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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carol mcgrath
While I cannot say that anybody reading this should have more kids just out of the guilt this book might give you, it is an important message about the sad effects of low birthrates. Mark Steyn has a quick wit and funny tone that is clearly not politically correct (good for him). Anybody who enjoys a good laugh or is concerned about terrorism should read this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deep hollow
This books should be mandatory reading for all senators and congressmen in Washington, not to mention most of the rest of the U.S. population. With his trademark wit and humor, Steyn opens our eyes to the threat from radical Islam staring us in the face. A very troubling, scary read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lady watson
Demographics tell the story of the future and it isn't pretty. Imagine a world where a Muslim Caliphate controls the Mid-east, Europe, Indonesia and most of Russia and Africa. China controls most of Asia except for Australia and New Zealand . The good old USA has only Canada and South America in our corner and only then because we are in the same corner of the world. An ugly reality check for those who want to commit self genocide by cutting the growth of their national birth rates and their economies.
and Everything Important that Happens in Between - How the World Began :: Taking Control of End of Life Decisions - a Book about Freedom & Peace :: Tao Te Ching :: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life :: Mr. Dirty (London Billionaire Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eve bender
Great civilizations die from suicide, not murder. Mark Steyn proposes that our politically correct accommodation of the intolerant Muslim culture is amounting to a cultural suicide. Low European birthrate verses a high Muslim birthrate will inevitably make Islam the dominant culture in Europe in less than two generations. America with a higher birthrate and a more self sustaining value system (so far) may be the last vestige of western civilization.

Mark Steyn blends pertinent statistics, current headlines, historical and literary references with a great sense of wit and piercing perspective.

"During the cartoon jihad, the New York Times gave a routinely pompous explanation of why it would not be showing us representations of the Prophet. The very next day the Times illustrated a story on the Danish controversy with a piece... showing the Virgin Mary covered in elephant dung."

When I read about the rise of the Nazi darkness that covered Europe I wonder why so few saw it coming and did so little. Mark sheds a light on a coming darkness; this time we will not be able to say no one saw it coming.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a Must read for every American citizen, regardless of political stripe, religious denomination, race, or financial status.

It demonstates starkly that the "War on Terror" against the Islamic Fascits is being lost in Europe because of demographics. WHile the Islamists are rapidly reproducing like rabbits, western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, Russians and the Japanese are experience declining birthrates. At the same time,these countries are letting these Islamists in, subsidizing their living arrangements (because of high unemployment), tolerating and subsidzing their mosques and immans, and letting them use their existing legal system to undermine the very existance of freedom and all types of human rights. The Islamic way seems to be "my way or the highway to death".

How did this happen? - Politically correct solcialism (both Christian Democratic and Social Democratic), statism (the state provides everything for you; you don't have to do anything attitude), the decline of moral and social standards, and a failure of will to stand up for one's value system for openers. During a Fullbright Research Fellowship in 1989 in the Netherlands, I came to the conclusion that the Netherlands had become a society of NO standards. The rest of Europe seems to be the same way That lack of standards has yielded the momentum to the Islamists immigrants within their midst. That lack of societal standards has caused the full understanding and belief in one's guiding principles to evaporate. Add to that a layer of hostile immigrants who aren't assimiliated, and it is matter of time before Europe goes under, UNLESS it changes course. Will it? Or will it "stay the course" of a failed political, social and moral system?

I live in the Southern USA. Here we say "Time will tell".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Steyn presents an honest and factual description of the world-wide growth of fundamental Islam, presenting the demographic data in a clear, if not comforting, manner.

The message is, at least to me, the fact that what Islam could not achieve by warfare against Christian Europe during the Middle Ages, it is now achieving by a substantial differential birth rate. Only the United States is (barely) holding its own in this respect. Future projections appear bleak for all of the Western powers.

While Steyn does an admirable job in describing this situation and all of the related consequences, his suggestions for positive actions that can be made by democratic governments are few, primarily related to the elevation of the status of Moslem women in some manner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cass sadek
This book gives a lot of attention to fertility rates in Europe, Scandanavia and the United States. Many other good observations and opinions are included as well. It will give you some insights into what may occur in various countries in the future vis-a-vis the Muslims and non Muslims.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy bennett
( Sorry for mny english, Not my navtie tounge )

This book shows a very realistic and wise view point on current events and the direction our world is heading to.
An Armagedoon/End of days theory which is presendet in avery funny, yet very serius way.
All arguments that the auther pressent, are explained and clerefid. Not alot of unproved arguments will be found in this book.
As read by a non-american this book is still very interesting and eyeopening.
Very enjoyable piece of work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If more people had taken Steyn seriously, we would not be on the track we're on. And we certainly would never have let Barack Obama and his comrades anywhere near the White House. Want more validation of Steyn's work? Obamanutz: A Cult Leader Takes the White House
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
prachi rungta
Mark Steyn is probably the wittiest wordsmith working today. Regardless of whether you agree with his (conservative) politics, he's worth the read just to enjoy how he turns a phrase.

