Well-Loved Recipes from My Natural Foods Kitchen - Super Natural Every Day

ByHeidi Swanson

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rog rio dalot
I love this book it has changed my entire approach to eating. Heidi is a vegetarian and I am not but I have cut back on the amount of meat I intake each week and don't miss it at all because these recipes are so well rounded in flavor and unique flair
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After "stealing" about 15 recipes via my cell phone, as soon as I got home and tried two of them, I knew I had to have this book! Both were phenomenal as-is.
I am a serial recipe-changer, and these need no changes whatsoever to make them outstanding, delicious, healthy, and nutritious.
Heidi, you are my new cooking hero, and this is my favorite cooking book!
One recipe has been renamed, however, to "Favorite Meal," as it is, hands-down, the best meal I've ever made.
...I'm not going to tell you which one, because you simply need to try a few of these gems on your own to find your own Favorite Meal. It's in here - I guarantee it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I cannot recommend this book more highly! Heidi Swanson offers healthy, uber-tasty recipes, and generous substitutions for each recipe, offering options to use what you have on hand - a much needed approach in today's economy. For me, she's made going organic so much easier.
Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day :: Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day :: Don't Look Inside :: Give Me Yesterday :: Triumphant and Unfussy New Favorites - Smitten Kitchen Every Day
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such an accessible cookbook and the recipes are really delicious. I especially loved the zucchini on pasta and seriously I couldn't imagine it would be so good. We are adding more veggie meals to our diet thru the use of this book. And oh, the baked oatmeal is swoon worthy, a dish for overnite guests, it is that impressive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heidi Swanson's new cookbook is amazing - very accessible, interesting recipes that don't require a lot of bizarre ingredients and are very delicious! Lots of vegetables and whole ingredients. Would expect nothing less from the creator or 101cookbooks.com
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary robeson
The recipes in this cookbook are delicious, are well tested, use interesting ingredients and do not take forever to complete. The flavors are well balanced.
I have enjoyed all of the many recipes I have tried so far.
I purchased the cookbook on the store after buying a copy for one of my children because I wanted to own it myself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heidi has a unique talent to bring together both healthy and delicious recipes! I have tried two out of her book and many more from her website and look forward to years of enjoying this book! It is also encouraging me to try new things that I may not have known what to do with before buying the book. Thanks Heidi!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam flint
My son introduced me to this great cookbook...if you are thinking about eating vegetarian several times a week, the recipes in this gourmet recipe book will convince you. The baked oatmeal is amazing
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic cookbook. Easy modified for the meat lovers out there - I added chicken or turkey or any other meat to some of the recipes and they tasted fantastic. I love this cookbook - a must-have for every household.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rachel lubert
I thought this book would be beautiful and inspiring, but I found it boring and the recipes quite bland. I'll probably just give it to someone who wants to incorporate more natural foods, but my raw diet has been giving me plenty (duh).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jarrett heatherly
Heidi Swanson loves to cook and it shows: her newest book, Super Natural Every Day: Well-loved Recipes from My Natural Foods Kitchen, is a delight. Beautiful photos and terrific descriptions of the recipes and how to prepare them (often with stories and helpful cooking tips) reading this book will inspire you to try many of the recipes.

Most of us wear about 10% of what is in our closet...same with cooking--we make a handful of our favorites over and over again. For this book, Swanson recorded her everyday meals for a couple of years and voila--simple and delicious dishes to enjoy daily.

The book surprises with unexpected pairings like potato salad with tofu. I tried and loved the fennel salad, which features paper-sliced thin ingredients....A simple recipe like the chickpea wrap in whole wheat Lavash flatbread was yummy (I happened to have the bread and other ingredients on hand and made it impulsively...Yum!)

To Swanson, natural food cooking means an abundance of fruits and veggies--local (and organic) whenever possible. Living in San Francisco, she is able to take advantage of the abundance of fresh produce and food from farmer's markets. However, as the popularity of local food grows, many of us can do the same.

Swanson loves to cook with whole grains--I discovered you can actually buy frozen wild or brown rice--but don't bother...whole grains take up to an hour to cook, but need no attention once they have boiled. And, if you are not familiar with wild or brown rice, farro, wheat berries and other whole grains, you are in for a treat!

You don't have to be a vegetarian to love this book--it is literally filled with healthy and interesting recipes that anyone would love! Plus, if you do eat meat and are looking for ways to cut down, this book is a terrific starting point.

Norma Lehmeier Hartie, author of Harmonious Environment: Beautify, Detoxify & Energize Your Life, Your Home & Your Planet
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alfonso ay n
This book is just fantastic. I've made probably 15+ recipes from this book, and all have been winners--not just good, but keepers that I flagged so I can make them again and again. My current favorite recipe in this book is the Green Lentil Soup; it's made with browned curry butter and coconut milk. It is incredibly delicious and complex-tasting, but so easy to make. That's how I would describe many of this book's recipes: incredibly delicious and complex-tasting, but easy to make. I can... sort of... see where the negative reviewers are coming from when they point out the simplicity of some of the recipes. But simple is sometimes difficult to pull off successfully--and Swanson pulls off simple beautifully every time. Besides, those "simple" recipes are the minority in this book. The majority of the recipes are like the Green Lentil Soup: deceptively simple-sounding on the surface, but so delicious, complex-tasting, and memorable that you won't stop thinking about them until you make them again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dana bui
I love Heidi's cookbook and website. This cookbook was such a help to me as a new wife looking to prepare delicious and healthy meals for my husband and guests. Everything I've tried so far from the cookbook has tasted amazing. I get a lot of compliments from both my husband and our friends who've tried the dishes I made from supernatural everyday.

