Against the Wall (Maverick Montana Book 1)

ByRebecca Zanetti

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
3-3.5 stars

This was an enjoyable story. I liked Sophie and Jake and the secondary characters are pretty interesting as well. This is the first book I've read by this author but based on this I'm planning to read more of her work.

Sophie is a artist that works as a landscape designer that specializes in golf courses. She grew up poor and when her mom married a rich man, Sophie was shunted off to boarding school and grew up feeling unloved. Sophie has great artistic skill but does landscaping design because her mother convinced her she wasn't good enough to make a living off of her art. She now works for her Uncle whom she loves a lot. She's determined to do what she can to sell her latest golf course design because without it her Uncle's business may be in financial trouble.

Jake is a rancher and lawyer. He grew up in Montana and has no intentions of leaving. He was married years before and his wife died in an accident and left him with a daughter he adores. Jake is part of the local Indian tribe and works for the Tribal council. He and the tribe are opposed to the new golf course being brought in to the area due to concerns for the affects on the local environment.

Jake and Sophie meet for the first time when he and his brothers almost run her over with their horses but Jake has good reflexes and ends up saving her instead. Sophie isn't to thrilled with Jake's method of introduction but there is an attraction between them from the start. When Sophie finds out who Jake is and that he's going to be a big part of the opposition she's facing, Sophie realizes it's probably best to stay away from Jake as much as possible. Her task isn't made easy though because Jake's very interested in her and although he doesn't intend to fall for a city girl, he does want her and intends to tempt her in to a fling while she's in town. Sophie keeps getting pushed at Jake by most of the meddlesome townfolk, ending up alone with him multiple times for one reason or the other having to do with the golf course project. While they're alone Jake takes every advantage and tries to get Sophie to give in to the attraction.

Although Sophie is a relatively smart woman, she does end up ruled by her lust for Jake and they end up sleeping together. In the mean time, Sophie has been trying to gather as much support for the golf course as she can. She doesn't have a lot of success in that but the locals start liking her and she starts making friends and feeling at home. She even gets drawn in to a local project, designing a local park as a memorial for a beloved town member that died. There is some bad as some of the people that are opposing the development threaten Sophie, first with notes and then later with more dangerous means. Sophie and Jake have their fling but things become more serious between them both and the issues around the golf course and them being on opposing sides doesn't help things at all. The golf course issue gets resolved but there's still difficulties between Jake and Sophie as she's not convinced that he loves her and a plot device I don't particularly care for was used which makes it even harder for Sophie to figure out if he loves her or just wants her to stick around for other reasons. There's some drama as they try to work things out and Sophie has to figure out what she really wants and what Jake really feels. They do get things worked out to a happy conclusion though and have a nice HEA.

This was a good story. I liked both Sophie and Jake and liked their story. I probably would have rated it higher if it weren't for the plot device I didn't like being used. Overall I liked the story though and the characters were interesting enough that I plan to read the next book in the series. I can't wait until Dawn (Jake's little sister) has her book with Hawk. It looks like an interesting story to be sure. :D

* note - I listened to the audio version of this book. The narrator did a good job.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
eric dube
I really liked this book. I have issues with the sex outside (twice) of someone's home naked against their door and really not into that much of a controlling man. I will read more by this author. GJRA
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nathaniel allen
I'm so confused about all of the 4 and 5 stars. The writing is horrendously corny and it seems like no one else noticed. I can't remember the last time I rolled my eyes so often in a book.

The descriptions are completely over the top.

"He was a symphony of twilight"

"[her eyes were] the colour of the deep blue irises that his mama carefully tended each spring"

"Lava cascaded down his spine to spark his balls". Ahem.


The situations were incredibly unrealistic (um, no the landscape architect would not be negotiating... That is so far from their job description) and the characters unprofessional (what kind of lawyer shows up to fight a developer wearing jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt) and a bit racist (describing a native guy as "primitive" - not once but 5 times? ouch).

I usually love Entangled Brazen novels but am going to start downloading the samples to avoid ones like this.
Sweet Revenge (Sin Brothers) :: Deadly Silence (Blood Brothers) :: Marked (Dark Protectors) :: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse :: Shadow Falling (The Scorpius Syndrome)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I give it 2 1/2 stars. I can't give it a 3 stars because it's not as good as my other 3 star novels but I hate to give it only two stars because it's not that I didn't like it, it was just simple. If you're looking for intense, this is not it. This is more of a light romance novel. I decided to read this book because I love Rebecca's paranormal series and this had very high ratings. I would probably read the next installment just to see how Jake's brothers' love lives turn out. Otherwise there was no build up and I didn't connect with the heroine.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Whoops, I initially put a review for the wrong book here. Still, two stars, again for spinelessness. I got confused by the two equally melt-in-a-light-rain heroines. I get that Sophie is educated and wants to do something better with her life, and that's great. But she really succumbs to what is essentially kill you with kindness bullying. I could not stand Jake or his family by the end of the book for doing "sweet" things for Sophie because *they knew better than she did what she wanted.* Yuck, yuck, yuck! And she gets pregnant right away, which is another huge yuck for me. It really skews the power dynamic of the relationship, even if both partners want the baby. Not a good read, though the writing itself was good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shawn brady
This was the first book I read by this author, but it won't be my last. Excellent writing, great pace, 3-dimensional characters, intriguing story line - this book has it all.

It seems strange to say this as I'm writing a review, but I rarely read the reviews on a book until after I've read the book itself. It's sad that the "most helpful" reviews are usually the poorest. I will say this though - the reasons the low-star reviewers gave to justify their ratings are exactly what made the book so enjoyable for me. I love a good, caring, domineering alpha male in my romances (as long as he's not a jerk). Jake was definitely not a jerk - a former SEAL, cowboy, and lawyer as well as being sexy and intelligent. Works for me.

The heroine was sassy, had some family issues that colored her view of people, and I found her to be likable overall - a great match for the hero.

And the spirit guide? I thought that was wonderful. Whether you believe in that or not, it added a nice levity to the story.

Add in wonderful supporting characters, action, and some very sexy intimate scenes and this couldn't be anything other than a 5-star read for me.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mont ster
I really liked this book. I have issues with the sex outside (twice) of someone's home naked against their door and really not into that much of a controlling man. I will read more by this author. GJRA
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I'm so confused about all of the 4 and 5 stars. The writing is horrendously corny and it seems like no one else noticed. I can't remember the last time I rolled my eyes so often in a book.

The descriptions are completely over the top.

"He was a symphony of twilight"

"[her eyes were] the colour of the deep blue irises that his mama carefully tended each spring"

"Lava cascaded down his spine to spark his balls". Ahem.


The situations were incredibly unrealistic (um, no the landscape architect would not be negotiating... That is so far from their job description) and the characters unprofessional (what kind of lawyer shows up to fight a developer wearing jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt) and a bit racist (describing a native guy as "primitive" - not once but 5 times? ouch).

I usually love Entangled Brazen novels but am going to start downloading the samples to avoid ones like this.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mark sinnott
I give it 2 1/2 stars. I can't give it a 3 stars because it's not as good as my other 3 star novels but I hate to give it only two stars because it's not that I didn't like it, it was just simple. If you're looking for intense, this is not it. This is more of a light romance novel. I decided to read this book because I love Rebecca's paranormal series and this had very high ratings. I would probably read the next installment just to see how Jake's brothers' love lives turn out. Otherwise there was no build up and I didn't connect with the heroine.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Whoops, I initially put a review for the wrong book here. Still, two stars, again for spinelessness. I got confused by the two equally melt-in-a-light-rain heroines. I get that Sophie is educated and wants to do something better with her life, and that's great. But she really succumbs to what is essentially kill you with kindness bullying. I could not stand Jake or his family by the end of the book for doing "sweet" things for Sophie because *they knew better than she did what she wanted.* Yuck, yuck, yuck! And she gets pregnant right away, which is another huge yuck for me. It really skews the power dynamic of the relationship, even if both partners want the baby. Not a good read, though the writing itself was good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the first book I read by this author, but it won't be my last. Excellent writing, great pace, 3-dimensional characters, intriguing story line - this book has it all.

