Scorched (Frigid Series Book 2)

ByJ. Lynn

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julie volpenhein
Official review coming if I have time.

This one really was a tough read at times. Alcoholism isn't a light matter. While this was not my favorite Armentrout novel, I did really enjoy it.

The characters were intriguing and Armentrout is a great author. This one was a little bit deeper and less funny than a lot of her other books.

Definitely not a rom-com, but I enjoyed it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dianna wise
I am really having a love-hate relationship with this book. Frigid was the first book I ever reviewed on my blog, so it holds a special place in my heart; however, the first 70% of Scorched, I wanted to throttle Andrea. I felt completely disconnected from her, I could not relate to Andrea or paint an accurate portrayal of her in my mind. Her moods were boardline bi-polar and I just struggled to get a grasp on who exactly Andrea was. I don't know if this was intentional or not.

Tanner, God bless this sexy firefighter because he has the patience of a saint. Tanner was everything I wanted in an alpha (or in any male character written by JLA), sexy, brooding, patient, a smart-*ss, cocky, confident, charming, but most importantly sincere. Again you get glimpses of Syd and Kyler, but the main focus point is Andrea and Tanner. The moments between Andrea and Tanner, very steamy. If there is one thing JLA has mastered, it is writing one h*ll of a sex scene!

Now lets talk about the last 30%...because it was truly perfection. I loved that we finally figured out what was "wrong" with Andrea. We finally learn that sometimes you need to help yourself before you can help others. And Andrea desperately needs to help herself...I actually wished that the last 30% represented a greater portion of the book. It was beautifully written, accurate, and in the end...JLA captures what it is like to truly live with mental illness and how it is a constant struggle to hide it/overcome it. So hated the beginning...loved the ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Andrea doesn’t know if she wants to kiss Tanner or kill him.
Tanner has decided he wants more than just an epic love/hate relationship.

The newest edition to the Frigid series, Scorched is yet another 5 star novel by Jennifer L. Armentrout.

A trip away with friends should be a fun and relaxing time, instead it becomes clear that Andrea’s life has been spiralling out of control and is only picking up speed. What else is clear is that despite how much Tanner and her friends want too, the only person who can save Andrea is herself.
One of my favourite authors, Armentrout has created another captivating novel full of passion and a magnetism that will have you reading until the very last page.

Mental Illness in books is something that is either over dramatized or falls short of the mark, so I was shocked by how well it is balanced and conveyed in this novel.

The portrayal of Andrea’s depression and anxiety was so real, that at times, I had to put the book down so I wouldn’t burst into tears.
Another aspect that I loved was that having someone love her or falling in love herself didn’t magically heal Andrea. This was a refreshing change from what is a seemingly common occurrence in most novels.

While Scorched does NOT contain graphic or violent material, people who have or do suffer Depression/anxiety may be triggered or unsettled by this novel- purely because of how realistically it has been written.

Despite having what could be considered heavy subject matter, Scorched is still a fun and creative novel. Tanner’s charm and Andrea’s sass combine to create entertaining dialogue that will have you laughing out loud, while Armentrouts signature romanticism will have you swooning in the corner wishing Tanner were real.

Scorched is a must read novel and can be read as a stand-alone.

I also recommend you read Jennifer’s blog post Being Brave
Opal (A Lux Novel Book 3) :: Cursed :: The Third Covenant Novel (Covenant Series) (Volume 3) :: Forgotten: Book #1 in The Lost Children Trilogy :: Forever with You
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kris kuester
I want to thank Spencer Hill Press for providing me with a copy of this book to read and review. Receiving this book for free has in no way altered my opinion or review.

I have always been a huge JLA fan. Pretty much there is nothing she would write that I wouldn't read. Seriously, she could write about dirt and I'd be enthralled! So, of course, given the chance to have a copy of this book, I was all over it! And I loved the first book in this series, so I was itchy to get these words into my brain.

First we'll start with the cover. I mean, I loved the cover of Frigid, but his one? OUTDONE! It's fantastic. Really sums up the overall theme for sure.

Then there's Andrea. Not at all what you think she is. On the outside trying to be perfect while on the inside totally not. So something I can relate to. I don't want to give away her situation, but I grew up with her demons and I really was able to connect with her and see where she was coming from. She's sweet and damaged. But she has so much to give, if only she could get her act together.

Tanner and Andrea, well, it's like oil and water. Or maybe fire and ice? But you totally feel the chemistry. Tanner takes a turn into romance land and I love where he goes with it. And, while he and Andrea have this bickering play between them, you see there's so much more there. Put them together and they are totally combustable.

