Crash (Book One): A Dark Post-Apocalyptic Tale.

ByMichael Robertson

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michelle donnelly
I've read a number of books regarding the end of times with them most being about EMP's being the reason. But this book is about an another all to close reason that could very well happen also. I only gave it four stars because I just did not understand how a Dad could act the way Chris did to his son. Other then that I was taken in by this book. I can not say I enjoyed reading it because it is a topic that is not joyful but worth reading anyway.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
arthur severance
This was a fun book to read. It kept me hooked and wondering how Michael and his dad would survive. However, there were two things that bothered me. First, the killing of the dog. I understand that the story has to be believable but rule #1 of storytelling is that you don't kill innocents like the disabled, children and animals. This author killed off the little sister and the dog. When the dog was killed, I almost stopped reading.

The next thing that bothered me was the fact that the father and son could have easily escaped out of the back of the house as soon as the raiders came. Why didn't they? Why did the father have to die because he couldn't figure out to escape through the back?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris benfante
Very graphic and not for the faint of heart. Truly as we see the degenerative progression of violence on our nightly news daily, the events taking place in this book are a glimpse of what our society would become once a monetary society comes crashing down.
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
dhara pandya
I got about 30% into the book (thanks Kindle app for keeping track) and decided to stop reading. I really like apocalyptic fiction and this is squarely in that genre. The author can write and he does a good job painting a picture as to what is happening. Here is my problem -

Politics - The author lays out his case to the readers before it starts and his thoughts mimic left-wing college students who know little about the world but think they know everything. Corporations? bad. People with money? They obviously got it by taking it through force or guile from others. In his world, the rich and people who run corporations are just evil. Consider the main character's boss who we meet in an early flashback. The man is arrogant, crude, got his job because his "daddy is on the Board", fat, and gluttonous (you'll just love reading about him eating a whole cooked chicken).

Just too damn preachy. He can write which is a damn shame that he comes off like an Occupy Wall Street retread.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Society crashes and no one thinks to arm themselves? Not saying to run out to Walmart and grab a shotgun, how about a baseball bat? No knives? I'd even take a sharp stick. The bad guys show up with clubs and a sharpened tennis racket and no one fights back?
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
neelotpal kundu
Warning: This book has graphic violence that may be unsuitable for some readers.
As for me, I don't mind that much. It's just the story was somewhat lacking. Pretty much like most post-apocalyptic stories, there are some psychos and then some people just trying to survive. However none of the characters resonated with me and it ended somewhat abruptly. The author mentioned this being part of a series but it doesn't make me want to find out what comes next. It's just too depressing!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
So I couldn't stomach the book and maybe that's just me being squeamish, but I don't really think that's the case. I am an avid watcher of slasher movies, reader of zombie novels, dystopians and all things that are kind of...well gruesome. I think the problem with this book was that it jumped into gruesome too fast. I like to get a sense of the world I'm in and who is in the world before I'm smacked in the face with the evil of that world. If I could have kept going this book may have turned out to be good.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

I really disliked the darkness and tone of this book, even thought it IS of a genre that supports such. I found myself hoping the little boy would just die, as it seems he had no common sense, didn't listen to his dad, and really, the child deserved the Darwin Award rather early on in the book.

Another issue was the "fat boss" -- yeah, I guess Robertson wanted to make a point, but to make someone not only fat, but slovenly, stinky, and ill-mannered was an extreme that wasn't necessary.

Another issue I had was how the author described the condition of the bodies from carbon monoxide poisoning. From what I've read, people who die of this (from an exhaust hose that goes from the car's muffler and into the car, in an enclosed space) do NOT have a rictus of a death mask. The author described grimaced face, tongue lolling out, etc. when the dad went to "hang" the bodies to make their deaths look like it was death by hanging.

My biggest issue was the gratuitous violence to the two different dogs. C'mon. To deliberately describe in detail the horror of taking advantage of an innocent and trusting animal, only to hurt, maim, then kill them, is unnecessary, and to what purpose? To make the reader realize the people now "in charge" are heinous and soulless? They already proved that. Leave the dogs out of it.

The author offered the second book, free, in exchange for a review of his first book, "Crash." That's an offer I WON'T be taking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gretchen wootton
If you have any interest in the behavior of post apocalyptic humans, you will enjoy this book. Despite the graphic violence, it portrays the kind of anger the poor are displaying and have recently seen in Ferguson Mo and across America.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris hudak
Okay, this book was super disturbing after the first three children as others I went kind of numb. This book slaps you in the face as to what life could be like after a major world shattering event. I would recommend this read to anyone
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rebecca czarnecki
It is definitely a comment on our times, and the what-if is, the world economy totally collapses, everything stops; now what?