It seems strange to say this as I'm writing a review, but I rarely read the reviews on a book until after I've read the book itself. It's sad that the "most helpful" reviews are usually the poorest. I will say this though - the reasons the low-star reviewers gave to justify their ratings are exactly what made the book so enjoyable for me. I love a good, caring, domineering alpha male in my romances (as long as he's not a jerk). Jake was definitely not a jerk - a former SEAL, cowboy, and lawyer as well as being sexy and intelligent. Works for me.

The heroine was sassy, had some family issues that colored her view of people, and I found her to be likable overall - a great match for the hero.

And the spirit guide? I thought that was wonderful. Whether you believe in that or not, it added a nice levity to the story.

Add in wonderful supporting characters, action, and some very sexy intimate scenes and this couldn't be anything other than a 5-star read for me.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
AGAINST THE WALL was a formulaic, paint-by-numbers read. It didn't break any new ground or chart an uncharted territory; it basically rehashed all of the typical city-girl-meets-country-boy romance clichés without attempting to freshen the script even a bit.

Sophie Smith is a landscape architect commissioned to design a golf course in Montana near a lake (the name of which I've forgotten) and by doing so successfully, will help save her uncle's fledgling business. Only problem is that the tribe that owns the land near it, is against it and has the ear of the commission that approves the permit. Sophie is sent to make a case for the golf course on behalf of the group and instead ends up falling for the tribe's lawyer, cowboy Jake Lodge. What is she to do?!

Cliché #1: we're told that Sophie's childhood growing up wasn't all that great. Her mother was a hot wreck that wanted to be better than what she was (if I remember correctly, that's how difficult it was to be interested in the story). She's an only child, so when she meets Jake and his extended family, she's in awe because it's everything she's always wanted. And they accept her JUST LIKE THAT! Cliché #2: her uncle needs the permit to save his business, but she's in love with Jake! Decisions, decisions. Cliché #3: her good friend Preston, whom is the cultured businessman foil to Jake's masculine outdoorsman is an eye roll and unnecessary addition (legitimately he served no purpose except a couple of groan-worthy scenes of d*** swinging between the two of them). I could legitimately list several more instances of rehashed tropes and predictable plot lines (Jake saves the day! He's so sexy! He's broody! He's such the family man! Sophie just wants to paint, but her wicked mother told her that's useless!), but I won't.

Suffice it to day, if you just want another fill-in-the-blank romance to pass the day, this is for you. The writing flowed fine and the dialogue wasn't cringe-inducing, but the story as a whole wasn't all that interesting either, so do with that what you will.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
corrine brown
Sophie Smith is city girl visiting Montana. She is surveying the land to design a golf course. Sophie works for her uncle and is a very talented artist. While checking out the land, she is almost trampled by a horse. Jake Lodge saves her. The tribal lawyer and cowboy is smitten with the city girl. He is determined to spend time with her. Sophie is determined to not get distracted by handsome men, especially ones that are trying to block her uncle's golf course. It would be for the best if they stayed away from one another, but when has the heart ever cared about what was best?

What I liked

Jake lays it all out on the table for Sophie. He is straightforward about his attraction. He doesn't pressure Sophie, gives her time to make her decision without his badgering her. He does supply her with some really good points in favor of being with him, but never goes too far. Jake is a man you can depend on, attentive, loyal, and fun. Sophie has a good head on her shoulders. She seemed easy to get along with. Someone you could sit down with, strike up a conversation like old friends. I am extremely talkative, this is a huge plus in my book. Ketchup, OMG! There is a scene in the diner with Sophie, her friend, and a bottle of ketchup. I wanted to cheer. You will too.

What I did not like

Sophie doesn't want to give up her independence and really, Jake doesn't declare his undying love early on so why would she want to move to Montana. Sensible girl. Me, I would have packed my bags and gone but I am an all in kind of girl. Is knowing something is going to happen a bad thing? It depends on the reader. I did not have a problem with a certain - wait! I can't tell you. Okay, something is mentioned early on, sort of a "What if this happened?" scenario. At that moment I pretty much knew it would happen. I was glad it happened! I know some people do not like that. Only things I can pick out that could be a gripe.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sarah bruce
3.25 stars

Meh. I guess it was an okay romance but didn't quite win me over. This was my first completed book by Zanetti, although I tried Fated and DNF'ed. Maybe her writing style and alpha males aren't for me? I am not giving up yet though; I intend to try to come back to the Dark Protector series and Sin Brothers since they sound really great.

By all accounts, this should have been a big hit for me, considering there was zero OW drama and the hero was not a manwhore. But, for whatever reason, i just didn't feel the love between these two main characters, Jake and Sophie. Probably because Jake's actions during the book didn't really speak of love. Yeah, he lusted after her, and she lusted for him, but he did a lot of things that made me believe he was only with her due to pressure from others, lust and (view spoiler) I guess, by the very end, I believed he might truly love her. I just prefer a more emotionally dedicated hero, earlier on.

As for Sophie, she was a somewhat weak doormat heroine throughout. As for love, her expression of love came at the end, as a by the way statement.

One thing I really liked in this story was Jakes family and the way they embraced Sophie. And again, I liked the absence of OW drama and manwhores. :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer kronk
Reviewed by JoAnne
Book provided by the publisher for review
Review originally posted at Romancing the Book

Wow! The action from the first page grabbed my interest and didn’t let go. I immediately liked the Lodge family – each one so unique but there for each other every step of the way. Jake, Quinn and Colton were all alpha males that fought with each other but were steadfast if any of them were threatened. The women in the family were all strong willed and strong minded and included Sophie in their family as soon as she got to know them even if she and the tribe were on opposing sides for developing the land. Sophie and Jake had immediate chemistry no matter how much Sophie tried to fight it. She loved the idea of family and friends and townspeople that cared since they were lacking in her life. The scrapes she got into were often amusing and sometimes scary. Watching how Jake and Sophie played off each other was captivating.

The descriptions of the land were breathtaking. There was laughter, romance, sexual appeal, sheets that caught fire, love, laughter, adventures, family, friends, townspeople – some good and some not so good – sorrow, anxiety and a wonderful happily ever after. The loving got quite hot and racy at times. Bob, who helped Sophie rationalize as she was dreaming was different. The epilogue tied up all the loose ends and circled back to the beginning which was a nice touch. There was closure but I am glad to see that we will be reunited with the Lodge family, Sophie and the townspeople when the series continues.

Zanetti is a new to me author that I am adding to my ever growing TBR pile. I can’t wait to meet up with the characters I’ve met in future books in the series.

Favorite Quote: “I caught her. I get to keep her,” her captor said, his eyes intent as he took another step toward her, firm muscles bunching in his upper arms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kyle ratcliff
"The silence bordered on bizarre.

Shouldn't there be crickets chirping? Birds squawking? Even the howl of a hungry wolf in the muted forest? Of course, such sounds would send a city girl like Sophie Smith barreling back through the trees to her rented Jeep Cherokee. The quiet peace had relaxed her into wandering far into the forested depths, but now the trees huddled closer together, looming in warning.

Enough of this crap. Time to head back to the car.

Her only warning was the crack of a stick under a powerful hoof, a thumping, and a shouted, "Look out!" A broad arm lifted her through the air. The arm banded solidly around her waist, and her rear slammed onto the back of a rushing horse. She yelped, straddling the animal and digging her hands into its mane. The image of the man attached to the arm flashed through her brain, while his rock-hard body warmed her from behind.

A cowboy.

Not a wannabe cowboy from a bar in the city. A real cowboy.

The image of thick black hair, hard-cut jaw, and Stetson hat burst through her shocked mind as muscled thighs gripped both the back of a massive stallion and her hips. The beast ran full bore over rough ground.

Only the sinewed forearm around her waist kept her from flying through the air.

This wasn't happening. Sophie shut her mouth on a scream as the powerful animal gracefully leaped over a fallen log and her captor pulled her into his solid body. He moved as one with the animal. Her hands fisted the silky mane like it was a lifeline to reality.

Maybe it was.

Screw this. She threw back an elbow and twisted to the side, fear and anger finally galvanizing her into action.

"Stop." A deep voice issued the command as warm breath brushed her cheekbone.

With a mere tightening of his thighs on the great animal, they skidded to a stop. The arm trapping her shifted so she slid easily to the ground and stayed around her waist until she regained her footing. With a sound that was more growl than gasp, she backed away from man and mount until she collapsed against the bark of a towering tree. The horse tossed his head and snorted at her retreat.

