Vampire Hunter Novella, Dancing: An Anita Blake

ByLaurell K. Hamilton

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
girl from mumbai
Offensive. Ghastly. I returned this story and got a refund. This short went beyond Anita's usual naval gazing and hand wringing about her relationships. The author has her heroine involving a four-year old in the hysterics of her alternate lifestyle and rubbing the noses of all her mundane/ human friends in her relationship choices. It is a good thing Anita doesn't plan to have children because she would feel compelled, as she does in the case of the four-year old Matthew, to make a big deal about her sexual choices/behavior. Sheesh!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
suki rohan
This story is different from Hamiltons' other books with Anita Blake. It just shows where she stands with the police, not anything real exciting like her other books. I enjoyed it but it really didn't have a purpose.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hajar anvar
Loved the story. Always enjoy peeking into Anita Blake's loves. I was disappointed that it was not longer. I was also disappointed that I could only purchase it on the Kindle. I like to have the choice.
Micah (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Book 13) :: Book 1 - Anita Blake - The Laughing Corpse :: Danse Macabre (Anita Blake - Vampire Hunter :: DILF Diaries: Oh Baby :: The Killing Dance (Anita Blake - Vampire Hunter
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mokey milky
The Anita Blake story arc has traveled so far from where it began that it (and most of the other new books in the series) feels completely detached. Originally the lead character was tough as nails and could hold her own in a fight. Now the stories are nothing but complaints about her domestic life and tired over used sex scenes. I wont waste my time and money on another one....ever.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david hardin
This was a great addition to my LKH collection. Great little snippet with two of my favorite Anita men. I would recommend this to any of Anita's die hard fans how like getting little glimpses into the less dramatic days of the gangs lives. I'm really glad I found this I really loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
becky voight
This was a cute little novella with NO SEXUAL CONTENT (which brought me great joy). It gives a touch of insight to happenings that are lightly touched on in the following novel without giving readers too much to really think about. It was a quick and easy read to be enjoyed on your lunch break or even an extended trip to the bathroom.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kelly applin tillotson
I was a little disappointed that the story didn't go anywhere, I know it was a short story so there wasn't much wordage to play with but it was only about a party so and nothing really happened. It was cute seeing them interacting with Matthew though. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Super cute. Nathaniel is adorable, and Matty is almost as cute. And we all learn lessons about gender equality, sexual orientation discrimination, and that girls like boys who will dance with them.
Oh and that some women are just conniving evil bitches.
But Natty gets to be the "wife" and it's adorable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bob ries
I have been reading the Anita series since book 1. I loved this glimpse into her life. It's so hard for someone in a multi-partner relationship to attend family type functions and Laurell showed how smoothly it can go as well as the potential issues that can happen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marisa simon
I love every single book in this series. This series is great and I cannot wait for more. If you want a quick and fun read, read this series.

