" and unattractive. When Pepper's brother, Rowdy, gets caught in Logan's crosshairs, the story breaks wide open, Pepper ditches her mousy persona, and the action begins.

The action part of the story is built around Rowdy, Pepper, and a crime lord who has cops in his pocket. The crime lord rules his county and it is unclear who is trustworthy and who is criminal. Even Logan's partner has questionable motives and behaviors. It takes awhile for the truth of the story to unravel, and loyalties are unsure throughout the entire book.

As far as the storyline goes, it's okay. As I said, the beginning of the book was a bit slow and the secrets took a long time to unravel. I thought that the difference in Pepper's personalties was a bit odd. Just when I had adjusted to the new Pepper, she and Logan had miraculously figured out their relationship. Pepper was a confusing character, through the entire book. I felt for her situation, but I never really understood her actions. I was rooting for Pepper and Logan as a couple, but I felt that they adjusted a bit too easily. It's hard to put my finger on what exactly didn't feel right to me, I'm not sure if the relationship was overdone or simply moved faster than I expected. Either way, the resolution of Pepper and Logan's romance was not the most believable for me.

What really appealed to me in Run the Risk was the characters. The characters each have their own secrets and motivations, but they are good people at heart and I want to know more about them. In Run the Risk, all four heroes of the series are introduced and work together. Logan has his romance in Run the Risk, but Logan's brother Dash helps him out. Logan's partner, Reese, has hidden motivations and a neighbor lady who is hiding even more. And there is Rowdy, Pepper's brother, who has dedicated his life to protecting his little sister. Rowdy actually reminded me a lot of the heroes from Lori Foster's Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series, I could see him fitting in well with them :). In Run the Risk, I was intrigued by the puzzle that the characters created, trying to unravel who was good, who was bad, and what secrets everyone was hiding. So, even though this particular story line was not my favorite, I loved the suspense and the characters and I am very excited about this new series. I can't wait to see what happens next for Dash, Reese, and Rowdy. If you like romantic suspense, I recommend reading Run the Risk.

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I like Romance/Suspense books as long as I can be entertained while not being taken for a fool.

Pepper irritated me!! How on earth can somebody cover up looks that are that "over the top" by wearing a sports bra and shuffling along??? Then she was going to take on Morton and his whole crew with a knife!?!? She had to cover up her looks while working for Morton, but is thrilled to get back to being "herself" and getting rid of her disguise.

I found the sex scenes (& the whole first half of the book) kinda weird. Something was just lacking.

I liked Logan. His character didn't bother me. I really liked the secondary characters and will read at least some more books to see if they are an improvement.

It was VERY NICE to read a book in this genre that is highly rated WITHOUT numerous grammatical errors. Not everybody who reads romance is illiterate and does not notice!! Sometimes we just want to escape and this book accomplished that. Kudos to Lori Foster in this regard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jerome winston powell
The first in her new Love Undercover series, Foster brings us a yummy, suspenseful tale with lovable characters, villains and just the right amount of heat.

The tale begins when we meet smexy Detective Logan Riske. He is undercover trying to find a witness regarding the unsolved murder of his friend by a corrupt club owner. He has finally tracked down Pepper Yates the witness's sister and has moved into the apartment next door. Pepper is living under an alias and doing her best not to be noticed and the new hot neighbor is getting under her skin. Logan slowly gains her trust and a whole lot more than he bargained for but his misunderstanding of key facts might put them all in danger. The tale that unfolds was hot, dangerous and action packed.

Logan is a cop through and through and he is determined to get justice for his friend. He quickly realizes he is in over his head with Pepper and I loved how it unnerved him. He trusts his instincts and I liked that about him. Pepper is damaged when we first meet her, and I loved watching the layers of her personality peel back as the tale unfolded. The chemistry between them was hot, sweet and at times downright hilarious. Pepper's brother Rowdy is everything you would want in a brother and while he moves in the gray area of the law his dedication to his sister made him lovable Reese is Logan's partner at the police station and the next character to be featured in this series. The villains are creepy and the corruption far reaching making this very suspenseful.

Foster's tale flowed deliciously and literally grabbed me in the first few pages. I easily consumed this in a single afternoon and found myself longing for the next book in this series. I love series where each book features a character and their romance and this is exactly what Love Undercover delivers. The characters were well fleshed out and believable. The plot was suspenseful and I loved watching all of the pieces fall into place. The attraction was slow to build and the romance felt genuine. We get a few hot scenes with just enough detail to turn up the heat. The ending was sweet and gave us a glimpse at the next installment. I closed this book with a smile. originally posted at caffeinated book reviewer dot com
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thanks to the publisher, Harlequin, and NetGalley for the chance to read this early!

Like all of Ms. Foster books it was packed with action, and a smoking hot romance. If you are/were a fan of her Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor
series - then you will love this as they are very similar in style. I loved reading Run the Risk, book #1 in the Love Undercover series by Lori Foster.

The romance between Detective Logan Riske and Pepper Yates is smoking hot. The actual plotline of the book revolves around the unsolved murder of Logan's best friend and a few other subplots. Logan is determined to locate Rowdy, Pepper's brother, even if he has to use Pepper to do it. We also get introduced to several WONDERFUL new characters; and thankful the author has already scheduled future books for them.

~Reese Bareden, Logan's Partner, releasing in Spring 2013 his story - Bare It All (2nd book in the series).
P.S. If your read Lori's Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series then heroine, Alice, maybe be familiar - she was in Book#2, Trace of Fever.
~Rowdy Yates, Pepper's Brother, releasing in Fall 2013 his story - Getting Rowdy (3rd book in the series).
~Dash Riske, Logan's Brother, releasing in 2013 his story - Dash (4th book in the series).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
annes spillers
Title: Run the Risk

Series: Love Undercover bk 1

Author: Lori Foster

Genre: Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

Nothing can shake a cop from pursuing justice-except a beautiful witness marked for death, in New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster's sexy new series...

When Detective Logan Riske goes undercover to find Pepper Yates, a potential link to his best friend's unsolved murder, he vows to gain her cooperation by any means necessary. But the elusive beauty is more suspicious-and in far more danger-than he expected. And the last thing Logan needs is to start caring for her....

Pepper has spent the past five years dodging the corrupt club owner who will stop at nothing to keep her silenced. She can trust no one, not even the handsome new "construction worker" who's moved in next door. The heat between them is undeniable. But will surrendering to passion bring her the safety she so desires-or will her feelings for Logan draw them both into a killer's crosshairs?

Before I start this review I have to say that I am a HUGE Lori Foster fan. In fact there are very few books of her's that I haven't liked.

When I started this book I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. While I absolutely loved Logan, Pepper drove me insane with the way she behaved not only towards Logan but to life in general.

Logan is a cop on a mission. To bring down the man who killed his best friend. To do that he has to find Pepper and do whatever it takes to bring her in. No matter what. The one thing he never counted on was to fall for her. When the truth finally comes out he's able to drop all pretenses and go after her.

Pepper was a character I really struggled to like until about half way through the book. When her real identity is revealed she gets to drop the act she's been living and be herself. That was when she really came alive for me.

Once again Lori has an amazing secondary set of characters who we know will be the heroes of next three books. Reese, Logan's partner on the force, Rowdy, Pepper's brother, and Dash, Logan's brother.

While the book was slow to start for me, I kept reading and before long I was completely caught up in the story and how Logan was going to make sure Pepper stayed in his life.

Grade B+
Review by: Heather
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bill lavender
This is the first full length novel I read by Lori Foster! I've seen the cover everywhere and I'm sure you all can see why (YUM!). As this book was everywhere and I've heard how awesome Lori Foster is as an author, I of course HAD to add "Run the Risk" to my TBR MOUNTAIN!

Though not a new story line (undercover cop falls for person he was investigating/set to protect) Lori does tell a good story. At the beginning of the book you get to know both the heroine and hero. Their interaction with each other run the range of awkward, funny, tense, sexual and of course misleading to some extent as both have their secrets.

I really enjoyed Logan's character. He was your alpha male undercover cop, trying to run things all by the book, needing to find out information that, as the synopsis said, may help find out who is responsible for murdering his best friend. So you also know he has his heart in it and is already emotional about this case as it was his best friend that was killed. He was also funny and sarcastic. He had me busting out laughing a few times!! Which, while at work, was in interesting situation. LMAO!

Pepper was interesting. We were told from the very beginning she's in hiding so we knew she wasn't exactly what she was portraying. Yet, there was something about her that at times, I found a little 'off putting'. It's hard to pin point exactly what it was but it just nagged at me. Like that feeling of knowing you're forgetting something but have no idea what it is.

The story was a bit slow moving at the beginning and while it did have it's funny moments, I was wondering when we were going to get to the action. And no, get your mind out of the gutter. Not THAT action, but the part where we start finding out what some of these secrets are. Once I got to that point, I was LOVING it! Woohoo!

Of all the characters in "Run the Risk" both Reese (Bare It All) and Rowdy (Getting Rowdy) intrigued me the most! Each had unique characteristics and of course Alpha Males. However, they drew you in as you knew they more complex. I was happy when I read that books 2 and 3 would be their stories. Review for "Bare It All" will be available soon! Oh, can't forget Dash!! Logan's brother! He'll get his own story as well!

This was a good start to a new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
roberto musa giuliano
Everyone in this story is hiding something. Or someone. Or themselves. Make that all of the above.

But it's the assumptions that surround the case that trip everyone, including Detective Logan Riske, up, over and over again. Especially his initial assumption that he can sweet-talk the elusive sister of his material witness without getting involved himself.