The man sat straight and tall on the animal, dark and curious eyes considering her.

The smell of wet moss surrounded her. She gulped in air and studied him. He was huge--and packed hard. Scuffed cowboy boots pressed down on the stirrups while a dark T-shirt outlined impressive muscles. Long lashes framed incredible eyes, and she could swear a dark eyebrow lifted in amusement.

Two more horses charged suddenly through the meadow, sliding to a swift stop behind her captor. One animal was a pretty white, the other a spotted paint, and both held powerful cowboys complete with boots, jeans, and Stetsons. All wore black hats--like the villains in every Western movie ever filmed.

"Unbelievable," she muttered under her breath.

At her voice, her captor jumped gracefully off his mount and stepped toward her.

"What should we do with her?" the man on the white horse asked. His gravelly voice contrasted oddly with the glint of humor in his tawny eyes. Filtered sunlight illuminated the gold, brown, and even black hair flowing unchecked around his shoulders. He was a symphony of twilight, where the other men wore the ominous tone of midnight.

"I caught her. I get to keep her," her captor said, his eyes intent as he took another step toward her, firm muscles bunching in his upper arms."

And that was the first two pages...

Rebecca Zanetti begins her new Maverick Montana Series with a bang,, ok with a capture.. And once again captivates her audience. What a way to get our attention! I waited just a bit to read this Against the Wall because I was looking for something else.. I had it on my kindle and I just looked at it. Finally I caved.. and once again I have to wonder why do I do this to myself?

Against the Wall is a wonderful story about making choices, falling in love, living for yourself and not for others... you know LIFE..

Sophie Smith had given up dreams of becoming an artist and was taking great joy in her career as a golf course landscape designer. Have to admit it is a great job and one she is committed to. She has no family other than her step uncle who owns the company she works for but has been abandoned by all those that were supposed to love her. As a people person she has spent her life trying to fit into other people's expectations.. constantly suppressing her own.

Jake Lodge, man extraordinaire.. Jake has spent the past few years of his life trying to raise his daughter on his own. A widower whose wife died while leaving for the big city has left him rather cautious of women from the outside. Of course once he swept Sophie into his arms nothing has been the same.

One of the best lawyers is working for opposing council. The local tribe has decided against the placement of the golf course and don't want to deal with the company that will be building it.. citing questionable work ethics. After meeting Sophie Jake is determined to find a way to work with the designer but refuse the design.

But the local tribe is not the only group contesting the golf course.. The local nutcases are against it as well.. And they aren't quite as nice.

What made their story so interesting is Sophie was constantly being well conned into doing something she hadn't planned.. and yet it was always something she had dreamed of doing. She had to learn that she was not caving if she was leading the life she had always dreamed of.. and Jake had to learn what was really important.. love or remaining secure in his world.. Each had to take a leap of faith and believe in someone else.

While not exactly erotica, Ms Zanetti teeters on the edge and I think that aspect of this story could have been further explored but that doesn't take away from the story because her sensual scenes take you right to the swoon room

Check this book out now.. get in at the beginning

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
~Reviewed by ANN & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

In a promising start to a new series, Zanetti brings forth something sweet and spicy for readers to devour. If small town romances are your favorites, then do give this book a shot. You cannot go wrong with a cowboy hero! ~ Under the Covers

In the first of a brand new series from Rebecca Zanetti called the Maverick Montana, AGAINST THE WALL is a glimpse into the life of Landscape Architect Sophie Smith. Sophie is a city girl who finds herself in the country where she hopes to place a high-end golf course in. However, before she knows it, she gets swept off her feet by a sexy cowboy. Little does she know that the hot cowboy is also tribal lawyer, Jake Lodge. What does love have planned for the city girl and the cowboy?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Zanetti pens a dashing hero and an intelligent heroine. Their love blooms at a real, believable pace, but it is the sense of family that turns this book from sweet to heartwarming. Zanetti creates a community within the pages of this book so that the city girl, Sophie feels welcomed and at ease in the different environment. It almost mimics reader's reactions as they read this first book of the series. Paired with the friendly personalities and the sweetest character of the bunch Leila, Jake's daughter and you have a small town romance feel to the book that makes me want to cheer with excitement!

Another great thing about this book is that there are so many characters that I would love to have their story told. Jake's family are a thrill to read about and I am hoping that each of his siblings get their own book. I would love to read about Colton, Quinn and Dawn. Similarly, there is an intriguing character named Hawk whom I would love to see as a hero in a future book! One of the downsides of having so many characters is that, readers can feel a little overwhelmed with all the different characters being introduced all at once. I will admit I got a little confused with all the different names but that didn't seem to bother me so much after learning more about them.

In a promising start to a new series, Zanetti brings forth something sweet and spicy for readers to devour. If small town romances are your favorites, then do give this book a shot. You cannot go wrong with a cowboy hero!

*ARC provided by Netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In Against the Wall by Rebecca Zanetti, Sophie Smith is a landscape architect who has created a golf course for privately owned land in Maverick, Montana. While there on business she is literally swooped up by an incredibly rugged, handsome stranger. Such is how she meets Kooskia tribe lawyer Jake Lodge, who happens to be opposing the project Sophie is working on. She is shaken when she realizes she will have to go up against Jake...he's very successful at his job and she is incredibly attracted to him.

<quote>"The man standing so solidly next to wild beasts and surrounded by untamed land was something new and definitely out of her experience. He was all male, and something feminine in her, deep down, stretched awake."<quote>

The town seems intent on pushing them together any chance possible which neither of them really mind. As their relationship continues to grow, separating work from personal issues becomes more and more challenging. Can Sophie trust her heart to Jake, or will he be just another person in her life who will let her down?

<quote>"The woman wanted to be rid of him. He fought another grin. Too bad she wasn't going to get what she wanted--this time. Boy, was she in for a surprise." <quote>

Jake Lodge is a tribal lawyer, former Army Ranger and rancher on his family's land. He was not expecting such a beautiful and brave woman to be heading up the golf course project, but he certainly does love a challenge. Sophie is everything he looks for in a woman: strong, smart, hard working, and all female. Jake feels like it might be time to try a relationship again after losing his wife a few years ago and decides to pursue Sophie. Now it's up to her to let him know if she's willing to give their love and small town life a shot.

Rebecca Zanetti created a story with an ultimate alpha male and a strong, sassy female lead. I was in love with the story from page one and couldn't wait to find out how it ended! Both Sophie and Jake are strong, stubborn characters but Rebecca used those traits to her advantage in the situations they were thrown into. I loved their charming, comical bantering back and forth and the love scenes were seriously hot. Definitely recommended if you love intense, steamy romances.

Reviewed at
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris humphrey
First, let me say that `Against the Wall' exceeded my already high expectations from one of my most favored authors! is so appropriately named! But that is all I am going to say about it! ***SMILE***

Being a PNR, Sci-Fi, Fantasy type of gal, there are but a handful of Contemporary Romance authors who I will endeavor to read, and Rebecca Zanetti has been given a place of honor on it! Being a real fan of her "Dark Protectors" series featuring incredibly sexy vampires, I really did not know what to expect from her first book in the "Maverick, Montana" collection about... cowboys. Well, it just goes to show that when a gifted author can truly create well written, engrossing tales with captivating characters, it really doesn't matter what genre they write in, their stories just shine. Rebecca Zanetti is one such author.

In this first book in the series, Jake Lodge, a true, honest to goodness, knock-your-socks-off-smoldering-hot-sexy-cowboy, sweeps beautiful, Miss Independent-smart-strong-willed Sophie Smith - right off her feet. Literally! These two are drawn to each other from the get go and there is no containing the cowboy once he sets his sights on her and decides he is going to `keep' her. Jake is all male, primal, dominant, and when he pursues Sophie with the clear intent to make love to her, your heart beats faster, your breath catches. He's just so luscious.

Sophie is in Maverick to sell the locals on her company's proposal to build a golf course, which she has designed, and to try and convince the Kooskia not to oppose it. As she prepares to present her drawings to the Tribal Elders, she is caught off guard by Jake as he proceeds to inform her that she will be meeting with him first as he is the Tribal Lawyer. From this point on, all bets are off as Sophie and Jake try their best to convince the other to see things their way, while fighting an attraction that is igniting flames that will both draw them in and consume them.

