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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
gil bradshaw
This book is full of flaws. The author writes for the most part of the book about the war and most of us know what happened. Then he finally gets into the escape of Adolf Hitler without providing compelling evidence that he really (Adolf Hitler) arrived in Argentina. The author writes that U-518, U-880 and U-1235 transported Nazi loot and high ranking NS officials to Argentina. U-518 was sunk southwest of the Azores April 1945. U-880 was also sunk on April 1945 by the USS Frost. U-1235 was also sunk in April 1945. It was U-530 that surrendered in Argentina but the crew was later transferred to the US, whereas the author claims that they were either disposed or splattered across Argentina. Some of the German words are not translated correctly either.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Greying of Adolf Hitler.
Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler--The case presented by Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams is classic revisionist history. Keeping in mind the Churchillian dictum, "history is written by the victors", it is very interesting that since Hitler's quasi-official death on April 30, 1945, definitive proof has never been actually presented. Quite the contrary, although Hitler's suicide in the Fuehrer Bunker is generally accepted, nagging inconsistency remain to this day prompting books, TV specials and other investigations to keep this historical mystery bubbling. History many times is a conundrum within itself, a mystery that festers with no conclusions just questions and suppositional hypotheses. Have you ever wonder why so many history-changing events wind up in conspiracies? For examples: Who and how were the great Giza Pyramids built? Questions concerning the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations. The mystery of aliens and UFOS. And in Dunstan's and Williams' Grey Wolf, what really happened to Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormann: Escape to Argentina anyone?
The principle of Occam's razor will usually hold one in good stead when faced with such enigmas: "simpler explanations are, other things being equal, generally better than more complex ones." Still, it is the human condition to wonder "What If?"
In Grey Wolf we have an interesting What IF proposal for the reader to ponder. Did Hitler and Bormann die in the waning days of the Third Reich or, as Misters Dunstand and Williams hypothesize, was an elaborate escape pulled off during the last week of the war? Elaborate indeed according to Misters Dunstan and Williams. Martin Bormann, the Nazi puppet master behind the Hitlerian dictatorship, pulled all the right strings to move huge amounts of money (loot) and important Nazi leaders to Argentina as the Third Reich fell. Some of Bormann's plans were years in the making "just in case" Germany lost the war. In the end, according to Grey Wolf, Hitler and his ilk along with close to $1Billion (an unimaginative sum of money in 1945) secretly fled to Juan Peron's fascist Argentina to build the Fourth Reich.
Very interesting, and in many ways fun, revisionist historical reading. Could it have happened as Misters Dunstan and Williams hypothesize? As Hamlet said in Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." The authors present their case which is buttressed by a plethora of documentation. Interesting thought, if the FBI knew all this why did they not act? War fatigue? Covert operations were in use back during the book's timeline (OSS and then the CIA were alive and well). I did enjoy the supposed eye witness accounts of an aging Fuehrer. Another line the authors did not pursue and that was extremely interesting was what happened to Eva Braun and the two children she and the Fuehrer supposedly birthed. As the Hitler family life eventually deteriorated during Argentine exile, Eva just up and left and disappeared. On that note the authors left us hanging. The interaction between the Perons, Hitler, and Bormann was fascinating. More so because I just finished Henry Stevens' fascinating and highly entertaining book Dark Star: The hidden history of German secret bases, flying disks & U-boats in which he covered some of the same ground as Misters Dunstand and Williams. One intriguing note alluded to by Stevens was Otto Skozeny's (Hitler favorite commando who rescued Il Duce Mussolini) interaction with the Perons during this time. If true I was surprised he was NOT mentioned in Grey Wolf? More Nazi mysteries in mysteries.
