Menace (Scarlet Scars Book 1)

ByJ.M. Darhower

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nathan timmel
Mayhem and destruction are a way of life for Lorenzo ‘Scar’ Gambini. While most people avoid the shadows, it’s here that Lorenzo thrives. A modern day bogeyman, his notoriety is legendary, as is his thirst for inducing fear from others. Bored by uninspiring adversaries, his interest is piqued by the most unlikely of sources.

Morgan Myers knows fear. She faces it every day as the alternative is not one she is willing to accept. Her life is an endless rotation of disappointment and dead ends as she searches for justice amongst the depraved. She carries with her permanent scar and daily reminder of what she has lost, and what she continues to fight for.

Although in a helpless situation, a victim she is not. Morgan is the epitome of fighter, and a fantastic heroine to read. Even as the darkness that haunts her threatens to envelope her, she digs deep to find the strength to solider on. Never one to walk away from a good fight, Lorenzo makes Morgan’s war his own.

As psychopaths go, Lorenzo is as effed up as he is funny. Never one to be underestimated, his causal approach to carnage becomes almost endearing as Darhower once again has me considering changing my last name to that of a sociopath.

Menace is a dark layered story, which shocks and intrigues. Far from a traditional romance, the romantic inside me is satisfied with the intensely charged connection Lorenzo and Morgan have in abundance.

Darhower once again displays her mastery in both her writing, and ability hook readers with her addictive stories and outlandish characters.

With Grievous set to release in February it won't be long until we're thrown into the thick of it all, but with an ending such as it is, a few weeks is far too long of a wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Menace has left me speechless, from the characters to the plot. It took me on a ride that, in the end I did not see coming.

Lorenzo was a notorious killer best known as Scar. He could put the fear of god into most, until he meets someone bold enough to pick-pocket him, Morgan.

I can not say enough good things about this book, the storyline was incredible and I absolutely loved Lorenzo, even the dirty, ugly parts of him. Scarlet, which Lorenzo liked to call her was a tough woman who had been through so much. She could look at Lorenzo and not just see all the bad in him or his dark soul, but could see so much more. She wasn't afraid to look him in the eyes, and wasn't afraid of him or his scar.

I can see myself re-reading this book just to fall in love with it all over again.

I am so incredibly happy there is a book two and so happy that we don't have to wait long for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer jarrell
Lorenzo Gambini, self assured,smug, smart a**, fantastic with the one liners, but man, what a man. He can come and sit on my roof and shoot the breeze any time. Swoon.

Morgan Meyers, Lorenzo calls her Scarlet, doesn't take any s$&t. She is a strong woman and isn't scared to tell Lorenzo exactly how's it's going to go. Sure she has her secrets, running from a dark past, just trying to survive the best way she can, the only way she can.

J M Darhower surely knocked this one out of the ball park. With the one liners and the reference to many well know books and nursery rhymes she had me laughing a time or two.i
I'm so glad to Lorenzo got his own book/series as he was first introduced to us in Monster In His Eyes series. His and Morgan's story is raw, heartbreaking, enlightening, emotional but most of all fearless and I loved every word do it. Now bring on Grievous....
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric mullis
Lorenzo, Lorenzo, Lorenzo...Oh how I love this c*cky b*stard!

JM Darhower never disappoints with the way she brings these characters to life. Their dialogue is so witty, funny, and down to earth, yet raw and dark where it needs to be. And boy to I love dark books! Morgan is feisty and headstrong, which at times clashes with Lorenzo's personality, but they are so alike in many ways that it's impossible for them to stay away from one another. It's very much a push/pull relationship. Their worlds may have collided unexpectedly, but they might just be what one another needs at that point in their lives, especially Morgan whose less than perfect past comes back to haunt her.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end, and after finishing Grievous, I can say that this series was simply perfect! Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing start to this story. Menace kept me on my toes and kept me tapping my Kindle to turn the pages. I needed to find out what was going to happen. Scarlet and Lorenzo together were like fire and ice. They tested each other, made snarky comments and heated up the sheets. I can't wait to find out how this story concludes.

Morgan, also known as Scarlet has a past. A past she fears, and runs from, often resorting to things she wouldn't really do if she didn't have to. Her past is dark, broken and full of danger. She has a secret, a secret that keeps her from running away forever.

Lorenzo, but better known in the criminal circuit as Scar, a man that has no fear, no remorse and finds enjoyment in chaos.

