The Fifth Covenant Novel (Covenant Series) (Volume 5)

ByJennifer L. Armentrout

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy brand
An excellent finale to the Covenant series. JLA had me guessing about the way things would end right up to the final five pages. This whole series has been a good blend of quirky, funny, gut-wrenching and oooh myyyyyy. While I loved every book in this series, Sentinal was one that really resonated in me - I could relate to Alex much better, not to mention certain maniacal characters that featured. The whole series was brilliantly and realistically (for me, anyway) paced. I would recommend it to everyone. Kudos to JLA for the great work on top of everything else she's been working on at the same time. It can't be easy to be writing multiple series concurrently, so hats off to you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Definitely have been waiting FOREVER for this book to come out and the series to come to an end. This was well worth the wait and an AWESOME conclusion to the books! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this author and stay tuned for any new books that she writes as I have them all. If you are looking for a good series, or just good books to read then look no more. These books are EXCELLENT!! Enjoy the read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary froseth
I can't read enough of Jennifer Armentrout's books. And then I go back and read them again because the characters are so deep. I love her stories and love the diversity in them from the different series I've read. Just finishing up the Lux series and I'm just sitting and waiting for the July release of Every Last Breath.
Frigid (Frigid Series Book 1) :: Forever with You :: Scorched (Frigid Series Book 2) :: Opal (A Lux Novel Book 3) :: Challenge (Harris Brothers Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a perfect conclusion to the series. Aside from the typos that is. It's now became one of my favorites! I couldn't put it down. Thrill after thrill and heart ache, it did not disappoint in bliss factor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy tolbert
loved the way this series ended. was exciting, tear jerking, redeeming and awesome. loved it...wish there were more books with Alex, Aiden, Seth, Apollo and gang..would love to see a little more of the subsequent years after the battle and if Seth and Alex still have connection and their relationship. loved it all. that is how you finish a series
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I want to thank Kate Kaynack at Spencer Hill Press for sending me a copy of this book when my copy was backed up on the store! I could not wait to get my hands on this and see the conclusion of one of my all time favorite series! And I was not disappointed. As usual, Armentrout kept me on my toes through this whole book and I had NO idea how it would end!

Blurb from Goodreads:
It's a beautiful day for a war.
As the mortal world slowly slips into chaos of the godly kind, Alexandria Andros must overcome a stunning defeat that has left her shaken and in doubt of their ability to end this war once and for all.
And with all the obstacles between Alex and her happily-ever-after with the swoonworthy Aiden St. Delphi, they must now trust a deadly foe as they travel deep into the Underworld to release one of the most dangerous gods of all time.
In the stunning, action-packed climax to the bestselling Covenant series, Alex must face a terrible choice: the destruction of everything and everyone she holds dear… or the end of herself.

I will honestly say that while I love this cover it is not my favorite of the series. When it was released, I was actually disappointed. I saw a mock up of a cover that I LOVED. It was a turquoise blue and just oh so beautiful. I thought for sure that was going to be it, but I was wrong and that made me sad. But, you can't love all covers now, can you?

I could probably write a whole book about how this series makes me feel. As a whole it gets an A in my book for sure. I love the characters, the action, the romance, the situations you think will never turn out right. Armentrout takes the bull by the horns and tosses him around like he's nothing. There's no doubt in my mind that at some point I will read this series again (and I DO NOT re-read books!).

I was excited to see Alex is back to her good old self in this book: snarky, loving, a little selfish but in a selfless sort of way, and mostly just a kick butt heroine. I don't find her to have tons of angst, which always makes me happy because angst totally pulls me right out of a story. And her loyalty is undying, which makes her even more lovable in my book! Alex always rises to the occasion, and this book is no different.
And Aiden, well, he is my ultimate book boyfriend. Talk about fiercely loyal. He loves Alex for who she is, no strings attached, no cares as to what others think. He makes her his world and it's amazing to watch it flourish so much more in this book because they are not afraid of who knows the truth. The only issue I had with him in this book is he really did say Agapai mou WAY too many times. I don't think there was a conversation with Alex he had in this book that didn't include this phrase. When I was first introduced to the phrase, I loved it; I cherished when he would say it. But in this book it was a bit over done. That made me sad. I wanted it to be something that he said when it needed to be said. And, while I'm all for people telling each other they love each other, it was just a bit overboard for me.
Seth, well, I'm still not sure what to think. I hate him, but I love him. I hate that he has been such an idiot in the past. I hate that he let power consume him and blind him to what is right and just. And yet, I love how he tries his hardest to redeem himself. And how he gives up everything so that Alex can be happy. I was wary of the fact that Alex knew right away that Seth was willing to help them as opposed to hinder them, but I guess that is the Apollyon connection?

