Bad Apple (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 4)

ByLani Lynn Vale

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thomas riker
Apple suffers from PTSD as well as something in his past that haunts him more than the horrors of war. While Kitt suffers from seizures and always had which leads to her brother taking protectiveness to whole a new level. Her brother,Ridley, and her live together and he watches her 24/7 even when he isn’t around. Kitt loves him and understands he is still reeling from the death of his wife but wants to have a live of her own. Apple seems like just the sort of fun she is looking for and one night freedom turns into so much more.

This is by far the best of the series to date! Each one draws you in but there is something about Apple that is beautifully heartbreaking. He is suffering so much and doing it alone. Once a cop now a game warden trying to keep his father’s business going on the side while prospecting for the Uncertain Saints and just trying to survive. He knows that Kitt is too good for him and tries so hard to stay away from her. A series of misunderstandings reeks havoc on their lives not to mention the creepy stalker! Kitt is messed up as well but she refuses to give up. My favorite scene is when she goes to see Apple and they end up fighting. She gives him h*** and everything he says that is wrong with him so has a response for. She won’t allow him to wallow in his despair.

We also get to learn more about Ridley in this book and why he is the way he is. All of the other Saints are there as well and even Silas is mentioned! I had to throw that in there since he is my all time favorite character of Lani Lynn Vale’s. I have one tiny complaint and honestly it is probably just me. Something happened to Apple that concerns his best friend and he doesn’t have much of a memory about it. Ridley tells him that he knows because Silas showed him what went on. I got the feeling though there was more than Apple knew but if that was true we don’t know. Like I said it was probably just me.

This review is the copyrighted property of my blog, Blushing Reads, where it was first posted.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
3 Stars

Though I liked the originality of the plotline and the writing was good the story felt rushed, especially in the beginning and it left me some-what confused. The prologue was a bit odd too, it added to my confusion.

Apple is carrying around guilt for something he did years previous and he’s prospecting for the Uncertain MC to try to help with his depression. Kitt is the sister of one of the MC members and has a serious health problem that causes her to have frequent seizures. Her brother treats her like a china doll that could break any moment and Kitt just wants to live her life. When her and Apple meet the attraction is there and Kitt pretty much demands he sleep with her which results in them having sex almost immediately after they meet. Apple pulls away and when Kitt finds out she’s pregnant Apple thinks he can’t be with her but her seizures intensify during her pregnancy and though Apple isn’t with her with her – he takes up stalking her to keep her safe.

The plotline was definitely original but I didn’t feel a connection to the characters and that’s what kept me from enjoying this story. The “relationship” between Apple and Kitt felt rushed and their relationship felt very forced. I don’t think I’ll be reading the next book in this series as this is the second book in a row by Lani Vale, and the second book in this series, that I’ve given 3 stars and didn’t find all that great.

Read and reviewed for United Indie Book Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jami fournier
Apple and Kitt weren’t the typical couple. They didn’t do the hearts and flowers. The didn’t even do each other all that much. Their world was crazy and they went with it.

Apple “Core” Drew is a prospect for the Uncertain Saints MC and Kitt is the sister of the MC member Ridley. They meet at a club meeting and then have a night of passion which leads to a crazy journey for both of them.

I love that Ms Vale takes her characters to places that other authors don’t usually visit. Kitt has health conditions that keep her brother in a constant state of unease. Apple has a history that is hard for him to deal with. They both have real struggles that they meet together and separately and that really tell the story.

I enjoyed this story a great deal and liked how the road wasn’t paved and it definitely wasn’t straight, but it still brought Apple & Kitt together and helped them find themselves in better places.

*** I was given an advance copy in exchange for an honest review ***
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne hamilton
Bad Apple is the fourth book in the Uncertain Saints MC series, but don't worry if you haven't read the previous books, as it can easily be read as a standalone.

Bad Apple is Kitt and Apple's story. This pair have demons and they both fight a daily battle. Apple is a prospect of the Uncertain Saints, a war vet, who is generally quite private and solitary. He has a past that haunts him, he fights a daily battle dealing with guilt and depression. Kitt is incredibly stubborn, strong and sassy and fights for her independence. She isn't one to back down from a fight! She doesn't want her illness to define her, and wants the chance to experience life! Unfortunately her brother Ridley is over protective and at times smothers Kitt, with his well meaning intentions and love. One night together leads this pair, to a future neither expected or saw for themselves.