All in all Grey Wolf was both a fun and quasi-enlightening read. The authors presented their case and some of the evidence was strong but overall they left too many loose ends dangling. To close the book on one of history's greatest mysteries the evidence has to be overwhelming and Grey Wolf is more circumstantial than overwhelming. So, the mystery will continue for more definitive proof to be presented. Most of the major political players of the Hitler age feel that he did not die in the bunker but again where is the definitive proof? How about a body (Adolf? Eva?) for DNA testing at least? Still, I enjoyed reading Grey Wolf if for nothing else to keep my mind open to the possibilities. The truth is definitely out there, but boy is it hard to find! 4 Star recommend-get it from your local library if you can.
NOTE: The best fictional account of Adolf Hitler's possible escape from the bunker was the book The Bearkut by Joseph Heywood (see the store). Strong 5 star recommend for Bearkut.
Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler--The case presented by Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams is classic revisionist history. Keeping in mind the Churchillian dictum, "history is written by the victors", it is very interesting that since Hitler's quasi-official death on April 30, 1945, definitive proof has never been actually presented. Quite the contrary, although Hitler's suicide in the Fuehrer Bunker is generally accepted, nagging inconsistency remain to this day prompting books, TV specials and other investigations to keep this historical mystery bubbling. History many times is a conundrum within itself, a mystery that festers with no conclusions just questions and suppositional hypotheses. Have you ever wonder why so many history-changing events wind up in conspiracies? For examples: Who and how were the great Giza Pyramids built? Questions concerning the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations. The mystery of aliens and UFOS. And in Dunstan's and Williams' Grey Wolf, what really happened to Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormann: Escape to Argentina anyone?
The principle of Occam's razor will usually hold one in good stead when faced with such enigmas: "simpler explanations are, other things being equal, generally better than more complex ones." Still, it is the human condition to wonder "What If?"
In Grey Wolf we have an interesting What IF proposal for the reader to ponder. Did Hitler and Bormann die in the waning days of the Third Reich or, as Misters Dunstand and Williams hypothesize, was an elaborate escape pulled off during the last week of the war? Elaborate indeed according to Misters Dunstan and Williams. Martin Bormann, the Nazi puppet master behind the Hitlerian dictatorship, pulled all the right strings to move huge amounts of money (loot) and important Nazi leaders to Argentina as the Third Reich fell. Some of Bormann's plans were years in the making "just in case" Germany lost the war. In the end, according to Grey Wolf, Hitler and his ilk along with close to $1Billion (an unimaginative sum of money in 1945) secretly fled to Juan Peron's fascist Argentina to build the Fourth Reich.
Very interesting, and in many ways fun, revisionist historical reading. Could it have happened as Misters Dunstan and Williams hypothesize? As Hamlet said in Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." The authors present their case which is buttressed by a plethora of documentation. Interesting thought, if the FBI knew all this why did they not act? War fatigue? Covert operations were in use back during the book's timeline (OSS and then the CIA were alive and well). I did enjoy the supposed eye witness accounts of an aging Fuehrer. Another line the authors did not pursue and that was extremely interesting was what happened to Eva Braun and the two children she and the Fuehrer supposedly birthed. As the Hitler family life eventually deteriorated during Argentine exile, Eva just up and left and disappeared. On that note the authors left us hanging. The interaction between the Perons, Hitler, and Bormann was fascinating. More so because I just finished Henry Stevens' fascinating and highly entertaining book Dark Star: The hidden history of German secret bases, flying disks & U-boats in which he covered some of the same ground as Misters Dunstand and Williams. One intriguing note alluded to by Stevens was Otto Skozeny's (Hitler favorite commando who rescued Il Duce Mussolini) interaction with the Perons during this time. If true I was surprised he was NOT mentioned in Grey Wolf? More Nazi mysteries in mysteries.