`Against the Wall' really has it all. It is a romance that has at its core, two very different people from backgrounds that are nothing alike, but both searching for that certain `something' without realizing it. The storyline is great, the secondary characters leave you wanting more, and when you finish the book you take a deep breath and let out a low "Wow, I gotta get me a Cowboy!"

Thank you, Rebecca, for bringing your imagination to life for us to enjoy!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
davin malcolm
I never thought I’d want to be swept off my feet by a cowboy, but after reading the beginning of this book, I’ve realized that I do. I really do. Especially if that cowboy is Jake Lodge…or really any of his brothers. I wasn’t so sure about Sophie when I started this book, but Jake won me voer enough for the both of them. Eventually, I really started to get Sophie. I understood her motivations and could see the world from her perspective. Although, she seemed to have it all together, there was a lot in her life that she was glossing over and ignoring because she felt like she had to.

Jake’s backstory had some really rough moments to. I felt horrible for the things that he went through, but they definitely helped mold him into the stunning, sexy, cowboy that we met in this book. And to top off how awesome he was…he has a little girl that he is amazing with. Totally swoonworthy.

Another part of this book were the supporting characters. Jake’s family and the rest of the town were so amazing to read about. I can’t wait to get to know them all more in the rest of this series. I’m definitely going to be devouring those soon.

Arc provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jake has a lot going for him. He is a respected attorney. He is a member of the Kooskia tribe. He has a strong extended family and lives in a close knit town. He thought he had everything he wanted, until Sophie blew into town.

Sophie has come from the big city to small town Montana to pitch her design on a golf course. Sophie is a strong and independent woman. She has worked hard to get where she is in her life and in her career. She finds herself wanting to settle for what's comfortable instead of fighting for what she wants. Sophie finds herself going toe to toe with Jake, and Jake does not like to loose.

Jake is Alpha male at its finest, oh and did I mention... he has dimples!

""I'd give anything to stay inside you forever-just you and me, feeling you come over and over again, Sunshine." He murmured against her skin."

Sophie has been hurt before and is hesitant to let Jake in, her head says no but her heart and her body are screaming yes. Jake and Sophie find themselves up against the wall.

"If she stayed she'd give up control to the force of nature that was Jake Lodge. His sensual gaze promised dark pleasure, but at what cost?"

This is a distinct change for writing for this author who wrote the Dark Protector series. This is her first Contemporary Romance novel and it did not disappoint. I actually like this author better in this genre. The build up was delicious and the fireworks were well worth the wait. I really enjoyed this one and finished it in one day. It was a quick and yummy read.

I am giving this book 4 stars instead of five for a few reasons. One there were times that the beginning of the book dragged a bit. Not enough for me to loose interest, just a bit slow. Then the end felt like we skipped (some of) the good stuff. Still well worth the read!

4 Contemporary Adult Romance Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vicky wood
I was introduced to Rebecca Zanetti's writing with The Dark Protectors, so when I read she was starting another project my interest was piqued. I started seeing teasers for Against the Wall and saw it was a cowboy type story. I wasn't really into that genre never have been. Then I saw something on FB wanting review readers to sign up. I did knowing I would never be selected because I'm not a blogger or a writer. I just read. Well I was selected to my surprise, received the review copy and started reading it the next evening. OMG from the first paragraph in the first chapter this book started off with an adrenaline rush. You are introduced to most of the main characters in the first couple of pages and holy cow how you are introduced is a mental picture of amazing. Against the wall is a true love story from the start. There's romance, emotional conflict, and danger and of course sex. Now I know where the title came from "impaled her against the wall."

Sophie Smith is an artist at heart, and works for her Uncle designing golf courses. She is in Montana to try and persuade the Kooskia Tribe Leaders to allow her client to build the golf course near their reservation. And now the fun begins. I really don't want to give too much away on the story line. But let's just say Jake Lodge (Tribal Attorney) becomes an unexpected obstacle for Sohpie in more ways than one, and that the town has a sweet way of manipulating Sophie to do different projects for them so she'll stay longer (that's all I'll say on that subject). Both Jake and Sophie have their fair share of insecurities/apprehensions/fears whatever you want to call it. But what truly good romance/love story doesn't have their main characters fighting an internal battle to not make the same mistakes twice. I found the characters in this story loveable and so real. The Lodge brothers Jake, Quinn and Colton along with their baby sister Dawn are so unbelievably close. While reading your realize the entire Kooskia reservation is tight knit and like family. Jake is a single dad and his daughter Leila will just warm your heart. She's such a cutie and has her Uncle's and everyone else wrapped around her little finger. Jake's Mom Loni and the Tribal Chief (Jake's grandfather) are the match makers so to speak, and Leila also has her hand in this. Then you have a dream character "Bob" who pops up every time Sophie sleeps. I just love him. Hmmm I wonder if he's the land talking, I guess you'll have to read and form your own opinion. I hope he shows up in the other books LOL. I'm not going to give anything away with this book. IT IS A MUST READ and you truly will not be disappointed.

Rebecca this is a grand slam in my opinion and I'm giving it 5*. Kudos to you. I absolutely can't wait for the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert cooper
I have read Rebecca Zanetti before. She writes a great paranormal series, that I have been reading for a while. When I saw that she had a contemporary out and about cowboys; I had to give it a whirl. I'm really glad I gave it a chance. Like so many others I'm a sucker for a cowboy, but I'm also a sucker for a hot Native American (usually in a historical) so I'm really glad she didn't screw this up! LOL

From the beginning to the end I was absorbed in this book. I could not put it down, it was steamy as all get out but it also had a plot. And the plot was pretty decent. It had a few cliché moments but overall, the story had me just as absorbed as the steamy elements. For Jake and Sophie the sparks start flying almost immediately, Jake literally sweeps her off her feet when he scoops her up while riding on horseback rather than running her over. When they discover they are on opposite sides of a court battle, that should have cooled things off, but instead the flames just increased until there was no other option than combusting in each other's arms. They had great chemistry and a fun push pull thing going on. As it also turns out Jake likes to call the shots in the courtroom and out of it too! *wink wink*

This book also had great side characters. All of Jake siblings showed up quite a bit and they are getting set up for their own stories, which I cannot wait for! So, if you were thinking about giving this one a try but were on the fence, I definitely recommend it!


4.5 Romanticals

*This book was provided through NetGalley for an honest review. No other compensation was provided.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael conley
Against the Wall by Rebecca Zanetti is another example of why I love Entangled's Brazen line so much. I swear, each release just gets better and better. It was just impossible not to fall in love with Zanetti's book because it had so much going on in the story besides the romance. 

Sophie was fanfreakingtastic! She was just a great character all around. Sophie had the brains and the looks. She was well educated, stubborn, and ready to put anyone in their place. She didn't just have spirit, but she had fire. I really loved how she grew throughout the story, realizing her full potential as an artist and just embracing who and what she believed in. She didn't just want to settle, she wanted love and passion in her relationship. She wanted a family she had always been dreaming of, a place where she would belong and all of this was explored and discovered for her.

Jake Lodge was absolutely wonderful! He was the jelly to Sophie's peanut butter and he was just the way I liked `em. He was the most sexiest horse riding kissable cowboy lawyer I damn wished I could get my hands all over. I loved how devoted he was to the Kooskia tribe and how important his heritage was. I especially loved how he had great family ties and values. He was very protective of his sister Dawn and was an amazing father to his daughter Leila. He was just amazing all around. Every quality in a man that a woman may be looking for, Jake had it. He was powerful, clever and so easily able to command a room, who wouldn't be swooning all over him?

I really liked that Jake and Sophie's relationship, though they had some hesitations, were able to communicate and push aside their oppositions against each other professionally. They had lovely chemistry together and the way Jake's family embraced Sophie was heartwarming. Zanetti totally gave this book everything. Her writing had the perfect flow with just the right amount of witty sense of humor and sensual sexiness I couldn't get enough of. Her descriptions of the landscape was beautifully written, I had no problem visualizing it all in my mind. I loved how she mixed in the loyalty between family and heritage, love and career, and risking it all. 