As you experience Apple and Kitt's story you go through a roller coaster of emotions as you watch the many misunderstandings between them. Their path to finding happiness is quite rocky. I loved the banter between this pair. Kitt is completely entertaining and and the way in which she expresses herself is completely engaging. Both these characters are incredibly complex, intriguing and endearing. I loved watching the sparks fly between this pair, their chemistry is intense right from the start!

Although at times this book has darker undertones, it also has light hearted moments, quite a few of these had me laughing out loud. I cannot wait for the next installment of this series, once again Lani Lynn Vale doesn't disappoint!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber garza
Kitt loves her brother, but he's smothering her, as she has a medical condition that has him watching her 24/7. Her brother is a member of The Uncertain Saints MC, so she goes to a party with him, where she meets a prospect, that she can't help but talking to when she spots the sadness in his eyes. Plus he's sexy as hell, and after she spends a bit of time with him, she decides she wants to experience some fun with him. Apple Drew is an ex-cop, and war veteran, who is now a prospect for The Uncertain Saints MC, with a ton of demons that no one knows the truth about. He ends up talking to Kitt during the party, and feels a connection to her. Apple knows he should keep his hands off of her, but when she throws out an offer he can't refuse, he ignores all of his objections. The problem becomes that one time isn't enough, but he's determined to keep his big secret to himself. WIll Kitt break down Apple's walls in order for him to heal?!

WOW WOW WOW! I have come to realize that there isn't a book that this author has written, or will write that I won't absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE! And frankly, I never want them to end no matter how long they are. The character development is fantastic, with all my past loves as the entertaining cast of secondaries. Holy Hell Batman, the flammable chemistry EXPLODED into fiery flames of sexy scene goodness that will ruin all panties involved. The hilariously placed humor (butt print on truck) had me laughing until I was snorting like a piggy, and the angst factor hit new levels of emotional. Lani Lynn Vale's brilliant writing style has me so very addicted, that I'm sure I'm going to need a 12 Step Program soon. She reeled me in from the first sentence, and held me hostage happily until even the ending credits were read. Her diabolical twists and turns never fail to have f-bombs dropping everywhere, and keep my heart pounding cover to cover. I'll be impatiently waiting for the next book, and I want everyone to read Bad Apple, so it should come as no shock that I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stacy castiglione
I was intrigued with Apple "Core" Drew from the moment he was introduced in the previous installment. The name Apple would make you think he'd be all fun and games and jokes and laughs. But this guy had a past that would break your heart. Then comes his MC Brother Ridley's little sister Kitt Walker. She's got issues ..and together these two make for one emotionally chaotic disaster. But what Lani does well is take two broken individuals and somehow turns them into one solid team who would go to the ends of the earth for each other. That's a true romance element I have to have. I need to believe in my couple and these two had some major ups and downs but in the end of the day they always had each others back. Apple did his very own best to fight the feelings he had for Kitt but there now way these two could stay away from each other. One night and a life is created and then their own worlds are turned upside down. Even when Apple was pushing Kitt away he was still THERE the shadows and that stole my heart. The suspense that Lani does best was right there in the back ground and I loved that Kitt was strong and fought her own battles. There was humor and there was tears. A little bit of other woman drama did kinda take me away from the story for a bit but luckily it didn't last long. I definitely enjoy the stories without anything like that . The one thing that I applaud this author for though is she keeps her couples true to each other. I am very nervous about Ridley's story because once you say a man has had the "love of his life" you really don't leave much chance for a new love to be equal. It's just making me nervous. But if anyone can win me over's Lani. I really enjoy getting lost in the world this author creates. She just has that easy smooth feel to her writing. Always anxious for more <3
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ria murray
Bad Apple is the fourth book in the Uncertain Saints MC series, but don't worry if you haven't read the previous books, as it can easily be read as a standalone.

Bad Apple is Kitt and Apple's story. This pair have demons and they both fight a daily battle. Apple is a prospect of the Uncertain Saints, a war vet, who is generally quite private and solitary. He has a past that haunts him, he fights a daily battle dealing with guilt and depression. Kitt is incredibly stubborn, strong and sassy and fights for her independence. She isn't one to back down from a fight! She doesn't want her illness to define her, and wants the chance to experience life! Unfortunately her brother Ridley is over protective and at times smothers Kitt, with his well meaning intentions and love. One night together leads this pair, to a future neither expected or saw for themselves.