Unlike JLA's past books, this one is filled with issues that will hit home for so many. There's the main issue and then there are these underlying things that pop up. I don't think there's any college girl who will not related to the things Andrea goes through (in one way or another). I think this is what made me like the book so much more. I was kind of sick of all the perfect girls out there, and Andrea is NOT perfect in any sense of the word. It's so nice to see this!

Armetrout's writing does not disappoint. In true form she pulls you and makes you love her characters, her plot, her book. Really, I don't think I've read anything from her that I haven't enjoyed. If you've struggled or know someone who has struggled with the issues she presents, then you will totally connect to Andrea and her need to change.

If you want a story that is powerful, romantic and full of longing, then this is the book for you. Armentrout does not disappoint!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy b
I loved this book even more than I loved Frigid. This book was a great discussion on health and a real look at how overall health affects mental health, and how mental health can affect behavior. I absolutely loved this. There were so many truths in this one. Omgosh, I loved how this all came together, I mean we knew they were going to get together but holy heck I didn't know it would go down like that.

This one was seriously about friendships even more so than the first book (which is saying alot because I loved the first book). The love and support she didn't see, the struggle she had in accepting herself, her limitations and issues, Omgosh made her so relateable. I loved that unlike some new adult characters she wasn't rescued by love of a mn but by...nope that's a spoiler.

I loved that this was so character driven no big mystery, very few crazy dramatic moments, most of these were created by the character however and it leads to growth.

Each time she came to a realization I loved it. As she confronted and faced some of her mistakes it made her more real and so relateable. I loved how as she faced issues, they were generally triggered by a relationship milestone with Tanner, Tanner was such a great character who wasn't judgmental or perfect, but he also didn't hold back when he wanted the truth or wanted to share who he was with her. I loved the interactions between all four friends, and especially loved seeing how much Syd and Andrea were integral to each other's lives.

I laughed reading this, I teared up when we got to some scenes. I wanted to shake her when she made stupid decisions. Freaked out like she did and got all kinds of turned on when they got down to some serious sexy times. I loved Tanner as well because he awesome and owned his mistakes all though I wish we got even more from him and learnt how he came to have some of the beliefs he had. We got glimpses of him and his background and how that helped to impact the man he is today, I would have loved more.

I loved the discussions that took place, the people in her life who finally confronted her and made her look at how her decisions affected them as well. It was just an amazing read, and I kept reading because I didn't want to put the book down before I knew how it ended. Man listen those last few scenes??!! Jennifer pulls no punches when going all out on teaching our main character some serious lessons.

I personally loved that even though romantic love was a part of the solution it wasn't the entire solution. Being with Tanner didn't miraculously cure her of all her issues in fact I would say being with Tanner made her confront a few issues she let slide. I also love that this was a therapy positive novel and that the characters were aware that their privilege helped to make their consequences lighter than for others (I thought that was really awesome of Jennifer to point out).

I'm not sure what's next in this series, if there is anything else, but if Jennifer writes it, I'm getting it. I highly recommend for those looking for a positive story featuring issues with mental health that doesn't attempt to make it seem like it's not a real issue or a real disease.

Happy Reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
benjamin dionysus
Jennifer Armentrout has kicked it up a notch with Scorched. This is new adult at its best, with depth and heart.

Readers who enjoyed Frigid will remember Andrea, Sydney's best gal pal, and Tanner, best friend to Kyler. The two have long had a relationship built on bickering, snarky comments, and put-downs. But things are changing and they're seeing each other in a new light.

Andrea first noticed Tanner in freshman year and has harbored feelings for him ever since. But he's a major player and doesn't do relationships. Add to that the fact that they can't be in the same room without throwing barbs, and obviously there's no future there. Andrea is smart and funny and can be the life of the party, but inside she is struggling. Plagued by feelings of doubt and uncertainty, too often she finds that having a drink (or five) is the best way to quiet her thoughts and just forget. Concerned friends are just making a big deal over nothing. They drink too, so what's the problem?

It was impossible not to fall for Tanner. He was charming and funny and cocky and as the story progressed I saw a softer side to him that was positively swoon worthy. Early on, when he showed up at Andre's apartment to check on her and to make an apology face to face, he showed that he was a stand-up guy. I'm a sucker for dual POV and I loved getting in Tanner's head. His thoughts and feelings about Andrea, especially when he was appreciating her curvy figure, added so much. I loved both his persistence and his patience. Over and over again he proved himself to be the kind of guy who knew what he wanted and was willing to work for it and, when needed, wait for it.