Everyone assumes that Pepper's brother, Rowdy Yates, was the witness to a murder committed by corrupt night club owner Morton Andrews. But brother Rowdy went underground and stayed underground for two long years.

The murder victim had been Riske's best friend. He wanted payback. He wanted Andrews convicted. Except that Andrews had bought, and paid for, too many cops, too many judges, too many politicians, to make it easy, or safe, to get him the usual way.

Instead, Riske went undercover, moving in next door to Pepper Yates, trying to get close to her, never letting "Sue Meeks" know that her construction worker neighbor was really a cop.

But Pepper had been hiding her real self under "Sue's" incredibly meek and extremely drab exterior for much too long. Logan was a temptation she just couldn't ignore. Especially when he pursued so intently.

As Logan expected, getting close to Pepper brought her protective brother Rowdy out of the woodwork. What Logan didn't expect, was that Rowdy was being protective for a very damn good reason, and that Logan had just blown everything to hell.

Even worse, now that Logan knew why Pepper needed protection, he wasn't sure exactly who he should be protecting her from. Just which cops are corrupt? His partner is hiding something. So is his Lieutenant.

But the person he really needs to protect Pepper Yates from is himself.

Escape Rating B+: Lori Foster always does a fantastic job of drawing out the romantic and sexual tension between her main leads, and Run the Risk absolutely continues the trend. The attraction between Logan and Pepper steams off the page, and the emotional conflict that makes them hesitant to get involved is gripping. Their relationship starts out with lies. It's not a good foundation for anything lasting.

Pepper's relationship with her very protective brother Rowdy was also a highlight. He definitely skates the edge of the law, but at the same time tries to protect her from the worst part of what he does, and from the bad parts of life in general. Possibly unreasonably so, but it's who he is, and Pepper understands that even when it drives her crazy.

Part of the suspense angle--the part with Logan's partner Reese and his Lieutenant--wraps up just a little too conveniently, or too simply, at the end. There was a lot of build-up during the story, and then the ending of that sub-plot felt a bit "flat" to this reader.

However, I still stayed up until 2 am to finish Run the Risk, and I'm absolutely looking forward to the next story of Love Undercover. I wonder if it's either Reese or Rowdy? Both could sure use an HEA of their very own...

Originally published at Reading Reality.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchance for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
How do you catch a killer when the only witness is on the run and can't be found? Answer: you go undercover and try to get close to the witness' sister. Two years ago, Detective Logan Riske's best friend was murdered. With no evidence and no witnesses, the culprit is still roaming free, but Logan wants justice and revenge. When he learns that the witness Rowdy Yates has a sister safely tucked away away, posing as an apartment building manager, he decides to go undercover as a construction worker and fellow tenant to get closer to her. Where she is, her brother can't be far away. But meeting Sue Meeks aka Pepper Yates is both the best and worst thing that could have happened to him. His mission and his growing feelings for Pepper could cost him the woman as well as her life.

There is a lot going on in this book, and it delivers on many points: humor, action, suspense and hot sex. I giggled my way through the first few chapters with the introduction of Sue aka Pepper and Logan. She was so painfully shy, that when faced with all the manly naked chest manliness of Logan, her reactions were actually very comical. However, her wicked thoughts belie the buttoned up prude hiding beneath long skirts, over-sized sweaters and unkempt hair. She can't fathom why a man as good looking as Logan would try so hard to break down her resistance and her carefully erected barriers. But when he does, he certainly doesn't hold back.

The relationship between Rowdy and Pepper kept me questioning whether she was a door mat or just absolutely devoted to her brother. He literally was "Big Brother".

I felt that Pepper's anger directed at Logan dragged on a little too long (around nine chapters). I understood why she felt betrayed and angry, but her idea of payback was to initiate sex and walk out immediately afterwards. The next morning Pepper would act like nothing was wrong or be antagonistic. By the second round I got bored and skipped the sex scene to get back to the action.

There were two subplots to set up the next books in the series, and while I came to like Rowdy eventually, his detour into a restaurant where he becomes infatuated with a waitress did nothing for this story except add on extra reading material. Now I can guess who his love interest will be when his book comes out.

I really liked Alice. She was quiet, standoffish, but there was a quiet strength about her that I really enjoyed. Apparently she made her first appearance in Trace of Fever [Men Who Walk The Edge of Honor, Book 2]. Overall, I enjoyed this new series, and I'll probably read the rest when they come out.

Thank you Harlequin (Imprint: HarlequinMIRA) and NetGalley for the ARC.

Disclaimer: A review in exchange for the ARC was not promised. The views and opinions expressed in this review are my own, and in no way represent the views or opinions of the publisher/distributor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
adrienne jaret
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: This hot romance is about love found in all of the wrong places, but most definitely worth the risk.

Opening Sentence: Pepper yates felt the intense scrutiny stroking over her as she made her way to her apartment building.

The Review:

I have to be honest. I haven't read many of Lori Foster's books, but the ones that I have read, oh boy. Run the Risk is the first book in Foster's latest series, Love Undercover. True to many of Foster's stories, she really knows how to write a leading male. Foster knows how to write romance well, so it's safe to say that you will not be disappointed in Run the Risk.

Pepper Yates, aka Sue Meeks, has spent the last few years blending into the background, not receiving attention, and doing all that she can to become a Plain Jane. Pepper has done her best to hide from Andrew Morton, a dangerous club owner, and stay hidden. Logan Riske is an undercover detective looking for Pepper. Logan wants to solve the mystery of his best friend's murder, and vows to do whatever he can to get her cooperation. Cleverly disguised as someone else, Pepper and Logan become strangers, trying so hard to obtain their goals while this slow attraction builds up. There isn't much that Pepper can do to resist Logan, and unfortunately "Sue" will have to suffer the consequences.

Pepper is a good leading female. Despite everything that she has had endured, it is evident that she is a survivor. I don't know many fictional females that would sacrifice so much of who she is and her personality to protect herself and her brother. She has suppressed so much that it doesn't take much from Logan to tempt her in more ways than one. Pepper is lonely, longing for a companion, a friend, and yes, even a lover.

Logan is hot. From the first scene that he graces our presence, you can feel his sex appeal. There wasn't much that I didn't like about Logan. He's a detective, with a mostly good moral code, who is looking for justice for his best friend. But I love how he is with Pepper and with Sue. I like where Foster brings him, as a character and as a person. He has many layers to him, and I wanted to find out everything.

Run the Risk has a unique environment. I came to know the characters in the most unconventional of settings, but with Foster's talent, I still loved them both. I really appreciated that Pepper wasn't a regular damsel in distress and had her own sets of strengths and weaknesses. I liked her tortured past and how it molded her, and the story. I will say that I felt the pacing of the beginning few chapters dragged a little. I felt that there was a lot of set up involved, with a lot of details. And I admit, I may or may not have felt this way because I was anxious to get to know the characters.

Run the Risk was a great first story into the Love Undercover series. If the rest of the series is anything like this one, I'm definitely a fan already.

FTC Advisory: Harlequin Books provided me with a copy of Run the Risk. No goody bags, sponsorships, "material connections," or bribes were exchanged for my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was Colonel Mustard in the Library! Ok, so it wasn't Colonel Mustard, but what this book was, well it was simply awesome. Lori Foster is an author I have read and loved before (Her SBC series is something I ADORE), but this book reminded me WHY I like her so much. Not only is she a fantastic writer, her character's have - well, they have CHARACTER and are beings you feel connected to in the story, but she also had a fantastic story line for a starting book in a new series. Not that I'm bragging, but I've gotten pretty good at guessing who's behind twists and turns in a plot line. In fact my hubby says I drive him damn near homicidal because I can tell him what will happen in our favorite shows before it happens. But good ol' Ms. Foster got me this time! I thought I had stuff pegged half way through, and in the end I had a few nice surprises.

Detective Logan Riske is on a mission to get the man behind the death of his best friend Jack Carmin. To do that, he needs the witness to Jack's murder, Rowdy Yates. But pinning Rowdy Yates down is like trying to wrestle an oily pig in a mud puddle - totally impossible because he is one slippery guy! So Logan's done his homework and has decided the best way to get Rowdy is through his sister Pepper.

Pepper Yates is living a life of lies as an aliased Sue Meeks. Sue has a new neighbor named Logan who works construction (so he has an unbelievable bod), likes to stare at her every opportunity he gets, and makes her more nervous than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Sue is a plain girl in shapeless clothes so she can't understand why the stud muffin next door acts like she's the hottest thing he's seen in years. With all the secrets Pepper/Sue is hiding, she can't afford to let anyone close. However, eventually Logan wears her down, and all she can think about is her libido, not what the smart thing to do might be.

What happens when an undercover Logan starts to fall for the girl he's using to get to her brother? What happens when Pepper finds out Logan's real identity? Will she be able to forgive him his deceptions and move on with a man who would like nothing more than to never let her go? And who all can be trusted to do the right things in the investigation, instead of turning to the dark side? Well if you want to know then you'll have to read the book! I really liked this story and it was a great start to her Undercover Series. Looking forward to reading Reese's story next. I say four and a half wine glasses for Run The Risk! Enjoy you hopeless romantics! Perhaps Logan will make you swoon as soon as you don't want to beat him bloody anymore.

To see THE OTHER Crystal's review from Reading Between The Wines Book Club, click this link!:
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First in the Love Undercover romantic suspense series revolving around a few uncorrupt cops and some of their targets. The couple focus is on Detective Logan Riske and Pepper Yates and based in Warfield, Ohio.