I love the plot of this book, although I found the pacing a bit slower than the previous books. I can honestly say I really had no idea where it was going or how it would end. Every situation the characters were put in ended in some catastrophe, despite the fact that they made it through. I did think I would shed more tears in this book than I did, but it didn't happen, until the end. I had some tears there, but then they were happy tears. There are so many emotions that this series brings. And the story itself is one of sacrifice, love, hate, hope, sadness, happiness, and loyalty, and I could go on and on

As for Jennifer's writing, well, it's her writing, which I always enjoy. She really knows how to pack power into her words and her world. My favorite part of how she writes is how she always interjects humor into what she's doing. She loves to lighten the mood when things are looming over her characters.

Overall, the ending was not what I expected. I was happy that things turned out the way they did, don't get me wrong, but I was just wanting more of a fight, more of the heart wrenching sadness that would make me want things to turn out differently. The book certainly has a ton of great moments. Times when I thought for sure it was all over and I would want to throw the book across the room. Was it worth the wait, sure it was, I needed to get my conclusion for the series. But, again, it was not what I was expecting and, while it did not leave me hanging and wrapped things up in a nice package, I just feel like I am missing that little something that would have made this series go out with a bang for me.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Sentinel was nothing I ever expected and that could be a good thing, but sadly in this case, it wasn't. As a finale book, I expected Sentinel to blow my mind with it's war epicness and "God Killer" Mythology, but what I actually got was a flat and un-epic (?) story about two sappy lovers. What I'm trying to say is that Sentinel didn't feel like a final book in a series, it didn't have that seriousness and focus required when preparing for something huge, everything was ha ha funny to the characters and I certainly wasn't laughing with them. However, I didn't hate it (How could I? It had Seth!). Sentinel lies somewhere in the middle on my rating chart, but I will give it half a star more just because the ending made me believe that there might be a spin off for Seth. And that's a huge might be but I'm rooting for it!

Sentinel opens up with Alex observing the repercussions of her fight with Ares, the most visible one being the multiple permanent scars on her body. From thereon, we see Alex and the whole gang preparing for a war with Ares. Amongst those people is Seth and for the purpose of not spoiling anything, I'll only say that the change we saw in Seth's behavior was beyond commendable. The amount of sacrifice he made to right the wrongs in this book alone makes me so proud of being his supporter from the very beginning; Seth is most definitely my favorite character ever and nothing can change that! As for the romance, I could care less about it. Not that I didn't like Aiden before, but in this book specifically, he sounded very sappy (I need to find another word for that!). And I will agree to skipping all those make out scenes--which were A LOT-- because they felt oddly placed. Furthermore, I wasn't satisfied with the involvement of the secondary character, besides Deacon's humor here and there, I didn't see anything special from their side.

Wow, I just noticed how negative my review sounds. Well, there were some things I loved, namely the new God added in the mix. Oh, he as such a delight! He appeared as an older and more naughtier version of Seth to me, so naturally I was a fan! Other than that, I love the progress made for the half blood in this book, that's the whole issue that started this series and I was extremely happy to see it resolved for the better. All in all, Sentinel was a pretty decent ending to Covenant series, it might not be epic but it did answered all my questions and nicely wrapped up all the issues. So I can't really complain too much. Fans of this series would most definitely be satisfied with the ending in the least, though for me, the ending was the favorite part. I loved how every piece came together and gave us the ending that was shocking yet expected at the same time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sreejith ms
I was satisfied with the end of this series. Sometimes the last couple of chapters of a book can make or break the entire series. I was good with the way this ended. I love Alex, Seth, and Adian, so I am happy with the ending. This is one of my favorite series I have ever read, so I would have been disappointed if the last book sucked. Glad that didn't happen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael kipp
Okay where do we begin! This was my favorite series I've ever read. The final book, Sentinel was the perfect end to a perfect series.
The plot was great and very suspenseful. It keeps you turning the pages until your finished. I cried when it was over even though it had a great ending for both Alex and Aiden! If you enjoyed the beginning books of the covenant series, this one will have you crying and laughing until the end!! All thanks to my favorite author, Jennifer L Armentrout!<3 also I highly recommend her lux series which is frustratingly great books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Get your tissues ready, Covenant fans! JLA ends the series with a bang, one that left me broken and in tears, and that actually left me unsure of whom I was rooting for, right from the start. Needless to say, I'm ecstatic with the ending, but am looking forward to reading what I hear is an additional installment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Get your tissues ready, Covenant fans! JLA ends the series with a bang, one that left me broken and in tears, and that actually left me unsure of whom I was rooting for, right from the start. Needless to say, I'm ecstatic with the ending, but am looking forward to reading what I hear is an additional installment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen eisenbrey
The sexual content is more fade to black, you know its happening but its not spelled out.
Enjoyed this series. This had me on quite an emotional rollercoaster. Loved it. Loved the twists and the sacrifices and the side characters. Highly recommend
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I will admit to being terrified to read this book. The ending of this incredible series that I have loved so much - would things work out? Would Alex and Aiden get a HEA? Would Ares get his butt kicked? Was there any way this brilliant author could make things work out? Oh, I can't tell you any of that but I will tell you that I stressed. I cried. I screamed. I gasped. I sputtered. WTH? Really? OMG! Did that just happen? Are you freaking kidding me? Yep, that just about sums it up. It's an emotional ending to a brilliant series.

