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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
faye kirby
DANG, Tessa Bailey knows how to write a steamy romance novel.

Tessa Bailey has been an author I have always been interested in, but I never got around to reading her books. I have heard such great things about her books, and I finally got around to reading a book by her! I am now SOLD on her books. I completely understand all of the hype her books get!

I read this book as a standalone and I had no issues following the book even though it is the last book in a series. However, this book convinced me that I need to go back and read all of the previous books in this series!

The two main characters, Milo and Renner, were HOT. Their chemistry was literally palpable. Their tug and pull relationship was so steamy! Milo and Renner worked really well together because they were almost opposites in certain ways. Renner was stern, closed off, and assertive whereas Milo was more charismatic, charming, and laid-back. Their contrasting personalities worked so well together. They had great banter because of their differences and they ended up bringing out the best in each other. I couldn't think of better pair!

As I mentioned, Milo and Renner had insane chemistry. The sexy scenes were so well written and so VERY steamy. I felt myself blush while reading some of the scenes, and it was fantastic ;). Tessa was a master at building sexual tension between Milo and Renner. The results were explosive!

The only issue I had with this book was some of the drama. I didn't really like some of the drama that kept Renner and Milo apart. I wanted the drama in this book to have been handled differently. However, I understood why it was there because it helped feed the tension between Renner and Milo.

Overall, this was a sexy and entertaining read. If you are looking for a M/M romance that is full of steam and humor, then this is the book for you! I know fans of this series will love this book, and the ending of this book will fill their heart with rainbows.

4.5 / 5 Fangs

*This ebook was given to me in exchange for an honest review. *

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If I could put this succinctly, it would be this...

Tessa + M/M = #ded

This is Tessa we're talking after all, who in my book, is the queen of dirty talk. Mix in M/M and what you get is this. Simply delicious and panty-melting! Yes, I went there! Like I said, you're talking about a woman who has mastered the art of the dirty talk. Yes, HOT!!!

If you're a fan of this series like me, you'd have met Renner briefly by the second book. I haven't gotten to the third yet but I believe he had a slightly bigger role there. No matter, this is a standalone, you'll be fine.

Renner is the boss and Milo is the employee. Milo has a long way to go learning and understanding his sexual identity. Renner has the experience. What started out as a shaky agreement between these two turned into a yummy story of learning one's self and trusting one's own feelings.

Renner has quite a gruff exterior but there's a reason for that. And somehow, whether Milo knew why or not, he managed to see through that anyway. Milo is so quick-witted, he cracks me up with his thoughts. I love the way he called Renner out on his sh!t and the way he tried to take care of Renner, it's adorable. And Renner, I love how he was so unsettled by Milo. Milo was like a bull in Renner's china store, so to speak. HAH! Renner has these doubts that he hides well but oh boy, when he takes charge, HOT DANG!!!

For a Brazen read, this is one of the hottest I've read! Actually, this is one of the hottest I've read, period! And for realz, beyond the heat factor, you get a story of self-discovery, of tender emotions, of friendship, and of love.

I've been with this series right from the beginning, and to see it conclude like this, it's like going out with a bang! I will miss this series, for sure. O wait, I still have to read Duke's story, so maybe not quite yet for me at least, yay! Oh, which also means then that I can re-read this just to convince myself I've read in sequence! Pffft, as if I need an excuse to re-read this *g*

*Copy received in exchange for a review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rhonda masse
*ARC provided by Publisher*

Wound Tight is the fourth and final book in author Tessa Bailey’s Made in Jersey series and in it, we finally get to know more about CEO Renner Bastion. We also get to know more about Milo Bautista, the security guard Renner can’t bring himself to stop thinking about. It was bad enough before he found out Milo was gay, but now that he knows? It’s torture. Because Milo is interested in someone else..and Renner isn’t a man who likes to share.

Like most of Tessa Bailey’s books, Wound Tight is hot as blazes, but underneath all that hotness is an intensity and uniqueness to the two lead characters that makes them truly stand out. It takes the boss/employee trope to a whole new level while also stripping both men down to their most basic foundations, giving readers a glimpse into both men’s minds as well as their heart and souls.

Renner knows he isn’t well liked among his workers, or the people in Hook, New Jersey in general. He’s made mistakes, and he knows that. But what he doesn’t know, what he doesn’t understand, is why Mile continually tries to save him from things that really aren’t any of his business. Except Milo is making it his business…and making Renner feel things he has no business feeling for an employee.

