Find the Joy of Trusting God at All Times - in All Things

ByJoyce Meyer

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eddie duggan
Inspiring book. A bit repetitious. Although typical for a self help book. Driving the point across. If you pray for help everyday like most people you already have some trust in the Lord. Joyce helps you understand how and why trust works. Amazing how she hits on the question we all have about trust.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book by Joyce Meyer. Trusting God is so important as a believer in Christ. We say we trust, but we must trust. I was reading about casting our cares on Him. This helped me so much. I thank you for this wonderful book. May God continue to bless you. R. B.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every Christian faces doubts about his/her faith walk at some time in life and Joyce Meyer's latest book UNSHAKEABLE TrUST addresses how one can face these doubts, Bible in hand and prayer in the heart. Ms. Meyer honestly approaches the topic and is not afraid to admit that she has faced doubts in her own life and how she has overcome them. But she also admits that it is a daily battle because we must overcome Satan daily. Her advice is practical and Biblical, and this one-of-a-kind book is one that every Christian should have on the shelf to refer to when the doubts come. I particularly enjoyed the definititons of faith as a noun and trust as an action verb. I also enjoyed the life stories that Ms. Meyer shared that made the teachings that she was sharing more real and applicable to life. Each chapter begins with a Scripture and Ms. Meyer instructs the reader how to pray through the lack of faith until victory is achieved. I enjoyed the book and appreciated the chance to read it, since I have difficulty with doubt. I say I have faith, but as Ms. Meyer points out, we frequently have faith for a limited amount of time, and out schedule is not always that of the Lord. Her insight is thought provoking and will stay with me for a long time. I read the e-book for Netgalley, but I would like a hard copy of the book as a reference tool, just to remind myself that I can have "Unshakeable Trust" in an Almighty God who loves me and wants the best for me. I appreciate the publisher and Netgalley who provided a free copy for me to review.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I know we are to trust God, always. But sometimes it is so hard. I really appreciate this latest book from Joyce Meyer. It is full of good teaching and practical suggestions.

I like how Meyer distinguishes trusting people and trusting God. She recognizes people are flawed and we trust them with eyes wide open.

Trusting God is different. We must get to know His character to help us learn to trust Him. Yes, there will be unanswered questions and mysteries. We trust Him anyway. And this trust is not passive. We do what we can and should and trust God for the rest. I really like her teaching on the relationship between obedience and trust.

Meyer has good teaching on suffering, an essential part of trusting God. I like that she admits she does not have all the answers as to why Christians suffer but she does offer enlightening thoughts on the topic. She gives some possible causes and outcomes of suffering. She encourages us to trust God for every situation, every single one.

Meyer's book is really encouraging and thought provoking. For example, am I willing to trust that God's will is better than mine even when I don't understand it? Meyer is also very practical. For example, she suggests six things to do when God is silent.

I highly recommend this book to Christians who are ready to be challenged to trust God completely. You'll get great teaching, lots of illustrations, and plenty of practical suggestions.

Food for thought: “What goes on inside of us (our thoughts and attitudes) is more important that our circumstances.” (149)
More food for thought: “Satan likes for us to focus on what is wrong with others, because that way we never see what is wrong with us.” (173)

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Trust… One of my least favorite topics to discuss because I don’t trust many people. Why? Well, it all started when – NOT!!! This is a review not a confessional.

Joyce Meyer shares with readers the importance of Trusting GOD with every aspect of our life. No matter how grim the situation seems to you (financial issues, spiritual, mental, & emotional) – God has promised to see us through it all.

Unshakeable Trust starts off with explaining what trust is and what it means to trust GOD with all of our hearts.

Anytime we believe anyone or anything that proves trustworthy; it puts an end to anxiety. Therefore it is essential to learn what trust is and how to trust. We especially want to learn how to trust. (paraphrasing what I read)

Joyce Meyer does delve deeper into the subject of Suffering – starting with Chapter 8: If God Is Good, Why Do People Suffer? (Chapters 8 – 12).

She also shares her personal experiences as examples of ways for us to LET GO & LET GOD. There are times when we feel that phrase – “LET GO & LET GOD” is easier said than done, but nothing is too hard for our GOD. One of the reasons I love about reading Joyce Meyer’s book is – it feels as though she is talking directly to you and your situation.

