The Essential Vegetarian Cookbook to Get Started - Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners

ByRockridge Press

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With an in-depth look into vegetarianism that spans over three chapters, as well as three extremely helpful chapters that give tips on making the change to and maintaining a vegetarian life. Flushed out with a heft seven chapters of of recipes, none of which are too overly complicated and all sound delicious, especially the chapter on vegetarian desserts. But the chapter on condiments is probably the most beneficial and interesting one. A good guide to a healthy way of life, its tips help keep you on the right path to a healthier you. I say check it out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This cookbook was a great introduction to vegetarian cooking. I am personally not a vegetarian but found the recipes extremely easy to create and the ones I did prepare were delicious as well. Not only does the cookbook provide recipe it also gives easy to understand explanations of various types of diets and the pros and cons of eating meat. The structure of the book makes it easy to find recipes by ingredient type and dish size as well.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in eating a bit healthier for the New Year!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine barton holmes
Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners is a great guide to get you going on the vegetarian train. In a society where you aren’t sure where your food is processed and meat is close to being taboo, this will show you the way. It will back up your feelings towards eating cleanly as well as show you how to stay a vegetarian for years. There is a perfect meal plan to follow as well as a recipe for anything you can think of. After a while, you ‘ll forget cows, pigs and chickens are even in the food chain.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dani nicole
You'll love the delicious and healthy recipes in The Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners. This is not just a cookbook, but also an educational, inspiring, and easy to read resource that introduces those of us who have not been long-term vegetarians to the concept and benefits -it even has a handy meal plan! All recipes are nicely organized into breakfasts, soups, salads and dressings, etc. for easy locating. I'm thrilled to add tasty, and not to mention healthy, options into my daily routine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marylee vetrano
I have tried being vegetarian before and it worked for awhile, but I found it difficult as it became harder and harder to be original with vegetarian dishes. This cookbook is listed as for beginners, but they do an amazing job at familiarizing you with what it means to be vegetarian and all of the recipes look delicious. This book provides every step needed for making this transition and I can't wait to get started.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna parsons lamb
Bursting with colorful nutrient dense recipes, this book is a delight off the beaten path of grain-heavy vegetarian diets, instead charting its course to include a surplus of raw recipes as well. Adding intellectual value as well as motivation for dietary changes and adaption, the cookbook includes chapters on medial benefits and global impacts on sustainability. Gorgeous photographs provide the unfamiliar at glimpse at the goodness waiting to unfold, step-by-step, as the beginners kitchen and cooking become transformed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am happy with this cookbook because it not just contains a plenty of great recipes, but it also includes a lot of information about vegetarianism as a lifestyle that is especially useful for someone starting out as meatless.
The recipes are on the healthier side - low in fat, and many are dairy free which I like. There is also a raw food section that offers another interesting option even for those like myself who do not subscribe to raw food regularly.
My favorite recipe so far - Roasted Leek and Sweet Potato Soup.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nicola hearn
This book is definitely for people who have decided to switch to vegetarianism or to really confirm the decision of a vegetarian lifestyle. It's a little heavy-handed in arguing why people shouldn't eat meat for being named a cookbook. However, I was glad to see at least one section advise that vegetarianism may not be for everyone, as well as an encouragement to research and make a healthful transition. When it finally does get to the recipes, the best thing about it is the two week meal menu! Even though the book breaks down the different types of vegetarians, it was unclear which type the book was for, but the recipes offer a great variety that's bound to have something for everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ben seymour
Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners
The Essential Vegetarian Cookbook to Get Started
Pescatarian. Flexitarian. Fruitarian. What are these names? Are they new religions? No, but they are unique. They refer to different kinds of vegetarians. In vegetarianism, you are what you don’t eat. For example, a flexitarian eats everything but meat only occasionally. A pescatarian refrains from meat but does eat fish. A fruitarian abstains not only from meat but also from vegetables and dairy products as well, eating only fruit and nuts. Some persons will avoid meat but eggs are a part of their diet. Others add milk.