Alex is broken from her fight with Ares. She's not the same and something is really wrong with her. She's not sure she's the one to lead the army of awesomeness and she may be right. She steps out of character a lot but with good reason. One, she had been through a lot and two, something was definitely up. And that is the brilliance of this last book. Armentrout keeps us guessing and hopping throughout. It's not just leading up to one big bang near the end, no the unexpected is popping up everywhere - especially with Alex.

Aiden. Hot damn, I didn't think I could love this boy more but I do. He stands by Alex. He sacrifices for Alex. He's totally jealous, which is super cute. He takes some serious licks in this book but that boys love knows no end. I was proud of him. I fell all over for him. I want to hug him and cuddle him and....yeah I know he's Alex's but I can dream can't I?

I have to say something about Seth. I have never been a Seth fan. I saw through him from the first time I met him. Shallow and self-centered, I never thought he cared for Alex. I never saw the self-sacrifice that Aiden constantly showed. But Seth has redeemed himself. That is all I have to say about that.

The story is fast paced and, oh, so good. I couldn't put it down. Really, this book kept surprising me. Every time I thought I had something figured out, things would turn and I was stunned. My beloved characters went through so much and I right along with them. This whole world evolved and I admit to liking the result. I freaking LOVED the ending. It's perfect. Just perfect.

My fear about reading it was justified and unfounded. While I hate to see this series end, I love the way it does it. And as long as I can re-read and have more JLA books, I'm a happy reader.

If you have been reading this series, then RUN and get this one NOW. If you haven't had the pleasure of reading the Covenant series, then start. It's great paranormal YA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book series. At first I was skeptical and put off reading it due to reviews saying it's a vampire academy ripoff. The first book does start off similar but that's about it. I hope it makes it as a tv series. Will miss reading the story of all of these awesome characters. Book hangover time lol
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh, the feels! The FEELS!!!

What an insane, emotional and heart-pounding conclusion to this fabulous series! JLA never lets her readers down. Even when I was reeling from shock, there was a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel. Just perfect!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nadine broome
After reading book five, it became apparent the fifth book could have been compressed into a couple of chapters at the end of the fourth book in the series. Read the fifth book if you feel the need for closure. There is no suspense. The main character simply acquires the necessary power to defeat her adversary within a paragraph. If you were a fan of the prior books in the series, then you will feel cheated by the ending of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
And that is how you close a beloved series! Thank you JLA for putting to shame other YA authors who've attempted to conclude what once started out as great series to only have it end in compete disaster. Yes, I'm looking at you Veronica Roth. And you Lauren Kate. Ally Condie, Lauren Oliver and Lauren DeStefano? Guilty. And don't think I've forgotten about you, Suzanne Collins. You and any other writer out there contemplating a series need to learn from the master that is JLA. Sensei Armentrout can show you the way- can lead you on the thou shalt not disappoint the fans path. Congratulations Jennifer! I don't care what name you write under, just keep doing what you do!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben sternke
I loved this entire series. Each book built very well from the previous ones and I did not get bored at all with any of the books. this is one where i would have been satisfied with another, but it ended on a good note.