All in all Grey Wolf was both a fun and quasi-enlightening read. The authors presented their case and some of the evidence was strong but overall they left too many loose ends dangling. To close the book on one of history's greatest mysteries the evidence has to be overwhelming and Grey Wolf is more circumstantial than overwhelming. So, the mystery will continue for more definitive proof to be presented. Most of the major political players of the Hitler age feel that he did not die in the bunker but again where is the definitive proof? How about a body (Adolf? Eva?) for DNA testing at least? Still, I enjoyed reading Grey Wolf if for nothing else to keep my mind open to the possibilities. The truth is definitely out there, but boy is it hard to find! 4 Star recommend-get it from your local library if you can.
NOTE: The best fictional account of Adolf Hitler's possible escape from the bunker was the book The Bearkut by Joseph Heywood (see the store). Strong 5 star recommend for Bearkut.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Most unfortunately, I finished reading the book which, initially, I described a "possible" history or theorem. But now, fully read, several and severe problems appear. Location of "Moromar" estate is not as near to Villa Gessell as described; facts about Patagonia, chronology of Perón's years and events are wrong, Bariloche and the "southern lakes" of Argentina, where I own a place and for many years, are not of journalism precision but vague, same with Hitler last years and whereabouts in this region. All in all, it seems that I began reading an investigation report and ended reading a novel of sudden, uncomplete end, even in the basics.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
curt jeffreys
Don't believe the negative, PC-driven reviews of this book. Read the book for yourself. You'll see that it presents plenty of credible evidence. You'll also see that the denialist reviews simply ignore or minimize this evidence.
No, there is no hard physical evidence that Hitler escaped, but then again there is not one shred of hard physical evidence that Hitler died in the bunker either. Yet, there is impressive and credible eyewitness and anecdotal evidence, including declassified FBI reports, that Hitler escaped and lived in Argentina after the war.
The eyewitness evidence includes (1) two German soldiers who saw Hitler in Germany, far from the bunker, after he had supposedly killed himself in the bunker, and (2) numerous people in Argentina who insisted they saw Hitler and Eva Braun there (some of these witnesses saw Hitler on multiple occasions). One of the Argentina witnesses was a former member of the French resistance. He said he was certain he saw Hitler and Eva Braun at an upscale hotel in the German-populated, German-controlled area of Casino. His detailed account was presented in an FBI report that was taken quite seriously by J. Edgar Hoover.
I was surprised to learn about the numerous contemporary news articles and editorials that discussed the possibility that Hitler had escaped, including columns by Drew Pearson. There were also a few news articles about German soldiers and others who had seen Hitler after he had supposedly died in the bunker.
It's interesting to note the parallels between Hitler's escape and the escape of Hitler's right-hand man, Martin Bormann. An ardent Nazi told the Allies that he saw Bormann's dead body near a railway yard in Berlin in 1945. Later, the German government even cited a slipshod, dubious "autopsy" on a skeleton that was supposedly Bormann's, and then reported that DNA evidence identified the skeleton as Bormann's (the Bormann family was incredulous about the "autopsy"). But, lo and behold, we now know that Bormann did not die in Berlin in 1945. We now know that Bormann, after his reported death, was spotted in Europe by two people who knew him well (one of whom was an enemy and both of whom got a very good look at him), that he was spotted and tracked in Italy by a team of British war crimes investigators, that Nazi radio network messages intercepted in 1948 indicated that he was still alive (this was documented in an FBI report), and that numerous people saw him in Argentina. Do we see a pattern here?
Stalin never bought the story that Hitler killed himself in the bunker. If Stalin had been aware of the evidence presented in Grey Wolf, he would have been even more skeptical about the suicide story. Again, read the book for yourself and then make up your own mind.
No, there is no hard physical evidence that Hitler escaped, but then again there is not one shred of hard physical evidence that Hitler died in the bunker either. Yet, there is impressive and credible eyewitness and anecdotal evidence, including declassified FBI reports, that Hitler escaped and lived in Argentina after the war.