Variety: If you belong to a co-op and receive organic produce that are in season, this is great resource to help you figure out what to do with random items that end up in the box.

Tested Recipes: All of the recipes I've tried so far from her cookbook have been delicious and gotten questions from others who tried the dishes on the recipe book I use. Several of my friends have now subscribed to her website and/or purchased the book after trying out the dishes I made from her book.

Accessible Ingredients: As someone who lives in Kansas City, Missouri and not a major city like Chicago or New York that offers a greater variety of exotic ingredients, I found the ingredients Heidi uses easy to find and purchase either at Whole Foods or at a local ethnic supermarket.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
saundra keiffer
Highly recommend. At first I thought it might be a bit pretentious but I was mistaken. Amazing recipes here- baked breakfast oatmeal is the best (and the original source for the recipe which has been "modified slightly" on many popular food blogs I might add). Kale and coconut salad is a weekly go to, and the quinoa patties are a staple for both myself and my toddler.

This book isn't just for "foodies" or "vegetarians" or "granola people"... It's a refreshing and simple way to try to incorporate different foods into your weekly menus and feel good doing .

Photographs are lovely as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james monks
As a former professional cook, I read just about anything I can get my hands on about food. As someone who had a subscription to Gourmet magazine when I was 12, to my well worn copy of The French Laundry by Thomas Keller, to my favorite new magazine, Lucky Peach, I often turn to cookbooks and magazines for inspiration. Usually, I just about always do my own thing in the end. This cookbook is the exception. I am actually using these recipes pretty much to the letter, and they have all been wonderful. From the simple combination of melon with feta cheese, to the best wild rice salad that I have made again and again, Super Natural Every Day is now a staple in my kitchen. Healthy, wholesome and oh such wonderful recipes, thank you Heidi Swanson!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I bought this book because I follow the food blogs and everyone was raving about it. That love continues here on the store, where she's got nothing but 5 star reviews. I like the book, but ...

I don't know who she is trying to reach here. You would expect that most people who follow food blogs and know of her would know some basics about cooking, yet she has some pages devoted to things that quite frankly I find condescending. Recipes for fruit salad, pita chips and egg salad seem a waste of space, not to mention pages devoted to making rice, whipped cream, tea (tea! as in boil water - add tea - steep) and compound butter. The two pages devoted to how to poach an egg are kind of insulting. To me. Not to everyone.

That's my problem with the book. I cook a lot. I follow the food blogs too get inspiration and to get some recipes without having to buy the newest cookbooks. I know basic techniques. I figure other people who follow her blog (the people I imagine she hopes will buy this book) would, too. Or at least they have demonstrated their ability to look things up on the internet - google how to poach an egg if you must.

These basic techniques seem more silly when you consider her fancy-pants ingredients lists. "I shop alongside some of the best chefs in the city ..." If you can't poach an egg or cook rice, are you really using harissa and membrillo?

I bought this book thinking it would be a nice inspiration for summer veggies. But this is a pantry-heavy cookbook. Yes, its vegetarian, but it is what my husband calls "roly-poly vegetarian." Lots of beans and pasta and potatoes. There are at least ten recipes that basically dress up a pound of store-bought pasta or a 15oz can of beans.

There are pretty pictures (though many are of flowers and trees and Heidi - not all the recipes have pictures and no pictures accompany her how-tos). I mean, it's a nice book. But I would recommend Kim Boyce's "Good to the Grain" Good to the Grain: Baking with Whole-Grain Flours if you want to bake with whole grains over the breakfast and sweets portions of this book. And like I said, the rest is pasta and beans and tea and egg salad.

My recommendation - if you aren't looking for link love from Heidi for your own blog, skip this and just visit her web site, where you can get similar recipes and pictures and chit chat - for free.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristi dehaai
I have been following Heidi's blog, 101 Cookbooks, for years. I was so excited to hear about her newest collection of recipes (it was a gift no less). I wouldn't dare say I spend as much time in the kitchen, but I cook every day & entertain often, and my cooking style is very similar. I also live in an urban environment where I can source seasonal ingredients with little effort. She personifies the urban home cook.

The things I love the most about her recipes & cooking style:

-adaptability. Although Heidi is a vegetarian, her meals are easily adapted for meat eaters. In addition to eating meat occasionally, I am gluten free. Her cooking style mimics my own, in the sense that with a little creativity, you can customize any meal to fit your own needs and taste preferences. Always beautiful, colorful, and packed full of flavor.

-ingredients. Seasonal and nutrient dense ingredients with MUCH MORE flavor than the processed varieties. Simple food can be packed with flavor and nutrition (and much more affordable), if you buy it at the right time.

