Historical Romance

The Hunter (Victorian Rebels)
The Hunter (Victorian Rebels)

Review:Byrne is ruining me with these men. These broken and damaged but strong anti-heroes. But not only that, she's now had two back to back stories featuring fierce fierce ladies. I didn't mention it in my review for THE HIGHWAYMAN but I'm mentioning it now for THE HUNTER. These ladies are wonderful. No weakwilled damsels here, no sirree (not that there isn't a time and a place for that). In her Victorian Rebels series we have strong, opinionated, wonderful, women who woo and inflame the tortured sou... Read more

The Duke With the Dragon Tattoo (Victorian Rebels)
The Duke With the Dragon Tattoo (Victorian Rebels)

Review:Ash is a prisoner for years who is finally beaten to death, thrown into a mass grave with lye thrown on him. Lorelai is the daughter of a duke, riding along in a carriage when she sees a nude man, crawling in the mud. She insists they stop the carriage and, take the man back to the castle. She nurses him back to health, becoming his only light in the dark because, he has no memory of his former life. The two fall in love but, her brother takes him away to a meeting then, Ash disappears.
A man... Read more

The Bride Wore Blue (The Brides of Bath Book 1)
The Bride Wore Blue (The Brides of Bath Book 1)

Review:Predictable at times but ok. Nice read for a rainy day. There are times that the main female character was exasperating. She jumps to all kinds of conclusions. It was kind of annoying. But what a sweetheart he was. Read more

Butterfly Island
Butterfly Island

Review:This is a beautifully written tale unlike any other I've read, which says a lot given I read 4-5 books a week. I found it quite absorbing, and found myself thinking about it when I was doing other things. I will read more by this author and look forward to and hope she continues to publish in the near future. Read more

Loving Julia
Loving Julia

Review:I frankly don't remember much about this book, but I reviewed it in the document that I keep on all authors. I put that I finished it and overall it was a good book, 3.5 stars. The fact that I finished it says a lot because I won't bother if the book doesn't keep me interested. Read more

The Enigmatic Governess of Buford Manor - A Historical Regency Romance Novel
The Enigmatic Governess of Buford Manor - A Historical Regency Romance Novel

Review:The characters and plot were well developed. I enjoyed the read and would recommend it and the author. This was my first from this author so I read with an open mind - will be checking out future books. I was given this book as part of ARC to review. Read more

The Duke (Victorian Rebels)
The Duke (Victorian Rebels)

Review:When you pick up a historical romance book you are usually prepared for certain, more or less guaranteed, elements to ensure your amusement. But if you're reading a Byrne book, you get those.. plus dark twisted broody antiheroes you can't help but root for. And if that wasn't enough you also get singular, strong, intrepid, ballsy, brilliant, women to bring those same men to their knees.

And THE DUKE, book four in Byrne's Victorian Rebels series, was no exception.

I loved how this s... Read more

A Historical Regency Romance Novel - A Pure Lady for the Broken Duke
A Historical Regency Romance Novel - A Pure Lady for the Broken Duke

Review:This book was terrific from start to finish. I was annoyed I needed to do laundry and feed the family! I wanted to just read it through. The only thing better would be Jenny baking in my kitchen. This was a welll done story filled with very interesting characters. I’d enjoy spin-offs! Read more

Of Noble Birth
Of Noble Birth

Review:While I read several of the reviews, the one deemed Most Helpful Critcal Reveiw is grossly unfair. I know, I know, no one said life is fair.

I found this to be a good solid historical romance. There was not anything in way of blantant sex or other context that shows up in many of these novels which for the time period seems inappropriate. It required you in many cases to supply your own details from the imagination.

I love Alexander the lowly seamtress paired with the Pirate of ... Read more

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