The eyewitness evidence includes (1) two German soldiers who saw Hitler in Germany, far from the bunker, after he had supposedly killed himself in the bunker, and (2) numerous people in Argentina who insisted they saw Hitler and Eva Braun there (some of these witnesses saw Hitler on multiple occasions). One of the Argentina witnesses was a former member of the French resistance. He said he was certain he saw Hitler and Eva Braun at an upscale hotel in the German-populated, German-controlled area of Casino. His detailed account was presented in an FBI report that was taken quite seriously by J. Edgar Hoover.
I was surprised to learn about the numerous contemporary news articles and editorials that discussed the possibility that Hitler had escaped, including columns by Drew Pearson. There were also a few news articles about German soldiers and others who had seen Hitler after he had supposedly died in the bunker.
It's interesting to note the parallels between Hitler's escape and the escape of Hitler's right-hand man, Martin Bormann. An ardent Nazi told the Allies that he saw Bormann's dead body near a railway yard in Berlin in 1945. Later, the German government even cited a slipshod, dubious "autopsy" on a skeleton that was supposedly Bormann's, and then reported that DNA evidence identified the skeleton as Bormann's (the Bormann family was incredulous about the "autopsy"). But, lo and behold, we now know that Bormann did not die in Berlin in 1945. We now know that Bormann, after his reported death, was spotted in Europe by two people who knew him well (one of whom was an enemy and both of whom got a very good look at him), that he was spotted and tracked in Italy by a team of British war crimes investigators, that Nazi radio network messages intercepted in 1948 indicated that he was still alive (this was documented in an FBI report), and that numerous people saw him in Argentina. Do we see a pattern here?
Stalin never bought the story that Hitler killed himself in the bunker. If Stalin had been aware of the evidence presented in Grey Wolf, he would have been even more skeptical about the suicide story. Again, read the book for yourself and then make up your own mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rob denivo
Even if its not true that this escape happened, this book has proven to me that it was at least possible. That alone was enough to warrant reading it. If nothing else this book provokes thought.
Other interesting points include the level of collusion over enemy lines and the espionage in seemingly "neutral" territories towards the end of the War.
Well done.
“History is written by the victors.”
― Winston Churchill
Even if its not true that this escape happened, this book has proven to me that it was at least possible. That alone was enough to warrant reading it. If nothing else this book provokes thought.
Other interesting points include the level of collusion over enemy lines and the espionage in seemingly "neutral" territories towards the end of the War.
Well done.
“History is written by the victors.”
― Winston Churchill
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well researched -- the book offers compelling evidence of Hitler's escape to South America. As more documents are declassified from not only the U.S. but other countries, we should continue to gain a better understanding of the events of WW II. Interesting reading for those interested in WW II history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book actually puts forth a much more plausible story - well cited - than the "official" story we've been told over the past 70 years. Unfortunately, it misses that last key ingredient to make it totally undeniable: DNA. Sure, they point out that the DNA from the supposed bodies of Hitler, Borman, et alia are not consistent, but what this book really needs is the DNA from Argentina that support Hitler surviving and so forth. Otherwise, a very curious read and at least worth the time to show all the effort the Nazi's put into Argentina (which you can cross-reference though Goebbels Diaries, `42-43). It also helps explain why Argentina took a nose-dive after the 1930s and how Peron came to power.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mark bergeron
Intriguing notion but there were some key historical flubs. Additionally a lot of the information is not substantiated. The biggest problem is the assumption that Bormann escaped as well. That is simply not true as his body was found in Berlin at a construction site in the 1990's. Verified through DNA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aanchal jain