Spicy, dangerous, and completely tantalizing, Against the Wall will have you racing to finish the book, but regretting that it ever ends! I can't wait for the next installment in the Maverick Montana series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chip wiginton
Landscape Architect Sophie Smith is sent to Montana to survey the proposed land for a golf course and convince the tribal members of the Kooskia tribe that the course will not harm the land. Fairly straightforward, but Sophie quickly finds it is anything but. Meeting tribal lawyer Jake Lodge completely puts Sophie off kilter, not only because he seems determined to get her into bed, but there is a hypnotic quality to him that is telling her to trust him. They are on opposites sides though and she has a job to do, but with a little help from meddlesome family members and friends Sophie finds herself falling for Jake and wondering if the path she is on currently really is where her heart is.

Amazing story. Jake, sigh, he is the culmination of want to have as a hero in a story. He is charming, determined, and electrifying when he sets his eyes on Sophie. I found myself entertained throughout the whole story and loved that there is still a vulnerable quality to Jake, he is afraid that Sophie will want to leave and head back to the big city, what he doesn’t know may surprise him. Wonderful read, cannot wait for the next one in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Alright, first off I'd like to point out that if you go to the link -- you will find that they have Jake listed at "Jack" -- Not cool, Goodreads. Not cool. You scared the bejeesus out of me thinking that I'd picked another book with the hero named "Jack" and not realized it.

His name is Jake. Not Jack. Phew.

Now that that's been said -- Good book! And suitably titled, as Sophie does, at one point, ask Jake, "Do you ever notice how often you have me up against the wall?"

I was more drawn in by this book than I thought I would be. What originally drew me to it was the Native American themes within it -- wanting to stick to tradition and keep what land they have. I enjoyed the fact that it was pointed out to Sophie several times that "the land doesn't want the golf course here." I appreciate that. I'm a mutt of massive proportions when it comes to my heritage but I am part Native American... and I'm just a general nature lover. So that was awesome.

The love story between Jake and Sophie grows, though the initial attraction is immediately seen (as is usual in these stories). There are hurdles, there are consequences and there are straight-laced, scary, backwoods Americans who give "close-minded" and "militia" a new meaning... They freaked me out, and I was only reading the book.

In summation, a very well-written book, with intriguing characters and plot points. A four out of five because it's a good read -- an easy one, and a good one. And hey -- every girl loves being backed into a wall because the guy just can't wait to get to the bed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelsey kopecky
I would love stuck in Montana and taken in by the Kooskia tribe.� Jake is that alpha male that has complete control of his family, both close and extended, his job and a leading role in the community.� He is a ruthless lawyer when he needs to be and in order to protect his�town he holds nothing back.�

In comes Sophie Smith.� She is a landscape architect who has designed a high-end golf course for this small town in Montana.� She is here to check out the land and pitch her design to the community.� The problem is this city girl is way out of her element.� She is having a very difficult time resisting Jake who has decided he wants Sophie for as long as she is in town.�

What was suppose to be some sexy and temporary loving is slowly building to more than the two expected.� Sophie is beginning to like life in Montana with Jake and his family.� He didn't even realize something was missing from his life until Sophie showed up, but now he has to convince her that they could have an amazing life together.� Soon they realize it doesn't matter where they are as long as they have each other.�

This story is sexy and hot, hot, hot.� I was even pulled into the supporting characters.� I hope the series will continue onto Jakes brothers and sister.� There seems to be a lot of hot males in the tribe.�

Thank you�to Entangled Publishing, LLC and NetGalley for the chance to read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
matthew mccrady

Hotness Level-Inferno

Kink Level-None

Series-Maverick Montana #1

Reviewed by Kay

I freely admit it, I read this book for the cover! I know, I know, I deserve to get what I get, but look at the cover! It called to me and I answered. Honestly, what I got wasn't so bad.

Sophie Smith is a landscape architect that specializes in golf course design. I can't help but think that's kind of cool. Her company wants to build a housing addition with a golf course in Maverick, Montana near Mineral Lake. The town has a pretty good size Native American population that doesn't want it done because the land doesn't want it. I'm not gonna argue the rationale of that statement, I just thought since that is what the book said, I told you. She is sent in to try and change the minds of not only the tribe but the town council and a "concerned citizens" group.

Jack Lodge is a tribe member and their lawyer. He also helps his family on their land as almost a foreman on a ranch would. He has to go toe to toe with Sophie and her development company to keep this from happening. He has two brothers and a sister that have good sized parts in this novel also.

I liked these two characters a lot and the secondary characters also. The plot was okay for me too. The love scenes were on fire, which also helps in my opinion.. What I didn't care for was the speed in which the town accepted her as their own. I couldn't buy in to it. Jake and his family latched on to her so quick, it was a little unsettling. Using a nickname for her the first time he met her? No! I would consider this a low conflict love story and I like a conflict in my love stories. This was my first novel by Rebecca Zanetti and I liked it but it didn't blow my socks off.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
aramazd ghalamkaryan
I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you!

This was a quick short read. I liked this book but a lot of the plot was under developed.

What was Bob? Why was this Necessary for the book. I think it was thrown in since she is trying to sell her golf course that falls on Native American land. As a sprit to lead her into what her destiny calls. It was just weird. All he did was echo anything she said. She never did hear the land.

Jake is a lawyer and rancher to his land. He is fighting against this resort. Not her golf course design but the location. Sophie is an artist that has turned her career focus into designing gold courses. She needs this project to land or her uncles business will be bankrupt.

Jake wants Sophie while she's around. Little did he know he would get her pregnant. He wants to keep her and its smothering her.

I loved that she risked her life for Dawn. I'm surprised that the author didn't show more of the gratitude from Loni's family for that. It was overshadowed but Jake thinking she was running away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine roberts
This ticks every single box for a fabulous romantic read. It's well-written, has great endearing characters, moments that make you smile and laugh along with those that are feisty, romantic and hot. I devoured it.

Lawyer/Cowboy Jake Lodge oozes appeal on every level; he is sexy, buff, witty, patient and relentless when fighting for what he wants, in or out of the courtroom. Sophie is a feisty, independant, sweet-natured and determined landscape architect who arrives in Montana to persuade the locals that a golf club is in their interests. Easier said than done, particularly when the lawyer blocking the proposals is extremely pleasing on the eye and hot and sexy with it...

I loved them both and I was willing them to find their HEA. Their banter made me laugh, the sexual tension was hot, their sexcapades were sizzling and their relationship created some lovely tender and romantic moments; Jake truly managed to make me swoon. His family were wonderful in bringing many fabulous, funny moments and it truly was a book that captivated me from the opening chapter and held it throughout.

Would I recommend reading? YES without hesitation and I hope we see more from the Montana men in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate helm
Rebecca is here to stay. She has already mastered the paranormal genre and with this latest release she proves that she can write anything.

Whether it's vamps or cowboys her books can stand with the best of them.

Rebecca is just an all around incredible writer and I look forward to reading everything she writes.

It takes a talented author to weave together a tale with passion, love, action, mystery, emotion and sizzling sex and blend them all together perfectly. Rebecca does it with ease.

This book is the start of an epic series of cowboys and their loves.

Jake is a gorgeous lawyer. His family and tribe come first and he will do what it takes to keep them safe.

Sophie is from the big city, coming to a small town for work. She is a beauty with amazing artistic talents. She uses those talents for work.

Jake and Sophie meet and the connection is instant. The passion is there and they cannot deny it.

This book is amazing and will stay with me for a long time to come. Its one of those books that you can read over and over..
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
patrick haney
Against the Wall had everything that could have been an incredible read. I had been anxiously awaiting my chance to check out this title, but what I found was not at all what I had expected. There are some creative twists and turns in this short story. Easily read and quickly finished it was nothing terrible, but I just did not feel the power and intensity that I was hoping from my another Entangled Publishing Novel. Please don't misunderstand me this is an easy and enjoyable read, but if you are looking for something will knock your socks off this didn't hold that kind of power over me. I will be on board to check out book two, and see if this was just a case of first book jitters. With this experience it was obvious that this is a talented author, and I am hoping that the next installment she will fly out the gates bucking through the very last page. ~BookWhisperer Reviewer Jo~
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I wasn't really sure what to expect with Against the Wall but it was a Brazen title so I figured I couldn't go wrong.

This was a quick, feel good read. Not much angst, a little bit of steam and a whole lot of alpha cowboy!