I found the story much to brutal to be plausible. Nothing seemed redeemable. No hope was apparent. All the relationships were bad. Chris and Diane hated each other. Chris finally alienates Michael, and the looters are not human. They are too savage, I think, to be real. If Chris is part of the 1%, that makes the looters the other percent, and they come off as more horrible than Chris and his ilk.

For me the story was too depressing to be enjoyed. I found the writing fair. The images created were very stark in many places, such as the sound of crows. This novella is a good beginning, but the story is not there yet. I found little to look forward to. What plot was present did not keep me wanting to move on. I think the author needs to re-work this and offer some hope and resolution. A dystopia such as this makes one long for death and be joyful when it comes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan glasson
Giving this one five stars since I can't get this freaking story out of my minds eye. It was very disturbing on so many levels. I think it speaks to the authors ability to craft a story with solid emotional impact. I was all in by the end. Personally I don't buy the premise of how things came about in the story but it has definite echoes of the situation people find themselves in economically today. I'm not one who likes too many flashbacks in my reads but in this case they were justified and necessary to tell the story. I appreciated the Author's notes at the beginning and epilogue at the end. Some great surprises throughout made the story memorable. I was literally willing the story to go into a different direction than it did, so tragic and unnecessary. I think some liberties were taken in developing the antagonistic characters which I think could have been explained better, but worked. I definitely want to know what will happen next. ~Chrispy~
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
wunderkind pr
Horrible. I wish I had read the reviews before getting this, and will be deleting it from my kindle right away. I wish I could delete the memory of the disgustingly graphic depictions of torture and murder from my mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily brooks
The prologue is a helpful warning. It could happen, no doubt this stuff is happening. What are we really capable of without threat of consequence to ensure conscience? Capatilistic greed, banking systems falling over. I just hope this work remains a fiction. I liked the writing, will definitely read more.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
greg briggs
Yup, graphic. S&M roadshow if that is your thing. That is not so bothersome as the nonchalant manner in which death and dismemberment is discussed. Realism of the story is also questionable. Economic apocalypse and everyone just sits in their homes?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maryam oj
When I began reading Crash at fort I expected it to play out as another Zombie clone. It is not. The storyline is what I've contemplated could happen today in the event of world economic collapse.

Recommended read

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mandy beckner
Cause it could and will probably happen. Money ceases to be of value, the people who should be in prison are running the riots, sane ones are hiding. What do you think this world looks like? Read on...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was a very interesting read I finished in one day, not wanting to put it down. It was very graphic with the descriptions of what was happening and could be disturbing.
With everything going on in the world between the economy, people feeling it ok to steal because their smart enough to get away with it, and the violence that takes place, this book can hit home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a tough read if you have any vestige of compassion and humanity. There are no punches pulled with regard to how badly we can treat each other (as well as weaker beings) once the wheels come off. I am glad the author has supplemented this story with his forewarned explanation and the epilogue because it gives. the story reason and ability to grow beyond a novella sized story. While I would warn those with tender sensibilities to proceed with caution, this s a story whose time has come in a globalised and interlinked world.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
denice grace
I hate to be negative, but I could not help comparing the father of this little boy to the father in "Life is Beautiful". More courage, less self pity. This Dad shared his fears with a small child. In my mind, that was pure self-indulgence. The little guy couldn't help him and the father's fear just made the child's fear worse. This was definitely a situation which called for the adult to be just adult. That said, it was an exciting book, but could have been way better.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I'm NOT a wussy who can't handle violence, but this was just too much gore for me. A lot of terrible things happening to decent people and that's really all this first book was about. The main character is also highly unlikable so it's hard to give a crap what happens to him.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
chad wolff
Yup, graphic. S&M roadshow if that is your thing. That is not so bothersome as the nonchalant manner in which death and dismemberment is discussed. Realism of the story is also questionable. Economic apocalypse and everyone just sits in their homes?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy swords
When I began reading Crash at fort I expected it to play out as another Zombie clone. It is not. The storyline is what I've contemplated could happen today in the event of world economic collapse.