There are many ways of adhering to a plant-based diet, and it dates back to the dawn of man’s existence. However, societal support for this viewpoint has resulted in the formation of a organization, the Vegetarian Society, in the 1840s, to promote the vegetarian lifestyle. Today they serve as a pressure group and watchdog over the purity of the food supply in the United Kingdom. Over time, humans have evolved a variety of reasons to restrict their diet to vegetation, and all of them are valid. These include health, religion, economic, ethical, or environmental concerns.
Why might a person investigate vegetarianism? Perhaps because of the benefits to health, the relative decreased cost of greens as opposed to red meat. Elimination of hormones and/or harmful chemicals in the meat supply. It has been noted that those who consume a diet of vegetables and fruits tend to be lighter in weight and less susceptible to diseases prevalent in the developed nations such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and obesity.
Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners – The Essential Vegetarian Cookbook to Get Started, by Rockridge Press is a thoroughly informative guidebook to everything vegetarian. Beginning with a concise history, it then offers a balanced discussion of the benefits of a plant-based diet vs the negative effects of beef and pork. The publishers of this book provide you with all the facts that so you can make an educated decision about whether vegetarianism is for you.
For those who have made the leap to a plant-based lifestyle, there are suggestions of how to clean out your pantry and refill it with wholesome, delicious products. Of course, the best way to successfully become an herbivore is to do it gradually. There are more than 150 flavorful recipes ranging from soup to nuts that entice your taste buds. The publishers assure you that within a rather short time you will find that you will develop a passion for vegetable casseroles as you once did for a well-cooked steak.
Although at this point in my life I am not ready to adopt a completely non-meat diet, I am including more vegetables and fruits into my menus; and titles such as “Chocolate Chip Pancakes” and “Red Bean Chili” sound yummy. If you have ever been curious about the vegetarian lifestyle, this would be the book to help you decide.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john billings
Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners
The Essential Vegetarian Cookbook to Get Started
Pescatarian. Flexitarian. Fruitarian. What are these names? Are they new religions? No, but they are unique. They refer to different kinds of vegetarians. In vegetarianism, you are what you don’t eat. For example, a flexitarian eats everything but meat only occasionally. A pescatarian refrains from meat but does eat fish. A fruitarian abstains not only from meat but also from vegetables and dairy products as well, eating only fruit and nuts. Some persons will avoid meat but eggs are a part of their diet. Others add milk.
There are many ways of adhering to a plant-based diet, and it dates back to the dawn of man’s existence. However, societal support for this viewpoint has resulted in the formation of a organization, the Vegetarian Society, in the 1840s, to promote the vegetarian lifestyle. Today they serve as a pressure group and watchdog over the purity of the food supply in the United Kingdom. Over time, humans have evolved a variety of reasons to restrict their diet to vegetation, and all of them are valid. These include health, religion, economic, ethical, or environmental concerns.
Why might a person investigate vegetarianism? Perhaps because of the benefits to health, the relative decreased cost of greens as opposed to red meat. Elimination of hormones and/or harmful chemicals in the meat supply. It has been noted that those who consume a diet of vegetables and fruits tend to be lighter in weight and less susceptible to diseases prevalent in the developed nations such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and obesity.
Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners – The Essential Vegetarian Cookbook to Get Started, by Rockridge Press is a thoroughly informative guidebook to everything vegetarian. Beginning with a concise history, it then offers a balanced discussion of the benefits of a plant-based diet vs the negative effects of beef and pork. The publishers of this book provide you with all the facts that so you can make an educated decision about whether vegetarianism is for you.
For those who have made the leap to a plant-based lifestyle, there are suggestions of how to clean out your pantry and refill it with wholesome, delicious products. Of course, the best way to successfully become an herbivore is to do it gradually. There are more than 150 flavorful recipes ranging from soup to nuts that entice your taste buds. The publishers assure you that within a rather short time you will find that you will develop a passion for vegetable casseroles as you once did for a well-cooked steak.
Although at this point in my life I am not ready to adopt a completely non-meat diet, I am including more vegetables and fruits into my menus; and titles such as “Chocolate Chip Pancakes” and “Red Bean Chili” sound yummy. If you have ever been curious about the vegetarian lifestyle, this would be the book to help you decide.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
As a resource for someone transitioning to a vegetarian diet Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners falls a little short. The book does supply useful information regarding nutrition and how to deal with eating out, but the author seems more concerned with convincing people to go vegetarian.