There was a tiny bit of mystery woven through the story but it turned out to be a little anti-climatic, in my opinion.

It was a solid quick paced novel with good character delevopment. I was able to understand the characters actions & connect with them both.

I am looking forward to reading Under the Covers (#2 in the Maverick Mountain series) and am really hoping Zanetti has plans to write Hawk's story - please Rebecca?! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Super alpha male tribe lawyer Jake saves Sophie from being trampled by horses. From the moment he scoops her up on his saddle, these two cannot keep away from each other. As Fate will have it, Sophie works for the company trying to get the commissioners to permit the construction of a new golf-course development, while Jake is the lawyer representing the tribal leaders in opposition to this new development. Being on opposite sides does not stop these two from the unrelenting attraction they feel.

The writing style is easy to read with its unique rhythm. The characters are well developed and lovable. The love story is HOT and if you like alpha males, Jake will be your new book boyfriend. Recommended to all!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
trish saunders
Not sure how I felt about this relationship. Some of the behavior was over the top and some things that happened not sure if they were resolved.

I think that the author was trying to make Jake a strong alpha, but not sure if it worked here. I love a good alpha make story, but this one felt a little out of place for me.

I could see where the author was trying to go with the story, but somehow it was not delivered.

In the end, it was a sweet contemporary romance.

Did I skim? Yes

Did I feel connected to the characters? Not so much.

Pace of the story: Fine

Positives: I love stories about small towns with a handsome cowboy and big city girl.

Negatives: I did not feel the steam between the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is laugh out loud good! First, Jake is now on the "best book boyfriend ever", list. Jake is a sexy, alpha, country, cowboy lawyer who finds himself fighting for land against beautiful, city girl and golf course designer, Sophie. Their chemistry is off the chain, especially when they're both riding his stallion! Jake's family members are warm, friendly people and they have a keen sense of justice. They embrace Sophie as if she is part of the tribe. And Jake's six year old daughter is hilarious! Can't wait to read the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
n ria costa
From the moment they first meet, Jake Lodge sweeps Sophie Smith completely off her feet. Literally not figuratively, that is. A hot lawyer/rancher is hard to resist but Sophie gives it her best shot in Against the Wall.

Montana Kooskia tribe member Jake and Landscape Architect Sophie have what can only be considered an awkward first meeting when Jake rescues Sophie from certain death via horse trampling by actually picking her up and putting her on the front of his horse. Man, that's hot! Once the horse action calms down and Sophie's introduced to Jake, his two brothers and sister things get a little uncomfortable. Sophie's familiarizing herself with the land she hopes her newly designed golf course will be built on. Jake and his family belong to the powerful Indian tribe opposing the new development. Jake, obviously thinking with his little head, doesn't see this as an obstacle in his quest to seduce Sophie, even though he's the lawyer working to stop Sophie and the development company she works for.

With the help of Jake's family these two get thrown together quite a bit. The romance soon commences and they embark on a sexy and engaging relationship, even though they both know Sophie's headed back to the city the first chance she gets. Except Sophie's starting to like everything Jake and life in Montana has to offer and Jake just likes Sophie.

"I want your heart." His mouth dipped to replace his hand. "You already have mine."

This book isn't nearly the cliché I've made out to be. Jake and Sophie are both well developed and highly entertaining characters. They both have baggage that makes admitting to the other how badly they want to move forward with the relationship difficult, but nothing ever felt forced and the pacing of the story seemed just right. Jake's family is awesome and collectively they work together to try and show Sophie and Jake that the possibility of making a life together isn't so far fetched. The picture of Montana conveyed and the setting for this story were so beautiful that I had absolutely no problem believing Sophie would consider giving up life in San Francisco for life in small town Montana. Sign me up!

Against the Wall most definitely exceeded my expectations for a light, quick contemporary romance. Fingers crossed we'll also get the stories of Quinn, Colton and Dawn Lodge in the very near future.

ARC provided by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anisha gawriluk
**Copy kindly provided by the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

Sexy cowboy literally sweeps city girl off of her feet. This was a great introduction to the Maverick Montana series. Jack Lodge is your big bad sexy alpha male with the heart of gold and a solid grasp on family values. He alone is good reason to check out this book. Sophie is your typical scared city girl who's looking for nothing more than a fling while she stuck in the countryside working. As the story unfolds you can't help but fall in love with Jack and root for the two to find their way to one another despite their differences and road blocks. This is the first book I've read by Rebecca Zanetti and I'm looking forward to reading more.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
claire louise
AGAINST THE WALL definitely lived up to its name, and it was a satisfying light-hearted read. Regrettably, I have to also admit that I feel like the story lacked real depth or emotion in the way it was written too. On the positive side though, I liked the character set up with not only the main characters, but also with the secondary ones as well. Jake and Sophie shared some very steamy moments, and I delighted in their cute interactions outside the bedroom as well.

Landscape architect Sophie Smith is in Maverick Montana to present her design for a proposed golf course to the community. This city girl is unquestionably out of her element, but she is surprised when she finds the country charm so appealing in more ways than she ever expected. Montana calls to her inner artist begging to be unleashed, and Jake… well he brings out a whole different kind of passion from her that she tries in vain to resist.

Jake Lodge is a cowboy to his core, but he is also the Tribal lawyer for his community the Kooskia Tribe. He finds himself in opposition to Sophie’s proposed golf course, but he also sees a way to make her stay as well. They set out for their relationship to only be a fling, but things take an unexpected (or in my case…entirely predictable) turn. Now I think Jake shows hints of being a commanding Alpha male, but I would have loved to see that more fleshed out. I honestly feel like we didn’t really get to know him very much and I would have liked to know more about him. I adored the way his family and community were always meddling and providing support, but I did think it was odd that he never seemed to be taking care of his own daughter during the story.

Unfortunately, I found myself thinking that AGAINST THE WALL was entirely too clichéd. I couldn't feel any deep connection between the characters to support them falling in love. I also found that some of the events in the story seemed like after thoughts that were not fully developed. These events fall into place a bit too easily for my liking, which made them unexciting and predictable in my honest opinion. On the other hand, I liked the plot and thought it had real potential to pull me in. The love scenes were a pleasure to read, but boy did these two love the outdoors and walls! I find myself curious to see where the story goes from here with Jake’s siblings, but I also hope that those stories have more depth to them than AGAINST THE WALL did. I think the author has real potential to make an enjoyable series, so I’m interested to see how her writing develops from here.

✳✳ Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

✳✳ Reviewed on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews by Tabatha
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
geta t
Rebecca Zanetti is a new author to me. I discovered her with her Sin Brothers series. Also a must-read series.

I loved this book from the beginning. I loved the characters and I absolutely loved the hero. So determined, so possessive and so jealous. He knows who he wants and does everything to have her. He never gives up despite our heroine's doubts.
I also loved the other members of the family and our hero's daughter.
The book was very funny. I laughed out loud sometimes. And it was also stirring.

The more I read Rebecca's books, the more I become fan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Against the Wall is an amazing read!! The story line flows very smoothly and kept me hooked from page one, and the characters... Oh my goodness the characters!! There was really not one single character that I did not just instantly fall in love with (well except for a certain group of people, but won't get into that so I do not give anything away). I read this book in one sitting and I have a feeling that once you start this book you will too!! I hope that there will be more to come, as there are other characters that I really want to get to know more about!! I HIGHLY recommend this book!!!!
I received an ARC of this book from Entangled Publishing for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
olivia audoma
I am a big fan of Rebecca's writing.... This book hasn't changed my view on that, only made me want more! Against The Wall was an amazing read. I started and finished in one day. There wasn't a dull page to be read, I was interested from page one. The story has heat and humor. Sophie and Jakes connection is memorable from the start. Jakes character is what romance authors aim to create, and Rebecca certainly got this one right! Rebecca writes stories that make you feel like you are right there experiencing it as well making you want to pack up and move to Montana. There were moments where my heart was pounding, others where I was on the edge of my seat and others that made me *sigh* (in a good way). The story has amazing characters that are well written and I can't wait for the next installment in this series. Well done Rebecca!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eric tonjes
"Go ahead and run, Sunshine. I caught you once before. And I will again." - Jake, chapter 3

This is a very good and exciting romance!