When I start letting things get me down – I remember all the things GOD has done for me. GOD is in the Working Miracles Business!

Can you imagine how peaceful your life would be if you were totally dependent on God?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lefty leibowitz
Inspiring book. A bit repetitious. Although typical for a self help book. Driving the point across. If you pray for help everyday like most people you already have some trust in the Lord. Joyce helps you understand how and why trust works. Amazing how she hits on the question we all have about trust.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
naomi cohen
I really enjoyed this book by Joyce Meyer. Trusting God is so important as a believer in Christ. We say we trust, but we must trust. I was reading about casting our cares on Him. This helped me so much. I thank you for this wonderful book. May God continue to bless you. R. B.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every Christian faces doubts about his/her faith walk at some time in life and Joyce Meyer's latest book UNSHAKEABLE TrUST addresses how one can face these doubts, Bible in hand and prayer in the heart. Ms. Meyer honestly approaches the topic and is not afraid to admit that she has faced doubts in her own life and how she has overcome them. But she also admits that it is a daily battle because we must overcome Satan daily. Her advice is practical and Biblical, and this one-of-a-kind book is one that every Christian should have on the shelf to refer to when the doubts come. I particularly enjoyed the definititons of faith as a noun and trust as an action verb. I also enjoyed the life stories that Ms. Meyer shared that made the teachings that she was sharing more real and applicable to life. Each chapter begins with a Scripture and Ms. Meyer instructs the reader how to pray through the lack of faith until victory is achieved. I enjoyed the book and appreciated the chance to read it, since I have difficulty with doubt. I say I have faith, but as Ms. Meyer points out, we frequently have faith for a limited amount of time, and out schedule is not always that of the Lord. Her insight is thought provoking and will stay with me for a long time. I read the e-book for Netgalley, but I would like a hard copy of the book as a reference tool, just to remind myself that I can have "Unshakeable Trust" in an Almighty God who loves me and wants the best for me. I appreciate the publisher and Netgalley who provided a free copy for me to review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon gray
I know we are to trust God, always. But sometimes it is so hard. I really appreciate this latest book from Joyce Meyer. It is full of good teaching and practical suggestions.

I like how Meyer distinguishes trusting people and trusting God. She recognizes people are flawed and we trust them with eyes wide open.

Trusting God is different. We must get to know His character to help us learn to trust Him. Yes, there will be unanswered questions and mysteries. We trust Him anyway. And this trust is not passive. We do what we can and should and trust God for the rest. I really like her teaching on the relationship between obedience and trust.

Meyer has good teaching on suffering, an essential part of trusting God. I like that she admits she does not have all the answers as to why Christians suffer but she does offer enlightening thoughts on the topic. She gives some possible causes and outcomes of suffering. She encourages us to trust God for every situation, every single one.

Meyer's book is really encouraging and thought provoking. For example, am I willing to trust that God's will is better than mine even when I don't understand it? Meyer is also very practical. For example, she suggests six things to do when God is silent.

I highly recommend this book to Christians who are ready to be challenged to trust God completely. You'll get great teaching, lots of illustrations, and plenty of practical suggestions.

Food for thought: “What goes on inside of us (our thoughts and attitudes) is more important that our circumstances.” (149)
More food for thought: “Satan likes for us to focus on what is wrong with others, because that way we never see what is wrong with us.” (173)

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Trust… One of my least favorite topics to discuss because I don’t trust many people. Why? Well, it all started when – NOT!!! This is a review not a confessional.

Joyce Meyer shares with readers the importance of Trusting GOD with every aspect of our life. No matter how grim the situation seems to you (financial issues, spiritual, mental, & emotional) – God has promised to see us through it all.

Unshakeable Trust starts off with explaining what trust is and what it means to trust GOD with all of our hearts.

Anytime we believe anyone or anything that proves trustworthy; it puts an end to anxiety. Therefore it is essential to learn what trust is and how to trust. We especially want to learn how to trust. (paraphrasing what I read)

Joyce Meyer does delve deeper into the subject of Suffering – starting with Chapter 8: If God Is Good, Why Do People Suffer? (Chapters 8 – 12).

She also shares her personal experiences as examples of ways for us to LET GO & LET GOD. There are times when we feel that phrase – “LET GO & LET GOD” is easier said than done, but nothing is too hard for our GOD. One of the reasons I love about reading Joyce Meyer’s book is – it feels as though she is talking directly to you and your situation.