My Take
The introduction to this storyline was a nice switch. It's certainly different having your main female protagonist so far undercover---and "ugly"---that you'd never recognize her! Foster was very sly about describing Pepper's initial appearance, forcing us to work for that image. An odd one with even odder requirements when she falls into bed with Logan.

I like how Foster set this up with Pepper getting antsy about experiencing life again, and while I appreciated Rowdy's protective feelings for his sister, I did not appreciate his hypocrisy...ahem...!

Ooh, I like Rowdy's practicality in setting this all up. What kind of life is it though to have to think, live like this? Then Foster gives Pepper's escape a twist, one I didn't see coming, one that finds Pepper roaring into action.

Okay, I can see how using public transport to get outta town could be an issue, but how would running in a car be a problem? It would have been safer, and he'd have the same opportunities anywhere else. Then there's the distrust of Reese...where did that come from?

I do like Alice: "Sometimes it's better when they're dead."

Ahhh, I knew there was a reason I hated reading books out of order! This one explains why Rowdy felt the need to break into Reese's apartment in Bare It All (Love Undercover, #2 and Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor, #5).

Oh, man, that last tense scene in the book... I gotta go with Rowdy on this...Reese must have a turnstile on his apartment door, LOL.

Yeah, this was an enjoyable read. Humor, tension, drama, sex...and all in just the right proportions to keep things interesting without my wanting to hide under the covers!

The Story
A close, personal friend is murdered, and Logan Riske is determined to take his killer down. He'll use anyone to reach his goal.

The Characters
Sue Meeks/Pepper Yates is the sister of their missing witness, Rowdy Yates. A man who's worked the fringes of crime and now enforces a strict lifestyle on his sister. In spite of their parents, they grew up as responsible people. Because of their parents, they grew up relying only upon each other.

Logan Stark/Detective Logan Riske and his friend, Detective Reese Baredon, are determined to bring a local crime kingpin, Andrew Morton, down. Only they have to do it in a hostile environment--their own precinct is filled with corrupt cops.

Dash Riske is Logan's younger brother. Between them, they've inherited a lot of money from their family. Dash chose construction instead of the boardroom, much as Logan prefers serving in law enforcement.

Jack Carmin was a politician, a city commissioner, and Logan's best friend. Alice is Reese's extremely focused neighbor, one who has never hit on him. Cash is Reese's new dog for whom he badly needs a dogsitter. Lieutenant Margaret Pearson is Logan and Reese's boss; she claims she's determined to root out the corruption in her precinct.

Avery Mullins is a waitress with morals in a lousy bar who has attracted Rowdy's attention.

The Cover
The cover makes me think of a guy kicking back at his local bar, relaxed, checking something, or someone, out. It's the shoulder holster and the open shirt that bares a nice six-pack that tips me off that maybe there's more to him.

The title plays off the male protagonist's last name and challenges him---the need to Run the Risk.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joanna young
Review at Shooting Stars Reviews ([...]

Run The Risk begins with Logan going undercover to get close to Pepper Yates. She's the key to finding her brother who is a key witness in a murder investigation that hasn't been solved yet. Logan seems to think he knows all there is to know about Pepper Yates. But the fact that she seems really homely doesn't seem to put a damper on his lust. Nope, he's got the hots for her, but he thinks he's got it all figured out.

That is until Pepper proves him completely wrong. She acts like the meek person her brother told her to be, and now she knows she's not suppose to get close to any especially her sexy neighbor but she can't seem to help herself. These two tumble into some sort of relationship with out every knowing the other is hiding who they really are. But when the truth comes out every one will be equally surprised to find out what's really going on. And in the mean time they are all in danger from threats they aren't aware of..

These book is a good start to a new series. It has got drama, romance, and suspense all rolled into one awesome book. It also lets us get to know a little bit about two of the other characters who get their own book, and sets up the next book very nicely as well. The only thing that bugged me was Pepper in the first little bit of the book. Her personality bugged me, I'm so glad she was only "under cover" because that would have frustrated me. But she got better, and I seriously enjoyed all of the alpha males they rocked! Now I look forward to reading more in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 1/2 stars

"Run the Risk" by Lori Foster is another exciting addition to her wonderful collection of suspenseful romances. This first book in her `Love Undercover' series showcases Detective Logan Riske who is undercover and attempting to get to know his reticent neighbor in an effort to discover the whereabouts of her brother. Logan is determined to catch a murderer but gradually gives in to the attraction that he feels for the dowdy and self-effacing woman even as he plans to use her to catch her brother. Logan is not the only one trying to get to know an elusive woman, his partner Reese is also puzzled about the aloof woman living in his apartment building. Each man has quite a few obstacles to get past, not least of which is determining who can be truly trusted during their dangerous investigation. The problem is, the women also will have to deal with their own trust issues before any progress in the relationships can progress.

This was a fun read by Ms Foster who invariably creates strong male characters who are wonderfully protective and action-oriented and Logan Riske is no exception to this rule. He is a bit of a jerk at first in that he is willing to use (and be used) by someone to achieve his goal but he eventually develops a rapport with the quirky woman that he enters into a rather unusual intimate relationship with. Their passionate encounters are unique and somewhat of a role reversal but there is definitely chemistry that blossoms between the two as they both hide their true identities. There are several different mysteries involving various secondary characters that are alluded to which will undoubtedly be addressed in future novels and delightful glimpses of a cute canine who has bounced into Reese's life on all four paws. The suspense is nicely balanced with the spice and makes this a nice start to the new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aarti yadav
I admit it- I'm a shameless Lori Foster fan and I will pick up a book just because her name is on it. The thing is, I'm seldom disappointed with the story she gives and usually come to be attached to her characters in her series books. Again, she's started a trilogy that doesn't disappoint. The plot may be somewhat formulaic, honorable good guys catching bad guys and getting the girl, but the way they do it is always exciting, the heroes are always interesting and not perfect, and the girls don't just sit around waiting to be rescued.

In this book, Detective Logan Riske is undercover as a construction worker in order to get close to the sister of the man he thinks witnessed a murder. Pepper and Rowdy Yates both worked at a club where a mob boss did business and where he also murdered Logan's best friend and a city councilman. A reporter let slip that he had an exclusive "from Yates" before someone cut his throat and both of the Yates' dropped dropped off the grid completely. Logan is hoping to get close to "Sue Meeks", his building manager and neighbor and find her brother for questioning.

Pepper is very cautious about who she talks to, how she dresses, where she goes, and what she does. Everything is designed to draw attention away from her, non descript poorly fitting, loose clothes, drab hair, no make-up. She's not sure what's up when the new guy next door starts paying attention to her. Her brother checks him out by following him around for a few days and on the computer, but his cover is good. Pretty soon, she's really falling for him, and he's falling for her too, but he can never forget his mission.

Sparks really fly when he realizes he's royally screwed up and endangered his real witness, because there are some cops still employed by the mob boss.

I enjoyed this book, from beginning to end end it kept me turning the pages to find out how it would get resolved. Happy Reading.

Heat factor hot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Logan is determined to locate the man he believes holds the answers to the murder of his best friend. Who he finds is the man's little sister, Pepper.

Pepper is this shy, reserved young lady who appears to be afraid of her own shadow. This Pepper I liked and enjoyed. Although I found her somewhat strange at the time, I still liked her. Then she does this complete 180 and becomes a whole new person. I think the turnabout was a bit too drastic. Maybe if she could have been a little more somewhere in between the nun and the working girl, I may have bought it.

Logan was great but not what I hoped. He wasn't as alpha as I was expecting from Foster. Rowdy and Reese I feel stole the show from Logan. Even his brother Dash took the spotlight. Now Reese's neighbor Alice is going to be another strange one like Pepper. I'm looking forward to getting to know more about her, as well as Reese and Rowdy.

Run the Risk seems to be a good start to a new series, but it has me wondering is it going to be a continuation of the human trafficking story-line from the Men Who Walk the Edge series. This novel touched on it but it didn't get into it which makes me believe the next installments will.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Review by Cassandra from Book Talk

Detective Logan Riske is a man on a mission. He has gone undercover to get close a Pepper Yates. He hopes that getting close to Pepper will allow him to get to her brother, Rowdy. While vowing to get her cooperation any way he can, he doesn't expect to be so intrigued by someone so unassuming. Pepper Yates has been in hiding for years. After a murder, of which the victim was Logan's best friend, Pepper has to assume a new identity to keep off the radar of an evil club owner. Despite her own doubts, and those of her brother, Pepper decides to finally let someone get a little close to her. Will this passion turn into love? Will Logan be able to protect Pepper? Will everyone Pepper loves survive these turbulent waters? Will Pepper be able to forgive Logan's deceit?

Lori Foster is one of my all time favorite writers. I purchase every new book that comes out and this one was definitely not a disappointment. Logan is a hunky and honorable man who just wants to find justice for the friend he lost, through any means necessary. After so long of looking for clues, he is finally in sight of Pepper. Pepper is an enigma, at least to Logan. He can tell she has a passionate heart and fire inside yet believes her brother has made her become a timid little mouse instead. The hidden agenda on both sides of this book is one of the many things that keep it interesting. You want to find out who's secret will come out first. This is an amazing book and I would recommend it to any romance lover out there. Especially if you enjoy suspense with your passion. Also, I would recommend checking out any of Lori Foster's books. I doubt you will be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david witte
Detective Logan Riske is one of the few clean cops in his district. Too many have been lured by a corrupt club owner that deals in all sorts of misconduct. Working to avenge his friend's death, Logan goes undercover to locate Pepper Yates' brother. Getting close to Pepper is his way in, but from the get go he can tell the shy, mousy neighbor has more under her sleeve than he's bargained for. Pepper spent the past few years hiding in plain sight. Plain being the operative word. She will do anything to go unnoticed, so why is it that when her new, hot as sin, neighbor monitors her every move she enjoys it so much? Sure she's been lonely and misses the attention only a man can give her, but there is something about Logan Riske that intrigues her and keeping her distance becomes tricky by the minute. A thrilling romance, with bad guys, dirty cops, murder, suspicious minds, sexy neighbors, steamy chemistry and enough mystery to keep us guessing who will come on top.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It was supposed to be a simple undercover op that would lead him to the man who killed his best friend. Detective Logan Riske has Pepper Yates in his sights and through her he plans to get to her brother, the only known witness to his friend's murder. All he has to do is play at being a construction worker, a helpful neighbor, and an interested red-blooded man as he slowly, carefully reels her in.

