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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am impressed with Jennifer Armentrout's story-telling abilities. To be honest with you, in the first two books of this series, Stephanie was not my favorite character. She had set her sights on the men that were meant for other women that I loved (no matter that, at the time, those men didn't technically belong to those women yet), and therefore, to me, she was the enemy. I was skeptical that I would be able to like her enough to want to be with Nick, who I've had a fascination with.

Stephanie has always set her sights on that Big Love - the one that changes absolutely everything. The one her parents shared. She's holding out for the right guy, and she passes the time waiting for him by engaging in casual hook-ups. It's a sort of cynical and yet slightly romantic way of looking at things. She sees Nick tending bar at Mona's thinks he's hot and decides he's the lucky guy that night.

As luck would have it, Nick has a similar outlook on life, except, he doesn't think that his perfect match is out there. He's content to screw his way through his 20s, and as long as the girls don't ever come back to Mona's again, he's happy with things. And, he's VERY happy with his one night with Steph. They were very WOW together. And, truthfully, I thought that both of them had felt something a little more than they usually do with others that night. But, of course, both brushed it off as nothing, and went about business as usual.

Until the night Steph wanders back into Mona's and Nick loses his crap, and his manners, and says some really stupid stuff to Steph. She's definitely a take-no-crap kind of girl, and I was internally cheering when she let him have it. It was really an epic moment. It kind of was for Nick too, as he decides that maybe he CAN be friends with a girl.

Except soon after that, things get real. And these two have to actually start adulting. Together. After initially being really pissed at Steph for how she started off handling the situation, I started to really like her. And, while I always really liked Nick, I started liking him even more. As he opens up to Steph about his past and his present, we see that there is so much more going on with Nick than what he lets on about. And, there's a huge surprise in his past that I didn't see coming, but absolutely broke my heart for him.

Although I was impressed with Steph and Nick and how they each handled the challenges that were thrown at them (for the most part - there were a few times there where I wanted to shake Steph), the one character I was blown away by in Forever With You was Katie. She's kind of been this running joke for a few books now - the bedazzled, psychic stripper. The best part about her is the unapologetic way she lives her life. She does what she wants to do and she says what she wants to say. I love that about her. And, when Steph needed someone to stop coddling her and tell her to suck it up, that person was Katie. That was my favorite scene in the whole book.

This book had a lot of heart. It dealt with some really tough subjects, and it was done well. Despite my reservations about Steph, Jennifer made me love her. And I ended up really loving her relationship and chemistry with Nick. We saw plenty of Cam and Avery (and witnessed some big stuff between them too), Jase and Tessa, Jax and Calla, and even Ollie and Brit. I'm now waiting impatiently for Brock's and Jillian's book, so as long as Jennifer keeps writing books in this series, I will keep reading them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nastassia orrison
Forever With You was a story that was passionate, sultry, captivating and insanely seductive. It was perfection in my eyes. The charm and banter that filled the pages pushed this story to a new level of sexy that I desperately search for each time I open a book. But you want to know the best part? When I reached that final page, I was left feeling giddy and smiley despite the fact that I cried, a lot. I’m still on a book high and Forever With You has officially become my favorite book in the Wait For You series!

Stephanie is the girl who had a physical relationship with the male characters from the first two books, Cam in Wait for You and Jase in Be with Me. She had attended college with that group of friends, but she wasn’t close to any of them. Since graduating from college, she got a new job and an apartment on all on her own. From the first moment that Stephanie met Nick, sparks fly. Their chemistry was raw, sexual and insanely hot! It had me anticipating when they were going to hook up and the emotional roller coaster ride that was ensured afterwards!

I. Loved. Stephanie! She was confident (at times), wasn’t afraid to defend herself, and underneath it all she was genuine and sweet. But in all honesty, I didn’t know what to think of her going into this book. She seemed nice enough, but I kept picturing that scene where poor Teresa walks into Jase’s room and Stephanie is standing there without her shirt on. Teresa and Jase weren’t together and Stephanie didn’t do anything wrong, but I felt horrible for Teresa. So starting this book, Stephanie was truly an unknown since I never once had a good grasp on her. But by page 2, I knew that she was astounding! Her swearing skills were impressive and I loved the way she interacted with Nick! Smiles were ensured and I found myself easily feeling every single emotion that she felt. And that made for an amazing experience!

Nick was charismatic, charming, dark, sultry, sexy, and had a tortured past. Sigh . He could also go from being thoughtful and caring to the biggest ass on the face of the planet. Nick was everything that I always want to lust after in a book boyfriend. He was the type of man whose actions and words could be the polar opposite. One moment he was doing something that made you want to sigh out loud and grab him by the shirt and kiss him and then in the next moment his words could be like a slap across the face. He was a fun puzzle to figure out and I enjoyed every single moment trying to learn who Nick was. And I know that Nick is a character that is going to stick with me for a very long time because he had that profound of an impact on me. There was so much depth to him. And when we got to see every single part of him, the good and the bad, it was impossible not to love the whole package. He truly was a beautiful person, jackass and all!

So YES I loved this book! It was truly stunning! I just wanted to run around my house jumping and laughing because this book was so much of everything I always want. Give me a heroine who I will love, give me a tortured man who will steal my breath away, give me fiery chemistry, give me a story that is all-consuming and I will fall in love with every single page. And that I did!

***ARC was kindly provided by the author, at the San Fran Golden Gate Event, in exchange for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
samantha brooks
Nick Blanco and Steph Keith had instant chemistry, and they truly thought they were on the same page as far as no strings, no promises, and no commitments after one passionate encounter. But whenever they end up around each other there is a spark and a bit of sparring that eventually leads to the idea of trying to stay friends.