As you experience Apple and Kitt's story you go through a roller coaster of emotions as you watch the many misunderstandings between them. Their path to finding happiness is quite rocky. I loved the banter between this pair. Kitt is completely entertaining and and the way in which she expresses herself is completely engaging. Both these characters are incredibly complex, intriguing and endearing. I loved watching the sparks fly between this pair, their chemistry is intense right from the start!

Although at times this book has darker undertones, it also has light hearted moments, quite a few of these had me laughing out loud. I cannot wait for the next installment of this series, once again Lani Lynn Vale doesn't disappoint!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david leadbeater
Another Great book from an amazing series, Lani Lynn Vale brings us Apple and Kitts's story. One thing I absolutely love about Lani's Uncertain Saints series is the ability to break my heart one minute, to making laugh the next.
Apple "Core" Drew is a Prospect for the Uncertain Saints. Being a part of this club is basically saving his life. He needs them and he needs their friendship and support. Living with a big dark secret is slowly killing him.
Kitt's is the sister of MC member Ridley, who is way overprotective of his sister due to her medical condition and just wants to live a normal life.
Where Apple is dark and brooding, Kitt is spunky and what's to live life to the fullest. They couldn't be more opposite and yet to perfect for one another.
One night of passion changes everything, but Apple doesn't think he deserves her and that drove me crazy!! I found myself yelling at my kindle. Everyone deserves happiness!! I loved that Kitt wouldn't give up on Apple.
I also loved that despite her seizure disorder, Kitt didn't let it slow her down. She knows what she wants and she goes for it.
This book had its dark moments, but it also had some hilarious moments too. Kitt and her brother Ridley had me laughing at some of their antics. They have a great brother and sister relationship. We also learn more about Ridley and how his lost his wife, cannot wait for that book!
One click this book! You will not be disappointed, Lani Lynn Vale gives drama, suspense, humor and some hot scenes, all my favorite things in a book. Can't wait for some more from The Uncertain Saints.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
britt graves
This is the fourth book in the Uncertain Saints MC series. They are stand alones, but each book, and characters, are awesome. I have loved all the books in this series. And this one is no different.

Lani Lynn Vale is one of my favorite authors. When I see a new book by her, I drop everything and read it. I was even happy about my baby’s middle of the night feedings, because it gave me an excuse to read more.

Kitt is Ridley’s younger sister. They live together. She does have a health issue. I love how she took control and told Apple exactly what she wanted from him. I was laughing so hard at that

I am surprised Ridley didn’t give Apple more s*** for the a** print he found on his truck though.

Apple “Core” Drew is a prospect with the Uncertain Saints. He is messed up in the head some though. But you can’t fault him for it. Once you read what he has been through, you’ll understand. I really felt for him.

Both these characters are stubborn. I love it, but there are some major misunderstandings because of it.

Kitt is freaking awesome. I love what she did to protect herself at the end.

Just like in all the other books, the chapter intros are so funny and great.

“I’d call you a c***, but you don’t have the depth or the warmth.”

“Sex is like a gas station. Sometimes you get full service, others you have to ask for service. And sometimes you have to be happy with self service.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zaydman mikhail
Apple “Core” Drew is the newest prospect to Uncertain Saints MC, he gets all the fun jobs ha,ha. Not only is a prospect but also a Game Warden for the city of Uncertain. “Core” has had a deep and dark pass that he battles with daily. A pass that causes him to be closed off and distant to others. That is until he meets Kitt, the little sister to a Saints member. She’s not exactly what “Core” thought she’d be, she’s straight forward and says and does what’s on her mind. Kitt unsettles him instantly, causing “Core” to wonder if maybe this feisty woman can possibly handle his dark past.

Bad Apple is another great chapter in the Uncertain Saints Series, Core & Kitt are a perfect match. Apple “Core” is by far my favorite named character in this series! The beginning of the book starts with a bang. Kitt is my type of woman, she’s straight forward and to the point. Kitt saw something she craved and grabbed it head on. These two are both a bundle of mess, Core with his grieving past and Kitt with her daily struggles. Together they seem to form a balance that helps keep them both grounded. Through the book the two battle many obstacles that arise. Some battles are personal struggles while others are caused by some pretty dramatic events. I will say, without having to add a spoiler, that Kitt is a kick ass chick!! She is my hero and if the need should ever arrive that I need to defend myself I hope that I can conjure up some of Kitts moves. All together I really enjoyed this read and thrilled that once again we caught a glimpse to some of our loved Uncertain Saints members. Especially Mig! Now hurry and one-click this read or add it to your TBR list ASAP!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james ricuito
Review: Bad Apple
Written by: Lani Lynn Vale
Stars: 5 *****

I received an ARC of Bad Apple by Lani Lynn Vale for an honest review.