This book is a tremendous read. It offers conclusive proof that Adolf Hitler did escape Nazi Germany at the end of world War II. It does tend to minimize, in error, the influence of Nazi survivors on the modern world. The one failing of the book is its notes system. Rather than number the notes as a reference, it lists them in the back by chapter and page, referencing phrase quotes. The notes are printed in microscopic type. The reader is forced to go back to the page in the text and hunt for the referenced phrase and then to return to the note again to read it. Never the less, I do recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Most people will probably read what this book is about and then blow it off as a conspiracy theory, as I almost did. But i bought it and read it, and all i can say is WOW. These guys really did their research. After reading this book i can say that while it doesent complete prove that Hitler survived, it definately brings an arguement to the table that cant be ignored. The picture of him with his daughter is hard to get out of my head. Its definately worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Got this as a Christmas present for my husband. He loved it and read it immediately. Very interesting, well-researched book. Easy to order and arrived on time although I thought it was a little bit more expensive than it needed to be. I now have 2 other marketplace sources/ vendors for books for comparison.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
robin caldwell
Reading the first 40 plus pages is nothing but the propaganda and lies put to the public by the media and Hollywood since the 1930's. Much of what these guys say have been proven to be false........death camps, final solution, exterminations, gassing, looting, war aims, etc............Hitler didn't hate Jews, he hated Communism which Jews gave the world. Hitler saved Europe from Communist takeover by Stalin when he invaded Russia in 1941. Stalin was the worst, not Hitler.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
helene frederiksen
There should not be any reward for falsifications. Having read the memoirs of Speer and his close employees in the SS, I know that Hitler never told them he would decamp at the last minute. He always wanted to die in Berlin, for the image and his loyalty to the Reich. The witnesses to his departure by the plane are, a delirious man and one that cannot be identified. I certainly wonder how the hidden fortunes were calculated ... )))). This lengthy "study" of twisted history had to fill a book with nothing new to discover on Hitler's death.
Hitler dictated his will after his wedding to Eva ... or was it his double who did it ? The couple said goodby to their remaining court before committing suicide. The unrecognized doubles wanted to die too ? Were the Goebbels happily surprised by their departure and still willing to sacrifice themselves ?
A whole bunch of hooey, but convincing if you have not read anything else. Lots of names one cannot verify and little by little the story fizzles out. Just don't pay for it.
Those 2 clever authors are being sued by a third one who claims that this brilliant "research" was stolen from him. LOL
Hitler dictated his will after his wedding to Eva ... or was it his double who did it ? The couple said goodby to their remaining court before committing suicide. The unrecognized doubles wanted to die too ? Were the Goebbels happily surprised by their departure and still willing to sacrifice themselves ?
A whole bunch of hooey, but convincing if you have not read anything else. Lots of names one cannot verify and little by little the story fizzles out. Just don't pay for it.
Those 2 clever authors are being sued by a third one who claims that this brilliant "research" was stolen from him. LOL
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Conventional history declares that Hitler died in the bunker in Berlin. There is no forensic evidence to prove this.
Dunstan and Williams have done extensive research and determined the ways that Hitler could have escaped from his rathole. There were so many potential ways to get him out that it would be a more remarkable thing if he had stayed to die. The bodies that were there were probably doubles. Hitler, though sickly and probably virtually incapacitated, could have been taken via secret tunnel to Tempelhof Airport, or to a wide boulevard where a plane could have landed, picked up a passenger or two, and flown away.
Many Nazis managed to make their way to South America by way of Spain and connections to U-boats or ships that took them away from Europe. Plans had been made for years, transferring wealth to sources in South America, stealing immense amounts of artwork and gold, and preparing boltholes for the Fourth Reich.
What I found most interesting were the stories about stolen art, the treasures recovered by the Monuments Men. There is still a lot of missing art, perhaps yet to be found in a hidden salt mine, secret rooms in castles, or stuffy apartments occupied by aging Nazis who admire their loot and remember the war.
The research that explores where the rats all went will also show possible places to search for lost art.
The television show, "Hunting Hitler," gives us a firsthand look at isolated beaches where U-boats might have left cargo and passengers, palatial homes that are rumored to have belonged to wealthy Nazis, including Hitler, and places where spies might have kept watch, monitoring radio communications and doing their tasks in secret. It's possible that the show will bring additional attention to the search for the escaped Nazis and open up more avenues for search.
