How to Craft Your Company's Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible

ByGregory Diehl

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jessica danz
Overall, the "nuggets" of valuable information could have been presented in about 50 pages, instead of having to wade through 250 pages of rambling. Skip Section 1 entirely unless you're hungry for general theory with virtually no practical application. Chapter 11 on writing and expressing yourself has some useful information. Probably the best part of the book is Appendix 2 which contains 50+ useful starting questions. It would be easy to miss this if I had given up before getting all the way to the end. I recommend reading these questions FIRST and allowing your answers to influence your reticular activating system as you ponder your own purpose and brand identity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
norhayati nasir
A well written, well structured book for entrepreneurs or anyone trying to compete in business. Brand identity is a hot topic now, and there is so much emphasis on audience building and getting noticed. This book makes the concepts accessible to everyone. Well done, Gregory!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meaghan enright
For someone who doesn't love marketing, but has to learn it anyway, this was a great book. It was broken down into easy to understand chunks. I refer back often to certain sections and I believe it is a valuable resource.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
naghmeh rastegar
A very readable guide on how to attract dedicated customers by taking the time to understand what they really want, use that to create something they're thrilled to pay for, then clearly communicate that value to the customer. In an era where companies just flog whatever they got, offers a welcome reminder that successful businesses are in it above all to thrill the customer, not to shear them like sheep. A great read if you're starting or growing a business.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gregory gave me the privilege to to listen to his audiobook before release.
Even though I have a very keen-eye (or ear) I had really nothing bad to say about his excellent production quality.
On to the book: It gave me a great insight on how to convey my message of my brand in an easy and fluent way, that can be used practically.
The book came just a little sooner than the right moment for me, so I will read the book again to make use of all the great wisdom the book gave me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe young
I have read many books on entrepreneurship and how to start and run a business, and I have to say I absolutely love Diehl’s book! I run my own business and am about to rebrand it, which challenged me quite a bit. „Brand Identity Breakthrough“ is the perfect step by step guidance I needed to get even clearer on my brand identity, my goals and what to do next. An absolute enrichment in my endless list of audio books.

The valuable content of „Brand Identity Breakthrough“, the way of his speaking and the sophisticated but yet easy to understand language he uses in combination with the lovely sound of his voice, makes this book outstanding and an absolute must-read for every entrepreneur and even more the ones who plan to become one. It will guide you and make sure that you don’t forget any important fact you need to think of when you start a business.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
max preston
This is a very valuable book for everybody who wants to build a brand that's successful in the ling run. Nowadays a lot of people don't put enough effort in creating a real brand instead of just products.

The in depth case studies and the questions at the end of the book are especially helpful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wanda johnson
If you've had it with books about "branding" and "marketing" which are filled with emptiness, you'll enjoy this book. It's not a huge book but no page is sacrificed in the name of filling up pages. Examples are on point and always interesting - when they are not funny. A book to read if you're looking to build a brand - or make YOU a brand.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This Book will change your attitude towards how you deal with any situation in life or business. It has changed mine. I recommend this book to everyone, its a must read.
Learn to communicate your value, Create an effective narrative for your existence, Build an impressive identity for yourself and for your business.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a must-read for ALL entrepeneurs. Doesn't matter if you're new to this or have been in business for decades. It's the most practical manual you'll find. It has helped so many people boost their brands and lives, I'm sure it will be helpful for you too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ilana weinberg
I always knew the importance of branding in a company. But I've never found a book that could explain it in simple English terms until I came across Brand Identity Breakthrough. I would recommend it to anyone who is already in business or just starting out in business. Read this, then get on with your business!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Because I'm in the beginning stages of starting a new business myself, getting a hold of this book couldn't have happened at a better time. It gave me some really good ideas how to build my business in a way so that it stands out from the competition. At times I felt Gregory could've gotten to the point a bit quicker, but that's probably just me because I suffer a bit from ADD. What I really liked about this book, is that Gregory uses a lot of real-life examples to back up his what he proposes, so it's not just opinion-based theory about branding. Overall I found this book very valuable, and I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany debarr
I received this Brand Identity Breakthrough: How to Craft Your Company's Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible Kindle Edition for free, in exchange for my honest review.

I have read many books on entrepreneurship and how to start and run a business, but I have to say I absolutely love Diehl’s book! I run my own business and am about to rebrand it, which challenged me quite a bit. "Brand Identity Breakthrough“ is the perfect step by step guidance I needed to get even clearer on my brand identity, my goals and what to do next. An absolute enrichment in my endless list of audio books.The valuable content of „Brand Identity Breakthrough“, the way of his speaking and the sophisticated but yet easy to understand language he uses in combination with the lovely sound of his voice, makes this book outstanding and an absolute must-read for every entrepreneur and even more the ones who plan to become one. It will guide you and make sure that you don’t forget any important fact you need to think of when you start a business.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent book that gives reader especially aspiring, current and seasoned business owners a broad overview to branding. Also, by focusing on creating value will lead business owners to take different actions as a result. Although the idea of making money becomes secondary, with a different perspective they are actually on the road to success
My attention was somehow grabbed by a good intro by the author. And with this 'island survival' mentality too, he managed to defeat some obstacles on his path to publish the book that we are reading now.
"Brand Identity Breakthrough' is indeed, very comprehensive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
holly katz
I picked up this book looking to refresh the face of my business and give myself a stronger foundation on which to relaunch. I finished the book with a much clearer idea of how to frame my thoughts and explore the core message I want to share with my audience.

I would have wished for more concrete examples to wrap my head around some of the more abstract concepts, but all that did was make me want to learn more--never a bad thing!

I recommend this book to anyone starting a new business or wanting to rebrand an existing one
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan slavuter
As a young entrepreneur, I could personally relate to almost everything in this book. While someone like Tony Robbins bundles such information with a wide array of other topics, Gregory stays on message and focuses on his target audience, which consists of people just like me. I'm a real estate developer working on a project on the coast of Chile and we're just about at the point where we're gonna have to kick into serious marketing mode so I read through Brand Identity in the hopes of picking up some useful kernels of wisdom to employ. I can happily say that it absolutely delivers what it promises and I now feel much better about launching into our new campaign over the coming month. Many thanks to Mr. Diehl for taking the time to write and release this volume. I'm sure we can expect more fantastic work from him in the years to come. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl napoli
As an avid reader of business/entrepreneur material I look for practical application uber alles - how can I take this book and apply it to my business right away. This does the job and more, and has given us the tools to re-imagine our small business brand in ways we hadnt imagined before. Of course - its not the only book Ive read on the subject, (5 on brand identity alone) but its the best so far. I look forward to reading more from this guy, as its a breezy clean read through to top it off, and have pages of notes I made while reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bradley aaron
This book makes the subject of branding simple and clear. I've been trying to figure this stuff out for years and never got a real grasp at what the essence of branding really was. This book is filled with charming stories and case studies that are entertaining, yet clear, and really demonstrate some of the core aspects of branding and how to apply it to your own business.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meg wise
I am a software developer,
and considering to start an online business.
That is why I bought this book.

Brand Identity Breakthrough is quite helpful to understand marketing terms and concepts.
It also gives a deeper understanding about what a Brand is,
and how a company can identify and embrace its Identity.
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