I have always been intrigued by Nick in the other books. He is funny and personable, but kind of secretive. He's cocky, confidant, charismatic and a bit hot headed. He sometimes speaks first and thinks later. He does not do attachments or seconds. But we never knew what was really going on with him.

I was a bit worried about how I would like Steph since I did not get warm fuzzies from her in the other books as she seemed standoffish and not very friendly. Steph is bold, brash, and is not afraid to go after what she wants. She has a bit of a reputation and likes to have fun and do what she wants. She is now starting a new life in a new town with a new job, but she is surprised to see some familiar faces.

Nick and Steph have no idea how they are going to affect each other's lives. Neither of them do relationships or really know how to effectively pursue or maintain one. There is a push and pull and mixed signals. They get closer, but also have fears, doubts, and insecurities. They have a hard time communicating their feelings. They both have issues from the past that still affect them. Both have felt loss before and are fearful of more loss or being hurt. But when something brings them even closer together and the lines become even more blurred, they have motivation to try to see how it goes.

But when their worlds keep changing and they are faced with difficult situations, will they hold tighter or let go?

This one was not terribly angsty. It was funny, sweet, passionate, and at times emotional and sad. I really liked Nick and Steph and their fun, witty banter, their attitudes, and their strong reactions. The author gave us plenty of clues about some of the big plot points, but I was still invested in their story and was hoping for a certain outcome. But there were a couple of surprises too.

It was told in Steph's point of view and she was one of those heroines with a tough, bold, sarcastic, outer shell, but underneath it was a vulnerable insecure mess. But Nick was kind of the same way. He was cocky and mysterious, but had hidden pain and feelings of unworthiness. They had flaws and their history with relationships was not good. But they were perfectly imperfect together and just fit. I hated to see the struggles they faced, but it was realistic.

I enjoyed this installment in this series and ended up liking both of the main characters and story line. It was funny, sexy, heartwarming, but also heartbreaking and emotional at times. I enjoyed spending time with the group: Jax and Calla, Avery and Cam, Jase and Teresa, Roxy and Reece, Katie, and Brock. It is always fun to see a bit more into the future and share more milestones with previous couples. I love their banter, dynamics, and support of each other. I was intrigued by a new character Jillian and the new setting of the Lima Academy tying in MMA. I think we will see more of Brock and Jillian in a future installment. And Heaven help her but poor Katie needs a man. lol.
Scorched (Frigid Series Book 2) :: Opal (A Lux Novel Book 3) :: Cursed :: The Third Covenant Novel (Covenant Series) (Volume 3) :: Frigid (Frigid Series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Wait for You series is one of my all-time favorites, not just because everything this author writes is amazing, but because I enjoy following along with the progression of this series, as the situations, romantic and otherwise, correspond with the evolution of these characters. I may have done a double take when I first learned that Stephanie and Nick, two minor characters from previous books with, shall I say, interesting reputations, would be paired up in Forever with You. Whatever expectations or ideas about their story I had were thrown out the window as their true characters were gradually unveiled. Both Stephanie and Nick came as a pleasant surprise, stealthily sneaking their way into my heart and, while theirs may not have been the story I was anticipating, it turned out to be perfect for them. Incredibly sexy and so sweet your heart will dissolve into a puddle of mush, Forever with You is an unforgettable addition to the series.

With a writing style that is both intelligent and contemporary, reading Forever with You made me feel as though I was having a conversation with a close friend. The narrative is told through Stephanie’s perspective – a perspective that is immensely entertaining thanks to her bluntness, her sassiness, and her laidback sense of humor. To the outside world, she’s this gorgeous, confidant woman who makes no apologies for her casual relations with the opposite sex yet we as readers get to know a different side of her, a more vulnerable side. Admittedly, she’s the kind of character that screams at you to take notice, which is evident from her first meeting with Nick. The two shared a face-fanning, smile-inducing, chemistry-filled instant connection, bonding over their many similarities. The relationship between Nick and Stephanie may have started out hot, heavy, and purely physical, yet once emotions entered into the equation, their dynamic shifted, slowing down to give them the time to open up to each other on a deeper level.

More so than with previous books in the series, Forever with You is a fairly simplistic, character-driven novel, focusing primarily on the development of Nick and Stephanie’s budding romance. This book made me laugh, made me swoon, and tugged on my heartstrings in a manner that I never expected. As a fan of the series, I also relished the appearances of several favorite characters as well as the introduction of a possible new romance. Fast-paced and completely engrossing, Forever with You is 350-plus pages of pure entertainment that had me glued to my Kindle from start to finish.

*complimentary copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Rating: 4.5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paulaletsympatico com
Holy emotional roller coaster. Not only did this book grab ahold of me and not let me go, but it made me feel all the feels in the process. Jen had talked a little bit about this book (and how tough it would be to read, at times) when we hung out in NYC during BEA. I’m glad I was somewhat prepared. What a book!

I’ve seen several other reviews that talked about being unsure how they would like Stephanie as a heroine because they weren’t fond of her in earlier books. She must not’ve made much of an impression on me because it really took me awhile to realize who she even was. So, that wasn’t a problem. I found her easy to connect to almost immediately. In the beginning, I appreciated her attitude and her willingness to embrace her sexuality. Towards the end, I loved her strength as she went through something truly horrible. My heart ached for her and I shed more than a couple tears.