The subject matter of "America Alone" could not be more serious. According to Mr. Steyn's thesis, western Civilization is on a suicide spiral out of existence, largely because we are failing to maintain our numbers. Demography is destiny, and all that. We're facing an enemy whose population is exploding (pun very much intended), who takes us very seriously. Deadly serious stuff. Yet Mr. Steyn witty writing style will have you, by turns, chuckling, cackling and even guffawing. A great book, written well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zahit zcan
Steyn is brilliant. He is such an astute observer of culture and trends which he explains so logically you find yourself wondering how many things you have overlooked. His style is enjoyable and his command of the issues allows him to concisely and simply discus topics that are usually over complicated.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gary kidd
Mr. Steyn shows the thinking and tactics of how the Islamists plan on taking over and asserting power. Europe is dying and the English-speaking world, mainly the U.S., is the only thing preventing Islamist victory. The statistics are staggering and scary as hell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david hunt
Maybe Steyn's humor and vigorous style will help the head-in-the-sand crowd accept the fact that we are in perilous times and if we don't stand up for ourselves, no one else will. This is a tremendous, thought-provoking book, so much so that I've bought multiple copies to give to friends. (Mark, if you want to send me a thank you note, feel free.)

Think of Steyn as an Ann Coulter type with a tact filter.

Even if you really think the UN is a useful and effective world body and the EU is a collection of powerhouse diplomacy, buy the book anyway -- it will be worth it for the laughs alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica earley
Good read. Steyn focuses on how hopeless Europe's situation is becoming in contrast to the better outlook for the USA to the point where the USA may be the only hope in standing up to the chaos imposed by Islam. However, it was written before our November elections whereby the U.S. electorate decided to join Europe in its death spiral -- so it is somewhat frightening.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing book that foretold many of the progressive Obama policies before the
2008 election. This book makes it very clear that Islam is going to be the ruling faction in Europe. Probably in the next decade. Canada is caving in to this minority. Steyn's style makes this sobering book easier to read. He gives us a somber picture of the world and is warning us to wake up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
malik parvez
All I can say after reading this is that everyone who cares about America and the fate of Western civilization should read this book. In fact, I should have read this book when it first came out, rather than several years later.

The waning of Europe is one of the great tragedies of our time. After World War I and World War II, it seems as though the people of Europe collectively decided to go on a long vacation from reality and all become "Peter Pan". Raising children - not simply having them - is what makes men and women into adults (formerly known as "grown-ups").

The Secularism of Western Europe began with the embracing of the Theory of Evolution in the 19th Century and continues to this day. In every person, there is an innate desire for God in their heart. Secularism can never be a "permanent" form of religion because it only creates a vacuum - a belief in Nothing. Sooner or later, that inner vacuum must be filled, and in Western Europe, it's being filled with Islam.

The unrestrained growth of Islam cannot be solely blamed on the immigrant Muslims alone, but on the complacency of the native Europeans. They want their 5-6 week vacations, cushy benefits, and early retirements but are not willing to work for them. What do most Europeans today stand for, other than maintaining their wonderful public benefits and vacation time?

As William Bennett so often says, "You're either on offense or on defense," and radical/Wahabi Islam has been on the offense for the last 40 years, while Europe has been on defense, especially over the last several generations with regards to Russia/Soviet Union.

What lies ahead for Europe? As an avid student of Bible prophecy, I view Europe as increasingly ripe for yet another "strong-man" -- a charismatic leader who will seem to have the answer to many of their cultural and financial problems. After all, Europe has always had a penchant for strong leaders and kings (Hitler, Napoleon, and the Middle Age kings to cite a few examples).

However, where Mark Steyn sees weakness, I see opportunity. Imagine the power and influence of Eurabia if one person or movement united them - having the brains and assets of Europe combined with the willpower and anger of Arabia.

One of the more interesting prophecies in the Bible is the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies, which describes a confederation of nations led by Russian and Iran into the Middle East against Israel. As Russian continues her decline and solidifies her alliances with the Islamic world, this prophecy looks to be more and more of a coming reality. The author points out in one place in the book: "Who knows what the Russian Bear may do in her death-throes?"

Will Europe be able to turn back the rising tide of Islam on their shores? It seems as though the majority of Europeans don't even have the will to even "propagate their own species", much less defend their own way of life.

My Books: The Cell,The Time of Jacob's Trouble,Endeavor in Time
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Steyn is an excellent writer. It is a real pleasure to read him. Unfortunately, the story he has to tell (supported by plenty of evidence) is very disturbing.

The book's theme is that Europe's declining birthrate coupled with a nanny culture mean it will soon be a geriatric home tended by muslims who would prefer to shove them overboard.