Recommended read

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Cause it could and will probably happen. Money ceases to be of value, the people who should be in prison are running the riots, sane ones are hiding. What do you think this world looks like? Read on...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
louise manimtim
This book was a very interesting read I finished in one day, not wanting to put it down. It was very graphic with the descriptions of what was happening and could be disturbing.
With everything going on in the world between the economy, people feeling it ok to steal because their smart enough to get away with it, and the violence that takes place, this book can hit home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a tough read if you have any vestige of compassion and humanity. There are no punches pulled with regard to how badly we can treat each other (as well as weaker beings) once the wheels come off. I am glad the author has supplemented this story with his forewarned explanation and the epilogue because it gives. the story reason and ability to grow beyond a novella sized story. While I would warn those with tender sensibilities to proceed with caution, this s a story whose time has come in a globalised and interlinked world.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
cheryl sacripanti
I hate to be negative, but I could not help comparing the father of this little boy to the father in "Life is Beautiful". More courage, less self pity. This Dad shared his fears with a small child. In my mind, that was pure self-indulgence. The little guy couldn't help him and the father's fear just made the child's fear worse. This was definitely a situation which called for the adult to be just adult. That said, it was an exciting book, but could have been way better.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
john wieschhaus
I'm NOT a wussy who can't handle violence, but this was just too much gore for me. A lot of terrible things happening to decent people and that's really all this first book was about. The main character is also highly unlikable so it's hard to give a crap what happens to him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kasandra hughes
I enjoyed this book greatly. I am a huge fan of dystopian/apocalyptic stories, and this one does not disappoint. As others have said in their reviews, it is filled with feelings of hopelessness and characters that all have negative qualities about them, but that is what should be expected in that situation. It frustrates me to no end that the main character has so much warning, that he KNEW it was coming, but yet he did absolutely nothing to prepare himself and his family. Considering the state of affairs, such a circumstance could be quite plausible in the not-so-distant future, and seeing one spin on how things could be made me ponder what I would do. Would I stay in a city clustered with hungry people, no land on which to grow food, no water, no sewage, etc.? Most likely not; I'd head for the hills with a running stream, fortify my land, and try to start my life over. The fact that the main character and his family remained in such deplorable conditions out of a desperate need to cling to the luxuries of the past--or just out of cowardice--make me realize how badly things would become in highly populated areas if, indeed, such a scenario arose.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lily dunn
Writing is pretty choppy and stormy but elemental in its angry greyness. No overly organized or neatly contrived catalog of weapons or steps. Much more realistic and bitter. Feels like the Road but with that sense of churning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan e
I'm glad the author of CRASH decided to keep this novella precisely that: a novella, rather than a full length novel. CRASH certainly packs a punch in a short amount of space; to drag it out would have only lessened its impact. As a thriller/horror novella, CRASH is unique and highly relevant. I found myself quickly flipping through the pages just to see what happens. Robertson manages to keep a very quick pace despite breaking up the narrative into flashbacks. My only critique of this novella regards its sequel. I honestly thought that CRASH was perfect as a stand-alone piece. I worry that the sequels would make the message and impact of CRASH, and that makes me hesitant to read them.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
stephen canham
I have read many dystopian and apocalyptic fiction. This was the worst one ever. No point to this book except total brutality and violence. So so sorry I wasted time I will never get back reading this hoping it would get better. If I could give it a ZERO I would, but that is not an option. Will never read anything by this author again. Spend my time and $ on an author who deserves it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a horrifying glimpse into the rage that exists for those who are forced to cower and struggle under rich corporations, rich politicians, and rich no good inherited it from mommy or daddy types that look down on and actually have the nerve to whine about those who receive a pittance from the government to help them survive on wages that are
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ann van
Economy crashes and the world collapses. The 99% start killing the 1%. Yes, the world is scary. And yes, there is some hatred out there, but I didn't feel like the author made this story believable. The snotty wife who tries to continue her ways. The son who is clueless to the events unfolding and the dad who just seems like a blank page.
This story needed something and it wasn't more animals and kids getting killed. It needed some heart.
Don't waste your time. It's disturbing and gross, but not a story.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
arun andhavarapu
I got to say I did not care for this book. No heroes to be found only villains and victims. It's not a series i will be following because there seems to be nothing to look forward to.It jumps around in time instead of going in a chronological order which takes away from the story as you're reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I gave this 5 stars because Michael Robertson was able to make me believe what was happening to the father and the son. We all handle situations in our own way and who knows how any of us would react if in the same situation as the people of the cul-de-sac. There are some pretty gruesome scenes and I kept thinking, "fight back". I am now a fan of this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is one man's view on the post crash world. Crash did ring true with the way the "good guys" were every man for themselves. The "bad guys" worked together as a team (although not a team I would like to be on). Once the violence started my mind was screaming for someone to do something. I don't like it but I could see things going the way the author has written this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I could not stop reading no matter how much I tried. This book is a hard reality to swallow that a society of people could be like this if a major catastrophe were to happen let alone some are like this even in today's society. Am going to read crash 2 to see how Michael fares and to see if Dean is delivered justice is some way.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I got this book because it was free for my Kindle and I am glad that it was free. I would have been mad at myself if I had spent money on it. To me the entire story drug on and on and on. It was hard to stick with the story and there were several sections where the story made very little sense. I definitely have no plans for reading any of the other books in the collection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie mcdevitt
A well written short story about a society in turmoil after an economic collapse. As disturbing as some of the most intense moments in the book are, they do not stray out of the realm of possibility. I look forward to reading the second book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karin tracy
It was insanely disturbing and hard to read at times. I can't help but wonder that it may be a small glimpse into our future if we don't get our act together. It feels a little weird to say I enjoyed the book, but I did. Time for Book 2 now.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book was very morbid and horrifying. I barely read one chapter. I never finished it. I like horror and thriller but psychopathic and grotesque murder is a bit far. I get that people are capable of things like that but unless it's a true story I'm not into the kind of thing in this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Just finished reading this book and wish I hadn't. What is the point of a book being so horribly violent? I am a Walking Dead fan so it isn't like I'm a squeamish person but this crossed the line. I will not be reading the sequel or anything else written by this author. This book has no redeeming value.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
john brantingham
Wow, this book is an example of what's wrong with this world. Did you get your jollies writing this piece of crap? What the hell is wrong with you man? Wish I could have rated it a negative 5 stars. Don't quit your day job FREAK!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This novel was simply torture porn. Yes at the end of the world terrible people may do terrible things but this level of ongoing violence is distasteful. I don't care if the book was free, not worth it. I would suggest the author work out his issues in therapy.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The "porcine" boss, the 99%, the 1% rising up and delivering justice to the rich...

