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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I got an ARC in return for an honest review on NetGalley.

I am going to admit something that should make me ashamed: I picked this book solely off the cover. I do it so often that my friends are just used to me picking up books as we walk by displays in the library and leaving before we even make it back to the stacks. How could I pass up on this cover? I love it and it looks exactly like something that would drag me in. Why would a jellyfish have pillow thoughts? I was immediately drawn in. Goodreads and the store have different covers for the book, but I refuse to acknowledge them or use them.

To follow the jellyfish motif, there are little drawings of a jellyfish between the sections that match the sections. I have no idea why I love it, but I do. I didn't know that jellyfish would be a good way to sell me on something until this book. It might not hurt that I then imagined every poem was written by a jellyfish, which in the end just made me worried about jellyfish culture and very impressed with their emotional depth. 

The poems were very striking. They ranged from one line to paragraphs. I was finding myself relating to most of the poems almost immediately. This book became a very personal and visceral experience for me. It was shocking that a jellyfish could understand me so well. I found so many of the poems allowed for multiple expressions of love. There was an openness that allowed them to apply to my long distance best friend that I love, as well as to partners I have lost. I love how it fit into a more modern view of love. 

I also requested another book by this author. I am excited. NetGalley might be morphing me into someone who looks forward to poetry. 
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nikki stevens
I believe poetry is a personal form of art that is subjective. It makes you feel things when it hits close to home. This book is no exception.

I found out about this book when I saw a post on a Twitter account I follow called Poems Porn. I read the last entry in the book entitled Looking for Ice Cream and I knew I needed to read more.

I wanted to like this more than I did. But for me, this is the kind of poetry that you either relate to or you don't.

The book is divided into different chapters depending on how you feel. Since I am neither in love nor heartbroken at the moment, the entries in chapters related to those emotions didn't hit me as hard. However, the chapters about soul searching and encouragement are what I really needed.

I think there's a right time to read this book. As written in the back cover,

"It is divided into sections to read when you feel you need them most."

Truer words have never been spoken.

***I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.***
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
malak boules
Pillow Thoughts is a collection of poetry about relationships categorized by emotions/feelings: the nervousness of a crush, the overwhelming love of a happy relationship, the crushing disappointment when a relationship goes awry. While Pillow Thoughts contains good writing, it felt too straightforward and plain for poetry. Perhaps I would have connected with it more if I found myself in one of the situations in the book, but as a casual read it wasn't the most groundbreaking work on love I've ever read.
Words from a Wanderer :: Whiskey Words & a Shovel II :: I hope this reaches her in time :: Black Book of Poems :: Just Friends
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
islam elkhateb
First off,

I had this book on my wish list on the store for a while before my girlfriend ended up buying it for me. I'm such a poetry nerd, and this one definitely caught my attention, but I kept getting side-tracked with other books and such. Let's just say, I'm glad my girlfriend bought it for me because I really needed to find more inspiration to write. I was in a poem drought, but this book and as did one from Jennae Cecelia helped me out so much.

I appreciate poetry books that have chapters or sections, which "Pillow Thoughts" did. My favorites would have to be "If You Are Missing Someone" and "If You Need Encouragement." Honestly, I'm sure when I reread this in the future, my favorites will change as my mindset will be different, but all the chapters were equally impressive. As I mentioned in my review of "Bright Minds Empty Souls," I love poetry that say so much in just a few words or sentences. In "Pillow Thoughts," Peppernell does just that in many many poems, and one such favorite of mine is:

"Time is valuable. For all the time we've lost by not being together, it has made you the most valuable thing to me."

Short, sweet, and simply amazing.

This is the age of the Instapoets, and Rupi Kaur is an example of this. She may not be the first one to do so, but she opened up a world of opportunities for poets to get their work out there without publishing off the bat and for writers to gain an audience with not only Instagram but with Twitter as well. Writers like Peppernell, Cecelia, and countless other Instapoets out there are making a difference and changing the way poetry can be read. It is not just old school Biblical references within the lines and constant rereading to try and understand what the poet is trying to say. It is straightforward understanding in just a few lines.

I suggest giving "Pillow Thoughts" a chance because it is absolute beauty that channels the good and the bad. It is honest and real. This kind of poetry saves people.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
just because one writes some words doesn't mean it's poetry and it's pathetic that this "poet" is a best seller. they're just quotes written on a twitter feed - which 1000 people have already written before her. they are not-creative and dumb and so watered down. it really upsets me how pathetic people have come to terms with what they believe is "poetry" -
you can read all this for free on every teenager's facebook. the same versions too because it's unoriginal and lacks anything.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An enjoyable read that I can see myself going back to often. There are ten various sections found in this collection, which I can appreciate on certain days pertaining to the emotions I’m feeling in that particular moment.