-anecdotes & style. Her whimsical musings and pictures compliment her creative process beautifully. She has become a staple in my kitchen, and my life.

This latest collection of recipes deserves every accolade it accumulates. Her newest lentil soup (Green Lentil Soup with browned butter, curry, coconut milk) is among the best I have ever eaten. The broccoli Grabiche with roasted broccoli, fingerling potatoes, hard boiled eggs, in a classic french dressing of egg yolk, tarragon, capers & shallots is to die for.

I could go on and on, but if you are still reading this with intrigue, you should just buy the book. It's wonderful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have tried several recipes from this book. Everything has turned out delicious and has been relatively easy to make. I love Heidi's style of demonstrating how to use fresh market ingredients. She definitely has a talent for recognizing how to bring delicious ingredients together for a wonderful dish. I have found that since trying her recipes from this book I am more inventive myself when it comes to putting together a new dish. She has a very inspirational style of writing about food. The pictures are beautiful, and sort of rustic. Check out her blog to read some of her recipes (101cookbooks).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love this cookbook! As a warning, there are some recipes that do require some very specific, and maybe hard to find, videos. Luckily, I live near a pretty amazing grocery store, so I can find them, but I could see this becoming a challenge. But even if you can't find every ingredient, it's worth finding a substitute because the recipes are so delicious. I've made 8 or 10 recipes, everything from breakfast to snacks to entrees, and they're all delicious! Everything is hearty, made from great ingredients, and has an amazing flavor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle harris
You won't be disappointed. Just about every recipe is simple, nutritious, and delicious. It's my new go-to book, or at least one of them. I made the Farro soup last night for dinner, and baked the Bran Muffins for dessert. Both recipes did not disappoint. The book is well organized, the photos are beautiful, and all of the ingredients are easily available, and for us, who live in a rural area, with a market as large as a convenience store, that was a plus! Okay, I confess, I did order the Farro online!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heidi has done it again. Is anyone in food publishing writing more appealing books? She's focused on all the right things: nutrition, ease of preparation, overall health, incredible aesthetics, true originality (so rare in the cookbook world), and -- most important -- taste. Easily the best cookbook out this year. I just hope 10 Speed doesn't market this as a "vegetarian" book, because it's almost beside the point. Not even the hardest-core carnivores would even *notice* there's no meat in these dishes; it has major appeal for carnivores of all stripes. Vegetarians, too, should rejoice though -- an entirely fresh and wonderful collection of weeknight meals await. This is nothing like your other veg books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mackenzie gentry
There are so many underloved, under-appreciated things in the grocery store that can be used to create amazing food. Heidi has turned me on to spelt, taught me how to cook chickpeas, given me new ways to think about tempeh, shown me the wonders of harissa, taught me that bulgar isn't vulgar, and most importantly, how to make an acorn squash delicious.

The book is vegetarian, but doesn't feel that way. It uses "exotic" sounding ingredients that are actually humble and delicious and sitting on the shelf right next to the ingredients that you're used to using. The recipes are approachable, and her baking recipes are especially friendly to novices.

The photography in the book is amazing as well.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
That might sound mean, but it's pretty accurate. I've made a handful of recipes from this book that sound promising, but the ingredients don't really go together and I ultimately end up disappointed yet again. They are either too bland which is surprising given the number of ingredients in the recipes or just plain weird, like you threw together whatever was left over after you bought everything that looked great at the Farmer's market without giving much thought to pre-planning a menu, i.e. her Kale Salad is kale, toasted coconut, sesame oil & farro... Weird... I will say that the recipes are good for inspiration. I'm already a good cook and substitute a lot in these recipes and that helps. I used to live in Berkeley and this book reminds me of that eclectic, free-spirited NoCal vibe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diah ayu
I love Heidi Swanson. Her cookbooks and her blog. Her writing is friendly and encouraging, and she makes cooking and baking with different types of flours and ingredients intriguing.
I understand what people are saying when they bring up the fact that she has instructions on silly things such as how to brew tea. I do not think she is being condescending when she does this, I think that she is trying to make people interested in newer and fresher things.
This however, does not change the fact that every recipe that I've tried works and is absolutely delicious. I refer to this book more than most of my cookbooks when I'm trying to think of something to eat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
doris jessesski
This book strikes the nearly impossible to find balance between simple, flavorful, and healthy. Some reviewers have complained about the amount of oil called for - but this usually applies to recipes that are low on typical calorie sources, such as carbohydrates.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theo zijlmans
The recipes contained are very well written and easy to follow, especially for me. I have no patience when I'm cooking and
want to make recipes that come together easily and these do. If you are looking for a healthy Natural cookbook, this will be
a great addition to your collection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kacey o
I received this book as a birthday present, and I love it! I have already bookmarked many recipes that I want to make soon, and I made the one for homemade creme fraiche, which was so easy! If you're looking for simple go-to recipes that are tasty, healthy, and well-crafted, check out this cookbook! She also includes nice introductions to each recipe, which I appreciated, along with lots of helpful cooking tips!
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