Logan is severely thrown, though, when he realizes just how much of her own reeling the shy, skittish, but surprisingly seductive woman is doing to him while he's at it. And just how effective it's been on his control. So much so that the longer he stays undercover, the more his focus switches from finding her brother to keeping Pepper safe from the crime boss that would happily see them both dead.

It never once occurred to Logan that he wasn't the only one keeping secrets in the relationship he's fostered with Pepper. And even as those secrets finally rear up and knock him flat, they could very well end up more than risking his case, but tearing his heart out as well.


For years I've enjoyed Lori Foster's romantic suspense novels and this series debut continued that streak quite nicely. Likable characters with sizzling chemistry combined with a solid plotline delivered a truly entertaining read. I enjoyed the plot twists and touches of humor, and the secondary characters provided intriguing glimpses into the future of the series. This was an all-around good read.

Not only was Logan a sexy bit of alpha male, but Pepper was a treat as well. I loved how they interacted, the heat between them was intense, and Pepper really kept the poor guy off balance from the start. Then there was the fact that Logan was hot for Pepper before he got to see beyond her disguise. That truly set him apart in my esteem. I'm always, always a sucker for the heroes who fall for the Plain Jane, seeing something of value in them beyond appearance, and that was totally Logan in this book.

And of course, when the gloves truly came off, I was tickled pink by Pepper's response and Logan's reaction to it. Loved that. I think I could actually hear Logan's jaw slamming on the floor in one scene.

Foster did a nice job keeping the threat of the Bad Guy cloaked in threats and mystery, teasing readers with the suspense threads in such a way that you don't really know the motivations or intentions of anyone but the main characters in most cases. Even partners and brothers were not immune from having their loyalties questioned. It kept the tension level high throughout the book.

Some elements of the plot weren't to my personal taste. I'm not a big fan of the mafioso-type Bad Guy trope, the city crime lord who holds court over a terrified populace. That's just not my gig and in this book it seemed a little overplayed and cliched, especially during the story's climax. Fortunately, my investment in the characters and their relationship was enough to balance that out and still keep me entertained.

This wasn't the most complex and mulit-layered story I've ever read, nor was it particularly gritty and realistic. There were several elements that worked to keep the tone set on the lighter end of the romantic suspense spectrum. I was perfectly okay with that, even when some of those elements tread closer towards absurdity for their humorous impact. There was simply a nice balance between the dark and the light that gave the book a sexy, fun feel as opposed to one more realistic and intense.

As far as series debuts go, this one hit the right notes to make me want to return to it when the series progresses. I very much enjoyed the introduction to the characters who will be featured in the next book. The chemistry between them was touched on very briefly and in some pretty amusing ways. With the hints given about one of those character's lives, there is some great story potential to look forward to.

Sexy, fun, graced by touches of humor and just enough danger to keep it relevant and interesting, this series debut by Foster delivered everything I was hoping for in a quick, easy, smooth read. Given my familiarity with Foster's work, I wasn't expecting anything less, but it's always nice to get exactly what you want out of a book when you want it.

Disclosure: An ARC of this book was provided to me by HQN publisher Harlequin via NetGalley. This rating, review, and all included thoughts and comments are my own.
Reviewed for One Good Book Deserves Another.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
PJV Quickie: While I wasn't in love with the main characters, Run the Risk has lots of action, some hot smexin' and great secondary characters that have me interested in seeing where this series goes.

Pepper Yates is a woman in hiding; her brother Rowdy was witness to a murder and the bad guys will stop at nothing to silence him. Pepper and Rowdy have been on their own for so long, all they have is each other. She knows she must stay hidden to keep them both safe, but she misses having a regular life and all that goes with it, especially basic human contact.

Logan Riske's best friend was murdered and he is determined to find the only witness to the crime. He can't trust anyone, as crooked cops are working against him; he doesn't even know if he can trust his own partner. When the story opens, he's tracked Rowdy's mousy sister Pepper, and has gone undercover to try use her to find Rowdy. What he doesn't expect is to develop feelings for Pepper, and his quest for justice battles his urge to keep her safe...

Having heard great things about Lori Foster's books, I was thrilled when I was given the opportunity to read and review her latest release, Run the Risk. I have mixed feelings about Run the Risk: While I did enjoy it, I wasn't blown away. Pepper and Logan just didn't hit it for me. Pepper has been living in hiding for two years, and suddenly falls into a sort-of relationship with the hunky `construction worker' next door? Then he betrays her and she uses sex as retaliation? To me, a lot of her actions were just strange and even for someone in hiding seemed inconsistent and at times, pointless. Logan's `take one for the team' attitude was less confusing: he might have questioned her strange requirements for having sex, but hey, he's a guy - he went for it anyway! Ultimately, I thought their relationship moved forward too quickly, and was too intense for the time frame involved.

Run the Risk felt like two distinct halves: The first half of the book was the set up to Logan finding Rowdy. The second half was keeping Pepper safe after they're outed. Once Logan finds Rowdy the story changes, the action picks up, and the secondary characters shine. Logan's partner Reese and Pepper's brother Rowdy both seem to have interesting stories and kept me coming back to see what was going to happen. Ms. Foster gives a nice set-up for their future love interests; I think these ladies are going to make them work for their HEAs, lol. I'm also intrigued by Logan's brother Dash; I'm not sure if he's going to get a story but I hope so; I liked him.

So, as I mentioned above, this was my first read by Lori Foster, and while I was a bit disappointed with the main story, I am very intrigued by the secondary characters and am looking forward to reading Reese's book, Bare It All.

Fans of Romantic Suspense will enjoy the twists and turns, trying to decide who to trust and rooting for the good guys.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lori Foster is one of my all time favorite authors. I was extremely happy she had a new series coming out. Run The Risk is book #1 in Love Undercover series and is a bit different than her other series, but just as good. It reminded me more of her Men Who Walk The Edge Of Honor series. As always she never disappoints in starting a new series with some sexy alpha male heroes who get your heart pounding. The plot is great with some surprises that you will not be able to turn your e-reader fast enough.

Logan the hero is the alpha male hero who you will dislike in the beginning, because he will do what ever it takes to get justice towards the man who killed his friend. Rowdy who witness his friends murder is out there and Logan needs him to answer questions about the night his friend was murder. In order to find Rowdy he goes undercover and gets close to Rowdy sister Pepper. What Logan was not expecting was to be attracted to Pepper. He does make up for his actions from the beginning, turning out to be a sexy, sweet, caring and loveable character.

Run The Risk starts off a little slow but still held my interest with Logan and Pepper. Up till about 40% of the book it is Logan being undercover and slowly falling for Pepper. She is a mystery to him that he can not figure out. After she finds out that he is a cop and is using her to get to her brother, is when things really start happening. Wow, never saw a lot of stuff coming. Lori Foster amazed me with the twist and turns in Run The Risk.

I loved Pepper's character and how she did make Logan grovel enough once she found out about him being undercover. It took her time to forgive him but in the process of him being undercover she was also attracted to him and she has some secrets too. The relationship with her brother is sweet and love their moments together. Once I found out about their upbringing everything they do for each other makes sense and got me teary eyed.

Lori Foster does an amazing job with the secondary characters. Rowdy, Dash and Reese all play a big role in Run The Risk and never take away from Logan's and Pepper story. Rowdy I adore his love and protectiveness of his sister. I am curious to know when he gets his own story if it will be with the waitress from the club.

Who I am anxious to read about is Reese and Alice. Oh My goodness Reese is sexy, sweet and adorable with his dog Cash. I love how the dog found him and he named him Cash instead of Debt. The reason for the name of his dog is funny and cute. How Cash found him is sad. I love it when he first meets Alice she will not give him the time of day or even smile. The minute she see's Cash she is smiling, giving attention to him and this has Reese boggled. He knows she is hiding something and it is bugging him. There was just enough of them together you can not help but know they will get their own story and look forward to more of what she is hiding and get more goods on Reese.

Dash is Logan's brother who is a fun character. He and Logan own a cabin on a lake that they want to be able to go to and just relax. They keep everything on the outside natural so it does not end up being a chore, more of a place where they can relax and go fishing. The friendship brewing between Dash and Pepper is sweet and fun, she even has him pulling weeds at the cabin. I hope in the future books we get more of the cabin and at one point see if Dash will plant wild flowers around it. Lori Foster has a talent for writing beautiful scenery. The time spent at the cabin I felt like I was right there enjoying the lake view.

Ending is perfect. All Lori Fosters book have beautiful endings that you are happy to see the main couple get their HEA, but she did one better and gave me something to look forward to in book 2.

I highly recommend Run The Risk for not only Romantic Suspense fans but also Contemporary fans. It is a good mixture of romance and suspense. One never over powers the other. Love the sexy covers and can not wait to see the new cover for the next book to show off on my blog. I look forward to reading the rest of this series and can not wait to see what path the characters take from Run The Risk.

ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review

Originally posted at Wickedly Delicious Book Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shalini boland
Reviewed by FRANCESCA & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

A new romantic suspense series by Lori Foster, cue squeeeees of excitement!!! After enjoying Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor so much, I was starting to feel the void of her se xy alpha men. RUN THE RISK delivered on alphas with an exciting story that captured my interest from the beginning and never let go.

The plot

I actually enjoyed the change of pace with the type of suspense in this series. This wasn't so much human trafficking and more undercover detective work. Still plenty of suspense, still bad guys who may not really be the bad guys, and quite a bit of action. The twists and turns in the story kept it refreshing and kept me interested. I really couldn't keep up with guessing what would happen. I also enjoyed that people were never what they seemed.

The characters

Logan Riske is so hot and delicious. I can totally picture him lounging around, no shirt, jeans hung low on his hips, comfortable barbequeing and drinking a beer. Casual and cool. And extremely hot. He wants to do the right thing, which is why he's still investigating and doing his undercover work. He wants to catch the guy who killed his friend.

Pepper Yates was a bit of a surprise for me. It was almost like having two of her in the book. The original Pepper and the new and improved. I think I liked both in their different roles. First mousy with a hint of bold. Then bold with a hint of vulnerable. She loves her brother and takes risks for him. But she also takes risks with her heart and lets Logan in.

The extra

Of course, I always love a good side story and secondary characters. Reese and Alice have a little connection there but Reese (Logan's partner) has a lot on his plate to pursue anything. I enjoyed them both a lot and can't wait to read their book next. Of course, my bad memory, I don't remember Alice but apparently she's from TRACE OF FEVER. Must revisit that book before her story comes out in BARE IT ALL in April.

*ARC provided by Netgalley

Purchase Links: the store
Posted by Under the Covers at 19:33 Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
Labels: 4 Stars, Lori Foster, Love Undercover, Romantic Suspense 2 comments:
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4stars Riske-y Business

My initial impression after a few chapters is that this story was not what I've come to expect from this author, it was nonetheless an engaging story. It took longer to get involved with the characters as there were more pieces and quite a bit of detail to lay into this series origin story. The synopsis itself was accurate enough to not go through a rehash, but there seemed to be some inconsistencies that were resolved before too long.

While on the run Rowdy Yates (fan of the old western Rawhide maybe?) is on the run and has included his sister into the business enough that she is not only hiding on the run with him she's hiding in disguise. But Pepper's disguise is not quite enough to deter intrepid detective Logan Riske from rooting it or her out. As our Mega-Alpha male lead, Logan is naturally yummy, daring, bold and protective as to be expected. Pepper is anything but your typical sinewy female lead in her unassuming disguise - it was refreshing that he referred to her as cute as opposed to the ridiculously beautiful heroine that usually rules romance novels. I also snickered that they each referred to her clothing as dowdy. Once she comes out of her disguise however, we find she is resourceful, shrewd, still beautiful to him and more than a match for Logan.

This is more than a run of the mill tale of betrayal, misunderstandings, red herrings and the like. Though all those things are present they add greatly to this suspenseful story. Every bit of the story mechanics were on point as just when you thought you knew where the story was going things sped up and took a turn to wrap you back into this extremely layered story. Both the main and secondary characters were drawn deeply enough that this could be a stand-alone story or carried through. Although the action piece set as the climax was rather busy, it was exciting and resolved most everything. The romance is expectedly hot and makes me think I might not miss the last series as much as I thought I would.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
claudia ivette
Neither of them are what they seem, yet despite pretending to be someone their not, they still find love...

All-star author, Lori Foster, puts an intriguing spin on romantic suspense in the debut book for her new series, Love Undercover. And what an apt title that is!

Logan Riske is undercover; looking for answers to the murder of his best friend. Answers that he knows Pepper Yates and her cagey brother can provide. But Pepper has been hiding for a long time and her and her brother are masters at pretending to be someone their not. Despite her prudence with her handsome new neighbor though, Pepper finds herself irresistibly drawn to him and Logan can't help but forget about his reasons for caution when she's near. Passion is ignited, walls crumble and true selves are revealed. But danger lurks ever closer. Will finding the answers Logan seeks be worth the risk in the end?

A thrilling romantic suspense with a fascinating lead couple, the story line takes readers on a breathless journey full of jeopardy and corruption. Lori Foster is a master at romance and Logan and Pepper's interludes will leave you burning. Superb writing from Foster, as per usual, and an excellent start to a promising new series - I can't wait for more!

***A copy of this title was received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam golafshar
Two years ago, Police Detective Logan Riske's best friend Jack Carmin was murdered. The cop suspects' club owner Morton Andrews was involved with the hit but the witness Rowdy Yates vanished. However, as his partner warns him about his obsession, Logan locates Rowdy's mousy sister Pepper though she uses the surname Meeks. Musing about her he assumes her brother has turned her into a recluse while ironically she believes her sibling has protected her at risk to his life.

Logan goes undercover as Pepper's construction worker neighbor Stark. He persuades her to go out to dinner with him as he hopes to use her to get to her hidden sibling. However, Logan is taken aback with his attraction to a reluctant Pepper who prefers to be left alone though she feels the same desires as he does.

The first Love Undercover romantic suspense is an enjoyable thriller as the sexy undercover cop and the damsel in distress hiding her body and herself fall in love. The romance is fascinating, but it is the powerful police procedural subplot that grips readers throughout.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Logan Riske is out to find witness Rowdy Yates and bring him in so Morton Andrews can rot in jail for the rest of his life for murdering his friend, Jack Carmin. Rowdy and his sister, Pepper, have been on the run for years because in the past anyone that has even attempted to snitch on Andrews has ended up dead. Logan goes undercover living next door to Sue Meeks, who they believe is Pepper Yates, in an attempt to find out where Rowdy is.

Simple enough set up, right?

I must admit, I stalled on reading Run the Risk several times. The beginning was slow for me. Everyone was lying to everyone. The sex scenes were...oddly hot in a weird way. Logan sounded like an asshat several times when he was thinking about using Pepper, even though I knew he really wasn't. Because you know, a good romance hero can never be a true asshat.

Once covers were blown and s*** went down the action started and things got a lot better. The action and romance amped up and that's when I really started to read and could not put my Kindle down. I can understand why people who haven't fallen in love with any of Lori's works might be put off by Run the Risk.

I loved Logan's partner, Reese Bareden, and enjoyed the glimpses into his head. I'm so glad to know that Reese is getting a book of his own, Bare It All, due out in April 2013. For those of you that have enjoyed Lori's other works, I think it'd be worth the risk to check out Logan and his buddies.

Run the Risk was given to me by Harlequin through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Detective Logan Riske has gone undercover as a construction worker and moved in to the apartment next door to Pepper Yates. He needs Pepper in order to find her brother Rowdy, who is the key to putting away Morton Andrews - the man who killed his best friend and is responsible for multiple criminal acts, including human trafficking. Pepper's hiding out under an assumed name and her brother has gone underground because Andrews wants to kill him and will use any means necessary to get to him, including his sister. Yet Pepper only has her brother, which is how it's been since they were kids, so she's going to keep a low profile to keep him safe. She has problems trusting anyone else and she's not about to let her guard down for the sexy construction worker next door...or is she? When you don't know who or what to your gut.

While there is a lot of steamy sex, `Run the Risk' has so much more! It is a police drama meets romance with a strong willed heroine in Pepper and a rough and sexy hero in Logan. The sparks between them fly so high, even when they are trying to keep them at bay. Logan knows he shouldn't get involved with Pepper, but he just can't stay away - partly because of what he's actually there for and partly because she stirs something deep inside his soul. I loved the dynamic between the `pretend Logan' and `pretend Pepper' and also between their "real "selves. Fraught with danger and unbridled passion, `Run the Risk' is an excellent book to curl up with on a chilly night or a rainy day.

Love Undercover Series: Run the Risk (1), Bare It All (2), Getting Rowdy (3), Dash (4)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seline pierson
Lori Foster is one of those authors who is really hit and miss for me. When she's hot, she's really hot. And when she's bad, she's downright embarrassingly cheesy. This book falls into the former category.

Logan Riske is an undercover cop who is trying to cozy up to his frumpy neighbor so that he can get the goods on her brother. But in the process, they develop a mutual attraction that is stunningly hot. By the time she discovers that he's been using her, they're both in deep, and he still has a case to solve. And Logan quickly discovers that there's more to her than he initially thought.

Pepper is a strong, smart, sexy heroine. And Logan is smoking hot. Their chemistry really works and is believable. Secondary characters like her brother Rowdy and his partner Reese added to my enjoyment of this book. All are strong alpha males, but they play well off each other in the development of the plot. What I think I most appreciated about this book is that while I don't have the knowledge to be certain that the police work and criminal elements are accurate, I can at least find them believable and they actually are quite well-done elements that add to, rather than detract from, the romance in the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn harding
Pepper Yates leads a very boring life, charading as Sue Meeks because of some shady dealings her brother had been witness to. Then Logan Riske, cop extrordinaire, moves into the next door apartment... Acting as the building manager and hoping to gather intel on her and eventually bring her brother down.

When push comes to shove, Logan can't tell the good guys from the bad guys and it seems the only person he can trust, is the man he set out to catch in the first place.

Pepper is wholly irritated with Logan, especially after he arrests her brother, will he be able to convince her to trust him again after he so blatantly mislead her before???? Will she trust him with her and her brother's safety, AND her heart?