As you can imagine, there’s a lot of tension and angst between Renner and Milo, and some fan-freaking-tastic physical and emotional moments, too. It’s a book that doesn’t shy away from the deeper thoughts and emotional land mines people falling in love sometimes find themselves in, and it also doesn’t shy away from the physical connection these two men share together, either.

Whether you’re looking to read your first m/m romance or another one of many, Tessa Bailey’s Wound Tight is a amazing read with some truly phenomenal character moments and some hot as blazes love scenes. It’s a book I read and then immediately wanted to read again because Renner and Milo proved themselves to be two amazingly well-written and beautifully-layered men.

Absolutely loved this book, and this series.
Asking for Trouble (A Line of Duty Book 4) :: Thrown Down (Made in Jersey) :: Risking it All (Crossing the Line series Book 1) :: Worked Up (Made in Jersey) :: Crashed Out (Made in Jersey)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of my review minions devours everything Tessa Bailey writes. She loves it all. I’m not big fan of new adult and I’ve been on a m/m romance binge lately thus her books just haven’t made it on my to be read pile. When this one cruised through my request emails I just had to accept it for myself. I am so glad that I did. WOW! The sexual tension is a tangible thing from the very beginning of this book. Renner and his rules and his need to have control of everything probably turned my crank just as much as he did Milo’s.

“I make the decisions. Do you understand? Boss inside work, boss outside of work. That’s me. Your (a body part) seems to like that idea just fine.”

So yeah, Renner is a bossy boss. It’s totally sexy and never takes a weird turn into D/s territory. His business savvy has made him one hell of a successful businessman. His drive for success has kept him on the move both geographically and up the food chain. He’s the big man. Work has also given him a heart condition and kept him from settling down. The temporary stay at his Jersey factory is becoming more and more difficult to leave. He knows his attraction to the straight security guard is unhealthy. He just can’t seem to leave his Bautista.

Taking the security job in Jersey was a way for Milo to get away from the non-life that he was living. The non-life that he was pretty sure there was something missing from. His last job put him in close proximity with a man he was pretty sure he was more attracted to than the girl he was dating. Milo has a plan though. He knows that if he watches and observes his boss man enough he will figure out all the secrets of being as calm, cool, and sure of himself as Renner is.

The book was impossible not to love. Renner and Milo make for an incredibly difficult book to put down. The constant bicker banter that Renner and Milo throw at each other constantly makes this book worth purchasing in and of itself. Wound Tight easily works as a stand-alone.

complimentary eARC received
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My Review:
Wow...I've been a longtime Tessa Bailey fan and she just combined my two loves...her writing with male/male romance. YES!! And this book did not disappoint at all. It was so, so good.

Renner is the boss. He's a business mogul, and as such, most of his employees aren't his biggest fans. The exception to that is Milo. Milo works security within the company. He's supposed to be keeping the warehouse workers safe, but he's made it his mission in life to watch out for Renner, too. Part of that has been because he's fascinated by the man and admires the way Renner is completely unapologetic about his sexuality. Milo has just had a sexual revelation...he's attracted to men and doesn't really know what to do with that. So he watches Renner and is trying to figure it all out.

But then they have a moment of truth...and come to an agreement. Renner will show Milo how to be comfortable with his sexuality so he can pursue the guy he has a crush one. Milo will teach Renner how to relax more so he doesn't risk another heart attack (yeah, Renner is the epitome of uptight, high-strung, executive.)

I love that this is all new to Milo, but he's so 'in' with everything that Renner does. He just wants more. And Renner is losing control all over the place...I love that. This book is all about losing control when the chemistry is right. Neither of these guys expect what happens. They are attracted to one another, but whoa...they are not expecting the explosiveness of the combination of the two of them together. It made for an amazing read that I loved.

I really enjoyed both guys. They're so different, but their attraction adds so much to the story...I couldn't turn the pages in my ebook fast enough. I loved them together.

Needless to say, I love Tessa Bailey writing in this genre. I hope we see more male/male romances coming from her soon.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lionel brubaker
Wound Tight is classic Tessa Bailey--dirty talking and sex fuelled--only this time she's venturing into M/M territory.

"I’m going to enjoy that smart mouth more than I have the right to."

I didn't go into this expecting a profound M/M read: Tessa Bailey has a formula, a successful one and I've read and enjoyed enough from her to know what I'm going to get when I pick up one of her books, and Renner and Milo tick all the boxes. If you've read the previous books in the serious, you'll know Renner as a brusque, grumpy ar$e with a lurking softer side. Something I was pleased to see continue.