I’ve been totally intrigued by Nick since Fall with Me. Though, if I’m being totally honest, it took me some time to warm up to him in this book. He truly came off like a real jerk early on and because this book is written solely from Stephanie’s POV, I couldn’t tell what his deal was, but I still held out hope for him. It didn’t take all that long for him to melt my heart. He is a good guy. He’s just dealt with a lot of crap and loss in his life. As Stephanie, too, knows loss, this made them a great pair in my eyes.

I adored these two characters together, once they got past the initial rough phase. I loved how they came together when confronted with an unexpected situation. Neither of them was looking for anything real, but there’s no doubt what they found together was just that. I enjoyed watching both characters grow, separately and together. There were things that happened that absolutely broke my heart, but I can’t complain about how they handled it together. I had some concerns about how it would all go, given each of their history, but it was pretty much as perfect as it could be in a horribly imperfect situation.

I loved this book, even with the heartbreak and abundance of feels. The relationship felt authentic, I loved the characters and I was THRILLED to get a glimpse into the lives of some of my favorite couples from earlier in the series. Forever with You was a great addition to the Wait for You series.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Going into this story my expectation of Steph was for her to be intimidating and tough. Reading this book from her POV let me down a little bit. She is perceived as being a person without any cares. She has "friendships" with guys that last a night. She has only a couple girls she really trusts and doesn't let her guard down. In the other books she is described as being stunning and intimidating. Now that I actually read the book, I was a little let down with her story. She doesn't trust others and doesn't want to let her walls down, but lets Roxy and Katie in and even Nick... and it was pretty easy for them to become friends with her.

I thought she would have had a tough life.... kind of like how Avery, Teresa, Calla, or Roxy had things happen to them. I'm not saying that Steph didn't have a traumatizing experience, but it wasn't to what the other girls had to go through.

I really loved the parts with Roxy and Reece, Calla and Jax, Teresa and Jase, and Cam and Avery. It was just... heart melting and totally adorable. I love those couples (and their stories) so much. I'm not as attached to Steph and Nick. I'm glad they get their happily ever after... but I really liked the other characters stories more. I LOVE the ending. It's just so adorable and perfect.

Also, I love Katie! She is totally out there and hilarious. I wish she could have her own story.

Anyways... it was an entertaining read, but if you have read the others in the series this one wasn't as good. It just wasn't my favorite.

-Allison (
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catie miller
Once again, Jennifer L. Armentrout delivers in every way that counts. Emotion and humor, sweetness and sexiness, friendship and romance. I loved Steph and Nick, both tough and resilient, but both also longing for love and belonging. Forever With You is the story of how these two people crash into each other, how they push each other away and how ultimately, they fall for the other, finding an unexpected forever.

We first meet Stephanie, who’s just moved to start a new job at a mixed martial arts center. Steph is feisty, direct and independent. She also loves the thrill of finding a hot guy and indulging in a one-night stand, no strings attached.

“I was a hundred percent full supporter of no-strings-attached hookups. However, I never understood, and never would, the double standard that existed. It was okay for the guys to take charge of their pleasure, but not women?”

And sure enough, when she collides with Nick, her breath hitches, her imagination lustily wanders, and she can’t help but gawk at the gorgeous stranger.

Nick is a charmer. He’s got swagger. And he’s also a bit hardened after the kind of life he’s led. Extremely private, Nick keeps his guard up at all times. He’s also a one-night only type of guy. Always.

“Nick was like a jigsaw puzzle where the most intricate pieces had been misplaced, and deep down I knew that no matter how manumits I would shake the puzzle and star over, those pieces would always be missing and I would never have the complete picture.”

And that’s exactly what happens. An incredible, unforgettable one-night stand between Steph and Nick. Problem is, they can’t seem to shake each other off.

Fate has other things planned for these two, however, and before they know it, they’re forced by circumstance to get to know each other. As newbies to relationships, they make mistakes, they push each other away, they fail to communicate when it matters most, but somehow, they work… they fit.

“Most people wouldn’t get it, probably wouldn’t even tolerate us, but together … we make sense.”

Their journey is full of heartache, and I felt it all, heart and soul. This is one of the most emotional JLA stories I’ve read, grounded in relatable, heartbreaking experiences.

“We got each other. No matter what. There is you and me.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
courtney watson
Forever with Me is the book in Armentrout’s ‘Wait for You’ series I was most anxious to read. This is Nick’s book. The bartender we’ve met in the other books, and Stephanie’s. I love that she put this couple together. Both are known for their no-relationships/only one night stands status, so I was curious to see how their story would turn out. It was so much more emotional than I expected. I cried in this book. Real tears, not just tearing up. It may have been that the subject matter was delicate for me, but I seriously had a mini-breakdown on the way to work in my car listening to the audio. It was so very heartbreaking at times.

Nick and Steph were so much more than I expected. I was interested to read their story, but I didn’t think that I would love it or them as much as I did. I was especially impressed with Stephanie. She hasn’t been shown in the best light in some of the other books, but she’s one of my favorite heroines of the series. She was fun and feisty, had a take no crap attitude, but she also had a big heart. Nick was also great. Learning about his past and seeing the way he handled his heartbreak made me love him more.