That said, the book does provide a useful two week meal plan, and in the Kindle edition this feature is even more useful as all of the dishes are links to the recipe in question. The Banana Walnut Muffins, Cream of Asparagus Soup and the Broccoli Casserole are all especially delicious.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
darcy anders
This is a comprehensive start-up guide for anyone thinking about becoming vegetarian. I was surprised, however, that some of the book reads more like a persuasive paper than a cookbook. (“Do what is best for your body by switching to a vegetarian diet.”) The quotes from Genesis, scientific studies, etc., were interesting, but I can’t imagine that anyone reading this book isn’t already “in the choir.” Meanwhile, cooking terms like “whisk” are not defined.

As to the “meat” of the book (pun intended), the recipes are awesome! The logical book structure makes it easy to navigate.

In sum, this book is probably better for people who already know the basics of cooking but are new to vegetarianism than it is for vegetarians beginning to cook.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a great book for the beginner vegetarian, or a person just contemplating it. It starts out with an intro of why we love juicy steaks and hamburgers and starts the argument that eggplant and mozzarella can be just as good. If you're not an eggplant fan like me; just keep reading.
Next we get into the "meat" of the read- health benefits and all the reasons to go meat free. If the overview of the downfalls of the western diet don't get you then the break down of actual diseases will. If you're fear motivated like me- this is a great read for a healthy change!
Next- the change! Your will find a shopping list, vegetarian friendly restaurants and best of all- Recipes!
Chocolate chip pancakes, black bean and corn salsa, and fresh fruit tarts to name a few. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren saft
This book provides information about being vegetarian and how to begin doing so. It also shares a variety of wonderful recipes. I have been vegetarian for 7 years, but it was nice to brush up on my facts since people seem to have so many questions when they find out my family is vegetarian. This book provides common nationwide restaurants that are vegetarian friendly and goes over products to buy, which helps for the transition. I wish this book was around when I transitioned to a vegetarian diet! I have been wanting to try some new recipes, and this book is filled with many I am looking forward to making.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janis lanka
This is a book about eating good food! A meatless diet doesn’t have to be mundane or bland. And the health benefits abound: lower blood cholesterol levels, longer life span and increased energy. A question from many of my meat-loving friends, “What about protein?” This cookbook provides recipes for great sources of low-fat protein that provide energy without the blah after-effects of a hamburger. I especially enjoyed the section on raw foods. I don’t think I could ever totally convert to uncooked foods, but there are some intriguing options and I was able to shed pounds quickly without feeling hungry or tired. Best of all, for me, are the attractive, healthy soups and pastas.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
One of the most helpful things in this cookbook are the sample grocery lists on how to replace things that aren’t vegetarian. Protein alternatives are hard to come up with and they give some options. The meal plans also help with that problem, in learning how to replace meat as protein sources. Since a vegetarian diet is something that has been around a while all of the chapters on the benefits of a vegetarian diet were a bit repetitive and nothing new, but the recipes are totally worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing book! If you’ve ever been interested in vegetarianism then you should definitely give this book a try. Vegetarian Cookbook For Beginners provides you with great information about the lifestyle as well as sections on shopping, benefits, and of course, cooking! What I love most about this book is that it tackles the myth that vegetarians only eat salads.. By using a step-by-step guided meal plan, we quickly see full, healthy, creative meals that are also easy to prepare. I recommend it 100%!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
A good range of recipes. Unfortunately some of the recipes lack important details, which makes for difficulties for a beginner. The recipes are also mainly intended for vegetarians who use no dairy products. if you do consume dairy products, the book is less useful than it could be.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
noah levenson
`Vegetarian Cookbook For Beginners' is a gentle persuasion into the world of Vegetarian and Vegan without dissing the bi-curious carnivore. The introduction is a well-organized and informative aperitif to a diverse parade of recipes. The simplicity of the book gives step by step instruction on purging your pantry and refrigerator, making it easier to make the full transition, which can be overwhelming as noted in the book, yet it still leaves room for a duality of culinary choices if walking the fence on a strict vegetarian indulgence, by simply substituting if one so desires. Lifestyle and convenience is considered and choices for dining out are covered as well to ensure the success of the pending veggie-vegan-ite. The overall goal is clear in that lifestyle and food choices are where it's at. My only beef with the book is that there are no pictures of these delicacies and recipes locked in black and white do nothing to enhance one's appetite. Presentation is important in the art of food, and the lack of visual does the book a disservice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
george heller
Remember the old joke about the guy whose girlfriend finds him flipping thru Playboy magazine? “I only read it for the interviews,” he says. Like me and this book, except I only read it for the recipes. I’m not a vegan and unlikely to become one, and so the first part of the book wasn’t of much interest. It thoroughly discusses the benefits of veganism, and practical steps to making the change, and so may be quite useful to other people.