I really enjoyed the way Andrea and Tanner's relationship progressed. It felt completely realistic. Both were hesitant to start anything - and rightfully so. Andrea was well aware of Tanner's player status. And Tanner was attracted to Andy and feeling like there could be more, but he was perplexed by her hot and cold demeanor. Watching as these two navigated this new relationship was so satisfying. Tanner was more willing to put his heart on the line but Andrea was dealing with so much more than her feelings for Tanner. She opened up to him, and she shut him out. She allowed herself to hope, and she was convinced she was not worthy of a relationship.

Scorched tackles some serious topics without being heavy-handed. There's Armentrout's signature banter and humor but here it is balanced with the sobering tale of a young woman struggling with issues that even she cannot understand. Andrea is a character worthy of admiration as she shows a strength and resolve to make changes in her life.

Fans of Armentrout will love her latest release and be fully invested in Angela and Tanner's story. Readers who have been wary of new adult can pick up Scorched with confidence. Highly recommended.

(Note: The nod to Armentrout's Lux series in the first chapter was priceless!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jen dolan
An intense riveting book that totally has you hooked right from the beginning. Andrea is the kind of character who has a problem and chooses to deal with it in a very bad way. Tanner comes into her life unexpectedly and I think in some ways at the right time. Andrea and Tanner just sizzle together.

What I like about this book was the point of view switches between Andrea and Tanner. It’s nice to see that in this book. You get to see what drives each of these characters. I totally found myself falling in love with Tanner as he is one of the most patient characters. I also like how Andrea seems to be wrestling with a lot of stuff in her life. She also tends to drink a lot more than what seems normal for a person. Andrea is a young woman who clearly has issues, but we really are not sure what they are, until much later in the book.

The romance was really nice. I also love how they are going to a cabin with their friends. Their friends rent a cabin. Tanner and Andrea are both very attracted to one another. The wit and dialogue between these two was very sarcastic and really funny as it is a times a battle of wills. I definitely found their interactions like they were a couple bickering even though they are not a couple. There are times when Andrea and Tanner seem to have a good time. Andrea also knows how to cook and have fun. At times she is okay, but she has to battle a lot of things that come up.

As the book progresses, we learn Andrea is using her drinking to cope with things that she rather not deal with. Things get very intense one moment in the book between Tyler and Andrea that causes Andrea to take some actions that she needs to take. She doesn’t want to listen to people that she needs help and uses her normal method of coping which leads to some really bad choices. These choices lead to some interesting places.

One of the things that I really find interesting is how patient and understanding that Tyler is. I totally fell in love with him as a character and would love to have him as a real life boyfriend. Tyler is so patient with Andrea once she is forced and decides to get help. The scenes in the rehab center were difficult for her, but I think necessary for her character to grow in a lot of ways. She learns that life is never easy. Plus she finds strength to deal with her problems thanks to her therapist and team of doctors.

A really intense, but great book.

4.5 Hearts
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jennifer L. Armentrout’s latest novel packs all the feels in just the right amounts. There’s sexiness and steam. There’s wit and banter. And there’s a whole lot of unexpected emotion as our female protagonist, Andrea, struggles to stop her life from spiraling… from being consumed by her insecurities and past transgressions. This is a story with an enemies to lovers feel, which makes the chemistry between Andrea and Tanner all the sweeter.

“You excel at distracting me and driving me crazy.”

For years they had an epic love/hate relationship, compelled by equal parts desire and misunderstandings. But in the spirit of Frigid, it isn’t until they spend time together in a cabin, that they really get to know each other, good and bad.

Andrea had always felt something for Tanner, but she thought wasn’t the kind of girl he would notice. Every time they were around each other, hurtful words were slung, despite there being a sense of something more behind that verbal warfare. And as Tanner would discover, it’s what hid beneath and deep inside of Andrea, that compelled her to act a certain way.

“With Andrea, I never really knew where I stood with her. One minute, she was sweet as sugar to me, the next she had a bite more venomous than a copperhead.”

But when they’re forced to talk… really talk… they both realize there’s so much more to each other, and the connection they’ve felt fiercely sparks to life. Andrea never expected to feel so cared for with Tanner and she realizes she wants to experience more than drunken one-night stands with guys she can’t even remember. She wants the real thing, but is Tanner real? Or is he just playing her in the most convincing way?

“For once, I wanted to be… I wanted to be something more than just a hookup. I wanted to be… worth more.”