I don’t really feel like I can review this story properly. Anything I say about the plot could definitely be spoiler-ish and this is one you want to read without those hints. I think had I known was was going on, it wouldn’t have been as powerful. I love Armentrout’s writing and this series. This book had a little less mystery/drama than the last few but it didn’t need it. It had so many other things going on I think it would have been overkill. I enjoyed this one lots, even if it did make me cry like a baby. I can’t wait for the next book in this series (BROCK!) and I love the way his story has been set up! If you’re looking for an emotional yet sweet and sexy read, this is one you’ll want to pick up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fran ois
Forever with You is now my favorite in this incredible series. I was completely in love with this passionate, captivating and insanely addicting read from the very beginning! From the very first moment of meeting Steph you will connect with her immediately. Though she has a bad reputation in the first few books, I knew I was gonna like her. Jennifer L. Armentrout definitely knows how to convince you to love her characters and opinions about her has now changed after reading the book.

Steph doesn't do relationships, and she has a hard time with relationships because she has never been in one. But once she meets Nick she is up for a good time, which is totally understandable because Nick when I first met him in the previous books, you know he also has a story to tell. Even though he has a cocky attitude and a bit too much of confidence, you can see that he has a big heart. I loved his personality and humor throughout the entire book. He does have a lot of one night stands but Steph makes him question his behavior.

Their romance was powerful, and Nick is totally swoon-worthy in this book! They get along perfectly since they both don't do relationships, but they have something that could bring them together, There is a lot of mis-communication, and lots of pain between these the characters. I cried with happy/sad tears. There is a lot of romance and sexy times. Its quite adorable how these characters interact when they are together. I enjoyed every single minute of getting to know these two. Plus Loki makes an appearance (Jen's dog)!!

Overall this book was fantastic!! Jennifer L. Armentrout did a great job filling out caps and weave this incredible story of hardship, decisions and many big events that are happening for our other favorite couples! If you haven't picked up this series, go and get it! Lots of sexy, with lots of life changing emotional feelings!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin posey
"Nick was like jigsaw puzzle where the most intricate pieces had been misplaced, and deep down I knew that no matter how many times I would shake the puzzle up and start over, those pieces would always be missing and I would never have the complete picture."

Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of those authors who can easily mesmerized her readers with her words, characters, and story-line. In her fifth installment of the Wait For You Series, Ms. Armentrout once again captures her readers attention as she showcases the full spectrum of a beautiful touching love story in Forever With You.

Forever With You embodies a touching and endearing tale of love, passion, and devotion. In this book, we are introduced to Nick and Stephanie, a couple who has this push and pull type of relationship. Together they must learn how to conquer their fears on love and unresolved past issues that affects them from truly moving forward. With raw emotions integrated into the story-line, Ms. Armentrout was able to showcase all facets that love entails from learning to let go, healing, trusting, and opening up one's heart.

"Tell me that you still want to be here. Tell me that you still see a future for us. Tell me that you love me."

I absolutely adored this sweet, tender, and emotionally charged romance. The connection of Nick and Stephanie was passionate, poignant and heart-warming. Ms. Armentrout did an amazing job sprinkling layers of humor, wit, banter, sexiness, steam, passion, and heart. So if you are looking for a book that epitomize a beautiful, palpable, and touching tale of love then I recommend you to read Forever With You.

~Michelle of Four Chicks Flipping Pages
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
paul eiting
Forever With You is book 5 in Jennifer Armentrout’s Wait For You series and can be read as a standalone.

Neither Stephanie Keith nor Nick Blanco do relationships. Yet, after their one-night stand they cannot seem to get enough of one another. Then, the unthinkable happens, changing Stephanie and Nick’s lives forever. Will Nick react badly once he learns Stephanie’s news? Will their supposedly, non-existence/newly found relationship survive or is all hope lost?

For some unknown reason, I had a hard time connecting with this book. I really cannot pin point a specific thing; but, Forever With You just did not grab and hold tightly to my attention. I am sure that fans of this series will disagree; but, Nick comes across as being a womanizing playboy and Stephanie is bit too whiny for my taste. There are some highlights in the storyline that brought forth some emotions and the couple’s sexual encounters are steamy, naughty, and enjoyable.

This book was reviewed by Nikita Steele for Joyfully Reviewed (JR), and was provided by the publisher/author at no cost to JR for the purpose of being reviewed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole peoples
After reading Forever with You I can honestly say that Forever with You is my favorite book in this series. And I'm not just saying that because the main character is named Stephanie. ;) No, this story was simply amazing and really touched me. I even cried, and that's a pretty big deal with books for me.

This book features Stephanie and Nick. If there's any two people who are just meant to be it's these two, in my opinion. In fact, I think they were perfect for one another. It all started with a one night stand that turned into something more. I really liked reading about Steph. We read about her before in the other books where she appeared at times so it was nice to finally get inside her head.

Nick was also interesting to get to know. He was always a bit mysterious. But damn, I love him so much after reading this book. He really is a sweet and caring guy + him and Steph had some seriously hot chemistry going on. Whew!

I literally couldn't stop reading this book. I even forgot to eat dinner because I wanted to finish it so badly. This book is definitely more emotional than the others were. There were times where I just knew where the story was heading and even though I guessed what would happen I felt devastated. This story sure was a tearjerker. But that's what made the book so amazing - the emotion it evoked in me.

Jennifer L. Armentrout really did hit the jackpot with this book. I really think it's the best book in the series (so far...) because it was steamy, the pace was just right, it was touching and the characters in it were simply amazing. Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dayne allen
Ok, this might officially be my favorite book in this series. Though, I do say that every time I read a new book in the series. Stephanie has been briefly introduced in the other books and while there's no reason to HATE her, you don't have a heart filled with love for her from the previous books. This book changes EVERYTHING!

Stephanie is strong and independent. She's moving alone to a new city and starting her new life but everything gets turned upside down once she meets Nick.

