Gilded Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Four)

ByCameo Renae

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book captivates your soul and keeps you on the edge of your seat. It has sloppily many unexpected turns that this is the best book Cameo Renae has written. Although I do not agree with everything she put in here, it is impossible to forget this book. I know this is all just a matter of option I would recommend this book to anyone. I will have to have a talk with the author about killing certain people who I will never forget or forgive. This is a all around fantastic book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was amazing:) loved every bit of it. Definitely a wonderful emotional rollercoaster!!! This series is my absolute favorite one I've ever read and would recommend it to everyone:). A wonderful, sweet, story please don't pass it up. Love love love these books and I'm sad to have finished them but will absolutely read it again. :) definitely a must read!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cameo Cameo Cameo...... I usually can handle my own and am not too shook up from reading a series... but you did it!!! I was stunned, speechless, sad, happy, thrilled and about a thousand other emotions reading "Gilded Wings" Never before have I been pulled in so many directions! If words could be seen on canvas you'd be up there with Michelangelo (Word reference meant) Now to figure out what to do with the rest of my life!!! <3
Hidden Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book One) :: Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Three) :: An Urban Fantasy Fairy Tale (Fairy World MD Book 1) :: God of the Sun (Stella and Sol Book 1) :: Lost Lake: A Novel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david steinberg
The entire series did not let me down one second. There was a flawless balance of action packed fighting and heart tugging story lines. The characters were spot on. Dominic's quick wit was spot on comedy.
I adore reading about different imaginations concerning nephilim and folklore surrounding them. This was definitely one of my favorite series. I am impressed you could tie the series together in the amount of books written. I was more than satisfied in how the last book ended.
I would recommend this for anyone, especially those with a fascination with anything nephilim. Superb job!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica meurk
I've loved every minute of reading this book. This series! It's hard to believe it's over. Even though the ending leaves an opening for a continuation.....hint, hint Cameo!!!
Without giving much away, there's a section where I was actually questioning Cameo's thought process! I was about to do a complete freak out!!
I loved the way both Ethon & Kade seemed to be the perfect guy for Emma. They were both very protective and loving with her.
Emma sure does grow into herself in this book. Surprising everyone, including a few new faces!
All in all, loved the book & the series as a whole!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book had so many twists and turns. I already knew most of the characters from the previous books. I could not have anticipated the outcome. I laughed and cried as I read it, I hope to Cameo Renae finds a way to add to these stories. I am so going to miss Emma and her family!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
widiasti atmadja
My mouth is hanging open!! When I stumbled across the first book, I was skeptical, then that was quickly squashed. Cameo is a fantastic writer. She knows how to keep you pulled in and on the edge of your seat! I love reading anything she writes and this is probably my all time favorite series, this book being the best yet! I immediately fell in love with all these characters and continued to love them. Looking forward to more of her writing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer o sullivan
This was a great read. I enjoyed the entire series. I highly recommend it.. I cried I was angry in love with both boys and hated th both to. The book keeps you well entertained and wanting to k of so much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An amazing ending to a wonderful series! All the loose ends get tied up with such clarity. This book will make you cry and laugh...and it's awesome. I'm not great at writing reviews, but if there's one thing you should get out of this it's that you won't be disappointed with this purchase. Heck, I've already read it twice. Thank you Cameo Renae!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
gabrielle nowicki
I was disappointed in Gilded Wings. I had been waiting for months for the conclusion to Cameo Renae’s Wings Series, but the ending left much to be desired. It seemed so cookie cutter! Maybe I have gotten use to young adult novels being more gritty, more realistic, but this just seemed to tie everything up in bubblegum shoelaces with smiley faces on them. I mean come on (SPOILER) – the man she is bonded to that she doesn’t want to be bonded to dies, leaving her luckily able to pick right back up with her original bonded, whom we think has died, but oh no is brought back as an immortal just for her… I feel like I was sold a great story with the first books and then this came about. The worse part – I borrowed the first books from the library and bought this one. I should have just waited to borrow it, then I think the disappointment would have been less. I expected so much more from this conclusion. This ending didn’t make the heroine live up to anything – she was basically given everything. She didn’t lose anyone really close to her – two guardians that she barely spoke with or knew anything about. And she didn’t learn anything, everything was given to her. The most ridiculous part – she gets married in the end. That is the neatest way to end a book these days, right? Marry off the young girl to her soul mate? This book had so much potential, but was a let down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melisa ika puspita
OMG!!! Cameo Renae has done it again! She has made me cry, get angry and laugh so hard!! I really love the Hidden Wings series, I was worried about reading this last book because I had heard so much about it, all good things but the one part that scared me was there was a lot of tears shed, which came to be true. However, those werent all sorrow tears. In Gilded Wings there is so much love and sorrow but mostly love that you just couldnt help but get attached to the characters. I was never a fan of Ethons, it was always team Kade for me but in Gilded Wings he made you fall for him, even though there were instances where I wanted to wring his neck lol Cameo Renae didnt make Gilded Wings just about Emma and Kade, in this book we heard a lot from the other characters as well. My favorite being Dom. My heart truly went out to those that lost so much but in the end it was a battle that needed to be fought. This is definitely one series you do not want to miss out on. I guarantee you will fall in love with the stories and characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tarun rattan
Enjoyed this 4th book of the Hidden Wings series. This book takes us through the time to Emma's 18th birthday. She is still being pulled between Ethon and Kade...and the time to make a decision is nearing. To make worse, Lucian has unleashed the creatures of Hell to track her and kill her in his thirst to kill all Nephillium. With the fight between Lucifer and Lucian is coming right towards her, Emma plots to get out of the agreement with Lucifer with everyone still alive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian kitchen
Author packed a lot of happenings into this book and the writing as a whole was smoother and better executed. Probably the best book of the series so far. Glad to see Emma holding her own in this book.