Another five star read by Lani. Bad apple is the fourth book in the Uncertain Saints Series and it's Apple "Core" And Kitts story. He's part of the Uncertain Saints and she is the little sister of Ridley. Kitt and Apple seem like and unlikely couple but some how they work. She has a medical condition she tries to hide from him and he has a secret he is trying to get past. What is suppose to be one night turns into more. Of course what would a Lani book be with out some laughs, hurt and lots of love...

As always Lani writes a fantastic book that just works. Once I started reading I could not put down. I have read every book she has released and as always her books including this one is FREAKING fantastic. Lani couldn't write a bad book. Go and one click from what ever Site you get your books from, this book is worth it. I highly recommend read this. You don't need to read the other books in the series, this one stands alone, but to get the full picture of The Uncertain Saints I would read them in order, she always crosses over other folks from other books and she does it better then anyone else I have ever read. Now stop reading my review and go get Bad Apple by Lani Lynn Vale!!!
I simple just Loved this book. Thanks Lani for writing such great books for me to get lost in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kitt and Apple are meant to be. Ridley, Kitt’s brother, might say otherwise but they are meant to be together. Apple Drew is definitely one of my most favorite Uncertain Saint. He is tough, with a crazy rough history, and a HUGE heart. I like that he knows that he has a rough history but doesn’t use it as an excuse for everything just for why he shouldn’t be with Kitt. Kitt is one of the toughest women with ties to the club. Her medical history keeps her on her toes but it does not define who she is. She also holds Apple accountable. She calls him out on his issues, keeps him in line, and doesn’t just forgive and forget. Kitt makes Apple win her over and pushes him to be the man he deserves to be.

I really liked the issues that Lani Lynn Vale put in this book. The medical problems and how they affect her pregnancy are realistic. The history of Apple is not the typical bad upbringing history there is just so much more to it. The brother/sister relationship was unique and expectedly over protective. This book just seemed more in the now and how the real world lives than other MC books I have read. I also liked that not everyone in the book was in trouble or having problems. Some people were just people with “normal” lives.

Bad Apple is my favorite book in this series by Lani Lynn Vale so far. I recommend reading this entire series but you should start with this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gytis raciukaitis
Lani Lynn Vale certainly knows how to write a book that keeps her reader intrigued and wantng more - and she has done it again with her next instalment in her MC Series. Bad Apple left me needing more of her wonderful stories about the men of this MC.

Kitt has an illness that she has had all of her life. As a result her brother is constantly smothering her and not allowing her to live the life she wants to. Ridley's wife has died and he now believes that it's his repsonsibility to look after his sister 24 hours a day. Ridley is also a member of the Uncertain Saints MC. Apple Drew is an ex war vet and a prospect for the Uncertain Saints MC. He has a background that he is not especially proud of, so he keeps his secret close to his chest. He considers himself a damaged man.

Kitt and Apple first set eyes on each other at a club meeting and from there all the fun begins. They spend a hot steamy night together which sends them on a path that neither would have seen for their future. Their relationship sent me through the full gamut of emotions, sometimes I just wanted to yell at Apple but then the very next minute I wanted to hug him so tight to soothe his pain. Kitt had me laughing at times but also cheering her on with her grit and determination.

Another brilliant book from Lani Lynn Vale.

FIVE STARS from a totally fulfilled reader.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kitt is being smothered by her brother, she has medical problem and he watches her 24 -7 just to make sure she's safe. She loves her brother and she knows he still suffers a lot after his wife died and that's why she tolerates him, but sometimes she wishes she could just let go and do just what the h*ll she wants with out his interference. Now that new prospect might be the bit of excitement she needs, just for a night of fun. Yeah! That might do the trick.

Apple Drew knows he should keep his hands off Kitt, she's too good for his battered soul and he's an ex cop and war veteran and he has too many dark secrets which he doesn't want Kitt or his MC brothers to learn about. But she's looks so good as usual.