"I make the decisions. Do you understand? Boss inside work, boss outside of work. That’s me."

I can't deny there were some elements that didn't work so well for me. Mainly the fact that Milo had previously been with only women and had zero experience with men, yet never questioned if he was bi, happily telling his friends he's gay after an encounter (a very steamy one) with Renner. However, what it lacked in that respect was compensated for by the fact that I did actually enjoy these guys together; Milo's no pushover when Renner gets going and there were some nice emotional moments amongst the flirting, fun, tension and passion as they work out how they fit into each other's lives.

Removing my gripes from the equation Wound Tight is an enjoyable easy read with two hot, alpha men and was pretty much what I expected. I have to say though, the epilogue, which started fantastic, morphed into a bit of a damp squib, fizzling out which was disappointing considering this is the end of the road for this series and Tessa can write fabulous epilogues. However, if you're looking to scratch an itch with a quickish, sexy story that has the customary Bailey dirty-talk but isn't laced with drama or angst, then this is absolutely one to grab.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristine lee
Milo Bautista has his boss's number. Renner may appear to be a self-centered jerk, but Milo has been watching him, and there is more to Renner than meets the eye.

Renner Bastion is used to being disliked and left alone, but the sarcastic, tattooed Milo seems to want to take care of him. When Milo asks him to help him catch the eye of another man, Renner agrees, all the while knowing nothing good will come of it.

This review is probably going to sound like I didn't enjoy this book as much as I did. And I DID enjoy it...A LOT. Renner and Milo were SMOKIN. The writing was fantastic as usual. The sex scenes were scorching (Tessa Bailey really should write more M/M books.) It had a ton of feels and it kept me turning the pages.

Unfortunately, it also had one of the most (for me) annoying setups. The whole "please help me get the attention of an OM/OW" (in this case a dude called TRAVIS.) trope. I am just not crazy about that type of storyline. Someone inevitably has doubts and ends up either getting hurt or pulling a "jerk for brains move" I also find them to be predictable and yes, this WAS predictable. Travis is never a physical issue for the couple, but his shadow does cover a good portion of the book.

My other issue was this ended REALLY abruptly in my opinion. I think Renner's and Milo's relationship deserved more than a few lines dedicated to him shoving Milo into a dark hospital corner and asking him to marry him after Duke and Sam's baby was born. On top of that, since this was the last book in the series, it REALLY needed a WAY better epilogue.

So I know it sounds like I didn't like this book, but overall it WAS an entertaining read. Certainly better than book one, but not as awesome as book three IMO.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
.•.•*) .•*)
(.• (.•`*The rules were simple: "No one under thirty. No one with even a remote connection to my company. And no one on the fence."

Renner was drowning. He was in Hook after his company suffered from a bombing. The town hates him, big surprise, and some took a delight one day to show him just how much. War veteran Milo was offered as security for his business NOT for him. Thankfully, Milo was there to the rescue, still the sarcastic, insolent man all up in Renner's space and making demands. Seems the man didn't understand personal space one bit.

The man who’d ordained himself Renner’s personal one-man security detail without permission.

It started off as the need to build his confidence when he realized he was not all that straight. A not so real crush on another man had Milo seeking out his boss's advice and getting closer to the man he was now seeing in another light. Now that Milo had Renner's attention, there was no way he was letting go. Renner's was not the man everyone thought of him. And while invading his life, Milo saw the man behind the mask and life got just a whole bit interesting.

The first six chapters was a lesson in sexual tension, and when the guys did hook up, it was like fireworks on the Fourth of July. The rest of the book was like convincing a baby to try puréed food. Laughter, anger, sadness and determination. I enjoyed the push-pull relationship these men found themselves in. Yep, this one caught my attention.

I voluntarily and honestly reviewed this book without bias or persuasion from The Publisher.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Wound Tight was so cute.

Milo and Renner’s story was beyond adorable. Milo was so sweet.

Milo and Renner kind of butt heads throughout the book. Renner has been burned before and doesn’t want to be hurt again. He tries to come across as a hard and uncaring boss when that isn’t the case at all. Milo doesn’t buy Renner’s cold heartedness and admires Renner for being openly gay and successful. When Milo comes out to his boss things begin to change between the two of them. Renner finally begins to see Milo as more than his attractive body guard. The hard part is that Milo thinks he likes someone else and Renner doesn’t want to get to attached to Milo if he’s just going to move on to someone else.