“It’s so hard to know what to say
To someone who feels so lost,
So I’ll stand here for you
In the wind and the rain
And I’ll be the lighthouse you need.
Take my hand and breathe again
And I will guide you home.”

(Page 201)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Pillow Talk" is quite possibly the best book I have ever read. And I do not say that lightly. Every single page seems to overflow with almost supernatural wisdom and insight. Whenever I open a page, as if by fate, the book falls open to a poem that says *exactly* what I need to read. It is as if the book is omnipotent, as if the whole book is wrought entirely of some pure magic. When I was younger, a movie that particularly stirred me was "Orange County." The way Shaun Brumder related to "The Straight Jacket" in the film started me on a lifelong quest to find a book like that, a book that would answer all of my questions and show me that I was not totally lost in life. If ever I have read a book such as that, it would be "Pillow Thoughts." Never have I related more to a book or felt more understood by one. This author is talented beyond measure and their work is truly life-changing. I am grateful for having read the book and have had my life re-instilled with purpose as a result of a writer who truly has some deeper insight into the greater mysteries of life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura darby
Beautifully written and so inspiring and empowering. I loved the sections and find myself going back to certain parts when I need a little pick-me-up. I finished this book in one sitting - I just couldn't put it down! Love that it was written by a younger author as well. If you enjoy this kind of free-verse indie poetry I would definitely recommend Black Coffee by Emily Jo. Not quite as well written but hits many of the same bases.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa kaiser
I discovered this book by chance and now I want to read every book that Courtney has ever published.

You could taste the overflowing emotions, the pain, the happiness, the longing and love. I really did enjoy reading it, and getting to know the person that wrote those poems, exposing herself out for everyone to judge and see. The fact that the author shared so intimate thoughts about people she was in love with and the pain she has gone through and the happiness that little things in life could give you is really admirable and I could relate to that.

The book is divided into sections, a touch I found to be lovely. 

Here are some of the poems that stuck me the most:

"I hate to spoil the ending
but You is fine
You is still here
You is going to make it"

"I have been a little off balance since the day I met you. This is because I had never known what it was like to be perfectly aligned."

''Here are some nice things: warm nights after the rain, old books, new books, tea in the afternoon, snow angels, palm trees, smiling, laughing, hugs that make you feel like you are combusting, we-nose kisses from your dog, waterfalls, sunsets, a clear night sky, the hopes and dreams of you and me. A kitten curled in you lap, fresh laundry, favorite songs, the morning birds in perfect harmony. Nice simple things to remind you to stay.''
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book. Very relateable and nice to read. Consistent and doesn't get boring, I enjoyed it a lot. If recommend it to anyone in love or needing some advice single or not I feel it's still a good read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane jones
This collection of poetry and prose showcases some of the rawest and beautiful writing that I have had the pleasure of reading in a long time. Courtney's writing is deceptively straightforward but speaks with a voice that is both honest and delves directly into your soul. Even short poems like 'what makes me smile' are touching with every word making the reader smile long after they have finished reading them. The poetry in this book is both extremely heartfelt and captures human emotion in its truest form. The ability to articulate emotions that are relatable to all the readers is the biggest strength of the collection; and it is hard not to be moved by poems which move seamlessly from expressing hurt, heartbreak but ultimately also the optimism of love, healing and self worth. This collection has already had me re-reading a number of times, and each time, poems speak to my soul in a different way. A beautiful read for anyone with an appreciation for poetry or short prose, highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison f
I started and finished this book during my flight today and absolutely loved it. Courtney has a way of putting a voice to emotions that can be so hard to explain. I would definitely recommend this book no matter where you're at in life. Keep writing Courtney!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
max dionne
This book would be best for a teenager girl or boy who is going through a breakup, who's parents are always fighting someone who has been through any kind of abuse would appreciate this book more than anything ❤
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
artha nugraha jonar
just because one writes some words doesn't mean it's poetry and it's pathetic that this "poet" is a best seller. they're just quotes written on a twitter feed - which 1000 people have already written before her. they are not-creative and dumb and so watered down. it really upsets me how pathetic people have come to terms with what they believe is "poetry" -
you can read all this for free on every teenager's facebook. the same versions too because it's unoriginal and lacks anything.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vinh nguyen
This collection was cheesy but I related to basically all of it.
Courtney had gems in here and they impacted me so much because I understood it all, I have half of the book dog eared.

I’m in love with this collection as a whole!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dylan lawrence
This book brought all the feelings and emotions that I've experienced in my own life. Not everything applied to me but that's the best part, because their are pages almost anyone could relate to. I just really loved this book, one of my favorites. I'm not even a book reader at all, but this is a must! <3
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