Andrea and Tanner’s budding relationship comes crashing down before too long, however, in a fury of confusion, hurt, bad decisions and irreversible choices.

Not only do we experience Andrea and Tanner’s tumultuous tryst, but we also see Kyler and Syd again, experiencing some of their perspective as friends of our troubled duo. I devoured the novel—it’s a very quick read, but one woven with a powerful and important message. I think loyal readers of Jennifer’s books will love it, but also be surprised by the emotions evoked by the story’s end.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mariana orantes
Original Review Link:

I had read Frigid earlier this year and enjoyed it. When I went to BEA and learned that Jennifer Armentrout was signing copies of the sequel, I knew I had to grab it.

Andrea has always had a love-hate relationship with Tanner. Most of the time it’s hate. However, after spending a week with him and their friends in a cabin for vacation, everything changes and their feelings develop into something deeper. Andrea, though comes with her own set of baggage that might impact not only her and Tanner’s relationship, but her future as well.

Overall, I enjoyed this installment, especially after reading Kyler and Syd’s story. I loved the interaction and bickering between Tanner and Andrea. However I would have enjoyed a little more humor thrown in. I think that was the main issue I had with the story. It went dark rather quickly.

Andrea has to deal with some heavy stuff, but it’s really not alluded to until the end as to what that was. This made it rather confusing at times. She often would say that something was “off” about her or wrong inside, and she would get panic attacks, but it isn’t until the climax that you see what the main issue was. At that point you’re like well, DUH.

As much as it was a bit predictable and anti-climactic, you realize that this is a real thing that people have to deal with every day, especially with the ending.

It’s a pretty fast read and enjoyable, but it’s not my favorite of Jennifer Armentrout’s work. Does that mean you shouldn’t pick it up? No. It’s just a bit melodramatic for me at points to get completely on board with it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stuart dunstan
Hmmm... this book is definitely one to make you think.

It's pretty much an emotional roller coaster from the halfway point through to the end, and the feelings are carried through to the reader exceptionally well.

However, the first half of the book I pretty much couldn't stand Andrea. There are all the signs to her being an alcoholic, but non for her other issues and that just made me feel like she's an idiot with a drinking problem. A little more balance would've made this a sure 5 stars book for me, maybe even more than.

But it'll have to deal with the aspiring 4 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim heivilin
I love this book. This story teaches you that even if you make mistakes, you deserve happiness. You have to forgive yourself. You can't let the guilt and shame destroy you. This story shows how depression and addiction hurts not just you, but everyone involved and there is no shame in getting help. If you know someone that suffers from addiction or any mental illness try to encourage them to get help before they make decisions that could ruin their lives or someone else's life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this! Scorched isn't just another cutesy NA Romance, it really has depth. We deal with some serious topics in this book and JLA handles them beautifully. I absolutely love that our main characters are super snarky and mean to each other. I also love that it's alternating POV. The ending was done very, very well and I love that the romance wasn't the sole focus. Andrea has serious issues and she actually deals with them instead of brushing them off. Very well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
summer canterbury
I loved this book because it explained depression with words I could never come up with myself. The love story was good, he is a good guy who can't figure out why this woman makes him so crazy and she doesn't know why she acts crazy sometimes herself. I laughed, I cried, I just felt like the story put into words how depression and anxiety feels to the person going through it, and I loved it for that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa younce
As usual Jennifer Armentrout did not disappoint! Beautifully written love story with scenes of tasteful intimacy of a couple experiencing love for the first time. Perfect for those who suffer from anxiety and depression both subjects are handled with the utmost respect and compassion throughout. I could say so much more but I won't spoil it for other readers. Well done Mrs. Armentrout I can't wait to read your next bestseller!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ali mousavi
Loved this book! Definitely a must read for everyone who likes to read NA and YA. Never heard of this author before but Id definitely recommend reading this book! It deals with some addict problems so be prepared! I enjoyed this book a lot!

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brenda lowder
I really enjoyed this book. Tanner is a really set and really hot firefighter who is falling for his best friend's girlfriend's best friend. Andrea is a girl who is battling some issues, but has been crushing on Tanner for a couple of years.

Good read. 4-4.5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Armentrout has very easy to read and fun writing, she was able to write a entertaining yet truthful story. Having an anxiety disorder myself, I feel that how she portrayed the mental illness and what it can lead to people doing was spot on. I was however disappointed at how rushed the end was. We should have gotten more about her recovery than just one chapter, because it takes people years and more to overcome an obstacle like this.
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