This is a really lazy, poorly thought out political statement. The guy makes his politics pretty obvious with references to 99% and right wing. But while he blames Capitalism for the collapse of society, he fails to realize what created the prosperity that is lost. Instead, he goes on a brutal rampage against the 1%, killing their fathers and children, raping the mom's, and finishes it off burning the Mazerati in the garage.

So, disregarding that Socialism never invented anything other than misery, he shows what brutality and suffering we can expect when and if the underclass (the underclass he seems to champion) is ever in charge. His consruct is lazy and stupid given his ststed politics. I mean...the 1%ers made a Ford 150, the 99%ers used the Ford 150 to squash a grade schooler's head. By all means, lets put the 99%ers in charge.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Lots of brutal killing for not much reason, next to no plot and not a single character worthy of respect - or even attention - they are all just plain nasty people. This is all filled in with infantile drivel about how "posh" people deserve to be killed. (Posh seems to mean anyone who had a job up until 6 months ago.

Still, it is a lesson in what happens when a society goes bad AFTER they have taken every law-abiding citizens's guns away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shaz rasul
Crash book one although quite short lays down the plot for the crash series. The authors notes are mandatory reading. Indeed, life would be turned upside down during any apocalypse. Robertson has great insight of the current world in which we all reside and intends trough symbolism and metaphor to enhance our thinking by current world events. His tale is brutal. Pray ,that as days pass by we never experience the horrors of themini apocalypses occurring on this planet. It is sad how so many of us moan about our lives when genocide, war, and horror occur on daily basis on this planet where we dwell. Author Robertson , this reader predicts, will bring to light the devastation of a lawless, immoral apocalypse occurring beneath our line of sight and thoughts.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I don't often write reviews but this book kept my attention - in that awful - can't not look at a car accident way. A father and son are hiding in their posh home in London after the world has gone to hell. There is no food, heat, etc. Along come a gang of evil raiders with class envy and you can guess the rest. I really liked the premise, an middle aged man against pirates, but the book was far too violent - and I am a big fan of EOTWAWKI. I agree with the previous reviewer that the killing of a dog was too much - I skipped over it. Also - children are urinated on and killed, way over the top. Maybe an adult character would have been easier to deal with but that bordered on the obscene. I think the author missed a real chance to create a series that could have a wide appeal if he just toned it down a bit - think The Walking Dead - plenty of violence but some HOPE. I expected violence but gore , gore and more gore involving children, etc. I think the back story could have been fleshed out more and it would have added to the story. There was real potential here for a very interesting series, but in its form it leaves you feeling like a ghoul for reading it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mandy whilden
I also tried to like this story but found it pretty predictable. It tried to shock with the continuous descriptive violence which almost made me as numb to it as the antagonist. By the end of the book I actually wanted the father to die and couldn't have cared less about the son. I won't be bothering with the other books in this series either.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Crash: Book One is exactly as described, a dark post-apocalyptic tale, very dark. It is more than that, however. I have been reading this genre for decades and Crash: Book One is one of the finest I have ever read. The characters are very real. The cold, the hunger and fear are palpable. It rings so true it made me question the adequacy of my emergency supplies. You will be riveted. You will not know what is going to happen next and you will want to know what happens very much. The ending was supremely satisfying yet left me wanting more. Hence, I'm buying the second installment today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy scoggins
A well written story that demonstrates the worst of human behaviour.