Many of Steyn's observations are correct. However, there is no need to restate them several times. The intelligent reader will understand them first time round.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
FANTASTIC book. You'll be hooked from start to finish. Backed up with outstanding and insightful statistics on what is shaping the world right now. I find it fascinating that countries are only now waking up to this. Birth rates = Votes. Votes = Laws. Laws shape countries. For some countries, the rise in radical Islam might be too late to reverse. Steyn uses France as an example: 10% of population is Muslim, but 30% of all new births are Muslim! Ex.#2) London has 1 million Muslims. When polled, 7% were "sympathetic" to the world trade center bombers-- that's 70,000 people just in London who actually sympathize with homocidal maniacs. Take a small portion of that to see how many might "act" themselves, and it's very scary. You don't need many radicals to screw up a society, as we are all witnessing today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
neil anderson
"America Alone" is a book that makes you think seriously about the future of western civilization, something I don't normally do. If what he predicts comes about, we are in for some terrible times. However, accustomed as I am to short term thinking I realize that what he predicts will probably not affect me personally. We seem never to be short of people ready to make predictions of terrible things to come but history tells us that we usually address these problems prior to the event. I'm old enough to remember when Charles Lindbergh and Joseph Kennedy decided that we could not defeat Hitler and we, as a nation, were destined to live as Fortress America and would be foreced to abandon all of our western european allies. Wait and see. All these countries Mr. Steyn is concerned about will pass laws regulating the influence of religion, especially Islam, before they take over. I do recommend this book. I gave it to three people for Christmas.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victor martin
America Alone is intelligent, entertaining and irrefutable. Even people on the left can learn a great deal about a real trend that is taking place right now, all over the world. Do not allow someone to mischaracterize this book as the rantings of an Islamophobic racist. This is simply not the case. As Stein writes, "it's not about race; it's about culture." Even traditionally liberal values like women's rights, gay rights, free speech, environmental ethics, etc. are being severely impacted by a rapidly growing culture of theocracy that aims to turn back the clock a thousand years. American's need to unite in defense of the freedoms that both the right and the left require for their continued existence and advancement. Read this book, then insist that all your friends read it. If someone tries to brush it off as right-wing propoganda, challenge them to read it and critique it rationally and honestly. If they do, their mind will be expanded.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly wiggains

What a well written book. Well laid out intellectual ideas about the too late threat that is about to eat Europe alive from within.

That being said this book is a page turner -- far from dry high brow stuff. Steyn is witty, informed, and presents the facts in a way that is as entertaining as this subject can be.

Time for America to wake up. Wish I woulda read this book before I stopped having kids. Western Civilization could use a few more young ones before the lights go out forever.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every American should read this book and commit certain sections to memory. We are in a much bigger war than we think. Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) stopped the Muslim invasion centuries ago, but now Europe is slowly being "assimilated" into the Islamic Diaspora. What can't be done by force of arms is being done by migration and explosive natural birth. By 2050, Muslims may be in the majority in both Europe and Russia. While the birth rates on the European continent (for Europeans) is well less than enough to sustain the native population, the Muslims are producing prodigiously with a birth rate five times that of the Europeans. This book goes into causes, conflicts and historical background and should put the fear of God (or better: the fear of Allah) in the hearts of every man, woman and child in America. "Death to America" is not an idle threat on the lips of literally millions of Muslims.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rip lux
Steyn exposes an issue that many would prefer to ignore. Tumbling Western birthrates are leading to an Islamification of the Europe as higher birthrates amongst their Islamic immigrants allow for more political control. He points out that Islamic immigrants refuse to assimilate into Western society, and that the leadership of the West has been only too willing to accept this lack of integration. This lack of strength will lead to trouble for all freedom loving people in the future.

The book is deeply compelling and well thought out. A great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Steyn's seminal work is still as relevant today as when it first came out a couple of years ago. In the effort to understand the world today, it is required reading along side "The world is flat" and "Liberal Fascism".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy chuck
In 1987 Ben Wattenberg's remarkable book "The Birth Dearth, What Happens When People in Free Countries Don't Have Enough Babies" was published by Ballantine Press. He foresaw most of what Mark Steyn has observed today with the exception of the increasing radicalization of Islam.

Ben Wattenberg's observations, based upon demographic facts have or are coming true. Mark Steyn's, developed with a similar realism, are also going to come to fruition. The question is not whether it is true or not - the question is what we intend to do to stop the Islamification of the West and particularly the United States. If we do nothing, then the dark ages will return and man's future as a civilized being is seriously in doubt.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh messina
Steyn's seminal work is still as relevant today as when it first came out a couple of years ago. In the effort to understand the world today, it is required reading along side "The world is flat" and "Liberal Fascism".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rj mcgill
In 1987 Ben Wattenberg's remarkable book "The Birth Dearth, What Happens When People in Free Countries Don't Have Enough Babies" was published by Ballantine Press. He foresaw most of what Mark Steyn has observed today with the exception of the increasing radicalization of Islam.

