Lev: a Shot Callers novel

ByBelle Aurora

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth tidwell
Another amazing and captivating story Aurora, you had me from the beginning. This is one of those books that draws you in and you can't help but fall in love with the characters.
Lev was such an interesting and intriguing character and I loved that about him, who wants to be normal when you are special. That is all Lev wanted and Mina allowed him to feel normal, I think i loved that the most about there relationship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alicia dunn
Wow...Belle is both an amazing author AND woman. I have the pleasure of being of Facebook friend and I didn't even know she wrote this. Her ability to develop strong, wonderful heroines and swoon-worthy heroes is just part of her appeal. Lev is a book that reminds you why you read this genre in the first place. Well done Belle!! Well done...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was an inspirational,feel good story. I love that this author demonstrated the power of real love and forgiveness and it awesome power to right evils and wrongs. Life can be wretched and hurt people can do horrible things to each other but active love can cover and restore broken and dead relationships. I love how this author demonstrated though her main characters that we as imperfect individuals have the capacity,if we choose, to extend forgiveness and grace to our fellow imperfect human being. It was surprisingly inspirational. In addition to this, the story was funny, organic and well developed. Well done?
Nero (Made Men Book 1) :: Addicted to You (Addicted Series Book 1) :: Menace (Scarlet Scars Book 1) :: Soldier (Made Man Book 1) :: Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam gossage
After suffering through some poorly written, common themed books, what a breath of fresh air to finally find a book written with feeling, emotion and character connection! And a unique storyline to boot!The writing was great, this author is GOOOOD! I can't wait to delve into more of her stories!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacy pete
Oh! I loved this book! I adored the characters, the plot, the anger & emotion falling from the pages. It's been a while since a novel really grabbed me - I've been in a book rut. Lev broke me out of it! I can't wait to read more about these characters! They're all so magnetic - even the burly Sasha! Overall, great read! I highly recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love, love Lev and Nina. What beautiful characterization! The trials and triumphs blended seamlessly into one of the best stories I've read in a while. The secondary characters were just as got. Let was absolutely sweet, imperfect hotness. I loved that he was never looked at as someone with a handicap. He was beautiful and his personality touched me. Nina was his perfect counterpart. I hope there will be more in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this story from beginning to end! Lev and Mina have a kind of love that is epic! Lev is mysterious in every which way and Mina is strong willed they are a perfect couple. What I learned from this book is that love has no boundaries! I can't wait to read hopefully more about all the characters in this novel. Just wonderful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sonia reynoso
This story was a heart grabber, offering frightening insight into homelessness and positive redemption. Mina and Lev are the kind of characters you don't want to leave. Minor characters are also well written. This was my first time with this author and I plan to read more. Thanks for a good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan eckstein
This book was awesome. First off I love that characters names. I love Mina. My heart went out to her and she did not take her new life for granted. I loved Lev. I fell in love with his honest, his kindness, and how literal he was. Totally love Nas. We need to hear back from the other couples.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corine grant
This was fantastic. The blurb was good but the book was AWWWWWWESOME! All the characters has depth, and I loved Lev and Mina...even Alesssio and Sasha. There were no lulls, this was truly a romantic page turner. Please rescue Nas and Vik. Thank you for a very entertaining read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bob sipes
SPOILERS included in review below

The beginning of the story caught my attention right away. Lev gives Mina a chance to get off the streets after catching her stealing. I was hooked. At no time was I bored. I read the story without taking a break. It is refreshing that Lev and Mina are not stereotypical heroes and heroines and I love them for it. That the are not makes the story more interesting.

Lev was very likable despite having some distressing faults including a willingness to beat up people for his brother when the gamblers are unable to pay what they owe. Lev knows that his lack of reactions and emotional responses are abnormal and tries to fake them to fit in. It seemed like he had a form of autism to me but I am no expert and could totally be off base. Lev is not a manhoe and I did not have to read scenes with him having sex with OW. Once he sees Mina she is it for him. I love that. I also love that He is protective and possessive towards Mina and his jealousy rears it's head when other men show interest. Mina too is likable. She is a survivor living on the streets for years. Even though I thought some of her choose were unreasonable and not smart, I admire her tenatiousness.