But the recipes...what a treat! A rich assortment for each meal as well as snacks and desserts. And while I’m not vegan, I have friends who are, and I appreciate the health benefits of skipping animal products. So I use the book as a way to sprinkle unusual and appealing meals into my routine.

One complaint: no index. Please cookbook people: indexes are good. Like interviews. And recipes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Now in the age where diet and exercise are becoming more and more popular, this book offers the necessary help and jump for people looking to eat healthy; while cooking tasty meals. With half of the book stating the downsides of eating meat and the benefits of eating green, this cookbook is necessary for beginners in understanding vegetarian living. You're faced with a detail explanation on the seven different types of vegetarianism; as many are unaware that more than one type exists (including myself). Though the cookbook offers expansive facts and information, most became redundant.

However, the last half of the book consisting of recipes was the books saving grace, making it a must read. While many people including myself aren't the biggest fan of raw vegetables, some of these meals actually sound delicious. All recipes are nicely organized into breakfasts, soups, salads and dressings; including a meal plan for easy understanding. The recipes are written clearly and concise and contain easy to follow instructions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The introduction to the Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners is pretty long, and a little bit repetitive with the dangers of a "Western Diet", meaning a diet with a lot of meat, and processed foods, while the claims are interesting and should really be taken into consideration, it is a bit off putting. However, the recipes in this book, such as the Spaghetti Squash with Sautéed Veggies, are great! Normally when thinking of vegetarian meals I think of bland, flavorless foods that I wouldn't eat, let a lone get my family to enjoy; I think I can really win my family over with some of these recipes, especially deserts like the Honey Glazed Pears. Yum!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you're thinking about going the no-meat route, but aren't quite sure where to start, then this is a perfect read. "Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners" gives you background on different types of vegetarianism, so you can make the choice of whether to go vegan or still include fish in your diet. And it makes a good case for a plant-based diet by pointing out the health benefits of going green, including improved energy levels and reduced risk for several types of cancers. Easy, healthy and tasty-sounding recipes for everything from Vegetable Tofu Curry to desserts like Chocolate Raspberry Bars make it easy and tempting to make the move to vegetarian without giving up good food and flavor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Vegetarian Cookbook for Beginners is an excellent place for both beginning and expert vegetarians. I personally am not a vegetarian, but after reading through this book my sister and I have already started talking about trying it out in order to gain the excellent health benefits it has to offer, which are explained clearly and in easy-to-understand format in this book. There are several aspects of this book that made it stand out as an excellent resource, and I will name a few here:
1. Many books offer recipes, but this book also has a two week plan of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack so beginners who are drowning in the new knowledge can focus on two weeks at a time.
2. Explanation of the health benefits of vegetarian lifestyle and how to transition from meat-eating to vegetarian. (Even tells you how to clean out the cabinets and random foods/ingredients that may have animal products in them.
3. Several delicious recipes to try as well as other resources to visit if you want to find out more about restaurants to visit in your area that offer vegetarian-friendly foods.
I would recommend this book to anyone interested in vegetarian lifestyles, whether a beginner or expert.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tsatsral tamir
I always thought of vegetarian food as bland and boring but after reading this cook book I have found it to be anything but ordinary. The author gives a delicious description of fried eggplant with mozzarella and herbed tomatoes to show how good vegetarian cooking can be. The book outlines a 14 day plan where you can follow along with the different types of recipes. There is even a specific section on raw vegetable recipes which I found interesting. This book makes you think outside of the box and I recommend it for anybody who wants to eat a healthier diet.
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