This is an outstanding story. The character development was very good, I especially liked Apple, his problems were written with compassion and he came across as an all round great guy, Kitt a little immature and spoilt, but she was ok.

I loved this book, the storyline is amazing. I can't for the next in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ms chappell
My review of Bad Apple by Lani Lynn Vale
My rating 4 Stars

These uncertain saints are a definite brotherhood I absolutely love reading.
Apple and Kitt’s story was the crème de le crème! I find myself waiting for the next book in the series.
Kitt has found herself amongst the brotherhood and back with her overprotective brother. Apple being a man that has held a secret for so long he is traumatized from the events that took place. Will Kitt and Apple be able to leave the past behind them? You’ll have to read it and find out!
The storyline was so great that as with any book Lani writes I can’t put them down as I end up reading them cover to cover.

*Reviewed for Hellmouth’s Bookblog & Reviews*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another great book by Lani Lynn Vale i really enjoyed Bad Apple. lots of things happening in this book, Kitt & Ridleys relationship was awesome the bant er between those two and how he was so protective of her i really loved that. Kitt & Apples relationship was def one they both had to work towards, mostly Apple. i enjoyed the development of his character adn being able to watch him grow and step into the role nicely. Loved Kitt at first i didnt think id like her character much but i actually fel in love with her. Such a great addition to the uncertain saints books, really enjoyed Bad Apple
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy slocum
Two people with not so great past are just destined for one another. This is the 4th book in the Uncertain Saints MC series, and probably one of my favorites.

This book is so different than Vale's usual books, but man this one might be a favorite of mine. I really do love Kit and "core" together. Despite a past he'd want to forget and medical issues that limit her, they really are perfect for one another.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Jax's Book Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love these characters. Yet again LLV has delivered a story that makes you have all sorts of feels. From laughing to wanting to cry you'll feel it. I loved Kitt and Apple together, I do still have a few why is Apple named Apple, we know his mama named him but why?, and what's the deal with Kitt and Ridleys gpas house and her saying it's hers and him his? And i recognized Freya's name but Hannah is new right?? I need more of our Saints and I need it soon!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
charlotte fisher
I am struggling with Ms Vale's work lately. This is the second book in a row where I have been left wanting.

I was really looking forward to Apple's book since from the description it seemed like he would be a very complex character. While there was depth to him the chemistry he had with Kitt seemed forced at times. I would like to have seen maybe more interaction with the other characters in the series besides her brother. The

The whole story line also seemed slightly rushed. The "dramatic" ending seemed incomplete and almost felt like an afterthought.

While I enjoyed this one it definitely has not been my favorite of her work. I will continue to purchase her work, but maybe they won't be a purchase day reading priority any longer. I am crossing my fingers the next releases more closely resemble earlier work as far as quality.

Sidenote, from the foreshadowing in this book I am looking forward to Ridley's story. Crossing my fingers...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michelle voytko
Though I liked the originality of the plotline and the writing was good the story felt rushed, especially in the beginning and it left me some-what confused. The prologue was a bit odd too, it added to my confusion.

Apple is carrying around guilt for something he did years previous and he’s prospecting for the Uncertain MC to try to help with his depression. Kitt is the sister of one of the MC members and has a serious health problem that causes her to have frequent seizures. Her brother treats her like a china doll that could break any moment and Kitt just wants to live her life. When her and Apple meet the attraction is there and Kitt pretty much demands he sleep with her which results in them having sex almost immediately after they meet. Apple pulls away and when Kitt finds out she’s pregnant Apple thinks he can’t be with her but her seizures intensify during her pregnancy and though Apple isn’t with her with her – he takes up stalking her to keep her safe.

The plotline was definitely original but I didn’t feel a connection to the characters and that’s what kept me from enjoying this story. The “relationship” between Apple and Kitt felt rushed and their relationship felt very forced. I don’t think I’ll be reading the next book in this series as this is the second book in a row by Lani Vale, and the second book in this series, that I’ve given 3 stars and didn’t find all that great.

Review by Lee'Anne
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love this author, but was disappointed with this book. I've read all the books in this series and Bad Apple is my least favorite. It seems way to rushed and feels like some parts are completely missing in the telling of the story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
marko ruostetoja
I love this author, but was disappointed with this book. I've read all the books in this series and Bad Apple is my least favorite. It seems way to rushed and feels like some parts are completely missing in the telling of the story.
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