When their worlds collide, they set off on an adventure full of twists and turns, where secrets are revealed and blood is spilled.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
iyes with love
** No Spoilers**
I received an ARC of Menace to review and I was so excited when I realized it was about Lorenzo. I loved Naz and Karissa from the Monster in His Eyes series, but Lorenzo was one of the secondary characters that I was dying to know more about. I LOVED this book!! I read it in less than a day and it was everything I wanted!! I can not wait for the 2nd installment and I'm so glad I don't have to wait long because I need more!! Lorenzo is the kind of character that I just adore, the laid back, IDGAF attitude, and he is an absolute bad ass, he just takes what he wants and I love that about him. I adored Morgan and her strength and sassiness. She is the only kind of woman who I think could hold someone like Lorenzo, because she gives him a challenge. She is broken, but strong, hopeless but hopeful all the same. I feel for her immensely. I am hoping for a happy ending with these two as I think they make the perfect match. I loved the banter with the reader, it added a certain element to the story. This was a five star read for me and I'm looking forward to the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
venkata prasanth
Lorenzo aka Scar, in Ignazio and Karissa's story I didn't like him very much and I thought he was just pyscho. Now that I've read this book my mind has change about him he doesn't top my love for Naz, but now I understand why he is the way is and acts. The other main character Scarlet she is not what she seems she has a lot of layers that were just mind blowing to read about and to see Lorenzo strip those layers away. Who would have thought Scar might have met his match. The author did a great job writing the story line and I love how it mislead me. About half way through I thought I knew how it was going to play out, but I was totally wrong. Then everything made much more sense of how the book started and all the events that happen throughout the book. The author did very well building up the story and tempo of the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharleen nelson
J.M. Darhower is one of my favorite indie authors. I enjoyed most of the books she's published. She definitely redeemed herself since the low rating I gave for The Mad Tatter in Goodreads, and my original opinion about her creative process remains intact after I finished reading Menace. I adore the book and anxiously waiting for the second book, Grevious, scheduled to be released on February 6, 2017. Although Darhower's forté is mostly mafia romanticism (making a point, not an actual genre), but she has a vivid imagination, and produces original, intriguing and entertaining storylines.

Menace was well thought out, right down to the last detail. Written in both third and first person point of views, the flow of the novel was well orchestrated, the rising action properly executed and time line easy to follow. I was a tad disappointed this book ended with a cliffhanger, however Darhower doesn't usually make her readers wait months or up to a year for the next installment.

In the beginning, I believed the story switched from past to present until clues pointed me to Darhower's intended direction. It was quite brilliant. Though that wasn't the reason she earned a five star rating from me. Darhower is not the bubblegum self publishers I often come across. You know the ones who produce superficial books with popular themes for the masses, but lacks literary integrity. Anyone with advance literature knowledge and an eye for talented creative writing skills could look beyond Darhower's written words and notice the true artistry she puts into her stories. Whereas several contemporary authors shy away from a classic yet one of the most powerful forms used in creative writing, Darhower embraced it. Her use of symbolism was nothing short of outstanding. The "S," sunrise, scar, ledge, teddy bear, oranges and jig-zaw puzzle were just a few of the symbolic objects Darhower used to assimilate the mood and characters' state of mind in Menace. Only the most gifted writers can effectively pull off symbolism without being too obvious, and Darhower proven she's among the same caliber as those talented authors.

The characters were blemished and imperfect, yet Darhower painted them as being desirable and intriguing. Her show not tell approach effectively exude the ambience, emotions and chemistry among of her characters. I appreciated the most was Darhower's ability to integrate likeable traits in her charactizations without destroying the core persona she developed for each character at the beginning of the story, even sparking some hope for redemption towards the villain. During the Buster incident, I wasn't sure who I empathized with more, the sad little girl or the Bratva Pakhan.

Another quality that sets Darhower aside from other self published romance authors is her characterizations are never described as cliché Abercrombie models with huge schlongs, which I've read in too many books to keep count. Nor has she ever used other lazy writing comparisons as part of her character development, such as noting a popular celebrity for the description of a character's physical appearance. Darhower's storylines move at a fast pace, yet she choses her words wisely, and careful not to spill secrets too early in the story, as she slowly develops an entire cast of complex characters.