Imagine everything you know and have is gone, wiped out through the world collapsing...a very real scenario because of how we live today. And then imagine the mob mentality that takes over when humans are afraid...

This book is terrifying because of its believable storyline and that we understand exactly the underlying base behaviour that rises within humans when faced with a failed life.

Scarey and true and I hope never to be one of the survivors of such a future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
murtaza kuwarawala
I read this novella in a single evening. Then I came to the store to leave a review and was shocked at how many one and two star reviews I found. I read a few and came to the conclusion that those reviewers are simply horror adverse, expect too much from a novella, or have weak stomachs. So I ignored them as prospective readers should also do.

As I said, this is a novella. Consequently do not expect the deep development of characters or multiple plot lines. There is simply not sufficient real estate for that. I personally thought that Mr. Robertson successfully generated a few characters that resonate and will transfer into future installments very well. The plot line for this novella was well described and I could visualize just about all scenes. I liked that this edition of the novella contained an epilogue which provided closure but left open serial editions.

Any future readers should also read the introduction by the author. He lays out his political and moral positions. The basis of this novella, and I presume subsequent installments will follow his persuasions. While I do not completely agree with his opinions, I was happy to note that he did not go overboard in trying to preach to the reader. He is entitled to his opinions and has generated a thought provoking novella for you. Yes it is gory and cruel with difficult scenes to write. Just keep in mind that this is fiction - well written fiction. Give it a try - it is only about 100 pages so you have very little to lose and much to gain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book. Dark, gritty and not the sweetness and light an apocalypse brings. This world is what I imagine the world would become. Human beings are not kind and good and want to help each other. Some would take advantage of the world being in chaos and do what these characters did. There are hard scenes to read but it must be understood that a real life apocalypse would allow members of society to live out their darkest fantasies and do horrific things to others. Which is what a few characters do to others. I cringed reading the deaths of some characters but I have read as bad before. If you want rainbows and puppies and sugar coating, this may not be for you. But if you want a look at what our world will become if a virus, meteor hitting us or some other form of life altering event happens, then this is the book for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Not your regular end of the world novel. This is closely tied into our present day mess of trade and banking.
Dump is a nazi and will bring the world to this.
Very interesting and current. You'll stay up reading it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book ripped my guts out - yep - made me re-examine my life and all that i hold dear. I have often made comments about how wasteful, ignorant and self-absorbed people with money can be - but am i any different ?
This is what Michael Robertsons story will have you thinking- what is truly important when all the niceties of life are stripped away.
If you have been thinking that you're in need of a break from zombie apocalypse and are in need of something...oh a tad more 'realistic' I dare you to read Crash. And when you are done - tell all your loved ones how much you care about them ---because this story has already started to become our reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have never read a book like this. I'm glad Michael sent the download to me. I love the plot. I can't believe that the criminals were setting up their own society. The women were helpless. George has to help them. I'm gonna be mad if he doesn't help them. It bothers me that he wants to find his sister. There are several women who need help. He got a letter from his sister so I hope he tries to get the women out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a harsh book to read, but well worth it. A father realizes that the mistakes he has made go far, far back. It takes a situation of terror for him to understand that he had everything years ago and has lost everything in a brief flash. The terror that lurks outside his front door is comparable to the terror of the impotence of the realization that none of this had to happen. A book full of moral dilemmas, this should make you question your actions and beliefs and wonder just when your world will change, and which side of the door you will be on. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to challenge their own belief system.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The "porcine" boss, the 99%, the 1% rising up and delivering justice to the rich...

This is a really lazy, poorly thought out political statement. The guy makes his politics pretty obvious with references to 99% and right wing. But while he blames Capitalism for the collapse of society, he fails to realize what created the prosperity that is lost. Instead, he goes on a brutal rampage against the 1%, killing their fathers and children, raping the mom's, and finishes it off burning the Mazerati in the garage.

So, disregarding that Socialism never invented anything other than misery, he shows what brutality and suffering we can expect when and if the underclass (the underclass he seems to champion) is ever in charge. His consruct is lazy and stupid given his ststed politics. I mean...the 1%ers made a Ford 150, the 99%ers used the Ford 150 to squash a grade schooler's head. By all means, lets put the 99%ers in charge.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Lots of brutal killing for not much reason, next to no plot and not a single character worthy of respect - or even attention - they are all just plain nasty people. This is all filled in with infantile drivel about how "posh" people deserve to be killed. (Posh seems to mean anyone who had a job up until 6 months ago.