Meanwhile this book takes you through a major part of the search and the history of WWII as it related to the preparations of prominent Nazis for a future that might not include victory by their side. It's well written and enjoyable to read.
Dunstan and Williams have done extensive research and determined the ways that Hitler could have escaped from his rathole. There were so many potential ways to get him out that it would be a more remarkable thing if he had stayed to die. The bodies that were there were probably doubles. Hitler, though sickly and probably virtually incapacitated, could have been taken via secret tunnel to Tempelhof Airport, or to a wide boulevard where a plane could have landed, picked up a passenger or two, and flown away.
Many Nazis managed to make their way to South America by way of Spain and connections to U-boats or ships that took them away from Europe. Plans had been made for years, transferring wealth to sources in South America, stealing immense amounts of artwork and gold, and preparing boltholes for the Fourth Reich.
What I found most interesting were the stories about stolen art, the treasures recovered by the Monuments Men. There is still a lot of missing art, perhaps yet to be found in a hidden salt mine, secret rooms in castles, or stuffy apartments occupied by aging Nazis who admire their loot and remember the war.
The research that explores where the rats all went will also show possible places to search for lost art.
The television show, "Hunting Hitler," gives us a firsthand look at isolated beaches where U-boats might have left cargo and passengers, palatial homes that are rumored to have belonged to wealthy Nazis, including Hitler, and places where spies might have kept watch, monitoring radio communications and doing their tasks in secret. It's possible that the show will bring additional attention to the search for the escaped Nazis and open up more avenues for search.
Meanwhile this book takes you through a major part of the search and the history of WWII as it related to the preparations of prominent Nazis for a future that might not include victory by their side. It's well written and enjoyable to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tessa weinberg
Just to clarify. I did not purchase my copy through the store, but I was so impressed with this book, I had to write a review.
I am not a huge fan of history books, because normally they are as dry and interesting as dust. Well, colour me impressed. This book grabbed me and held me captivated till the very last page. It was well researched and never read like a conspiracy theory. Actually, the more I think about the facts as presented in this book, the more inclined I am to believe the theories put forth.
I never by any means claimed to know a lot about the second world war, but things that are mentioned in this book, and not well known are just mind blowing. It is always a case of "follow the money."
The atrocities are just mind numbing. I cannot believe that these people got away and lived high lives in Argentina, with the knowledge of the Allieds. It is just plain disgusting.
I am not a huge fan of history books, because normally they are as dry and interesting as dust. Well, colour me impressed. This book grabbed me and held me captivated till the very last page. It was well researched and never read like a conspiracy theory. Actually, the more I think about the facts as presented in this book, the more inclined I am to believe the theories put forth.
I never by any means claimed to know a lot about the second world war, but things that are mentioned in this book, and not well known are just mind blowing. It is always a case of "follow the money."
The atrocities are just mind numbing. I cannot believe that these people got away and lived high lives in Argentina, with the knowledge of the Allieds. It is just plain disgusting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gary mesick
Having received this book as a gift and having read many of the reviews, I confess to being puzzled by the sharply differing assessments. Perhaps that is inevitable when the topic is as emotionally-charged as the Third Reich. But –at the very least- this book promotes a re-examination of the evidence, something that was also strongly encouraged by the 2014 declassification of hundreds of pages of U.S. government documents on the subject.
It is important that the authors expressly disavow claiming a conclusive result. Yet critics seem unwilling even to consider the possibility the book might be right, instead clinging to the accepted version of suicide that turns out to be not as accepted as we thought.
There are numerous problems with the accepted version of suicide in the bunker. Not the least of these is the major loss of credibility by the primary author, Hugh Trevor-Roper, after the Hitler Diaries debacle. Even before that there were critical disavowals, recantations, contradictions, and inconsistencies, as to raise significant questions about his methodologies. There has never been any adequate explanation of the sharp change of opinion by most major leaders [Stalin, Ike, Churchill, etc.] from openly asking where Hitler was to acceptance of the suicide story. Finally, any contemporaneous testimony needs to be considered in light of the potential for captured Germans to skew testimony to what they believed their captors wanted.