Although Darhower is known for her steamy content, but I read books for the storylines and entertainment value not the eroticism. Color me a prude, if there's a sex scene that doesn't interest me, I usually skip to the canoodling afterwards. However, incorporating too many sex scenes into the storyline will eventually take away from the main conflict, and many inexperienced romance writers tend to drift off in that direction. Darhower discovered a perfect balance and her stories provide enough substance that caters to both conservative and progressive readers alike.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ran yuchtman
I love Lorenzo. I first read about him in, Target on Our Backs (Monster in His Eyes) Book 3 and he was funny, ruthless and dark. In the Menace is is the same a puzzle and we learn more about him. He meets Morgan who he calls Scarlet when she pick pockets him. Lol yeah she did and she's the first person to see him and not flinch or get repulsed by his scar. He is drawn to her and Morgan's running from someone and she's also looking for someone. She a mystery that Lorenzo is trying to solve and he sees her. I don't want to give to much away I well say you won't be disappointed J.M. Davenport is a talented author and a one-click for me. I'm dying to read book 2 in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The character development was outstanding in this story both with the primary and secondary characters. Left me confused at who I wanted to love or hate. The story ends at a cliff hanger which I usually dislike, but this was done in a good spot. This story is packed full of surprises which kept me engrossed and turning the page. I stayed up late to finish it because I couldn't put it down. I am looking forward to the next book. The story itself was quite lengthy and there was no way the author could have given the story the depth she did without splitting it up to more than one book. This was the first time I read this author and I am looking forward to the conclusion!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ami rojkes dombe
After finishing the Monster series, I was freaking thrilled to find Lorenzo got his own series. The guy cracks me up. He's a sociopath, no doubt about it. But he's a lovable one at that.

Morgan is another of my all time favorite characters. She's so so royally f****d up, but she's one of the toughest women you'll ever meet. There are so many reasons for her to give up on life, but she stays strong and doesn't concede.

I loved that this was a story that genuinely caught me off guard. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out the plot and connecting the dots. I was not expecting the twist this story took, so for that I have to say bravo.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicole alexander
This is quite different than the types of "romance" books I typically read. Both characters have made poor choices and are hardened by the prior events of their lives in tragic and horrible ways. Lorenzo, while "mafia" type boss," has redeeming qualities only shown because of his connection he begins to share with the woman he has nicknamed Scarlet. At first glance, Scarlet looks to be emotionless and hard. Yet, she hides circumstances that make her courageous and strong. This is not your typical romance, but it pulls you in just was well. I would recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Menace is page turning..
Lorenzo is one of those characters that makes you question your sanity.. How can I fall in love with a cold- blooded killer- because he is so much more. He is funny and never ceases to amaze you with the things he does.
Scarlet is only one of two people who can tell Lorenzo what to do with his attitude and live. She is the perfect match for this bad boy.

JM Darhower is one of those authors who pulls you into her books and makes you feel like you are part of the story- hence questioning your sanity to be part of his world.

I can not wait for the next part to this great read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We were first introduced to Lorenzo in Target On Our Back and I just knew he was a "special" kind of man. When I first got this book on my kindle it didn't pull in me in like I expected so I put it down for a few weeks then picked it up yesterday. I happy that I gave this story a chance. Lorenzo did not disappoint. This isn't your typical romance story but you can feel the romance/chemistry between Lorenzo and Scarlet. I will definitely recommend if you aren't afraid of a little hand grenade.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wow another fantastic story by J.M Darhower! I was hooked from the very beginning, the plot was unique and I was intrigued by the mystery around the story! This isn't your typical romance.

Lorenzo and Scarlet were both so alike but when these two get together it's like an explosion! The chemistry between these two was fantastic and the sexy scenes were passionate and super hot!

I'm eagerly awaiting the next book to see where JM Darhower leads us! If you are looking for a dark, addictive and refreshing read this is perfect!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian lageose
OMG..... nothing like I expected. I loved the original series so much I was refusing to read this spin off, because I was certain it would not be able to measure up. Well, I stand corrected. This book was beyond brilliant. Lorenzo, let's just say "swooning".... scar and all...
The revealing twist is absolutely jaw dropping.
100% fantastic read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Stars: 4

Wow. I love Lorenzo, and Morgan is his puzzle piece even if neither are willing to admit it. I didn't feel there was any fillers in this book, it seemed every piece of information was important.

I hope you take a chance on this book, as I have. It's Deadpool meets Joker trying to get Harley back after she's lost feelings for him.
Lorenzo and Morgan belong together, if they'd just get their heads out of their arses.