Still, it is a lesson in what happens when a society goes bad AFTER they have taken every law-abiding citizens's guns away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt kaye
Crash book one although quite short lays down the plot for the crash series. The authors notes are mandatory reading. Indeed, life would be turned upside down during any apocalypse. Robertson has great insight of the current world in which we all reside and intends trough symbolism and metaphor to enhance our thinking by current world events. His tale is brutal. Pray ,that as days pass by we never experience the horrors of themini apocalypses occurring on this planet. It is sad how so many of us moan about our lives when genocide, war, and horror occur on daily basis on this planet where we dwell. Author Robertson , this reader predicts, will bring to light the devastation of a lawless, immoral apocalypse occurring beneath our line of sight and thoughts.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I don't often write reviews but this book kept my attention - in that awful - can't not look at a car accident way. A father and son are hiding in their posh home in London after the world has gone to hell. There is no food, heat, etc. Along come a gang of evil raiders with class envy and you can guess the rest. I really liked the premise, an middle aged man against pirates, but the book was far too violent - and I am a big fan of EOTWAWKI. I agree with the previous reviewer that the killing of a dog was too much - I skipped over it. Also - children are urinated on and killed, way over the top. Maybe an adult character would have been easier to deal with but that bordered on the obscene. I think the author missed a real chance to create a series that could have a wide appeal if he just toned it down a bit - think The Walking Dead - plenty of violence but some HOPE. I expected violence but gore , gore and more gore involving children, etc. I think the back story could have been fleshed out more and it would have added to the story. There was real potential here for a very interesting series, but in its form it leaves you feeling like a ghoul for reading it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
karen sichler
This is the first book I've read from Michael Robertson and it was so different to what I expected.

This shorter story novella unfolds in the aftermath of a global economic crash; its about desperation and the fall of governments. Set in London this originally normal family husband, wife and twin girl and boy were happy and used to living in luxury. This plot is about lack of money recession no jobs, lack of food and how it can turn some people to desperation. We watch as horrific events unfold as a sadistic gang turns up to teach the rich in one cul-de-sac a lesson; and here unfolds a day of horror for father and son.
Warning; this is violent from the start and I was shocked to find it was so sadistic against children....and....a dog; don't get me wrong I get it and it may happen should the world go to pot; but felt this violence was unnecessary. This book isn't for the faint hearted its violent and some will be offended.

I have to say at this point I have been reading horror stories for over 30 years and really enjoy murder mysteries. But this story left me cold, the main problem for me it was way to short, I felt the whole plot should have been just 1 chapter, then we get on with the rest of the storyline!

I usually enjoy longer novels and would have preferred to see father and son escape and read more of their perils along the way, see more of their survival, how they relate to each other etc. I would have liked to warm to Chris but I genuinely didn't like him or take to him; but maybe the author meant us to dislike him.
Even though the author kept adding flashbacks to help explain, I didn't feel they helped in anyway and didn't find it was believable. Hey I even wanted to slap him as I hated his attitude especially towards his own son; but then I also wanted to strangle the boy too for being so annoying so the author did get strong emotions from me lol!
I just didn't take to these two main characters at all (father and son), I felt these characters needed more depth and most good books this horrific have some sort of hope even if its for the next book; but the ending was shocking and far too abrupt. This just didn't work for me.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
serves you
I also tried to like this story but found it pretty predictable. It tried to shock with the continuous descriptive violence which almost made me as numb to it as the antagonist. By the end of the book I actually wanted the father to die and couldn't have cared less about the son. I won't be bothering with the other books in this series either.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris eisenlauer
Crash: Book One is exactly as described, a dark post-apocalyptic tale, very dark. It is more than that, however. I have been reading this genre for decades and Crash: Book One is one of the finest I have ever read. The characters are very real. The cold, the hunger and fear are palpable. It rings so true it made me question the adequacy of my emergency supplies. You will be riveted. You will not know what is going to happen next and you will want to know what happens very much. The ending was supremely satisfying yet left me wanting more. Hence, I'm buying the second installment today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A well written story that demonstrates the worst of human behaviour.

Imagine everything you know and have is gone, wiped out through the world collapsing...a very real scenario because of how we live today. And then imagine the mob mentality that takes over when humans are afraid...

This book is terrifying because of its believable storyline and that we understand exactly the underlying base behaviour that rises within humans when faced with a failed life.

Scarey and true and I hope never to be one of the survivors of such a future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read this novella in a single evening. Then I came to the store to leave a review and was shocked at how many one and two star reviews I found. I read a few and came to the conclusion that those reviewers are simply horror adverse, expect too much from a novella, or have weak stomachs. So I ignored them as prospective readers should also do.

As I said, this is a novella. Consequently do not expect the deep development of characters or multiple plot lines. There is simply not sufficient real estate for that. I personally thought that Mr. Robertson successfully generated a few characters that resonate and will transfer into future installments very well. The plot line for this novella was well described and I could visualize just about all scenes. I liked that this edition of the novella contained an epilogue which provided closure but left open serial editions.