In addition, Grey Wolf and other sources make clear that all the main players had a vested interest in people believing that Hitler was dead in the ashes of Berlin, whether or not it was true. The USSR, UK, and France needed a “dead” Hitler to give their populaces closure after the trauma of WW2. The U.S. had pre-war dirty laundry and WW2 negotiations that it wanted covered. And Argentina, both before and after Peron, could not admit that it gave so much comfort to fugitives, especially if Hitler was one.
Clearly, Grey Wolf will not settle the debate. But it does expand the discussion. And for people genuinely seeking the truth Grey Wolf raises a large number of interesting possibilities.
It is important that the authors expressly disavow claiming a conclusive result. Yet critics seem unwilling even to consider the possibility the book might be right, instead clinging to the accepted version of suicide that turns out to be not as accepted as we thought.
There are numerous problems with the accepted version of suicide in the bunker. Not the least of these is the major loss of credibility by the primary author, Hugh Trevor-Roper, after the Hitler Diaries debacle. Even before that there were critical disavowals, recantations, contradictions, and inconsistencies, as to raise significant questions about his methodologies. There has never been any adequate explanation of the sharp change of opinion by most major leaders [Stalin, Ike, Churchill, etc.] from openly asking where Hitler was to acceptance of the suicide story. Finally, any contemporaneous testimony needs to be considered in light of the potential for captured Germans to skew testimony to what they believed their captors wanted.
In addition, Grey Wolf and other sources make clear that all the main players had a vested interest in people believing that Hitler was dead in the ashes of Berlin, whether or not it was true. The USSR, UK, and France needed a “dead” Hitler to give their populaces closure after the trauma of WW2. The U.S. had pre-war dirty laundry and WW2 negotiations that it wanted covered. And Argentina, both before and after Peron, could not admit that it gave so much comfort to fugitives, especially if Hitler was one.
Clearly, Grey Wolf will not settle the debate. But it does expand the discussion. And for people genuinely seeking the truth Grey Wolf raises a large number of interesting possibilities.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
divyani sharma
Okay, this would make a great movie
1. How come Bormann wasn't with him?
2. Eyewitness interviews are unreliable.
3. Even Rochus Misch who recently died, corroborates the historical Hitler death.
4. Hitler was in such bad health that a 50 plus day journey in a u-boat would have been nearly impossible.
5. Body doubles - seems like dictators like to have them.
6. Hitler believed that the German Volk failed and the stronger Eastern man won.
7. Hitler killed himself as the historical record states. I do believe and question history at times in many areas. However, this subject has been looked at extensively. I believe Stalin had reasons to have Hitler alive due to Allies and Soviet mistrust. Good fiction
1. How come Bormann wasn't with him?
2. Eyewitness interviews are unreliable.
3. Even Rochus Misch who recently died, corroborates the historical Hitler death.
4. Hitler was in such bad health that a 50 plus day journey in a u-boat would have been nearly impossible.
5. Body doubles - seems like dictators like to have them.
6. Hitler believed that the German Volk failed and the stronger Eastern man won.
7. Hitler killed himself as the historical record states. I do believe and question history at times in many areas. However, this subject has been looked at extensively. I believe Stalin had reasons to have Hitler alive due to Allies and Soviet mistrust. Good fiction
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Very disappointing. I saw the interviews with Mr Dunstan so was fired up to read this book. The vast majority of this book is solely about basic WWII history & the finances of the nazis. The actual data to back up his theory is so stunningly thin it is staggering, this is so different to what he proclaims in interviews that he has a wealth of data. The actual info re the escape, which I believe is very probable, could easily be published in a booklet. It is so annoying as is padded out by going over & over again about the looting of gold & art. The data is weak, the conclusion is not built on solid research, for instance interviews, but his own assumptions.
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