Sophie travels to Montana for a golf course project she's designing. Jake is the lawyer for the local tribe (he himself he's an indian) that opposes to the development of said golf course. The divergences in opinions doesn't interfere in the attraction both feel for each other.

I enjoyed knowing the Lodge family, they are a kind of dream-family. I'm looking forward to read the next books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Oh my .. Yummy alpha male , who doesn't love a sexy dominating cowboy. You'll need to break out the ice for this sexy read HOT HOT HOT, I was swooning , drooling and overheating reading Rebecca's deliciously sexy, sweep a girl off her feet romance . Jack is the poster boy for cocky, arrogant sexy as hell men you just want to take him home and well have him ... 'Against The Wall'. You want this book , You need this book .. GET THIS BOOK , Its more than worth your time and money . Rebecca Zannetti has just thrown herself into my favorite authors list .
4 chocolate kiss stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
**Copy kindly provided by the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

Sexy cowboy literally sweeps city girl off of her feet. This was a great introduction to the Maverick Montana series. Jack Lodge is your big bad sexy alpha male with the heart of gold and a solid grasp on family values. He alone is good reason to check out this book. Sophie is your typical scared city girl who's looking for nothing more than a fling while she stuck in the countryside working. As the story unfolds you can't help but fall in love with Jack and root for the two to find their way to one another despite their differences and road blocks. This is the first book I've read by Rebecca Zanetti and I'm looking forward to reading more.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ashley kilback
AGAINST THE WALL definitely lived up to its name, and it was a satisfying light-hearted read. Regrettably, I have to also admit that I feel like the story lacked real depth or emotion in the way it was written too. On the positive side though, I liked the character set up with not only the main characters, but also with the secondary ones as well. Jake and Sophie shared some very steamy moments, and I delighted in their cute interactions outside the bedroom as well.

Landscape architect Sophie Smith is in Maverick Montana to present her design for a proposed golf course to the community. This city girl is unquestionably out of her element, but she is surprised when she finds the country charm so appealing in more ways than she ever expected. Montana calls to her inner artist begging to be unleashed, and Jake… well he brings out a whole different kind of passion from her that she tries in vain to resist.

Jake Lodge is a cowboy to his core, but he is also the Tribal lawyer for his community the Kooskia Tribe. He finds himself in opposition to Sophie’s proposed golf course, but he also sees a way to make her stay as well. They set out for their relationship to only be a fling, but things take an unexpected (or in my case…entirely predictable) turn. Now I think Jake shows hints of being a commanding Alpha male, but I would have loved to see that more fleshed out. I honestly feel like we didn’t really get to know him very much and I would have liked to know more about him. I adored the way his family and community were always meddling and providing support, but I did think it was odd that he never seemed to be taking care of his own daughter during the story.

Unfortunately, I found myself thinking that AGAINST THE WALL was entirely too clichéd. I couldn't feel any deep connection between the characters to support them falling in love. I also found that some of the events in the story seemed like after thoughts that were not fully developed. These events fall into place a bit too easily for my liking, which made them unexciting and predictable in my honest opinion. On the other hand, I liked the plot and thought it had real potential to pull me in. The love scenes were a pleasure to read, but boy did these two love the outdoors and walls! I find myself curious to see where the story goes from here with Jake’s siblings, but I also hope that those stories have more depth to them than AGAINST THE WALL did. I think the author has real potential to make an enjoyable series, so I’m interested to see how her writing develops from here.

✳✳ Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

✳✳ Reviewed on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews by Tabatha
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rebecca Zanetti is a new author to me. I discovered her with her Sin Brothers series. Also a must-read series.

I loved this book from the beginning. I loved the characters and I absolutely loved the hero. So determined, so possessive and so jealous. He knows who he wants and does everything to have her. He never gives up despite our heroine's doubts.
I also loved the other members of the family and our hero's daughter.
The book was very funny. I laughed out loud sometimes. And it was also stirring.

The more I read Rebecca's books, the more I become fan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gloria garc a
Against the Wall is an amazing read!! The story line flows very smoothly and kept me hooked from page one, and the characters... Oh my goodness the characters!! There was really not one single character that I did not just instantly fall in love with (well except for a certain group of people, but won't get into that so I do not give anything away). I read this book in one sitting and I have a feeling that once you start this book you will too!! I hope that there will be more to come, as there are other characters that I really want to get to know more about!! I HIGHLY recommend this book!!!!
I received an ARC of this book from Entangled Publishing for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
david steinberg
2.5 stars

I wanted to love this story so much. I loved the concept of the cowboy/lawyer and city girl overcoming their differences and coming together, I just don't think that it came across in this story.

Although I did love Jake and everything he brought to the page, I couldn't see him falling for someone like Sophie. She came across as selfish, snobby and completely inadequate for Jake. I tried to get into their story and cheer them on, but every step of the way was a struggle for me.

Regardless of their chemistry or maybe because of it, I could not buy that Jake and Sophie would succeed in a relationship. He had too much to lose and his mature, objective side flew out the window when he was with Sophie. What about his daughter? Shouldn't she go first? I don't know I just couldn't see them making it work, although I did enjoy the chemistry they had and how the author brought it to the page in some mighty hot scenes.

I don't think Against the Wall was a total loss of a story. There were moments that were sweet, some that were funny and the subject matter was interesting enough for me to keep on reading. I just think it wasn't the story for me. I usually don't like insta-love scenarios, but I've been able to put that 'pet-peeve' aside when I though the characters and their stories had a chance of surviving beyond the book. The secondary characters were great too. I loved Jake's family, their easy manner and their loyalty to ach other.

This is the first book by Rebecca Zanetti that I have read. It is also the first book in the Maverick Montana series. I'm looking forward to reading more about Jake's brothers, I was intrigued by their actions and reactions in this book. I bet there are some interesting stories there.

All in all, Against the Wall was an okay story of second chances with a hot, cowboy-lawyer and a city slicker trying to fit in a world unknown to her.

I received this title from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange of my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurie bridges
I am a big fan of Rebecca's writing.... This book hasn't changed my view on that, only made me want more! Against The Wall was an amazing read. I started and finished in one day. There wasn't a dull page to be read, I was interested from page one. The story has heat and humor. Sophie and Jakes connection is memorable from the start. Jakes character is what romance authors aim to create, and Rebecca certainly got this one right! Rebecca writes stories that make you feel like you are right there experiencing it as well making you want to pack up and move to Montana. There were moments where my heart was pounding, others where I was on the edge of my seat and others that made me *sigh* (in a good way). The story has amazing characters that are well written and I can't wait for the next installment in this series. Well done Rebecca!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paula forbes
"Go ahead and run, Sunshine. I caught you once before. And I will again." - Jake, chapter 3

This is a very good and exciting romance!

Sophie travels to Montana for a golf course project she's designing. Jake is the lawyer for the local tribe (he himself he's an indian) that opposes to the development of said golf course. The divergences in opinions doesn't interfere in the attraction both feel for each other.

I enjoyed knowing the Lodge family, they are a kind of dream-family. I'm looking forward to read the next books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
krisha newham
Oh my .. Yummy alpha male , who doesn't love a sexy dominating cowboy. You'll need to break out the ice for this sexy read HOT HOT HOT, I was swooning , drooling and overheating reading Rebecca's deliciously sexy, sweep a girl off her feet romance . Jack is the poster boy for cocky, arrogant sexy as hell men you just want to take him home and well have him ... 'Against The Wall'. You want this book , You need this book .. GET THIS BOOK , Its more than worth your time and money . Rebecca Zannetti has just thrown herself into my favorite authors list .
4 chocolate kiss stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ranjit patel
Against the Wall is a novel about a Native American cowboy lawyer and the women on the opposing side of the tribes most recent issue.

Sophie Smith is a landscape architect that recently designed a golf course for her uncle's company. This deal is important, it can make or break her uncle, and she is determined to make it happen. However, she never expected to be swept off her feet by a gorgeous cowboy on horseback.

Jake Lodge has always wanted to be on the tribe's land. He might be one of the best lawyers around, but representing the Tribe and raising his daughter on his ranch is all Jake wanted in life. That was until a spunky city girl walked in and became a distraction that brings out his lust.

Will Sophie and Jake realize what is most important before their closing arguments chase each other away?

This is a super sexy novella by a talented author. It is full of everything you would expect from Rebecca Zanetti. The story kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved the world that Ms. Zanetti built as well as the characters she created. Everything was believable and full of life.