I did not all of the characters. I disliked Sasha, Lev's brother. He was a jerk and treated others poorly and including Mina. Also he kills without remorse and he badly scared a secondary character, Alessio, who may have his own story. I am willing to read Alessio's story but not Sasha's not read when it comes out.

All the different points of view from secondary characters that pop up around the last 25 percent of the story were annoying and distracting. All it seemed like the stour would never end after the climax. If the last 25 percent was deleted and the epilogue movec up, it would have been a better story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
l t getty
This book was everything!! I cried, I laughed and I smiled until my face hurt!! This was a beautiful love story! I love Lev & Mina!! This is the best book that I've read all year!! I wanted more I need more!! I can go on reading about Lev & Mina's love forever ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mina and Lev both had rough childhoods with Mina being homeless at the start of the book. But boy do you get a kick out of reading about their road to HEA! Funny as well, sad enuff to make you cry-this one had it all. There were a lot of character sub plots but you are not distracted as they all wove into what makes these people you care about.
Last but not least can't wait to see what happens with Lev's brother and sister! Their HEA is much anticipated by me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
And now wishing I had discovered her writing sooner. Lev and Mina's circumstances and extended cast of characters stretched my suspension of disbelief to it breaking point on several occasions, but the relationships themselves were entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Even though this book was pretty good, I definitely had some mixed feelings. I liked the overall storyline, but I felt that it was a bit too long. There were chapters that would be random points of view. Those could have easily been deleted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary lee
What a beautiful journey Mina & Lev traveled together after such horrible, violent childhoods. The fact that they both survived the cruelty at the hands of the people who should have loved and protected them was truly a miracle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely loved Lev! This book kept me enraptured through the night, I could not put it down. This was about two totally different damaged people coming together without a lot of drama. I can't say enough about this book, it was epic!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series has to keep going. I have been officially pulled in by all the characters and need more ASAP. Been a while since I have given a 5 but this one was well deserved. Original plot wth great characters and lots of love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rita barbosa
Note: This review was first published on my blog: loveserially.wordpress.com

Quick & Dirty summary: Mina Harris is on the verge of dying. Her last chance at survival is in her hands, but when Lev Leokov catches her red-handed, she thinks her life is over. Lev surprises her though by offering her three choices: 1) let him call the cops; 2) take the money and run; 3) work for him. Mina thinks its her lucky day, but Lev knows he will do anything to keep the treasure that he’s found in Mina. He may not know what love is, but he knows when he finds a woman who makes him feel normal.

Lev was absolutely one of the sweetest heroes I’ve ever read/met. I am such a sucker for socially inept men and Lev has that nice combination of intellect and brute strength. Mina is pretty awesome too. The interactions between the two of them were super sweet. It was a little bit tiring three quarters of the way through the book because some of the plot lines fizzled out, but I loved the characters.

It seems like the other novels in the series will focus on the Leokov siblings and I am looking forward to them. The secondary characters are unique and I am invested in them. The characters seemed to be multi-dimensional with good traits and bad traits, and the story line revolving around Mina’s brother and family was really interesting. It got a little confusing because there were a ton of names introduced with differing family connections and I had a hard time keeping up, but it might be that fans of Belle Aurora’s won’t be confused since I have a feeling these characters come from other novels. I’ll have to go find out for myself first hand by reading more from Aurora.

The sex scenes weren’t as hot as I was expecting, primarily because they were great at the beginning, but like in any long-term relationship, they kind of fizzled out. So if you aren’t really interested in sex scenes, just get through the first two and you will be fine.

Is it worth buying? (Kindle $3.99)

Yes! This is 400 pages of utter sweetness. I actually bought this myself, which if you read this blog regularly you know is somewhat unusual for me since I tend to borrow rather than buy. But it’s worth it!