Ben Wattenberg's observations, based upon demographic facts have or are coming true. Mark Steyn's, developed with a similar realism, are also going to come to fruition. The question is not whether it is true or not - the question is what we intend to do to stop the Islamification of the West and particularly the United States. If we do nothing, then the dark ages will return and man's future as a civilized being is seriously in doubt.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mark Steyn is definitely a right-wing conservative. Though I'm a progressive myself, I could bare the occasional, stinging anti-Clinton remark because this book was impossible to put down. It reads like a terrific novel, revealing layer upon layer of where today's events are likely to lead us.

Steyn's book overflows with juicy factoids -- such as Muslim fertility rates -- pieces of info unknown or ignored. Rationally speaking, his interpretations of the future implications of this data seem on the mark -- this book is a must read for anyone befuddled about terrorism, culture clashes, and Western nations' recolonization. If current trends continue, you need to read what'll be happening by 2050. This is a superb read. It's getting passed around to all my friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Note- this book has only recently became available again- after a mysterous dissapearance! Definately "politically incorrect"- my kinda book! Mr. Stein pulls no punches, in describing the horrors that fanatical practicioners of Islam are currently committing right here, in the Western hemisphere- and even in America!
Not being a Judeo-Christian myself, I have no axe to grind here. Any fanatical religous group makes me nervous. The Most Holy Roman Catholic Church certainly committed obsceneties and mass-murder, in the Dark Ages and more recently- but they did not have access to nuclear materials and modern biological/chemical weapons. These, and more mundane horrors are being practiced and planned today, by our cousins of Islam, the "Religion of Peace". Right- Like fun it is!
I highly reccomend this book- buy it while you can! Better yet- get a few copies, and give them to friends!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
palak yadav
The sections on Demographic population numbers for major nations
of the world are the heart of this book. The editorial comments
regarding by the author of the culture wars on going in public
discourse are however disjointed and much of the time merely
anecdotal. They provide little guidance for further and more
formal research on the sources of national power and economic

The writer has an obvious preference for the American way of life,
but provides little historical context as to how the American world
view got to be so different from the other developed nations of the
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mo ame
Folks, I have read about 30 non-fiction books over the last 3 years and have to put this one on everyones must read list. Mark Steyn has documented many of the "suspicians" that I had regarding the state of our country relative to the rest of the world and the Muslim jihads that are taking place. Rather than try to tell you some of the contents I will just let you read it for yourself. All information is based upon well known facts and I find it impossible to disagree with his "opinions" and outlook for the future which is pretty bleak if we don't get our act together. Cheers /DaveB
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
keith parker
An apocalyptic book that is actually funny. He describes the current trends in Europe and the world, and the tendency to push in that direction in the United States, and the undesirable end state that he foresees for these trends. However, before you assume that the book is depressing, I have to point out that it is so comedically written that you'll find yourself quoting one-liners to your friends (assuming you have reasonably right-wing friends). These same quotes may not sound quite as funny to people with a left-wing tendency, however, so if you are an academic I would urge restraint.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eva cohen
Reading this book will take the wool from your eyes. It is a bit scary, yet the revelation comes with it, a new found sense of political direction and determination, at what the true threats facing our society, really are. Even if you disagree with the premise of anything that might upset your world view, any person that is intellectually honest with themselves, should read this book and process or reject it on their own. It is certainly the impressive piece of geopolitical writing in the post 9/11 world that I've read yet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
micah shanks
A politically correct persons nightmare. Refreshing reality based writing. Best read I have had on a plane flight. Instead of watching three movies on the way to Asia, this book entertained me all the way. Most subjects addressing Islamization and terrorism, one can feel like jumping off the plane, but this one is written in a way that makes you feel good about addressing these problems.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Steyn is a lively and funny writer on whatever subject he deals with. But the principal subject here, the demographics of Europe, is death spiral serious.

Unlike most doomsayers, Steyn is not relying on judgment, opinion or speculation. Demographics deals with hard facts - the statistical data of a population, i.e. fertility, age, economics, etc. It's a matter of simple arithmetic that the European states as we know them cannot survive another generation or two without an unprecendented reversal of demographic trends.

The low fertility rates and aging populations in these lavish welfare states is the fatal combination, with multiculturalism as the watchword. This has led to a large Muslim immigration. Given the relative fertility rates and the intractability of Muslim ideology, it will be the European states that ultimately assimilate to the Muslims, rather than vice versa.

That's it in a nutshell. Not a pretty picture, especially for women, gays, infidels and others oppressed by Sharia law. For Europe, it's not forward to the 21st century, it's back to the 7th century.
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