Nick is a cocky bartender with a lot of secrets. He is very upfront about what he wants and a relationship is not something that he is looking for at all. I LOVED Nick from Fall With Me and couldn't wait until his book to find out more about where his heartbreaker personality and dating rules came from. This book certainly delivered everything and more when it came to Nick's story.

Steph and Nick have a lot of similarities in the way they approach "relationships" or non-relationships to be more specific and they're quick to jump into something together.

In this book their worlds collide in such an amazing way. I was laughing, crying and feeling all the feelings that I still can't describe while reading this book. There were moments where my heart was breaking right along with theirs and that's something that can only be done through amazing storytelling.

This book is part of a series but can definitely be read as a standalone, though why you wouldn't wanna read the previous books is beyond me as they're all amazing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bruno silva
This series continues to be my favorite of all the New Adult romances. Just when I think I can't fall in love with another one, I totally do.

Without giving much away, this happens to be a favorite book trope of mine and the way that JLA writes to perfection only made it that much more amazing.

I wasn't sure if I could fall in love with Stephanie because of what I already knew about her but it's pretty clear that you can never really judge someone without knowing their side of things. She happens to be pretty likeable and mostly misunderstood.

Nick, sigh, what can I say about Nick other than how sweet is he? I mean seriously could he have been more swoonworthy? Well, I mean except for that part in the beginning where he was a real jerk.

I love the two of them together. It was refreshing to see two characters who were so honest and open with each other about their intentions. Of course it wouldn't be a true NA romance without a little misunderstanding/miscommunication here and there but The author is pretty great about not overdoing the angst.

I swear that this series could go on forever and I would be a happy fangirl.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Forever with Me is the book in Armentrout’s ‘Wait for You’ series I was most anxious to read. This is Nick’s book. The bartender we’ve met in the other books, and Stephanie’s. I love that she put this couple together. Both are known for their no-relationships/only one night stands status, so I was curious to see how their story would turn out. It was so much more emotional than I expected. I cried in this book. Real tears, not just tearing up. It may have been that the subject matter was delicate for me, but I seriously had a mini-breakdown on the way to work in my car listening to the audio. It was so very heartbreaking at times.

Nick and Steph were so much more than I expected. I was interested to read their story, but I didn’t think that I would love it or them as much as I did. I was especially impressed with Stephanie. She hasn’t been shown in the best light in some of the other books, but she’s one of my favorite heroines of the series. She was fun and feisty, had a take no crap attitude, but she also had a big heart. Nick was also great. Learning about his past and seeing the way he handled his heartbreak made me love him more.

I don’t really feel like I can review this story properly. Anything I say about the plot could definitely be spoiler-ish and this is one you want to read without those hints. I think had I known was was going on, it wouldn’t have been as powerful. I love Armentrout’s writing and this series. This book had a little less mystery/drama than the last few but it didn’t need it. It had so many other things going on I think it would have been overkill. I enjoyed this one lots, even if it did make me cry like a baby. I can’t wait for the next book in this series (BROCK!) and I love the way his story has been set up! If you’re looking for an emotional yet sweet and sexy read, this is one you’ll want to pick up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sky bray
Forever with You is now my favorite in this incredible series. I was completely in love with this passionate, captivating and insanely addicting read from the very beginning! From the very first moment of meeting Steph you will connect with her immediately. Though she has a bad reputation in the first few books, I knew I was gonna like her. Jennifer L. Armentrout definitely knows how to convince you to love her characters and opinions about her has now changed after reading the book.

Steph doesn't do relationships, and she has a hard time with relationships because she has never been in one. But once she meets Nick she is up for a good time, which is totally understandable because Nick when I first met him in the previous books, you know he also has a story to tell. Even though he has a cocky attitude and a bit too much of confidence, you can see that he has a big heart. I loved his personality and humor throughout the entire book. He does have a lot of one night stands but Steph makes him question his behavior.

Their romance was powerful, and Nick is totally swoon-worthy in this book! They get along perfectly since they both don't do relationships, but they have something that could bring them together, There is a lot of mis-communication, and lots of pain between these the characters. I cried with happy/sad tears. There is a lot of romance and sexy times. Its quite adorable how these characters interact when they are together. I enjoyed every single minute of getting to know these two. Plus Loki makes an appearance (Jen's dog)!!

Overall this book was fantastic!! Jennifer L. Armentrout did a great job filling out caps and weave this incredible story of hardship, decisions and many big events that are happening for our other favorite couples! If you haven't picked up this series, go and get it! Lots of sexy, with lots of life changing emotional feelings!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Nick was like jigsaw puzzle where the most intricate pieces had been misplaced, and deep down I knew that no matter how many times I would shake the puzzle up and start over, those pieces would always be missing and I would never have the complete picture."

Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of those authors who can easily mesmerized her readers with her words, characters, and story-line. In her fifth installment of the Wait For You Series, Ms. Armentrout once again captures her readers attention as she showcases the full spectrum of a beautiful touching love story in Forever With You.

Forever With You embodies a touching and endearing tale of love, passion, and devotion. In this book, we are introduced to Nick and Stephanie, a couple who has this push and pull type of relationship. Together they must learn how to conquer their fears on love and unresolved past issues that affects them from truly moving forward. With raw emotions integrated into the story-line, Ms. Armentrout was able to showcase all facets that love entails from learning to let go, healing, trusting, and opening up one's heart.

"Tell me that you still want to be here. Tell me that you still see a future for us. Tell me that you love me."