We meet all the sexy heroes and most of their potential love interests in the first book of the Love Undercover series. Reese is a fellow cop and Logan's partner. Alice, one of his neighbors is an EXTREMELY intriguing character, who is obviously harboring some massive secrets of her own. Dash is Logan's super hot, totally carefree brother. And Rowdy Yates is Pepper's brother- and he just can't seem to catch a break!

Dirty cops, bad guys, and secrets that may destroy them all. Run the Risk is dangerously sexy, suspenseful and absolutely everything I've come to expect from Lori Foster!

I am DYING for Reese and Alice's story in the Love Undercover series!!! Bare it All (Love Undercover #2) will be released in April 2013!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Run the Risk is the first installment in Lori Foster's new Love Undercover series, and it had everything I have came to expect from a Lori Foster book - a decent plot, well developed characters, unexpected twists, action, tension, romance, and sizzling hot sex scenes.

Pepper Yates is living a quiet life as Sue Meeks when a sexy male moves into her building and starts to pay attention to her, little does she know the man in question is actually a Undercover Detective Logan Riske who is looking for Pepper's brother Rowdy in order to get to the bottom of his friends murder.

When I first started this book I wasn't quite sure what was going on, "Sue" was a very shy, quiet heroine who was full to the brim with secrets. I couldn't quite get a grasp on what she was hiding, her actions puzzled me more than once and to be honest I enjoyed it. When we start to unravel her secrets and meet the real Pepper things really start heating up! Logan angered me at times, but I understand the reasoning behind his actions.

I love when you can't puzzle out the entire plot by the end of the first chapter, in fact I was still debating which side people where on until the final confrontation. I know there is going to be at least 4 books in this series and we meet all the main charcters in this book. I can't wait to get to the bottom of their secrets!

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin pope
Reviewed by FRANCESCA & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

A new romantic suspense series by Lori Foster, cue squeeeees of excitement!!! After enjoying Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor so much, I was starting to feel the void of her se xy alpha men. RUN THE RISK delivered on alphas with an exciting story that captured my interest from the beginning and never let go.

The plot

I actually enjoyed the change of pace with the type of suspense in this series. This wasn't so much human trafficking and more undercover detective work. Still plenty of suspense, still bad guys who may not really be the bad guys, and quite a bit of action. The twists and turns in the story kept it refreshing and kept me interested. I really couldn't keep up with guessing what would happen. I also enjoyed that people were never what they seemed.

The characters

Logan Riske is so hot and delicious. I can totally picture him lounging around, no shirt, jeans hung low on his hips, comfortable barbequeing and drinking a beer. Casual and cool. And extremely hot. He wants to do the right thing, which is why he's still investigating and doing his undercover work. He wants to catch the guy who killed his friend.

Pepper Yates was a bit of a surprise for me. It was almost like having two of her in the book. The original Pepper and the new and improved. I think I liked both in their different roles. First mousy with a hint of bold. Then bold with a hint of vulnerable. She loves her brother and takes risks for him. But she also takes risks with her heart and lets Logan in.

The extra

Of course, I always love a good side story and secondary characters. Reese and Alice have a little connection there but Reese (Logan's partner) has a lot on his plate to pursue anything. I enjoyed them both a lot and can't wait to read their book next. Of course, my bad memory, I don't remember Alice but apparently she's from TRACE OF FEVER. Must revisit that book before her story comes out in BARE IT ALL in April.

*ARC provided by Netgalley

Purchase Links: the store
Posted by Under the Covers at 19:33 Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
Labels: 4 Stars, Lori Foster, Love Undercover, Romantic Suspense 2 comments:
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barbara derksen
4stars Riske-y Business

My initial impression after a few chapters is that this story was not what I've come to expect from this author, it was nonetheless an engaging story. It took longer to get involved with the characters as there were more pieces and quite a bit of detail to lay into this series origin story. The synopsis itself was accurate enough to not go through a rehash, but there seemed to be some inconsistencies that were resolved before too long.

While on the run Rowdy Yates (fan of the old western Rawhide maybe?) is on the run and has included his sister into the business enough that she is not only hiding on the run with him she's hiding in disguise. But Pepper's disguise is not quite enough to deter intrepid detective Logan Riske from rooting it or her out. As our Mega-Alpha male lead, Logan is naturally yummy, daring, bold and protective as to be expected. Pepper is anything but your typical sinewy female lead in her unassuming disguise - it was refreshing that he referred to her as cute as opposed to the ridiculously beautiful heroine that usually rules romance novels. I also snickered that they each referred to her clothing as dowdy. Once she comes out of her disguise however, we find she is resourceful, shrewd, still beautiful to him and more than a match for Logan.

This is more than a run of the mill tale of betrayal, misunderstandings, red herrings and the like. Though all those things are present they add greatly to this suspenseful story. Every bit of the story mechanics were on point as just when you thought you knew where the story was going things sped up and took a turn to wrap you back into this extremely layered story. Both the main and secondary characters were drawn deeply enough that this could be a stand-alone story or carried through. Although the action piece set as the climax was rather busy, it was exciting and resolved most everything. The romance is expectedly hot and makes me think I might not miss the last series as much as I thought I would.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jon tuttle
Neither of them are what they seem, yet despite pretending to be someone their not, they still find love...

All-star author, Lori Foster, puts an intriguing spin on romantic suspense in the debut book for her new series, Love Undercover. And what an apt title that is!

Logan Riske is undercover; looking for answers to the murder of his best friend. Answers that he knows Pepper Yates and her cagey brother can provide. But Pepper has been hiding for a long time and her and her brother are masters at pretending to be someone their not. Despite her prudence with her handsome new neighbor though, Pepper finds herself irresistibly drawn to him and Logan can't help but forget about his reasons for caution when she's near. Passion is ignited, walls crumble and true selves are revealed. But danger lurks ever closer. Will finding the answers Logan seeks be worth the risk in the end?

A thrilling romantic suspense with a fascinating lead couple, the story line takes readers on a breathless journey full of jeopardy and corruption. Lori Foster is a master at romance and Logan and Pepper's interludes will leave you burning. Superb writing from Foster, as per usual, and an excellent start to a promising new series - I can't wait for more!

***A copy of this title was received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Two years ago, Police Detective Logan Riske's best friend Jack Carmin was murdered. The cop suspects' club owner Morton Andrews was involved with the hit but the witness Rowdy Yates vanished. However, as his partner warns him about his obsession, Logan locates Rowdy's mousy sister Pepper though she uses the surname Meeks. Musing about her he assumes her brother has turned her into a recluse while ironically she believes her sibling has protected her at risk to his life.

Logan goes undercover as Pepper's construction worker neighbor Stark. He persuades her to go out to dinner with him as he hopes to use her to get to her hidden sibling. However, Logan is taken aback with his attraction to a reluctant Pepper who prefers to be left alone though she feels the same desires as he does.

The first Love Undercover romantic suspense is an enjoyable thriller as the sexy undercover cop and the damsel in distress hiding her body and herself fall in love. The romance is fascinating, but it is the powerful police procedural subplot that grips readers throughout.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ayanna annaya
Logan Riske is out to find witness Rowdy Yates and bring him in so Morton Andrews can rot in jail for the rest of his life for murdering his friend, Jack Carmin. Rowdy and his sister, Pepper, have been on the run for years because in the past anyone that has even attempted to snitch on Andrews has ended up dead. Logan goes undercover living next door to Sue Meeks, who they believe is Pepper Yates, in an attempt to find out where Rowdy is.

Simple enough set up, right?

I must admit, I stalled on reading Run the Risk several times. The beginning was slow for me. Everyone was lying to everyone. The sex scenes were...oddly hot in a weird way. Logan sounded like an asshat several times when he was thinking about using Pepper, even though I knew he really wasn't. Because you know, a good romance hero can never be a true asshat.

Once covers were blown and s*** went down the action started and things got a lot better. The action and romance amped up and that's when I really started to read and could not put my Kindle down. I can understand why people who haven't fallen in love with any of Lori's works might be put off by Run the Risk.

I loved Logan's partner, Reese Bareden, and enjoyed the glimpses into his head. I'm so glad to know that Reese is getting a book of his own, Bare It All, due out in April 2013. For those of you that have enjoyed Lori's other works, I think it'd be worth the risk to check out Logan and his buddies.

Run the Risk was given to me by Harlequin through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenn gardner
Detective Logan Riske has gone undercover as a construction worker and moved in to the apartment next door to Pepper Yates. He needs Pepper in order to find her brother Rowdy, who is the key to putting away Morton Andrews - the man who killed his best friend and is responsible for multiple criminal acts, including human trafficking. Pepper's hiding out under an assumed name and her brother has gone underground because Andrews wants to kill him and will use any means necessary to get to him, including his sister. Yet Pepper only has her brother, which is how it's been since they were kids, so she's going to keep a low profile to keep him safe. She has problems trusting anyone else and she's not about to let her guard down for the sexy construction worker next door...or is she? When you don't know who or what to your gut.

While there is a lot of steamy sex, `Run the Risk' has so much more! It is a police drama meets romance with a strong willed heroine in Pepper and a rough and sexy hero in Logan. The sparks between them fly so high, even when they are trying to keep them at bay. Logan knows he shouldn't get involved with Pepper, but he just can't stay away - partly because of what he's actually there for and partly because she stirs something deep inside his soul. I loved the dynamic between the `pretend Logan' and `pretend Pepper' and also between their "real "selves. Fraught with danger and unbridled passion, `Run the Risk' is an excellent book to curl up with on a chilly night or a rainy day.