Something else you might enjoy:

This is not a contemporary romance, but if you love awkward heroes who may not understand emotions, but know a good woman when they see one, then The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie is for you. I love love love this book!! It’s the first book in the Mackenzie series by Jennifer Ashley and it’s a great one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I swear, if this author published her grocery lists, I'd pay to read them. Always gold. I love Lev and Mina, they are the perfect couple. I always feel, I mean really feel this authors words. Thank you for writing Mrs. Aurora.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved every second of this book! Its difference in a way where yes its a love story, but its not the typical one where you already know whats happening next. I also love how the other characters are introduced, my new favourite author!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michael r
*2.5 stars*

***My review contains SPOILERS***

Darn. Another overhyped book that I fell for. I was excited to read Lev but I was pretty disappointed.

Mina has been homeless on the streets for seven years. On the brink of starvation, she enters a gentleman's club hoping to seduce a man out of some money. Instead she takes advantage of an opportunity to steal a wallet.

Lev runs the club with his brother and catches Mina in the act. He takes pity on her and feeds her, lets her stay in his home, and gives her a job as a bartender. But don't go thinking he's completely altruistic - he wouldn't have done that if she were ugly.

For the most part I liked Mina. She was grateful and upbeat. She was like a hurricane in Lev's life. She forced him out of his shell. I thought she was a little too bubbly, there were too many exclamation points when she spoke. She adapted too easily. And I was rolling my eyes when we learned why she was homeless. It was completely unnecessary.

I liked Lev okay too. It's implied that he's autistic but it felt like he sometimes was and sometimes wasn't. Like Aurora never fully committed to giving him the characteristics. Sometimes he was a jealous, take-charge alpha male, sometimes he was a sweet boy that couldn't process his or others' feelings.

There were A LOT of secondary characters. This book has been labeled a stand alone but it felt like I was missing something. Like I should have met these families before. And I didn't really like any of them. I know it sounds like I hated Lev but I didn't. It really was just okay. But I won't be continuing the series featuring the other characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandy miro
Wow! I absolutely loved this book. I couldn't put it down read it in one sitting I just had to know what happens next!! Gosh I can't wait to read more from the crew because I just need to know! Totes in love with crew!! Mina and Lev!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian clement
This was an awesome read! I brought it today and read it in one day. It was so good I couldn't put it down. Such a beautiful, sweet romantic story. Definitely recommend to all. I truly hope to see a second book to this series and hope for Nas and Vic's book or Alessio and Cora's book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian cuddy
Heart breakingly beautiful broken set of characters that pulls you .
It was hard to put down the first time I read it and it still the same the 10 th time I re-read it. the story plot is not so complicated but very well told or as the case here written. ty hope to read more on the series?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just straight up enjoyed this book. I was expecting a really in your face alpha male and Lev was different. In a good way....he had a soft and incredibly romantic side. Not to mention, he was blunt and straight up honest to the point of almost embarrassing. I loved it. I enjoyed this book so much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I chose 5 Stars because the storyline had all the elements that I like i.e. humor, suspense steamy love scenes and great characters the main pair. So many stories just waiting to be developed....can't wait for everyone's story. I would definitely recommend this book and author to my friends. Love, love, loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew flynn
Well I enjoyed this immensely. It was a lot better than I was expecting and the characters were unique, Lev especially. He was still an alpha male but he was extremely vulnerable in some aspects and I found that different and endearing. I would recommend this to people who enjoy romance books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a really refreshing story in a very saturated genre. I am an avid reader and sometimes get sick of the same old, same old plot. This book had a great plot with interesting characters. Loved the story and loved that it captivated my interest. Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lev an Mina are awesome. Wonderful story . I truly hope Bella is going to finish al with the other characters. Lev was strong and unbelievably sex and sweet in a alluding broken way. Mina was real and honest. You want to hear more about them. This was totally worth reading.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This story was a heart grabber, offering frightening insight into homelessness and positive redemption. Mina and Lev are the kind of characters you don't want to leave. Minor characters are also well written. This was my first time with this author and I plan to read more. Thanks for a good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this book, strong and easily identifiable characters. I fell in love with both Lev and Mina, the rest of their family too. I truly hope there are many more stories coming out of this series.
I love the way Belle writes, so naturally and clear. Enjoyable reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wade biss
This book was awesome. First off I love that characters names. I love Mina. My heart went out to her and she did not take her new life for granted. I loved Lev. I fell in love with his honest, his kindness, and how literal he was. Totally love Nas. We need to hear back from the other couples.
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