I absolutely adored this sweet, tender, and emotionally charged romance. The connection of Nick and Stephanie was passionate, poignant and heart-warming. Ms. Armentrout did an amazing job sprinkling layers of humor, wit, banter, sexiness, steam, passion, and heart. So if you are looking for a book that epitomize a beautiful, palpable, and touching tale of love then I recommend you to read Forever With You.

~Michelle of Four Chicks Flipping Pages
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Forever With You is book 5 in Jennifer Armentrout’s Wait For You series and can be read as a standalone.

Neither Stephanie Keith nor Nick Blanco do relationships. Yet, after their one-night stand they cannot seem to get enough of one another. Then, the unthinkable happens, changing Stephanie and Nick’s lives forever. Will Nick react badly once he learns Stephanie’s news? Will their supposedly, non-existence/newly found relationship survive or is all hope lost?

For some unknown reason, I had a hard time connecting with this book. I really cannot pin point a specific thing; but, Forever With You just did not grab and hold tightly to my attention. I am sure that fans of this series will disagree; but, Nick comes across as being a womanizing playboy and Stephanie is bit too whiny for my taste. There are some highlights in the storyline that brought forth some emotions and the couple’s sexual encounters are steamy, naughty, and enjoyable.

This book was reviewed by Nikita Steele for Joyfully Reviewed (JR), and was provided by the publisher/author at no cost to JR for the purpose of being reviewed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krzysztof bielak
After reading Forever with You I can honestly say that Forever with You is my favorite book in this series. And I'm not just saying that because the main character is named Stephanie. ;) No, this story was simply amazing and really touched me. I even cried, and that's a pretty big deal with books for me.

This book features Stephanie and Nick. If there's any two people who are just meant to be it's these two, in my opinion. In fact, I think they were perfect for one another. It all started with a one night stand that turned into something more. I really liked reading about Steph. We read about her before in the other books where she appeared at times so it was nice to finally get inside her head.

Nick was also interesting to get to know. He was always a bit mysterious. But damn, I love him so much after reading this book. He really is a sweet and caring guy + him and Steph had some seriously hot chemistry going on. Whew!

I literally couldn't stop reading this book. I even forgot to eat dinner because I wanted to finish it so badly. This book is definitely more emotional than the others were. There were times where I just knew where the story was heading and even though I guessed what would happen I felt devastated. This story sure was a tearjerker. But that's what made the book so amazing - the emotion it evoked in me.

Jennifer L. Armentrout really did hit the jackpot with this book. I really think it's the best book in the series (so far...) because it was steamy, the pace was just right, it was touching and the characters in it were simply amazing. Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ok, this might officially be my favorite book in this series. Though, I do say that every time I read a new book in the series. Stephanie has been briefly introduced in the other books and while there's no reason to HATE her, you don't have a heart filled with love for her from the previous books. This book changes EVERYTHING!

Stephanie is strong and independent. She's moving alone to a new city and starting her new life but everything gets turned upside down once she meets Nick.

Nick is a cocky bartender with a lot of secrets. He is very upfront about what he wants and a relationship is not something that he is looking for at all. I LOVED Nick from Fall With Me and couldn't wait until his book to find out more about where his heartbreaker personality and dating rules came from. This book certainly delivered everything and more when it came to Nick's story.

Steph and Nick have a lot of similarities in the way they approach "relationships" or non-relationships to be more specific and they're quick to jump into something together.

In this book their worlds collide in such an amazing way. I was laughing, crying and feeling all the feelings that I still can't describe while reading this book. There were moments where my heart was breaking right along with theirs and that's something that can only be done through amazing storytelling.

This book is part of a series but can definitely be read as a standalone, though why you wouldn't wanna read the previous books is beyond me as they're all amazing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey tyson tracy
This series continues to be my favorite of all the New Adult romances. Just when I think I can't fall in love with another one, I totally do.

Without giving much away, this happens to be a favorite book trope of mine and the way that JLA writes to perfection only made it that much more amazing.

I wasn't sure if I could fall in love with Stephanie because of what I already knew about her but it's pretty clear that you can never really judge someone without knowing their side of things. She happens to be pretty likeable and mostly misunderstood.

Nick, sigh, what can I say about Nick other than how sweet is he? I mean seriously could he have been more swoonworthy? Well, I mean except for that part in the beginning where he was a real jerk.

I love the two of them together. It was refreshing to see two characters who were so honest and open with each other about their intentions. Of course it wouldn't be a true NA romance without a little misunderstanding/miscommunication here and there but The author is pretty great about not overdoing the angst.

I swear that this series could go on forever and I would be a happy fangirl.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tom arnstein
Forever With You is the fifth novel in Jennifer L. Armentrout's Wait for You series and the turn of Nick and Stephanie to have their stories told. If first impressions were to be believed, it's the story of a seasoned player and the girl you wouldn't leave your boyfriend around. In actual fact it's the story of a guy and a girl who are ready to love but not settling until they've found it. Their story is not your typical boy meets girl affair. What begins as an intense hook up becomes a friendship of sorts, until casual becomes a lot more serious.

I enjoyed peeling back the layers to Steph and Nick, the relationship they have is flawed but in honesty I'm not sure perfect would work for them. What they do have is pure and and the vulnerability they both showed with each other was completely endearing and drew me in as a reader. JLA told a story that was both steamy and sweet with the added pleasure of it also being emotionally engaging.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I feel as if I should swear off sleep altogether. It interferes with my reading way too much. For example, on Tuesday a whole host of awesome new books hit the stands and I downloaded a couple to feed my inner book nerd. One was “Forever with You” by Jennifer Armentrout and I decided to read it first because, well – I wanted to and that’s reason enough. The rest of the night had me giggling, sighing and rolling on my carpet as I fell in love with Nick and Stephanie.