Any future readers should also read the introduction by the author. He lays out his political and moral positions. The basis of this novella, and I presume subsequent installments will follow his persuasions. While I do not completely agree with his opinions, I was happy to note that he did not go overboard in trying to preach to the reader. He is entitled to his opinions and has generated a thought provoking novella for you. Yes it is gory and cruel with difficult scenes to write. Just keep in mind that this is fiction - well written fiction. Give it a try - it is only about 100 pages so you have very little to lose and much to gain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beverly ball
I loved this book. Dark, gritty and not the sweetness and light an apocalypse brings. This world is what I imagine the world would become. Human beings are not kind and good and want to help each other. Some would take advantage of the world being in chaos and do what these characters did. There are hard scenes to read but it must be understood that a real life apocalypse would allow members of society to live out their darkest fantasies and do horrific things to others. Which is what a few characters do to others. I cringed reading the deaths of some characters but I have read as bad before. If you want rainbows and puppies and sugar coating, this may not be for you. But if you want a look at what our world will become if a virus, meteor hitting us or some other form of life altering event happens, then this is the book for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael bastedo
I read this book in one sitting. It was truly relentless.

Once you start, you really won't be able to stop. I genuinely felt anxious for the characters and I had to keep going because their plight seemed so real and plausible that I simply had to know how each new chapter was going to unfold as soon as possible.

Yes, there is graphic violence in this book but it is superbly described and executed to flawless perfection. I felt like I was literally in a horror movie and forced to sit alongside the protagonists, as they contemplate how despicable the antagonists are and how bleak their situation is, yet they still keep fighting and never giving up hope, despite the chaos of the world unfolding around them.

The dynamic between the Father and son really made me feel empathy for Chris and I also love how his son is called Michael too.

To witness how the world changes Chris and how he interacts with his son, you kind of watch it in bemused terror as each new development unfolds. This story was told with panache - each revelation of back story provides temporary relief before the next layer of tension kicks in resulting in a wonderfully paced read.

There are comedic elements in this story, which lighten its harrowing tone, bigoted sentiments of Chris's boss and Chris's wife also seemed perfectly realised and seemed both hauntingly familiar yet starkly original.

Michael reminds me of Charlie Higson, as he writes fresh metaphors and deftly handles both the explosive impact of the violence, whilst punctuating it all with humorous moments of brevity.

Michael deserves a ton of attention for this debut and I simply cannot wait for the next one, I am sure that you will feel the same - highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hassan wasim
Not your regular end of the world novel. This is closely tied into our present day mess of trade and banking.
Dump is a nazi and will bring the world to this.
Very interesting and current. You'll stay up reading it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book ripped my guts out - yep - made me re-examine my life and all that i hold dear. I have often made comments about how wasteful, ignorant and self-absorbed people with money can be - but am i any different ?
This is what Michael Robertsons story will have you thinking- what is truly important when all the niceties of life are stripped away.
If you have been thinking that you're in need of a break from zombie apocalypse and are in need of something...oh a tad more 'realistic' I dare you to read Crash. And when you are done - tell all your loved ones how much you care about them ---because this story has already started to become our reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really liked this audio book. It's perfect to listen to in the car!

This book was awesome!

This was a great read so to speak. It happens so very rarely that it's a wonderful surprise when it does.

"This audiobook was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review courtesy of AudiobookBlast dot com."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah flynn
I have never read a book like this. I'm glad Michael sent the download to me. I love the plot. I can't believe that the criminals were setting up their own society. The women were helpless. George has to help them. I'm gonna be mad if he doesn't help them. It bothers me that he wants to find his sister. There are several women who need help. He got a letter from his sister so I hope he tries to get the women out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ines jimenez palomar
This was a harsh book to read, but well worth it. A father realizes that the mistakes he has made go far, far back. It takes a situation of terror for him to understand that he had everything years ago and has lost everything in a brief flash. The terror that lurks outside his front door is comparable to the terror of the impotence of the realization that none of this had to happen. A book full of moral dilemmas, this should make you question your actions and beliefs and wonder just when your world will change, and which side of the door you will be on. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to challenge their own belief system.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dark, gritty and well written. Crash manages to create a fascinating story within a tiny universe. Character depth is created and you grow to care about the characters quickly. The story is short buy progresses fasst and has action every step of the way. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The warning is accurate.
Brutal. Terrifying. Scary that our world could go this way.
Most of the people in this story are very unlikeable, including the main character, Chris.
A chilling look of what could happen with the collapse of money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brenda keith
Michael has a superb way with words, that I found both unsettling and eloquent.