Definitely looking forward to book 2 - Under the Covers releases May 27, 2013!

*** I received a free ARC copy of this book and provide my honest opinion. ***
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ana alongi
When Sophie arrives in Montana to support the proposal of a golf course in a pristine setting near an Indian Reservation she faces opposition from the locals, led by lawyer, Native American Jake Lodge. Lodge and his extended family make a concerted effort to convince Sophie that the proposed location is not ideal. As the Lodge family works on bringing Sophie over to their side, she is romanced by Jake. While the novel follows the usual romance formula, Sophie's stubborn resistance seems over the top.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great book; it is the first book in the Maverick Montana Series by Rebecca Zanetti. Once I started reading this book I didn’t want to put it down. Sophie is a spunky landscape architect and sexy the sexy tribal lawyer Jake is trying to block the development of the golf course that Sophie is working on. This book has romance, humor, and a sexy cowboy. I can’t wait until the next book in this series comes out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bradley boldt
I really enjoyed the Lodge-Freeze family series. RZ is a great writer. She knows how to develop characters and a story. They feel like real people you want to go and meet. There are some pretty mediocre romance writers out there, but she is one of the better ones at spinning a tale and keeping the pages turning. By the second book I was in love with this family and wanted to see more of the macho Montana ranchers
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
casia courtier
Against the Wall is a wonderfully romantic story. Jake is the very best hero, and hot to boot. I was as interested in the world in which Sophie and Jake lived, and I look forward to reading the continuing story of the other characters in the book. Rebecca Zanetti successfully offers the reader an entertaining and heartwarming read.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is so dang hot, it made the northern Idaho spring feel like a Sahara Desert summer in here. My goodness.
Great book, as usual from Zanetti.
Glad to see she is spreading out and conquering other genres. I have the feeling she can write anything and make me fall for the characters and be twisted in the plot.
Fast read and worth the wait - thank Heaven I don't have to wait long for the next one! *Shiver* seriously. Wowo.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
larry s
I really like Rebecca Zanetti's books - she has a great writing style and I love her characters. That said, this series is a fairly typical alpha dominated contemporary romance. There really isn't anything new plot-wise but they are perfect for a quick, beach read.
Disclaimer: I received the Kindle book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book makes me want to move to Montana to find my own cowboy!! It was sexy and such a good book. So good I couldn't put it down and stayed up late into the night to finish it. While at times all I wanted to do was slap the hero for his meddling ways I felt the author finished the book in a really good well rounded way. That left me with a feeling of satisfaction. I definitely recommend this book it was good good good!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i discovered miss zanettis style with her series the dark protectors series and fell in love with her way wicked sense of story line and her characters. come travel to maverick montana. where you will see what happens when a city girl, sophie..takes on the hot sexy jake lodge! i promise the trip will be worth it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian cuban
I loved this book. The only reason for the 4.75 rating is because I thought the book started a little shaky. A couple chapters in and I was hooked. Jake was smokin hot and the chemistry between him and Sophie was fabulous. *sigh*
I truly enjoyed the other characters and I can't wait to read about Colton, Quinn and Dawns HEA. You will fall in love with Leila.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn meinders
Rebecca has a knack for writing the ultimate alpha male characters, they dominate the page and not only do they capture your attention but they hold on to you & refuse to let you go right until the very end, and that's when you're left desperate for more.

When Jack Lodge rode onto my page in his full Native American Cowboy glory I was hooked instantantly, he exudes masculinity yet he somehow manages to be tender when needed. He is the type of man you not only fall in love with but he's also the one you want to father your children.

Sophie Smith is a city girl who is used to living her life to make other people happy, she has been tasked with undertaking a job that needs to come to fruition or people she love could be in trouble. Everything she believes in gets turned upside down when Jack rides into her life, nothing is as she expected it. Jack becomes important to her but with them being on opposite sides can she trust him?

When Jack sets his sights on Sophie you just know she won't be able to resist for long. When he makes his mind up about something he gives 120% and Sophie stood no chance.

The passion between Jack and Sophie is only a small part of the story, the other characters where just as engaging and I trully can't wait to read about them more, it's a close knit community and I can see the potential for some of them to become important later in the series. Jack's family gave me a few giggles and I can't wait to find out more about his brother's although Hawk has captured my interest.

This was another fantastic read from Rebecca, bring on the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen ball
Sophie is a golf course designer. Jake is a lawyer for his tribe. She has to get the committee to okay the placement of the golf course. They start an affair and then an OOPS happens.
Funny, hot sex, and a sweet little girl.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love a good cowboy story, when you add in fantastic sex and surprising humor, you have a great read! I really liked the Lodge-Freeze families, and the interaction between the family members was heartwarming. I can't wait for Hawk and Dawn story!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
katie fisher
2.5 stars

I wanted to love this story so much. I loved the concept of the cowboy/lawyer and city girl overcoming their differences and coming together, I just don't think that it came across in this story.

Although I did love Jake and everything he brought to the page, I couldn't see him falling for someone like Sophie. She came across as selfish, snobby and completely inadequate for Jake. I tried to get into their story and cheer them on, but every step of the way was a struggle for me.

Regardless of their chemistry or maybe because of it, I could not buy that Jake and Sophie would succeed in a relationship. He had too much to lose and his mature, objective side flew out the window when he was with Sophie. What about his daughter? Shouldn't she go first? I don't know I just couldn't see them making it work, although I did enjoy the chemistry they had and how the author brought it to the page in some mighty hot scenes.

I don't think Against the Wall was a total loss of a story. There were moments that were sweet, some that were funny and the subject matter was interesting enough for me to keep on reading. I just think it wasn't the story for me. I usually don't like insta-love scenarios, but I've been able to put that 'pet-peeve' aside when I though the characters and their stories had a chance of surviving beyond the book. The secondary characters were great too. I loved Jake's family, their easy manner and their loyalty to ach other.

This is the first book by Rebecca Zanetti that I have read. It is also the first book in the Maverick Montana series. I'm looking forward to reading more about Jake's brothers, I was intrigued by their actions and reactions in this book. I bet there are some interesting stories there.

All in all, Against the Wall was an okay story of second chances with a hot, cowboy-lawyer and a city slicker trying to fit in a world unknown to her.

I received this title from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange of my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Against the Wall is a novel about a Native American cowboy lawyer and the women on the opposing side of the tribes most recent issue.

Sophie Smith is a landscape architect that recently designed a golf course for her uncle's company. This deal is important, it can make or break her uncle, and she is determined to make it happen. However, she never expected to be swept off her feet by a gorgeous cowboy on horseback.

Jake Lodge has always wanted to be on the tribe's land. He might be one of the best lawyers around, but representing the Tribe and raising his daughter on his ranch is all Jake wanted in life. That was until a spunky city girl walked in and became a distraction that brings out his lust.

Will Sophie and Jake realize what is most important before their closing arguments chase each other away?

This is a super sexy novella by a talented author. It is full of everything you would expect from Rebecca Zanetti. The story kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved the world that Ms. Zanetti built as well as the characters she created. Everything was believable and full of life.

Definitely looking forward to book 2 - Under the Covers releases May 27, 2013!

*** I received a free ARC copy of this book and provide my honest opinion. ***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My favorite author is Kristen Ashley because she tells complete all encompassing stories that just suck you into the lives of her characters. I found another author I am liking almost as much in Rebecca Zanetti even if her novels are not as lengthy. She has the gift of storytelling. Really enjoyed this book. I am working my way through all her books on the store and I have not been disappointed yet. Recommend this one
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bella thomson
The hero is an exceptionally virile, sexy, family oriented, highly intellectual man. The heroine is smart, independent and artistic. The sparks fly from the get-go. Mystery sneaks in and the outcome is a surprise. Highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eleanor hoeger
I am a big fan of Rebecca's Dark Protector series and now i am a fan of her cowboys.I have been reading paranormal books for several years and could not find any normal people books to read.I took a chance on this when was selected to read it before it was released and i am so glad i did.Rebecca lets you feel the story .I fell in love with Jake and Sophia from the start. There's romance,some tension, a great family to continue the series with. Once you get into the book you wanna keep reading till the very end.Rebecca Zanetti ,Thank you for a great new series
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