Before I go too much farther I’d like to say how much I admire Jennifer for tackling a very big issue: women shaming women. While reading one of Stephanie’s fabulous rants about the double standards that exist between men and women I thought of the cartoon below. I won’t add anything else and simply let the cartoon and Stephanie say what I feel.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I enjoyed “Forever with You” but I gotta say I’m slightly disappointed in the storyline. 'A lot of the scenario in the book was predictable which took away from the story and I didn’t consume it as much as I did with the other books in the “Wait for You” series.
'In the beginning of the story we have Nick who is a smooth talker, sexy and the bartender at Mona’s, but what I love about his character is that he’s strong and so amazing in this book that its hard not to adore him. I also enjoyed Stephanie. She’s confident, sassy and doesn’t apologize for being herself, but when she's alone in her head you see the struggles and the insecurity of who to trust, and possibly call friends. I enjoyed that past characters from the series show up and help bring Stephanie into their fold with open arms. ''Stephanie and Nick’s backstories are hard to read about, but you can’t but be in awe of how they turned a s***ty dealt life into an amazing life thats worth living. You see these characters being able to overcome something that wasn’t planned, a tragedy that rips your heart out and a support system that they desperately need.

Even though this book was predictable in a lot of places throughout the story I still found myself enjoyed how the story was being told. It was beautifully wrapped up with emotions that seems unreal, closure that all the readers want and of course a happy ending that I wouldn’t want changed. At all. Everything was wrapped up in the perfect bow. '
I highly recommend reading Forever With You today. Even though it is a part of a series, it can be read as a stand-alone, but to get the full view of how much these characters have changed, and to understand the dynamics of the each character, I do suggest reading the other books as well.

~Tempting Sexy Thoughts Book Blog
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I go back and forth with this entire series. Stephanie and Nick's story was okay. They did go through a lot together but they're not a stand out couple for me. I liked books two and four much more. I think both of them fell outside the group and not as connected with the other couples so the care factor wasn't there for me. It was nice to get glimpses of where the other couples currently are at.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I'm disappointed because from all of the books of Wait For You series, this book is definitely my least favorite. I was looking forward to read it too.


Stephanie's life is spiraling out of control after she met Nick. The lust is instant obviously, but what Steph didn't expect is.. Well, the responsibility after. But the thing is, Nick made it obvious that he didn't do relationship. What will happen next?

I keep waiting for something big to happen because in every Armentrout's books, there's always this climax that punch readers in their stomach (not literally of course). But strangely, there's no actual climax in this book and that's just disappointing. The plot just keep continue without any particular drama and when I finally reach the end, I was like, what? Where is it? Where's the drama?

Sure, there are some scenes that caught my attention. It made me cry a little, yes, but then I keep waiting for something to happen. In Cameron's story, it's like a roller coaster ride. I enjoyed every minute of it. But Nick's story.. Nothing. so yeah, I love Armetrout's writing, they're splendid and beautifully neat, as usual. But for the storyline? Nope. Not this time. Sorry.

Still, I look forward to read more from this series. Hopefully next time it'll be so much better than this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jena liao
I can always ALWAYS count on Ms. Armentrout to deliver a beautifully touching love story. A heart-warming romance full of humor, emotion, and passion, FOREVER WITH YOU was a thing of grace and charm. It brought out all the feels and satisfied all of the senses. This author gives us strong characters and highly emotional storylines. If I were to pick one word that sums up this novel and every novel Jennifer turns out, it would be LOVELY.

I fell pretty hard for Nick and Stephanie's story. There was such a strong connection with these two and when it was ripped apart it gutted me. You have to be strong through this one and just know in your heart that this author will give you a happily ever after you will always remember.

Stephanie and Nick were fantastic characters. They were so strong, refreshing, and charming. I loved how bold Stephanie was and I loved the fact that even though she had this tough exterior, Nick was always able to knock her off her game and rattle the hell out of her. My heart swelled for these two. I cheered them on the whole way through. You will experience a broad spectrum of emotion throughout this novel. It goes from funny, witty, and light to deep, tragic, and raw. This deals with real issues that some women and couples will be able to relate to. This is embedded with a great message and will definitely be able to touch some hearts.

I'm never disappointed with this series or with this author. Her love stories always picks me up when I'm feeling down and reading them always acts as a great escape for me. Jennifer's writing is a thing of beauty and her stories are always must reads for me. FOREVER WITH YOU is part of a series but CAN be read as a standalone novel. If you are a newbie, I trust that you will fall instantly in love with this author's style. Hard core fans of this series and this author be prepared to fall in love all over again.

*Gifted copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kim bledsoe
Reviewed by Annie and posted at Under The Covers Book Blog

In the fifth book of the Wait For You series, Jennifer L. Armentrout offers much of the same to readers. This series is a dose of sexiness combined with a little bit of drama. In this case, both of the main characters are unsure of what they really want. Steph is more than eager to have hook ups but she also secretly wants for something more. Nick, on the other hand, is a charmer but he doesn’t ever feel like he gets too close.

I found that the characters fit into the typical NA mold in that a relationship happens when both parties aren’t really looking for it. Armentrout plays up the banter right from the beginning. It’s what she is good at and its sweet and sexy for the most part. At times, it does feel a little forced and rushed. While readers may know Steph from some of the previous books in the series, Nick is a little bit more of mystery until we get to know him a little bit more. Though I didn’t dislike either of the characters, they didn’t completely blow me away either. I will say though, that I wasn’t annoyed with this book as I have been with the last couple of books in the series.