Love Undercover Series: Run the Risk (1), Bare It All (2), Getting Rowdy (3), Dash (4)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lori Foster is one of those authors who is really hit and miss for me. When she's hot, she's really hot. And when she's bad, she's downright embarrassingly cheesy. This book falls into the former category.

Logan Riske is an undercover cop who is trying to cozy up to his frumpy neighbor so that he can get the goods on her brother. But in the process, they develop a mutual attraction that is stunningly hot. By the time she discovers that he's been using her, they're both in deep, and he still has a case to solve. And Logan quickly discovers that there's more to her than he initially thought.

Pepper is a strong, smart, sexy heroine. And Logan is smoking hot. Their chemistry really works and is believable. Secondary characters like her brother Rowdy and his partner Reese added to my enjoyment of this book. All are strong alpha males, but they play well off each other in the development of the plot. What I think I most appreciated about this book is that while I don't have the knowledge to be certain that the police work and criminal elements are accurate, I can at least find them believable and they actually are quite well-done elements that add to, rather than detract from, the romance in the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pepper Yates leads a very boring life, charading as Sue Meeks because of some shady dealings her brother had been witness to. Then Logan Riske, cop extrordinaire, moves into the next door apartment... Acting as the building manager and hoping to gather intel on her and eventually bring her brother down.

When push comes to shove, Logan can't tell the good guys from the bad guys and it seems the only person he can trust, is the man he set out to catch in the first place.

Pepper is wholly irritated with Logan, especially after he arrests her brother, will he be able to convince her to trust him again after he so blatantly mislead her before???? Will she trust him with her and her brother's safety, AND her heart?

We meet all the sexy heroes and most of their potential love interests in the first book of the Love Undercover series. Reese is a fellow cop and Logan's partner. Alice, one of his neighbors is an EXTREMELY intriguing character, who is obviously harboring some massive secrets of her own. Dash is Logan's super hot, totally carefree brother. And Rowdy Yates is Pepper's brother- and he just can't seem to catch a break!

Dirty cops, bad guys, and secrets that may destroy them all. Run the Risk is dangerously sexy, suspenseful and absolutely everything I've come to expect from Lori Foster!

I am DYING for Reese and Alice's story in the Love Undercover series!!! Bare it All (Love Undercover #2) will be released in April 2013!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael goldberg
Run the Risk is the first installment in Lori Foster's new Love Undercover series, and it had everything I have came to expect from a Lori Foster book - a decent plot, well developed characters, unexpected twists, action, tension, romance, and sizzling hot sex scenes.

Pepper Yates is living a quiet life as Sue Meeks when a sexy male moves into her building and starts to pay attention to her, little does she know the man in question is actually a Undercover Detective Logan Riske who is looking for Pepper's brother Rowdy in order to get to the bottom of his friends murder.

When I first started this book I wasn't quite sure what was going on, "Sue" was a very shy, quiet heroine who was full to the brim with secrets. I couldn't quite get a grasp on what she was hiding, her actions puzzled me more than once and to be honest I enjoyed it. When we start to unravel her secrets and meet the real Pepper things really start heating up! Logan angered me at times, but I understand the reasoning behind his actions.

I love when you can't puzzle out the entire plot by the end of the first chapter, in fact I was still debating which side people where on until the final confrontation. I know there is going to be at least 4 books in this series and we meet all the main charcters in this book. I can't wait to get to the bottom of their secrets!

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received a copy of Run the Risk in exchange for an honest review. I have been reading Lori Foster's romance suspense novels featuring hunks of male man meat for a while now, and they are just .... tantalizing. The covers, the men in between the pages, these spicy novels are just irresistible! Detective Logan Riske goes undercover to find Rowdy Yates, a link to finding out who killed his best friend. He tracks down Rowdy's sister, Pepper, but doesn't think he will fall for the woman who is also undercover as Sue Meeks. What Logan doesn't realize is that Pepper might be the missing link after all...

I though Run the Risk was a very engaging book, in more ways that just Logan being one studly man. I liked the suspense in regards to Logan's partner and the lieutenant, and whether they were trustworthy or part of the corrupt cop group. There were a lot of plot twists that kept me interesting, and the sex scenes between Logan and Pepper were pretty intense. If you like spicy romances with lots of suspense and even some murder thrown in, check out Lori Foster and Run the Risk!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angela gaitas
Love Lori Fosters books and I couldn't wait to read this one, I enjoyed the story, I thought the characters had great chemistry and intrigue throughout the story it kept me turning pages. Logan Riske is under cover as a construction woking trying to fin out more information on Pepper Yates and her brother. Logan had a debt to settle thinking Pepper's brother killed his best friend but what he doesn't know is Pepper is also hiding from something. Logan is falling hard for Pepper when he finds the truth he just wants to protect her and help her brother.

I enjoyed Peppers character, she tries and protects her brother and doesn't like to get close with anyone especially he sexy as hell neighbor but she can't help it. She's falling hard for Logan an her brother in turn can't help but trust and rely on Logan. I thought this was a well written story and kept me turning the pages, I did want a little mor something (can't put my finger on it) but enjoyed it non the less. I loved that the two main characters couldn't help but fall for each other. I love this author and her books
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fantastic read! I loved the characters. The characters have been carefully created with intricate personality traits and characteristics that make them seem so real that I found myself instantly attached emotionally. Even the "bad" guys are so well made that they too got instant reactions. Pepper and Logan are great, but Rowdy is probably my favorite. His dedication to Pepper and his willingness to sacrifice to keep her safe. Which is ironic when you think about the fact that Logan is willing to use her to find Rowdy. I enjoyed the unfolding romance that finds both Logan and Pepper.
The story is well written and the pages almost turn themselves. The author cleverly uses people's perceptions to add both depth and some misdirection to the plot; a plot that is original, intriguing and nicely played out. Lori Foster is a storyteller at heart.
The conclusion left me satisfied and wanting more at the same time. I can't wait for more books - I hope the next one is Rowdy's story!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
j stone
Since I enjoyed Lori's Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series so much, was excited when BookTrib offered me the opportunity to review her new Love Undercover series!

Run the Risk introduces us to Detective Logan Riske, who has Pepper Yates under surveillance in the hopes that she will help him find justice for the murder of his best friend. Undercover as a construction worker, Logan has no idea that Pepper has a few tricks up her sleeve as well!

While I understand that Logan was undercover, it bothered me a little that he was going to use Pepper in order to get to her brother. Because of this, I was glad to see Pepper stand up for herself and not let herself be used! But does a relationship built on lies have any chance at all?

This series has potential, but think the the Men Who Walk series is a hard act to follow. I liked Logan's partner Reese, maybe because he rescued an abandoned dog? And what's up with Reese's neighbor Alice? I did enjoy the story, and am curious to see if Reese and Rowdy get their own books, as I really liked these guys!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've been a fan of Lori Foster since her first book - many moons ago. Her latest, "Run The Risk" does not disappoint. This is the first book in the her Love Undercover Series and it opens with Det. Logan Riske moving next door to a witness's sister, know as Sue Meeks, aka Pepper Yeates. While this story takes a while to develop, my first thought was what a jerk Logan was for using this poor helpless women to find her brother, who may have some involvement with Logan's best friend's murder. He doesn't appear to have any problem using her in a romantic way. However, Pepper's brother has been watching her and Riske and because of Rowdy Yeates' arrest for breaking into Locke's apartment, the detective's deception is uncovered. From here, the pace picks up and in true Foster style, one never knows who to trust and the outcome is unknown. What one can be assured of is that our two main characters will find their way to each other with some smokin' hot sex.

Foster has written a fine story with "Run The Riske" and I am looking forward to her next book in the Love Undercover series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica donachy
I'll be the first to admit that I have several authors on auto-buy. No matter what the book, I buy it because these authors don't let me down. They consistently write quality books that keep me entertained and make me happy. Lori Foster is the first person who was on this list. I "discovered" her ages ago and I have since made it my mission to read everything she's published and considering some of her older books were no longer available that left me searching online used book sites until I found them. Yes, I'm a little OCD when I set my mind on a task. I have never for a minute regretted buying anything she's written. So, I am very excited to get to be the one to review the first book in her new series, Love Undercover. For those of you (like me) that are mourning the end of Lori's Men Who Walk The Edge of Honor series, never will absolutely not be disappointed in this new series. One more note, over the summer Lori mentioned on Facebook that she's not into erotica and it's funny but her books have always felt "erotic" to me so when I read this one I purposely read it with a different eye. She's right her books aren't erotic BUT, and this is huge, even though her books aren't erotic they lead you to that conclusion which just goes to show what a gifted author she is.

Run The Risk is the first book in Lori Foster's Love Undercover series. In this series one or both of the main characters are using an alias or hiding their identity. Very interesting concept and I found Run The Risk to be extremely exciting, entertaining and of course very sexy!

Pepper Yates (aka Sue Meeks) is in hiding. Over time we find out exactly why she's hiding and how much danger she is in. She appears to be a wallflower, timid, and maybe even abused. She never lets her guard down, well until Logan. Logan is living next door to her in a building she "manages". She doesn't trust him but then she doesn't really trust anyone and she's having trouble deciding if the feelings she has around Logan are fear or sexual interest.

Logan Riske (aka Logan Stark) is a police detective and the head of a special task force. His only objective is to find out who murdered his best friend. To do that he must find Rowdy Meeks but when unable to find him, he decides to stick near his sister. Only one problem, he doesn't expect to start having feelings towards Pepper. He knows it's bad, he knows it won't end well, but he just can't help himself.