I loved how Milo came out to his boss, then his friends, and just accepted himself and everything that comes with being gay. I also loved how as soon as he figured out he liked Renner he didn’t mess around, he just owned it and told him.

Renner was a little harder to come around than Milo. Renner had been hurt before and didn’t want to do that again. He often says harsh things meant to hurt, but he really just wants to protect himself.

The sexy times are so yum!!! I am super into cute and sexy M/M books and Wound Tight definitely delivered on that amazingness.

The story felt a little rushed for me and sometimes the characters seemed only interested in sex, which wasn’t all that great since their relationship was so cute.

Overall definitely a cute story and a quick read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse smith
“I make the decisions. Do you understand? Boss inside work, boss outside of work. That’s me. Your d___ seems to like that idea just fine.”

Oof. Okay, just… hold on a sec while I get a handle on my words. Because right now, my first instinct is to *flail* *fan self* *swallow tongue* and so on. Which, to be fair, is a completely acceptable response to Renner and Milo, because those boys are FIRE.

But they aren't just fire. They're a heated, hilarious, heart-pounding mess—and so perfect in their imperfections. I adored them, the gruff, grumpy, Renner and the persistent, positive Milo. Their balance was on point, with Milo pushing them forward but Renner holding the power, and their back and forth fighting foreplay was both funny and poignant.

I laughed and smiled, I groaned and frowned, and I just generally enjoyed the ever-loving f___ out of this book. It was smart and well-paced. It was a lesson in delicious dirty talk. It had Duke and Sam—my first ever, and favorite, Tessa Bailey couple. But mostly, it had Renner and Milo, sifting through confusion and feelings and hot AF trysts in all kinds of places, which made my heart stutter, my mouth water, my panties melt and rendered my ability to speak (mostly) useless.

Thank god I can still *flail*…

“Was that you smiling while you kissed me, pretty boy? There’s nothing funny about how bad I want to lay you across one of these car hoods and yank your tight work pants down.”

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book, given by Netgalley.
I haven't read the other books on the series, so they were all new characters for me, still I couldn't help myself from wanting to read this one, the prospect of this book was just irresistible.

I got to meet these two amazing and sexy alpha males that were perfection together, I couldn't get enough.

Renner was this successful commanding guy who lived for his job, he had forgotten what it felt like to really live and experience true emotions, he spent his days detached from real life and the people around him, he felt it was better that way.

His calm and rule based world then collides with Milo and everything went up in flames, he can't avoid being attracted to him and he admires this peculiar specimen from the sidelines since he is not in his league.

But Milo is full of surprises and he has a deal to offer that Renner can't reject.

Young Milo was a really refreshing character, because even though he was really inexperienced, he knew what he wanted and he wasn't scared of sharing it with his friends and about what people would think. He was really free and that was just what Renner needed, this refreshing view of life to get him back into the world of the living.

So if you like M/M books this is definitely the book for you, I just couldn't stop from falling for this two sexy guys and you will too if you read this book.

A steamy and sexy must read !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My favorite smutty author writing a M/M romance? Oh My GawD! Please get ready the fire extinguisher!

Mr. CEO, Renner Bastion is the brother of the previous book heroine, but this can totally work as a standalone. He is stoic and doesn't have much friends and suffer from a health scare not too long ago. His relationship with his sister seems good, but we didn't get to see them spend much time together. Renner is a total workaholic and a good boss despite everyone seems to think otherwise.

Milo is the factory's security guard who was still exploring his new found interest in man. A specific man who named Travis. I usually find the addition of a third party annoying, but in this case, Travis is a non-issue. He is not even physical here, so I don't mind that Milo spend half the book thinking he was supposed to pursue Travis, while being insanely attracted to Renner. In fact, the little bit of a road bump seems to serve as a delicious angst between them.

I'm not going to compliment too much on Tessa Bailey's mad skill in the sex department. I love her m/f and now m/m. I think if she can write about pansexual or transexual or alien sex, I will still find it amazingly hot.

I think many complaint that this book ended abrupt, well I find it too short, tbh. But is just prove how much we love this book and doesn't want it to end.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mohamed abdallah
I’ve enjoyed the entire Made in Jersey series so far. It’s been a fun and sexy as hell ride. I’ve been intrigued by Renner since we met him and was definitely hoping he’d get a book of his one. Thankfully, Tessa Bailey gave us one. This book was just as sexy and fun as the others in the series. Renner is a dirty talking, gruff hero and I think that Milo was a good match for him. There were times though that I felt that they had chemistry, but I didn’t always feel that their connection went any deeper than that.