I would recommend this to anyone who is a definited "fantasies reader"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m k barrett
As always JLA as written such a perfect ending to a series! I laughed I cried and i screamed out in frustration! if any book makes me do that then its a winner in my book, I Even got to understand a love Seth! I am really going to miss these characters and I am so sad to see them go but it was, again perfect!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This whole series is wonderful! Keeps you reading well into the night. One of those series where you buy the next book without even blinking because you will pay to find out what happens next. I liked the Lux Series a little better but this one is right on par.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
samet celik
Becauase it didnt tell us anything about the battle. Or what happened to Seth and the
missing God. Is there another sequeal or are left hanging in the dark?
This was not one of her better books and I am a huge fan of hers and
the Covenent Series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
While you wanted book five to conclude with a happy ending, Armentrout may leaving you hanging in a way you weren't prepared for. The end of book five is quite predictable, but leaves you feeling good. Nice that there are happy endings. Though be aware that life doesn't always turn out that way!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roja mdv
I have just finished the book. I have never cried so hard as I did at the end. I truly just cried through the last two chapters. However through those tears I could not stop reading. I will not give away any parts but I was so thankful that I was happy with the ending. Sad to see this series end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah jones
Miss.Armentrout this book this series is pure magnificent in so many ways it would literally take me a full twenty or more paragraphs to explain the excellent story line ,characters, the problem, struggle, hardship, climax and ending of this series. I dream of becoming an author that can grasp there audiences like you have with your books and I can't tell you how long I begged mother to let me get this book but, when I did I read it in one day. You are an excellent writing and cannot find words to say much I admire your books so I say thank you
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee montgomery
Excellent series, with intriguing underlying premise of the Greek pantheon's being a reality with which we mortals must cope. Characters range from funny to sexy to appealing to annoying, & plot is worth the price of admission.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikola rudic
I have waited for this last book for quite awhile, and when I got it I devoured it. Near the end, I wanted to throw it into the nearest body of water, but luckily I hung on and kept reading. The ending gave me faith back in the entire premise of the series, and was vindicating for our heroes. That's all I'm going to say. Read it, because you will NOT be disappointed...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annalise haggar
This book was so beautifully written and was a wonderful conclusion to this series. Though the ending was not what I expected I loved it !! Aiden is a character that everyone has no choice but to fall in love with and I love to see how Alex has matured book to book! An excellent read a do me that will leave you satisfied with a smile on your face in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely love this entire series. Sometimes I seriously questioned how she could possibly write an ending that was truly happy. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Alex, Aiden and even Seth got their happily ever after. Jennifer Armentrout has tied Greek mythology with modern warfare with love!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great ending to a great series. I absolutely love this series. I couldn't wait until this book came out and I was afraid it was going to leave me disappointed since it was the last book but I wasn't. So glad the author ended it the way she did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine giordano
I have really enjoyed this series .I really hate for it to end. BUT with every ending is a new beginning. I certainly hope there will be more for the rest of the of them. Thank you Jennifer for the wonderful world you created .Until we meet again Adien and Alex.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamer khattab
I have absolutely loved this series!! It is my favorite series of all! The action, the romance, the mystery....I am so sad it's over but can't help but *sigh* smile at the ending:) and I don't think you could ever find a character quite as dreamy as Aidan:) *sighs again, and smiles bigger*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
in s c ias
This book was like an emotional roller coaster and I couldn't put the book down. I love the ending and I especially love how Apollo kept his promise!! I guess my favorite thing about this book or series are the characters. They were so alive and full of unique personalities. I just love Alex's snarkiness and smart comments. The ending was perfect. Aiden and Alex belong together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adrian lapusneanu
I loved this series. I also liked the way Sentinel tied everything up in a nice bow. I am sad to see it come to an end, but it's the spirit boat I needed to move on.......kinda. I will think of the characters from time to time, I am already hoping for cameos of Alex, Aiden, and the gang if you decide to give Seth a spin off series. A series where he finds happiness and someone who loves him with everything and, chooses him first since no one ever has, not even his parents. OMG, look at me, I just finished the book and I am already wanting you to create a new series. Please, please, please do a story for Seth, but before you do that, I gotta know what is happening with the Lux series! The way it ended has me a little worried Katy and Bethany.....and soooo excited!!! Oh and I really like how Hunter and Serena's story (obsession) entwines with Daemon and Katy's story (lux Series). More of that please! It is so cool how you have two different series going on at the same time about the same thing from opposite perspectives, and then have the characters meet at times along the way....I think YOU may be a Demigod! I found myself loving Hunter as much (if not more at times) as I do Deamon! Anyway, thx for this ending, it feels completed and I'm looking forward to more!! -tssg
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thank you for giving us a wonderful ending. I was so thankful to cry tears of joy instead of tears of anger. I am so happy to have discovered these books as well as all your other books. You are an incredible writer! This book did not disappoint and was worth every penny.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dela dejavoo
I was a bit disappointed. I truly love Jennifer's writing and will read whatever she comes out with next but it fell a bit flat for me. Not sure why but it was not as gripping to the senses as the previous ones were but still a good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
worf thaddeus
Waited for this book to come out and FINALLY!! It was a good read just a little long winded on repeated heated looks haha. LOVED the ending it was great to have closure on a story I have been following since last year, yet I wonder if this is really the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I LOVE this series. The characters are witty and sincere. I wish it had 10 more books that I could devour. You won't be disappointed if you give it a try. Jennifer A. did an amazing job writing Covenant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah mingle
Love this book. LOVE THIS SERIES. When I ended this book I cried because I couldn't believe it ended. This book played at my heart strings, made my tear, sob, and one page could make or break my day. I am an obsessive reader and I could not put this book down, neither could I put any of the other books down in this series. Love Alex and Aiden, and I especially loved the network of action, romance, fantasy, and drama played in this series. I could not have asked for a more perfect perfect perfect story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I like the twists between aiden and Seth. The fights were lovingly surprising. I kept reading wanting to know what was going to happen next. The settings of the tale were always changing but always felt well described so it was easy to imagine. Loved the series.
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