One thing I never have to worry about in a book by Lori Foster is that I'll be enthralled. This story is phenomenal; it has action, drama, romance, sex, a kick ass heroine, and some uber sexy, hot, alpha men. Yes, MEN as in more than one! (But get your mind out of the gutter because I told you she doesn't write those kinds of books!)

Pepper and her brother Rowdy have been in hiding for some time. Logan along with his partner Reese are determined to solve his friend's murder. To do that they have to go a little rouge, keep their lieutenant (another strong female character) somewhat in the dark, and keep themselves, Pepper, Rowdy, and Logan's brother , Dash alive. That's easier said than done when they are dealing with a corrupt night club owner, several policemen on the take, and human traffickers.

Although I was completely satisfied with the ending of this book, I didn't want it to end. I kept hitting the forward button on my Kindle hoping the next book would magically appear. Alas, that didn't happen and I can't wait for Reese's story which is up next. From the exciting plot, to a incredible cast of characters, to the engaging dialog; Run the Risk proves to be another spectacular offering from Lori Foster and a remarkable start to this new series. I keep thanking my lucky stars that Lori's muse keeps her writing, without fail she produces books I love and want to read again and again.

Review copy provided for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
katie wickliff
So.. your punishment for being "tricked" into sex... is to have more sex?

At first, I was very into this story. What is Sue/Penny hiding? Why won't she be vulnerable, and show her body, with the guy she likes? I literally thought her skin was marked, and that's why she wanted to be in the dark all the time, but nope! And then she gets mad at Logan, thinking he used her only for sex.. but ummm didn't she also use sex to "distract" him for her brother? And let's not even get into her whole personality switch, "how dare you use me for sex so I'm going to have sex with you whenever I want." Helloooo!! You wanna punish a guy? Keep your legs closed!

This book was just not for me. I'm probably don't with Foster. Sorry.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
virginia russell
2.5 stars

A well written but otherwise pretty run-of-the-mill romantic suspense that would have earned at least one extra star from me, had the heroine been more likable or dropped her pointless charade at trying to hide her apparently Pamela Anderson-like 'assets', sooner. Her speech about taking out Morton's men, was laughable to say the least, and shows her for the silly, ninja-wanna-be chick she trully is, rather than the strong, fearless woman she thinks herself as:

"She settled her purse in her lap and, without further prompting, said, "I was counting on you to get there in time, but if you didn't, I would have killed them."
"Them?" Logan asked.
"Morton Andrews. His bully boys." She rubbed her palms over the denim covering her thighs. "Anyone in his circle who got in my way."

When you read such words from an untrained woman's mouth who's carrying only a knife, unless she's named Xhex or Kate Daniels, you can only wonder how's she stayed alive for so long or if she's lost her marbles somewhere along the way.

Also, I don't get, how Pepper after her transformation from homely to a supermodel, said that she was glad to be back to her real self once more. Since, based on her admittance, she used to downplay her looks constantly while working on bars and clubs so as not to attract male attention (yes, she was THAT beautiful it would seem), when did she get to wear the sexy make up, tight jeans and tank tops?

Logan on the other hand was nice, and while he had to trap Pepper to get what he wanted, he genuinely came to care for her (even though I couldn't understand why during the first half). The suspense is stalled for the first half, then moves in a faster pace later, but it really never steals the show. What stole the show for me, was the secondary characters, mainly Reese, Alice and Pepper's brother, who all are likely to get their own books in the future.

Fans of romantic suspense will probably enjoy it anyway, but since it's not my fave genre, I can't give it a thumbs up. Still, I liked the writing enough to give Foster another chance when Reese's book comes out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This romantic suspense title kicks of a new series for Foster. The romances all deal with people who are hiding themselves for one reason or another. Police Lieutenant Logan Riske has gone undercover and moved into the apartment next door to Pepper because he wants to find her brother who could be an important witness to solving the case of the murder of his best friend.

Pepper is undercover too. She is deliberately making herself unattractive and changing her character because she is hiding from the mobster who killed Logan's best friend. She is also protecting her brother Rowdy who is also in hiding both from the mobster and the police.

Pepper thinks Logan is hot but doesn't know if she can trust him. She can't! Logan is determined to get close to Pepper to use her to find her brother. He'll do anything, including seduction, to stay close to her. I didn't like that he was willing to use her. I had an even harder time forgiving him than Pepper did when his deception was discovered.

I think Logan richly deserves the treatment that he receives from Pepper after his deception is discovered. I like that, even though he knows he loves and wants her, she is more hesitant and wants to keep the relationship at just a sexual one rather than risking her emotions.

This one had a lot of twists and turns. It seemed that everyone was suspicious of everyone else. Rowdy and Pepper don't trust Logan's partner Reese. Reese doesn't trust Lieutenant Peterson who is in charge of their police precinct. Logan isn't sure who he can trust.

I think that the romances that will be featured in the next two books in the series were hinted at here. Reese has a very suspicious neighbor named Alice who is definitely hiding something. And Rowdy runs into an intriguing red-headed waitress while he is investigating. I hope I am right about those possible romances. I want both Reese and Rowdy to find the right women for them.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I thought this book was way too long - and it took forever to get into the real meat of the story. I will definitely give other books by this author a chance, but this one was definitely not a favorite read of mine. I finally skipped a whole section of the book and went to the back end of the story and picked it up there - and I don't think I really missed anything. And I never do that. I just wanted to see how it would end. I liked the characters; I actually liked the story; but there needed to be a lot of condensing of the storyline to suit me. I can see others don't agree, but that's my take on it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristine bruneau
Wow loved this book so freaking much!!! I don't know why skipped this book in the series but I'm glad I went back and read it. Pepper was an amazing heroin who held her own and Logan was just wonderful he wasn't an ass to her and actually cared about how she felt. This was an awesome Lori Foster book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lori Foster is a master crafter of the written word. And for those of you who like an exciting sexy read, she weaves a great story in her newest book 'Run the Risk'. Undercover officer Logan Riske seeks out a witness in Rowdy Yates, but in order to lure him out of hiding he must get close to his sister, Pepper Yates, who is also hiding her identity and then some. The story takes some major twists and turns before an intense ending. An all around good read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
matt burress
So, I'm not sure what I really thought about this book. On one hand, I really liked the story. It revolves around Logan Riske going undercover to flush out a witness to the murder of his best friend. Of course he falls for the woman he's suppose to be watching. Now on the other hand, I still don't know if I liked the other MC, Pepper Yates. She starts off as a shy and meek woman because she's in hiding then she does a complete turn around when her identity becomes known. She becomes this hard-ass in-your-face kinda woman which just didn't work for me. I liked her a lot more as the shy girl. The secondary characters were well written and I look forward to their books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
demetri detsaridis
I loved this book from beginning to end. I read some reviews that said it was a slow start but I don't agree. From the beginning you could tell there were so much that we didn't know about all the characters. I loved the blossoming relationship between Logan and Pepper. We knew he was using her but it was obvious he was really falling for her. So many twists and turns in the story it kept me so interested. Can't wait to read the rest of the series. I grew to love all the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the first book in the series. Logan and Pepper waste no time getting close but when Pepper finds out who Logan really is she wastes no time in showing him who she really is. He finds out he wasn't the only one hiding who they really were.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stefan blitz
I don't think I have read a book of Lori Fosters that has disappointed me. She is always great. Fast paced action/romance. Characters are interesting and fun. Even a few chuckles along the way. I am looking forward to the rest of the books in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I always love Lori's books, and this was no exception. It made me laugh out loud in some parts, and the "teddy bear" made me get teary. I can't wait for Reese to get his book, and their Lt. should get her own book ,too !! I'm just sayin'..all in all another great one from Ms. Foster !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam d
I really did not like the last "Edge of Honor" release that came out, so I was reluctant to get this one! But, I thought this was a great start to a new series - great romance and action, and you don't know really know who are the good guys! I cannot wait to see what happens next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clinton king
It is a very good book. I love the plot. I also like the story is not about the main characters only. It was a really nice surprise to find other stories in the background, like Reese and Alice. But I'm dying to read about Rowdy and Avery! I like him a lot. I wish I could have a brother like him. I like this author. I'm never disappointed with her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david sepulveda
I absolutely loved this book. I was thoroughly entertained!! There wasn't anything that I didn't like. Lori Foster is one of the best at writing super hot alpha male characters. I'm looking forward to reading the other books in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is a very good book. I love the plot. I also like the story is not about the main characters only. It was a really nice surprise to find other stories in the background, like Reese and Alice. But I'm dying to read about Rowdy and Avery! I like him a lot. I wish I could have a brother like him. I like this author. I'm never disappointed with her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book. I was thoroughly entertained!! There wasn't anything that I didn't like. Lori Foster is one of the best at writing super hot alpha male characters. I'm looking forward to reading the other books in this series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
gerardo enrique
This started off well and then became ridiculous and boring. The heroine gets a personality implant part way thru the book that is totally unlikeable and unrealistic. All the side stuff going on to set up the next book is just completely throw away and slows down the pacing. Don't bother with this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebekah lyn
I loved this book I started reading and couldn't put it down! I love her way with words and how she builds the steam between Logan and Pepper, and the mystery behind who they really are! Well worth a read as is every Lori Foster book I've read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim o shea
I love reading Lori Foster! This latest book has an excellent story line with believable characters and settings, but also hot and steamy all over it! I can't wait to read the next story in this great new series from her!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jo costello
Such a disappointment....a good start, really promising...then a boring frustrating miasma...I could not finish this book. Skip it folks and please recommend something good? I cannot find anything that I haven't already read....are there any good romances anymore?
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