Our main MC and his son are alone in a desolate and desperate world, trying to survive after a massive economic disaster. We're painted a very bleak picture on what could happen if things are left to spiral out of control.
The once weak of society have risen up and are now the strong--if not completely disturbed, and those that are used to riches and the spoils that life has to offer, now live in fear.

Let me be honest with you, this book is a true horror novel. It doesn't dress itself up and try to be anything but a horror book. There's no HEA,there's only the quiet desperation as you frantically turn the pages to find out what the outcome will be for Chris and his son.

And Chris, the MC, man you hate him, yet you can't help be fear for him and want a better outcome, if not for him--then for his son. But there's a small band of psychotic scavengers outside ready to inflict their own style of punishment on these once wealthy men and women.

The book flits from the past to the present, giving you glimpses of how things came to be, and it was these parts that I particulary liked. It was these parts, for me anyway, that gave the characters true depth, and changed my entire feeligns towards nearly every character in the book.

If you readd this, do so on an empty stomach. This book had me heaving at times, and that's something that a book hasn't managed to do in a long, long time.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mark underwood
This is the first book I've read from Michael Robertson and it was so different to what I expected.

This shorter story novella unfolds in the aftermath of a global economic crash; its about desperation and the fall of governments. Set in London this originally normal family husband, wife and twin girl and boy were happy and used to living in luxury. This plot is about lack of money recession no jobs, lack of food and how it can turn some people to desperation. We watch as horrific events unfold as a sadistic gang turns up to teach the rich in one cul-de-sac a lesson; and here unfolds a day of horror for father and son.
Warning; this is violent from the start and I was shocked to find it was so sadistic against children....and....a dog; don't get me wrong I get it and it may happen should the world go to pot; but felt this violence was unnecessary. This book isn't for the faint hearted its violent and some will be offended.

I have to say at this point I have been reading horror stories for over 30 years and really enjoy murder mysteries. But this story left me cold, the main problem for me it was way to short, I felt the whole plot should have been just 1 chapter, then we get on with the rest of the storyline!

I usually enjoy longer novels and would have preferred to see father and son escape and read more of their perils along the way, see more of their survival, how they relate to each other etc. I would have liked to warm to Chris but I genuinely didn't like him or take to him; but maybe the author meant us to dislike him.
Even though the author kept adding flashbacks to help explain, I didn't feel they helped in anyway and didn't find it was believable. Hey I even wanted to slap him as I hated his attitude especially towards his own son; but then I also wanted to strangle the boy too for being so annoying so the author did get strong emotions from me lol!
I just didn't take to these two main characters at all (father and son), I felt these characters needed more depth and most good books this horrific have some sort of hope even if its for the next book; but the ending was shocking and far too abrupt. This just didn't work for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica kei
I read this book in one sitting. It was truly relentless.

Once you start, you really won't be able to stop. I genuinely felt anxious for the characters and I had to keep going because their plight seemed so real and plausible that I simply had to know how each new chapter was going to unfold as soon as possible.

Yes, there is graphic violence in this book but it is superbly described and executed to flawless perfection. I felt like I was literally in a horror movie and forced to sit alongside the protagonists, as they contemplate how despicable the antagonists are and how bleak their situation is, yet they still keep fighting and never giving up hope, despite the chaos of the world unfolding around them.

The dynamic between the Father and son really made me feel empathy for Chris and I also love how his son is called Michael too.

To witness how the world changes Chris and how he interacts with his son, you kind of watch it in bemused terror as each new development unfolds. This story was told with panache - each revelation of back story provides temporary relief before the next layer of tension kicks in resulting in a wonderfully paced read.

There are comedic elements in this story, which lighten its harrowing tone, bigoted sentiments of Chris's boss and Chris's wife also seemed perfectly realised and seemed both hauntingly familiar yet starkly original.

Michael reminds me of Charlie Higson, as he writes fresh metaphors and deftly handles both the explosive impact of the violence, whilst punctuating it all with humorous moments of brevity.

Michael deserves a ton of attention for this debut and I simply cannot wait for the next one, I am sure that you will feel the same - highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie philips
I really liked this audio book. It's perfect to listen to in the car!

This book was awesome!

This was a great read so to speak. It happens so very rarely that it's a wonderful surprise when it does.

"This audiobook was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review courtesy of AudiobookBlast dot com."
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
girl from mumbai
A very gritty noir tale, which you don't see A lot of , but that's what makes it realistic.Also like the absence of guns, it being the UK and all. Did not like Dean character, though, seemed a repeat of Jeffery Dean Morgan's character in the Walking Dead.Overall, though, a promising new series with excellent attention to detail .
Please RateCrash (Book One): A Dark Post-Apocalyptic Tale.
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