Politics & Government
Review:I enjoy reading David Horowitz' jabs to the left. I love that he's heckled and prevented from speaking at our great universities...where the free flow of ideas ceased to exist with the dawning of the "Free Speech Movement"(reg. TM)
Events have somewhat passed this book by as a news item, but it's good to remind ourselves who and what these people are. Soros is a modern Oligarch for all seasons, he hated Bush (who didn't...it became quite fashionable with ALL the smart set) and now we have his... Read more
Review:A former participant in the radical movement(s) of the sixties explains what drives most radicals & revolutionaries drawing from history. In doing so he helps the reader understand how and why Obama's radical mentors have influenced his goals in government which in my opinion has pulled his political party too far to the left, leaving moderates behind. How we now mend the divisions in our country remains to be seen. Read more
Review:I recommend "The Case Against Barack Obama" only after reading Obama's Biography "Dreams of My Father." In the latter, Obama defines himself as a black man seeking his identity, which he says he found more in Kenya than he did in the United States. He was seeking the legacy of his father, who was a dead-beat dad, who fathered eight children by four different women. He never supported them. With that perspective in mind, "The Case Against Barack Obama" shows how this very eloquent, Ivy League... Read more
Review:Review of `Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools' by Jonathan Kozol published by HarperCollins of New York in 1992.
Reviewer Dr W. P. Palmer
I am reviewing this book more than ten years since I read it, as it was formative in my thinking and teaching about the education system in the United States of America. Anyone who has taught for a time in any nation on earth knows of the huge inequalities throughout education systems. Over the past fifty years, I have taught in s... Read more
Review:Laura Ingraham is so right about giving the Hollywood crowd a platform just because they happen to be famous entertainers. It's not like a major political party would let some actor get up and rant in a prime time slot billed as a special event! Please people, just look at the title and follow the command! Read more
Review:First, William Brennan's review below is far more eloquent than anything I could write, so I'll recommend that you read it before you read mine. I can't emphasize how impressed I was by this book. The fact that the author is both a soldier and a scholar provides this book with a truly unique perspective. The author is by no means a pacifist, but rather someone who really understands the costs of war and of entering into it without full societal committment and knowledge. The book's historical se... Read more
Review:I have a ton of Conservative books. I wasnt going to buy another, until I read the reviews in here from the left. Thats when I decided to buy it and help Michelle out. Your attempt to stiffle the sale of this book has backfired. As a new Amazon.com customer, you made it easy for me to buy one more conservative book, just to piss you off. Thanks Liberals! Job well done! Read more
Review:True stories about historical figures have always been interesting to me but some depictions result in sleep inducing renditions that need to be slogged through to completion. The way Mr. Beck and his staff have compiled, enhanced and embellished on these historic lives and events, yet remaining true to fact, make them very exciting and enjoyable to read and understand. Thank you Mr. Beck for producing this book. Read more
Review:Josh Ramo, the youngest Senior Editor and Foreign Editor ever at TIME Magazine, is both a great writer and a global citizen. A friend of mine for the past eight years, he now works as Managing Director at Kissinger Associates, Inc., which is owned and managed by Henry Kissinger. I'm not surprised that Josh chose to work for the former Secretary of State, since Josh speaks Mandarin and frequently seeks connection between the U.S. and the world at large. In his latest book, The Age of the Unthinka... Read more
Review:I almost gave it four stars because Sharyl Attkisson should have included things like the media's coverage of 9/11 (and the evidence that refutes the conclusions shared by the media), but there are so many important things in this book nonetheless that it must be shared so I gave it five stars anyway. It truly is exceptional, and as no book is truly worth five stars, this is my biggest endorsement. Read more