I'm excited and glad that the next book isn't far away!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cale golden

This book left me confused until last few chapters. I was really looking for something so I can connect with characters. I was almost to gave up but than Scar and his mouth kept me captured and I said there is HOPE. well I guess there is one but it will be in next book.
Loved Scar and his character same with Scarlet. They are strong but in different ways. I can't wait to see what will happen next book.
Confused but enjoyed it. Well written story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sally berneathy
We were first introduced to Lorenzo in Target On Our Back and I just knew he was a "special" kind of man. When I first got this book on my kindle it didn't pull in me in like I expected so I put it down for a few weeks then picked it up yesterday. I happy that I gave this story a chance. Lorenzo did not disappoint. This isn't your typical romance story but you can feel the romance/chemistry between Lorenzo and Scarlet. I will definitely recommend if you aren't afraid of a little hand grenade.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin isgett
Wow another fantastic story by J.M Darhower! I was hooked from the very beginning, the plot was unique and I was intrigued by the mystery around the story! This isn't your typical romance.

Lorenzo and Scarlet were both so alike but when these two get together it's like an explosion! The chemistry between these two was fantastic and the sexy scenes were passionate and super hot!

I'm eagerly awaiting the next book to see where JM Darhower leads us! If you are looking for a dark, addictive and refreshing read this is perfect!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer wilson salas
OMG..... nothing like I expected. I loved the original series so much I was refusing to read this spin off, because I was certain it would not be able to measure up. Well, I stand corrected. This book was beyond brilliant. Lorenzo, let's just say "swooning".... scar and all...
The revealing twist is absolutely jaw dropping.
100% fantastic read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ankita khataniar
Stars: 4

Wow. I love Lorenzo, and Morgan is his puzzle piece even if neither are willing to admit it. I didn't feel there was any fillers in this book, it seemed every piece of information was important.

I hope you take a chance on this book, as I have. It's Deadpool meets Joker trying to get Harley back after she's lost feelings for him.
Lorenzo and Morgan belong together, if they'd just get their heads out of their arses.

I'm excited and glad that the next book isn't far away!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nora luca

This book left me confused until last few chapters. I was really looking for something so I can connect with characters. I was almost to gave up but than Scar and his mouth kept me captured and I said there is HOPE. well I guess there is one but it will be in next book.
Loved Scar and his character same with Scarlet. They are strong but in different ways. I can't wait to see what will happen next book.
Confused but enjoyed it. Well written story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seth paradis
Wow! Absolutely fantastic. I passed over this title a few times on my recommended lists but finally decided yo give it a chance. And I am do glad I did. Thus was my first book by this author but certainly eon't be the last. Great writing, sound editing, decent plot, just enough angst, and great blend of humor with dark. I am an avid reader and Lorenzo is up there with my all-time favorite MCs. Sooo looking forward to the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah rhea werner
I love Lorenzo! He is cold, sarcastic, inhumane, and crude, but there is something about him you can't help but love. Lorenzo takes Scarlet in when she has no where to go. They form I bound because they are a lot alike. Romanti, suspense is my favorite. He raised his little brother. The author knocked this one out of the park. I can't wait for the next book. Please, please, please don't hurt Leo. I wouldn't mind some Naz:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
indy chakrabarti
Lorenzo Gambini. Just... I die.

Sexy and psychotic, my favorite combination.

I literally devoured this book. It had me on the edge of my seat just wanting more and more.

A sassy female lead, A badass male - safe to say these are my new faves from J.M Darhower.

I'm counting down the day to the next book and continuation of Morgan and Lorenzo's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe sacksteder
Lorenzo sure knows and accepts himself the way he is. I love that in a hero. I do like a hero who knows who he is, without puffed up ego, no sugarcoating either. A-hole who is passionate about oranges? Yes, gimme :-) On to the next part in this tale. I will say more then.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marivy bermudez
A bizzare life and love story, with the Russian leader's suka, Morgan Olivia Myers aka Scarlet (h) and the wealthy Italian, Lorenzo Gambini aka Mr. Scar (H), which I totally get. Thankful this one ends with To Be Continued...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aimee morse
Great series. She is the best at writing mafia romance books. She sets the bar very high in anyone else writing mafia romance. I love the different point of views between the hero, heroine, and the daughter. It was a great change up.
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