I am happy that Anita is back in the field more in the books and less of the sex.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dan hahn
Lovely short story about the more domestic side of Anita's lif with her friends, partner, and two live boyfriends. Funny but I could swear ther was a lesson about bullying and gossiping woven in in such a short space. I really love Laurell K. Hamilton's work for any number of reasons but especially for her choice to push caring, consenting relationships into a favorable light regardless of whether that 'type' of relationship fits in with your stated norms or not. It's lovely to see (read) any author that believes that loves is good without regard to its flavor or labels as long as it works for the individuals involved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Leaves you wanting more. This short story is a tightly knit & fast paced special party. Her readers know and love the chief characters and we
yearn for more full length novels. This well-done delight is set before "Affliction".
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
A cute vignette in the domestic world of Antis Blake. There is no crime or mystery in this short out take scene. It is not necessary to read to understand the over-arching plot of the series, but it's a cute bonus story and a quick read. Although Nathaniel's jobs are mentioned there are none of the gratuitous adult scenes the series has become known for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
desireah riley
Another great story in the Anita Blake series. I love this series and have every book. This is just another in a long line of great reads by this author. Hanging out for the next full book in the series,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laurel delivers perfection with this short story about the barbecue Zebrowski invited Anita, Micah, and Nathaniel to. A wonderful story with some more insight into the lives of Anita and her Loves. A must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valerie robinson
I liked Dancing a lot, because it showed Anita with her live- in loves in a different atmosphere than most of the books; there's no police work, or too many other characters. The plot is simple. Anita and two of her main sweeties are invited to another policeman's yearly barbecue, and they bring Matthew, a friend's young son they've been babysitting quite often.
The story shows us what it might be like if they had their own child, which Anita thinks about during this party, since Nathaniel wants the three of them to have a child. There's also a little drama among the policeman's wives when they realized Nathaniel is a stripper one of the wives hired for her bachelorette party and they all come into the kitchen where Nathaniel is helping the hostess with the food. Anita does not react like she probably would have in earlier books by picking a fight. She helps stop a fight by talking with another cop who had been lied to about what Nathaniel and his wife had done--or in this case, not done--at the party where he was paid to perform. Anita also talks it all out with Nathaniel fairly quickly, but then this is just a novella. There's a lot about dancing, which I found interesting.
This story showed how the relationship between Anita and her live- in loves has grown over time, and would be, I hope, the perfect set up for them to have a child. For the last few books Anita has certainly thought about how she wants her life to change. This story will also appeal to anyone living what is generally called an "alternative lifestyle" by showing that whether the relationship is polyamorous, S & M, homosexual, etc, that they are valid and real and when enough people honestly show their friends and family who they really are, and everyone stands up for their right to live the way they want, eventually such relationships will be accepted. This story has a lot of emotion about how scary it can be to show who you really are, and very little of the police procedural usually present. I loved the change, and the way Anita is changing. Good work!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lu sa
I liked Dancing a lot, because it showed Anita with her live- in loves in a different atmosphere than most of the books; there's no police work, or too many other characters. The plot is simple. Anita and two of her main sweeties are invited to another policeman's yearly barbecue, and they bring Matthew, a friend's young son they've been babysitting quite often.
The story shows us what it might be like if they had their own child, which Anita thinks about during this party, since Nathaniel wants the three of them to have a child. There's also a little drama among the policeman's wives when they realized Nathaniel is a stripper one of the wives hired for her bachelorette party and they all come into the kitchen where Nathaniel is helping the hostess with the food. Anita does not react like she probably would have in earlier books by picking a fight. She helps stop a fight by talking with another cop who had been lied to about what Nathaniel and his wife had done--or in this case, not done--at the party where he was paid to perform. Anita also talks it all out with Nathaniel fairly quickly, but then this is just a novella. There's a lot about dancing, which I found interesting.
This story showed how the relationship between Anita and her live- in loves has grown over time, and would be, I hope, the perfect set up for them to have a child. For the last few books Anita has certainly thought about how she wants her life to change. This story will also appeal to anyone living what is generally called an "alternative lifestyle" by showing that whether the relationship is polyamorous, S & M, homosexual, etc, that they are valid and real and when enough people honestly show their friends and family who they really are, and everyone stands up for their right to live the way they want, eventually such relationships will be accepted. This story has a lot of emotion about how scary it can be to show who you really are, and very little of the police procedural usually present. I loved the change, and the way Anita is changing. Good work!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan baxter
A very fast and beautiful book about relationships. I love that LKH can reach so many with her ever evolving relationships in Anita and her partners/ lovers, the politics and her kick ass way of doing things. This story is a blessing of real life interaction.

This is why Blake is my favorite character, she evolves and in a way that opens your eyes and makes her ever so charming.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julie stalker
I love Hamilton's writing but this was really just superficial. It lacked the depth she usually writes with. That being said, it was a short story so she couldn't get too detailed. I still enjoyed the story and love that Hamilton gives us these little off-site in between her full length novels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather freise
Cute little story, nothing sifi about it though. Its the cute relationships of Anita and her men in this (no zombies, no vampires, no shooting, no usual Anita mayhem) but if you want a smile and read about her in awkward mommy-like role than worth the read
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