When I start letting things get me down – I remember all the things GOD has done for me. GOD is in the Working Miracles Business!

Can you imagine how peaceful your life would be if you were totally dependent on God?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristi lazar
Joyce Meyer is an inspiration. I watch her teachings on television and was excited to read her new book. Speaking for myself, I need the reminder and encouragement she offers in trusting God and God alone. Joyce talks about dealing with hurt and disappointment, about having patience, and being kind to others while placing your hopes in God. She presents the message of trust in her straightforward, tell it like it is, and easy to grasp style. She answered many of the questions we all have and mentors her readers in holding on to trust. I felt comforted while reading her words and a boost of confidence. A great read that I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zack bean
Joyce's teachings are always rich with biblical truth and revelatory wisdom. In Unshakable Trust, she breaks down the specifics of living a life of total trust in God. I like that she doesn't sugar coat it and make it seem easy. For many, like myself, I've had a lot of disappointment in my life and don't find it easy to trust anyone, including God. Joyce addresses this in chapter 3: Who Can I Trust and goes on to explain why self-reliance doesn't really exist. Rather we want to admit it or not, we always have some level of trust but she focuses on taking our mustard seed level of trust to one that is unshakable. I had to read this one in small chunks. Lots of goodness to digest and process in this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
skye alena
Better than her other books and just at the right time for a hurting world, stops every so often to pose questions like who is in the drivers seat of your life? Good point and she makes others peppered with scripture. Like if you think things can't change, behold, a new thing or if you can't help thinking about something, think of something else or better yet, someone else and get you off your mind. Excellent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cheryl proffitt
Unshakeable Trust: Find the Joy of Trusting God at All Times, in All Things by Joyce Meyer is a highly recommended guide to encourage you to trust God with everything.

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

Joyce Meyer writes in the opening: From the very beginning of this book, I want to emphasize that trust is not an obligation that we owe God; it is a privilege that He makes available to us. We are invited to trust God, and by doing so, we open the door to a life of peace, joy, and fruitfulness. When we mix a healthy portion of trusting God into everything that we do, it enables us to live without worry, anxiety, fear, reasoning, or debilitating stress.

It is difficult to trust, especially if your trust has ever been broken, and without a doubt it has because we have all had our trust broken in big and small matters. A broken trust reinforces our tendency to be independent and self-reliant. That is the root of what makes it a struggle to let go of our control and trust God. The thing we need to remember is that learning to trust God is never going to result in disappointment - people, yes, but never God. And, beyond a very basic general trust we need to strive to trust God in every area of our lives: spiritual, relational, emotional, and financial.

Meyers teaches in each chapter, with numerous examples from her own life and the Bible, that we can set the pain and circumstances of our past behind, delve into the Word of God, and start trusting the Lord with all our hearts. This will result in a life that can withstand difficult trials while filled with grace and joy. Certainly I can give examples from my own life where I placed my situation in God's hands and trusted that He would make all things work together for my good. I have experienced God taking what appeared to be an impossible situation and making it all work out for my good in the end. However, keep in mind that like Joseph, you may still have to go through trials and it may take time. You may also need to ask the Lord to help you trust Him more.

Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of FaithWords.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Joyce Meyer is an author who has experience in what she writes. I am learning to trust and seek God in everything that I do. Reading this book has helped me draw closer to him. We were made to trust in God even if we don't understand it all. In fact, we may never understand but we are to trust that he knows best for our lives. Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read another encouraging book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mitch azarcon
Awesome read with our without the workbook. I love this author and how she provides us such great advise/help with our Daily Walk with God. Very good read and you will take something away from this book. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the ARC of this book in return for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa frankfort
Wow, is all I can say! What a powerful, anointed, and engaging read. Trusting God starts with me. Trusting God means complete surrender. When God is teaching you how to trust Him, it means to completely make yourself available to him. And let nothing separate you from the Love of God. This book taught me so much about surrender and letting God be my all. This book I will definitely re-read!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
brad blondes
So much talk about trusting God, but I remember how she one day when her daughter was giving birth, she Joyce Meyer herself said "I don't know what I would do if something happened to the babies or my daughter." Gee God came through for her but not other, how would she have felt if her daughter or babies died? Where would her unshakable trust be? Yes, I made a mistake in buying this book.
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