I think what I really loved about this book was Milo’s honesty. Realizing what isn’t working for you and figuring out why it isn’t working and doing something about it is a really big deal. Especially if that thing is your sexuality. Tessa Bailey did a good job with her first M/M book. It was sexy and sweet and the banter between Milo and Renner was exactly what I’ve come to expect from her.

It was also great to see characters from the previous books since this was the final book in the series. This was a great note to end the series on.

Arc provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
farhad akbrzadeh
Wound Tight by Tessa Bailey blew me away. I haven’t read many m/m romances but if they were all written like this, I would read more! I loved every single thing about this!

Renner and Milo were amazing together. Renner is demanding, hot and promises to give Milo everything he’s been dying for. Milo is cute, helpful, and is very caring towards Renner. They complement each other nicely. When Milo enlists Renner’s help, both characters are in for an erotic ride!

The romance books I’ve been reading have been a little monotonous, but OMG this book right here, has made fall in love with reading all over again! It’s everything I could want in an erotic romance and I want more! If I could rate this higher than 5 stars, I would do so immediately. Even though I just finished reading this, I want to start it all over again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heidi worley
I have to start by saying it..Holy hotness!
Renner and Milo are not to be missed..first because they are both hot as sin, and second because they made me fall in love with them even more for their insecurities and the fact that they both fought with and for each other!
Renner is the boss and Milo is the security guard..and the only one who doesn’t cower in front of him, instead he gives him attitude.
Milo and Renner have different insecurities and the way they react to them..One hides and the other fights..
The attraction is all consuming, but at times the mind tricks you into believing whatever it needs..what will win? The heart or the mind? Will the attraction be all they have ?
I loved it, every part of it, even when I wanted to smack Renner and tell him to get himself together lol
And the ending..sigh
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elaine porteous
What a fantastically written book with lots of searing heat within a blanket of great chemistry between Renner and Milo.

I loved everything about Milo, his sexy tattooed body, his honesty and his own sense of self. Of course he was women before his encounter with Renner yet I also understand that sometimes people are unsure of what they want to it hits them in the face.
Renner is most definitely alpha in every way. He is successful in and out of the office. He makes a plan and it's all laid out for complete understanding. When he and Milo hook up it is with the understanding it's just that. These two characters were perfect. They complimented each other and their chemistry blew me away.

I really enjoyed their story and thought the author did justice for these two men.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wound Tight is the last book Tessa Bailey's excellent Made in Jersey series and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, the Queen of Dirty talk decides to try her hand at the M/M genre...

This book as usual ticked all the boxes for me: great writing, great banter, sizzling chemistry, super duper hot dirty talk, slow burn and super hot sexy time... between two sexy hot guys... and plenty of sweet romantic moments too.

What I liked about Tessa's take on the M/M was this wasn't your typical "Gay for You" troupe. Renner is strong confident man, but yet issues from his past have prevented him getting close to anyone. Milo is not sure he is gay or bi but he starts having feelings for his "Bossman" after initially enlisting his help to catch the eye of Travis. I loved the banter between the two and really got drawn into their story and couldn't wait to see if they got their HEA

Overall a great way to finish the series. There are welcome cameos from Samantha and Duke as well as River and Vaughn from previous books in the series.

Tessa did a great job with her first M/M and I hope she decides to write more in this genre in the future.

4.5 stars!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennie granmoe
Provocative, sultry, and wickedly intense!

This is the fourth and final book in the “Made in Jersey” series and Tessa Bailey’s first foray in the M/M genre and boy is it a good one.

It is a steamy story that combines the confident, somewhat arrogant, dominant businessman, Renner, with the handsome, inexperienced, determined security guard, Milo, complete with a plot filled with racy innuendos, scorching tension, explosive chemistry, insecurities, self discovery, and red-hot romance.

This is definitely a sexy treat and a true guilty pleasure, and I guarantee that if you like lots of dirty talk, swoon-worthy alpha males, and erotic sex scenes you won’t be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
denise o hagan
Renner and Milk had such an intense chemistry. I felt the sparks between them as I was reading the book. They are complete opposites of each other but, are very good together. I really wanted them to get together. They went from working together to falling in love really quickly. They had known each other for a while and were very attracted to one another, so it was easy for me to believe how strong their feelings were.