If you’re a fan of Samantha Young’s On Dublin Street series, I think you’ll enjoy this series as well. Some of the characters actually remind me of one another and the writing style isn’t that different either. I will say though, that Armentrout’s series offers a little more suspense in the books so if that’s your thing, definitely check it out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan hammond
Jennifer L. Armentrout did an amazing job with "Forever with You," and I absolutely loved reading Nick and Stephanie's story. Nick and Stephanie were amazing and easily relatable characters, and I loved their personalities and chemistry together. I couldn't help but fall in love with them from the very beginning, and I loved how the author told their story. I will admit some parts were quite heartbreaking at times, but everything was worth it in the end. Nick and Stephanie were perfect for each other, and I loved how their relationship progressed throughout the book. They were very similar to one another, but complemented each other extremely well, and I couldn't help but root for them to work out. I also loved getting to see so many familiar faces and couples from previous books in the Wait for You series, and I loved finding out what happened with them. "Forever with You" was probably my favorite installment in the series so far, and I was quite happy with the conclusion. It wasn't perfect, but it definitely made up for some of the parts that weren't. I truly did love the storyline and characters, and I am honestly so glad that I gave "Forever with You" a chance. It was truly amazing, and even though there were some ups and downs along the way, it was totally worth it in the end. I am deeply in love with the Wait for You series and honestly can't wait to read the next installment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ala alh
Loved the continuation of these characters. The meeting of two spirits tgat leads to a one night stand or does it. This one had me in tears alot. The return of Stephanie and the introduction of Nick. Loved the reappearance of Jax, Calla, Avery, Cameron, Jase, Teresa, Stephenie and even Ollies and the tortoises.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hytham abdelaziz
Forever with You is a fantastic addition to JLA “Wait for You” series. Stephanie and Nick are both awesome characters and I found myself liking Stephanie a lot more than I thought I would. Nick is totally crush worthy and had me swooning and grinning like an idiot with every little things he did for Stephanie. Their chemistry was uber hot and sexy, but I honestly enjoyed all their cheesy/cutesy moments more. I think they are just so perfect together and definitely bring out the best in each other.

The plot was fairly predictable and there was less mystery/suspense compared to the other books in the series. Honestly, I didn’t think I would end up loving this one as much as I do because for the most part, it was an okay/fun read. With that being said, I thought I was prepared for what I knew was coming… but I was dead wrong. Those last few chapters really hit hard and gave me all the feels (specially the last chapter). I think this just became my second favorite in the series.

The rest of the gang make appearances throughout the book with many lovey dovey moments to swoon over. Of course Katie is back and working her super stripping psychic powers and being the blunt/tells you straight to your face kind of friend. I seriously can't wait for JLA to write her story. I think that would be such a fun and interesting read.

Overall, this books was awesome and made me happy! I can’t wait to read Fire in You
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christi schott
Forever With You is the 5th book in Jennifer Armentrout's Wait For You Series. These books are all stand alone New Adult books, that revolve around a group of friends. I have truly enjoyed each of the books in this series, some more than others, but overall this series keeps me coming back.

Forever With You was an overall sweet, funny and sexy read. This book doesn't have a whole lot of drama built into it, but the dialogue and connections she formed with Stephanie and Nick and Stephanie and Roxy really made this book!!! Even without all the drama and angst we usually see in a NA book, the storyline was interesting enough that it held my attention all the way through. Now I will warn you that this book does touch on a subject that might be a trigger for some women. I know that it will hit home with many. But the way Jennifer covered this topic I thought was with compassion and truth. Every feeling Stephanie had I felt right along with her. The writing of this book was so flawless that it was easy to make a connection with these characters and feel everything they felt.

In this book we get the story of Stephanie and Nick. I have to be honest and say I didn't really remember Stephanie's character, but once I got into the story, Jennifer filled in the missing blanks for me. Stephanie is from the first book (Cam and Avery's story) and Nick's character is brought into the series in the third book (Calla and Jax's story) he is a bartender at the same bar those two work at. Stephanie was a casual hook up/ friend of Cam and Jase's. To me her character in that book wasn't very memorable, but she has left a lasting impression on me after reading this book. What I truly loved the most about her character was that she wasn't full of all that drama we see in other books. She knew what she wanted and she didn't apologize for it. She was a person who didn't do relationships and was fine with the one night stands. She knew that eventually she wanted to find love and have that family, but she wasn't in a rush and wasn't going to settle for anything but the all consuming love her parents had. So when she meets Nick and is attracted to him, it seems they are the perfect fit. Nick is also someone who only believes in the one night stand. What neither of them expect is to want more from each other. What they also didn't realize was how much their lives were about to change after that one night together. I loved watching these two grow into so much more. I honestly thought they were perfect for each other.

I also really enjoyed seeing the other couples from the previous books. I LOVED Roxy in this book. She is the person I would want as my BFF. She added some much needed comic relief but also landed a shoulder to cry on when it was needed. I also liked Katie, she too was good for the comic relief, but what I liked the most about her was how honest and straightforward she was. She told it like it was, no holding back!!! I thought Roxy and Katie were perfect friends for Stephanie and Nick. I truly hope Katie gets her own story someday, I have wanted that since her character was introduced to this series.

If you are a fan of Jennifer's, like I am, you aren't going to want to miss this book!! Definitely one of my favorites of the series.
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