The book wrapped up almost like it was the end of the series but I know there is at least another book left. Book five, here I come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chalene servoss
I really enjoyed this series. I always wait to rate a set of books until I've read all of them. I love reading authors' depictions of love, life, God, fate, and circumstance. The added romance never hurts! It took me less than three days to blow through this series and I enjoyed every moment. If you love this author like I do, you should continue by reading S.J. West's Watcher series. I enjoyed every moment of Emma's story and will continue to keep an eye out for Cameo's future authorships. I'm sure she has much more in store!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
danny deangelis
As a former English Literature major, I realize that I am far more sensitive to poor grammar than the average reader; but even that is a disappointing commentary on the general decline of educational standards. There was a time when books would not have been released until they had been scrubbed by a qualified editor. The frequent juvenile grammatical mistakes completely ruined this novel for me. It has a lot of potential to reach a wider audience, but will never be a GREAT read until and unless the author either takes some grammar courses or seeks the help of an editor. Those critiques aside, the story is engaging and fun. I'd recommend it, as long as one is not too grammatically sensitive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ramona arsene
This book returned to the feel of the first one. It’s a little preachy about waiting until after marriage, but I’ll take it; it’s not like that’s a bad message to be conveying! The story included reunions, love, and loss taking me through the range of emotions. Yes, I cried. The height of the book is when I cried the most for the losses were heavy and just OMG. I can’t say more, because I don’t like giving spoilers, but the battle we’ve been waiting for throughout the series finally arrives and it is intense. I don’t think the outcome could have been any different and the ending was very happy despite the sacrifices made all around. I didn’t like an additional fight scene at the end, but it tied up a loose end and facilitated a reveal of sorts, so I digress.

On an additional note, there was one foreshadow element that made something (I know – terribly vague, but you’ll know what I’m talking about if/when you read the book!) terribly predictable. That was mildly disappointing, but I was still happy to see it happen none the less.

Gilded Wings is indeed an epic conclusion to an overall wonderful series. If you’ve been following the series, you won’t be disappointed in this awesome read!
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