As much as I enjoyed the book, I felt like there was something missing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hot with a little humor thrown in! The chemistry and tension between Renner and Milo is high and once they got their hands on each other, there was steam coming off my Kindle! If you've read the previous books in the series, you'll also get an update on the couples, but it can be read as a standalone. The only reason that this wasn't a 5-star read for me, is that it felt like they had more chemistry than love.
4.5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book. I was not compensated for this review, all conclusions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Milo and Renner were certainly Wound Tight. These men were wound so tight you could feel their vibrations emanating off the page.

I really enjoyed reading their story and what these two over came to be with each other. They fought their emotions and feelings throughout the book but in the end knew what each one needed.

I wasn't expecting Renner to be such a dirty talker. He had the fresh faced Milo hooked.

I was given an ARC for a honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andreanna h
This book was extremely entertaining. I've never read a M/M story before and didn't know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised to read about two men who were what I considered very manly. Both were dominant and prideful. They butted heads and the attitude they gave each other while trying to navigate their attraction to each other just kept me laughing. I also loved the little bit of Duke and Samantha we got to see. This was an enjoyable read. ARC provided by NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane atkinson
Wow! Tessa Bailey writing a M/M romance = perfection! I loved this book! If you're new to M/M romance, I think this is the perfect book to get started with. I'm really hoping there are going to be more Tessa Bailey books in this genre in the future because this was hot!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tu e kay tmaz
*SBB Reviews*

Wound Tight by Tessa Bailey is One of the Best MM Romance I have Ever Read. This book will take you on Renner and Milo's Sexy, Seductive and Amazing Journey.

It was a Page Turning, Hot and Mind blowing Read. I couldn't put it down. I Would Highly Recommend all the Readers to grab this book and Meet Renner and Milo <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tessa Bailey I never thought your books could get any hotter but you sure proved me wrong. Wound Tight is one of the sexiest books I've ever read. I'm so in love with Milo and Renner. And the Epilogue OMG thank you so much for the stuff you shared. Oh and the change room scene hallelujah. so sad this series is over but hoping you write some more M/M in the future.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sara register
....a really wishy-washy reason for starting anything up.

I've read TB as a MF author and her books are pretty steamy and well-written. I was quite excited to see that she was venturing into MM as part of a series, but that the MM could be read as a standalone.

It read rather stiltedly, like a MF romance in which the female had been replaced by Milo, with Renner having the role of the traditional alpha male. It didn't ring true at all - Milo apparently has been straight all his life, but in his previous role started 'liking' Travis, who knows what to wear and which clubs go to, so he asks Renner, his current boss, to 'teach him'. Not quite sure what that's supposed to mean, but hey, Renner agrees to teaching him whatever. It wasn't really specified.

I didn't read much that interested me, other than a clothes shopping expedition where the guys stared at each other in a cubicle, and a session on a hammock where Milo wanted to taste a sweaty Renner. It was an abortive session and neither questioned his feelings, his actions or those of the other.

So, the reasons I returned this? There are a few. The storyline felt very forced and Milo had no apparent qualms about never before feeling attracted to a guy, but wanting to explore a relationship with Travis (not sure the latter knew about this) and wanting to taste Renner. We got none of his thoughts, just his words. I read pretty much nothing but MM these days, and beta for several big name authors (see my reviews) and I am pretty sure that you don't just stick a dry finger up a guy's butt and he's meant to be loving it. Pretty certain you need lube or at least a wet finger. Pretty certain, too, that if it's the recipient's first time, he'll be tight and in discomfort and you'll need to take it slow, as well as use lube. And, unless rules are laid down before hand about what's OK and not, I don't buy that Renner would agree to be a stand-in Travis.

And, with my husband having just had investigations for a heart issue, and being diagnosed with high blood pressure - ditto Renner (20yrs younger than my hubs, but having had an actual heart attack, though mild), I can tell you that yoga does NOT mean that you can come off BP meds. Yes, Milo came out with this actual thing, which I am pretty certain an editor should have taken a look at, because face it, some people believe all they read, and this came across as a pronouncement. But, admittedly, Milo went on to keep reminding Renner to take his heart meds, though they weren't heart meds, but BP meds.

To me, this read like an author of het romance jumping on the MM bandwagon, without wanting to 'go there'. Technicalities and mechanics were there, but there was no sexiness, no teasing, no eroticism, no sensuality, no down and dirty. The scenes reminded me of the Barbara Cartland style of novels where stuff is touched on or hinted at...then nothing much more.

I persisted with this til 25%, hoping it would get better, but left it after an unrealistic and un-hot 'sex' scene.
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